Defines functions install_LUCS_KDD_CMAR install_LUCS_KDD_CPAR CMAR PRM CPAR FOIL2 .LUCS_KDD .parse_rules_LUCS_KDD .write_trans_LUCS_KDD .getLUCS_KDD .javac .java .Sys.which2

Documented in CMAR CPAR FOIL2 install_LUCS_KDD_CMAR install_LUCS_KDD_CPAR PRM

#' Interface to the LUCS-KDD Implementations of CMAR, PRM and CPAR
#' Interface for the LUCS-KDD Software Library Java implementations of CMAR
#' (Li, Han and Pei, 2001), PRM, and CPAR (Yin and Han, 2003). \bold{Note:} The
#' Java implementations is not part of \pkg{arulesCBA} and not covered by the
#' packages license. It will be downloaded and compiled separately. It is
#' available free of charge for \bold{non-commercial use.}
#' \bold{Installation:} The LUCS-KDD code is not part of the package and has to
#' be downloaded, compiled and installed using \code{install_LUCS_KDD_CMAR()}
#' and \code{install_LUCS_KDD_CPAR()}. You need a complete
#' \bold{Java2 SDK (Software Development Kit) Version 1.4.0 (or higher)}
#' installation including the \code{javac} compiler. A **headless Java installation is not sufficient.**
#' On some systems (Windows),
#' you may need to set the \code{JAVA_HOME} environment variable so the system
#' finds the compiler.
#' \bold{Memory:} The memory for Java can be increased via R options. For
#' example: \code{options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1024m")}
#' \bold{Note:} The implementation does not expose the min. gain parameter for
#' CPAR, PRM and FOIL2. It is fixed at 0.7 (the value used by Yin and Han,
#' 2001). FOIL2 is an alternative Java implementation to the native
#' implementation of FOIL already provided in the \pkg{arulesCBA}.
#' \code{\link{FOIL}} exposes min. gain.
#' @name LUCS_KDD_CBA
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Has to be
#' of form \code{class ~ .} or \code{class ~ predictor1 + predictor2}.
#' @param data A data.frame or a transaction set containing the training data.
#' Data frames are automatically discretized and converted to transactions.
#' @param support,confidence minimum support and minimum confidence thresholds
#' for CMAR (range [0, 1]).
#' @param best_k use average expected accuracy (laplace) of the best k rules
#' per class for prediction.
#' @param disc.method Discretization method used to discretize continuous
#' variables if data is a data.frame (default: \code{"mdlp"}). See
#' \code{\link{discretizeDF.supervised}} for more supervised discretization
#' methods.
#' @param verbose Show verbose output?
#' @param force logical; force redownload, rebuilding and reinstallation?
#' @param source source for the code. A local file can be specified as a URI
#' starting with \code{file://} (see \code{\link[utils]{download.file}}).
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{\link{CBA.object}} representing the
#' trained classifier.
#' @references Li W., Han, J. and Pei, J. CMAR: Accurate and Efficient
#' Classification Based on Multiple Class-Association Rules, ICDM, 2001, pp.
#' 369-376.
#' Yin, Xiaoxin and Jiawei Han. CPAR: Classification based on Predictive
#' Association Rules, SDM, 2003.
#' \doi{10.1137/1.9781611972733.40}
#' Frans Coenen et al. The LUCS-KDD Software Library,
#' \url{https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # make sure you have a Java SDK Version 1.4.0+ and not a headless installation.
#' system("java -version")
#' data("iris")
#' # install and compile CMAR
#' install_LUCS_KDD_CMAR()
#' # build a classifier, inspect rules and make predictions
#' cl <- CMAR(Species ~ ., iris, support = .2, confidence = .8, verbose = TRUE)
#' cl
#' inspect(rules(cl))
#' predict(cl, head(iris))
#' # install CPAR (also installs PRM and FOIL2)
#' install_LUCS_KDD_CPAR()
#' cl <- CPAR(Species ~ ., iris)
#' cl
#' cl <- PRM(Species ~ ., iris)
#' cl
#' cl <- FOIL2(Species ~ ., iris)
#' cl
#' }

# Find java and javac from http://stackoverflow.com/a/34031214/470769
.Sys.which2 <- function(cmd) {
  stopifnot(length(cmd) == 1)
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      pathname <- shell(sprintf("where %s 2> NUL", cmd), intern = TRUE)[1]
    if (!is.na(pathname))
      return(dQuote(stats::setNames(pathname, cmd)))

  found <- Sys.which(cmd)

  if (found == "")
    stop(cmd, " not found! Make sure it is installed correcly.")

