Man pages for ian-hastings/rotations
Simulating the Evolution of Insecticide Resistance under Rotations

array_namedcreate an array with named dimensions
fitness_single_locuscalculate single locus fitness for a flexible number of...
fitness_single_locus_testtest fill a single locus fitness array
insecticide_checkinsecticide_check check if insecticide needs to be changed
insecticide_switchinsecticide_switch choose a new insecticide to switch to
migration_testmigration_test to test implementation of migration between...
raf_getget selected Resistance Allele Frequencies from array
rotationsSimulating the Evolution of Insecticide Resistance under...
rot_migratemigration between intervention and refugia
rot_plot_resistancerot_plot_resistance plot rotation simulation resistance...
run_rotrun_rot to run simulation of the effect of rotations on the...
set_exposure_rotset exposure to insecticides for rotations to a flexible...
set_exposure_rot_testset_exposure_rot_test allows exposures to be hardcoded
set_start_freqsset_start_freqs allows starting allele frequencies to be set
set_start_freqs_testset_start_freqs_test allows starting allele frequencies to be...
ian-hastings/rotations documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 11:42 p.m.