.java <- function()
.javac <- function()

## Install and compile
.getLUCS_KDD <- function(what, stop = TRUE) {
  dir <- what
  if (what == "CPAR")
    dir <- "FOIL_PRM_CPAR"
  path <-
    file.path(system.file(package = "arulesCBA"), "LUCS_KDD", dir)
  attr(path, "exists") <- file.exists(path)

  if (!attr(path, "exists") && stop)
    stop("You need to install ", what, ". See ? ", what, " for instructions.")


### Write and read LUCS-KDD format files
# LUCS-KDD uses item ids and the highest item ids are the class labels.
.write_trans_LUCS_KDD <-
  function(formula, trans, file = "data.num") {
    # make sure that the class ids have the highest id (i.e., are the last items)
    parsedFormula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
    if (!all(parsedFormula$class_ids > nitems(trans) - length(parsedFormula$class_ids)))
      trans <-
        trans[, c(parsedFormula$var_ids, parsedFormula$class_ids)]

    l <- LIST(trans, decode = FALSE)
    l <- sapply(l, paste, collapse = ' ')
    writeLines(l, con = file)

.parse_rules_LUCS_KDD <- function(ret, formula, trans) {
  k <- grep("Num.*classes.*=", ret, fixed = FALSE, value = TRUE)
  k <- as.numeric(sub('.*= (\\d+)', '\\1', k))
  r <- grep("\\}\\s+->\\s+\\{", ret, fixed = FALSE, value = TRUE)
  # we calulate laplace below
  #laplace <- as.numeric(sapply(r, FUN = function(r) gsub('.*\\s(\\S+)%', '\\1', r)))
  r <- strsplit(r, "->")
  r <- lapply(
    FUN = function(r)
      gsub('.*\\{(.*)\\}.*', '\\1', r)
  lhs <-
      FUN = function(rs)
        as.integer(strsplit(rs[1], " ")[[1]])
  rhs <-
      FUN = function(rs)
        as.integer(strsplit(rs[2], " ")[[1]])

  # fix item order if class items were not the last
  parsedFormula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
  if (!all(parsedFormula$class_ids > nitems(trans) - length(parsedFormula$class_ids))) {
    itemOrder <- c(parsedFormula$var_ids, parsedFormula$class_ids)
    lhs <- lapply(
      FUN = function(i)
    rhs <- lapply(
      FUN = function(i)

  lhs <- encode(lhs, itemLabels = itemLabels(trans))
  rhs <- encode(rhs, itemLabels = itemLabels(trans))
  itemInfo(lhs) <- itemInfo(trans)
  itemInfo(rhs) <- itemInfo(trans)

  rules <- new("rules", lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs)

  #quality(rules) <- data.frame(laplace_FOIL = laplace)
  quality(rules) <- interestMeasure(
    measure = c("support", "confidence", "lift", "laplace"),
    k = k


### Run the algorithms
    method = c("FOIL", "PRM", "CPAR", "CMAR"),
    parameter = "",
    verbose = FALSE) {
    method <- match.arg(method)

    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("LUCS-KDD:", method, "\n"))

    if (method == "CMAR")
      path <- .getLUCS_KDD("CMAR")
      path <- .getLUCS_KDD("CPAR")

    parsedFormula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
    classParameter <- paste0("-N", length(parsedFormula$class_ids))

    # write transactions
    filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".num")
    .write_trans_LUCS_KDD(formula, trans, filename)

    exe <-
        paste0("run", method),
        paste0("-F", filename),
    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("Call:", exe, "\n\n"))

    ret <- system(exe, intern = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(attr(ret, "status")) && attr(ret, "status") != 0)
      stop("\nSystem call: ", sQuote(exe), "\n",
        "\nMake sure you have the right Java version installed (JDK 1.4.0+, not headless).\n")

    if (verbose)

    rules <- .parse_rules_LUCS_KDD(ret, formula, trans)
    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("\nRules used:", length(rules), "\n"))


### NOTE: MIN_GAIN parameter is not exposed by LUCS-KDD CPAR implementation. It is set to 0.7
### NOTE: We use the most prevalent class if no rules match!
#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
FOIL2 <-
    best_k = 5,
    disc.method = "mdlp",
    verbose = FALSE) {
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    trans <-
      prepareTransactions(formula, data, disc.method = disc.method)
    parsed_formula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)

    rules <-
        method = "FOIL",
        parameter = "",
        verbose = verbose

      formula = formula,
      rules = rules,
      default = majorityClass(formula, trans),
      method = "weighted",
      weights = "laplace",
      best_k = best_k,
      discretization = attr(trans, "disc_info"),
      description = "FOIL-based classifier (Yin and Han, 2003 - LUCS-KDD implementation)."

#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
    best_k = 5,
    disc.method = "mdlp",
    verbose = FALSE) {
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    trans <-
      prepareTransactions(formula, data, disc.method = disc.method)
    parsed_formula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
    rules <-
        method = "CPAR",
        parameter = "",
        verbose = verbose

        formula = formula,
        class = parsed_formula$class_name,
        rules = rules,
        default = majorityClass(formula, trans),
        discretization = attr(trans, "disc_info"),
        method = "weighted",
        weights = "laplace",
        best_k = best_k,
        description = paste0("CPAR (Yin and Han, 2003 - LUCS-KDD implementation).")
      class = "CBA"

#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
PRM <-
    best_k = 5,
    disc.method = "mdlp",
    verbose = FALSE) {
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    trans <-
      prepareTransactions(formula, data, disc.method = disc.method)
    parsed_formula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
    rules <-
        method = "PRM",
        parameter = "",
        verbose = verbose

        formula = formula,
        discretization = attr(trans, "disc_info"),
        rules = rules,
        default = majorityClass(formula, trans),
        method = "weighted",
        weights = "laplace",
        best_k = best_k,
        description = paste0("PRM (Yin and Han, 2003 - LUCS-KDD implementation).")
      class = "CBA"

#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
    support = 0.1,
    confidence = 0.5,
    disc.method = "mdlp",
    verbose = FALSE) {
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    trans <-
      prepareTransactions(formula, data, disc.method = disc.method)
    parsed_formula <- .parseformula(formula, trans)
    rules <- .LUCS_KDD(
      method = "CMAR",
      parameter = paste0("-S", floor(support * 100), " -C", floor(confidence *
      verbose = verbose

    # add weighted Chi2 to the rules
    quality(rules)$chiSquared <-
      interestMeasure(rules, "chiSquared", transactions = trans)
    supP <- support(lhs(rules), trans, type = "absolute")
    supC <- support(rhs(rules), trans, type = "absolute")
    n <- length(trans)
    e <-
      1 / (supP * supC) + 1 / (supP * (n - supC)) + 1 / ((n - supP) * supC) + 1 /
      ((n - supP) * (n - supC))
    maxChiSquared <- (pmin(supP, supC) - supP * supC / n) ^ 2 * n * e
    quality(rules)$weightedChiSquared <-
      quality(rules)$chiSquared ^ 2 / maxChiSquared

        formula = formula,
        discretization = attr(trans, "disc_info"),
        parameter = list(support = support, confidence = confidence),
        rules = rules,
        default = majorityClass(formula, trans),
        weights = "weightedChiSquared",
        method = "weighted",
        description = paste0("CMAR (Li, Han and Pei, 2001 - LUCS-KDD implementation).")
      class = "CBA"

#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
install_LUCS_KDD_CPAR <-
  function(force = FALSE, source = "https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/FOIL_PRM_CPAR/foilPrmCpar.tgz") {
    path <- .getLUCS_KDD("CPAR", stop = FALSE)
    if (attr(path, "exists") && !force) {
      cat(paste0("LUCS-KDD CPAR is already installed.\nLocation: ", path, "\n"))

    directory <-
      file.path(system.file(package = "arulesCBA"), "LUCS_KDD")
    src <-
      file.path(system.file("LUCS_KDD_java", package = "arulesCBA"))

    dir.create(directory, showWarnings = FALSE)

      "You are about to download and compile the LUCS-KDD Software Library implementations of the CPAR algorithms.",
      "\nThis requires a working installation of the Java JDK including java and javac.",
      "\nNote: The algorithms are only free to use for **non-commercial purpose**!",
      "\nFor details see: https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/",

    # check for java/javac (stops if not found)

    if (!is.null(options()$LUCS_KDD_CPAR_FILE))
      source <-
      paste0("file://", normalizePath(options()$LUCS_KDD_CPAR_FILE))

    cat("Downloading from", source, "to", path, "\n")
    utils::download.file(source, destfile = file.path(directory, "foilPrmCpar.tgz"))

    if (utils::untar(file.path(directory, "foilPrmCpar.tgz"), exdir = file.path(directory)))
      stop("Could not expand the archive!")

    cat("Copy runCMAR.java from", src, "to", path, "\n")
    if (!file.copy(file.path(src, "runCMAR.java"), path))
      stop("Copying file failed!")

    run_files <- c("runCPAR.java", "runFOIL.java", "runPRM.java")
    for (rf in run_files) {
      cat("Copy", rf, "from", src, "to", path, "\n")
      if (!file.copy(file.path(src, rf), path))
        stop("Copying file failed!")

    exe <-
      paste(.javac(), "-cp", path, file.path(path, "runCPAR.java"))
    ret <- system(exe, intern = TRUE)
    exe <-
      paste(.javac(), "-cp", path, file.path(path, "runFOIL.java"))
    ret <- system(exe, intern = TRUE)
    exe <-
      paste(.javac(), "-cp", path, file.path(path, "runPRM.java"))
    ret <- system(exe, intern = TRUE)

#' @rdname LUCS_KDD_CBA
install_LUCS_KDD_CMAR <-
  function(force = FALSE, source = "https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/CMAR/cmar.tgz") {
    path <- .getLUCS_KDD("CMAR", stop = FALSE)
    if (attr(path, "exists") && !force) {
      cat(paste0("LUCS-KDD CMAR is already installed.\nLocation: ", path, "\n"))

    directory <-
      file.path(system.file(package = "arulesCBA"), "LUCS_KDD")
    src <-
      file.path(system.file("LUCS_KDD_java", package = "arulesCBA"))

    dir.create(directory, showWarnings = FALSE)

      "You are about to download and compile the LUCS-KDD Software Library implementations of the CMAR algorithms.",
      "\nThis requires a working installation of the Java JDK including java and javac.",
      "\nNote: The algorithms are only free to use for **non-commercial purpose**!",
      "\nFor details see: https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/",

    # check for java/javac (stops if not found)

    if (!is.null(options()$LUCS_KDD_CMAR_FILE))
      source <-
      paste0("file://", normalizePath(options()$LUCS_KDD_CMAR_FILE))

    cat("Downloading from", source, "to", path, "\n")
      destfile = file.path(directory, "cmar.tgz"))

    #utils::untar(file.path(directory, "cmar.tgz"), exdir = file.path(directory))
    if (utils::untar(file.path(directory, "cmar.tgz"), exdir = file.path(path)))
      stop("Could not expand the archive!")

    cat("Copy runCMAR.java from", src, "to", path, "\n")
    if (!file.copy(file.path(src, "runCMAR.java"), path))
      stop("Copying file failed!")

    exe <-
      paste(.javac(), "-cp", path, file.path(path, "runCMAR.java"))
    ret <- system(exe, intern = TRUE)
ianjjohnson/arulesCBA documentation built on June 13, 2022, 2:07 p.m.