##' @title simulate animal tracks from a \code{ssm} fit
##' @description simulate from the \code{rw} or \code{crw} process models to generate
##' either a set of x,y or lon,lat coordinates from a \code{ssm} fit with length
##' equal to the number of observations used in the SSM fit.
##' @param x a \code{ssm} fit object with class `ssm_df`
##' @param what simulate fitted (typically irregular in time) or predicted
##' (typically regular in time) locations
##' @param reps number of replicate tracks to simulate from an \code{ssm} model
##' fit object
##' @param start a 2-element vector for the simulated track start location
##' (lon,lat or x,y)
##' @param end a 2-element vector for the simulated track end location
##' (lon,lat or x,y)
##' @param grad a SpatRaster of x- and y-gradients as separate layers (see details)
##' @param beta a 2-element vector of parameters defining the potential function
##' magnitude in x- and y-directions (ignored if \code{is.null(grad)},
##' ie. no potential function; see details).
##' @param cpf logical; should simulated tracks return to their start point
##' (ie. a central-place forager)
##' @param sim_only logical, do not include \code{ssm} estimated location in output
##' (default is FALSE)
##' @details A potential function can be applied to the simulated paths to help
##' avoid locations on land (or in water), using the \code{grad} and \code{beta}
##' arguments. A coarse-resolution rasterStack of global x- and y-gradients of
##' distance to land are provided. Stronger beta parameters result in stronger
##' land (water) avoidance but may also introduce undesirable/unrealistic artefacts
##' (zig-zags) in the simulated paths. See Brillinger et al. (2012) and
##' \code{vignette("momentuHMM", package = "momentuHMM")} for more details on the
##' use of potential functions for simulating constrained animal movements.
##' WARNING: This application of potential functions to constrain simulated
##' paths is experimental, likely to change in future releases, and NOT guaranteed
##' to work enitrely as intended, especially if \code{cpf = TRUE}!
##' @return a \code{fG_sim_fit} object containing the paths simulated from a
##' \code{ssm} fit object
##' @references
##' Brillinger DR, Preisler HK, Ager AA, Kie J (2012) The use of potential functions in modelling animal movement. In: Guttorp P., Brillinger D. (eds) Selected Works of David Brillinger. Selected Works in Probability and Statistics. Springer, New York. pp. 385-409.
##' @examples
##' fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "crw", time.step = 24)
##' trs <- sim_fit(fit, what = "predicted", reps = 3)
##' plot(trs)
##' @importFrom tmvtnorm rtmvnorm
##' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
##' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
##' @importFrom sf st_crs st_coordinates st_as_sf st_transform st_geometry<-
##' @importFrom stats rgamma runif
##' @importFrom terra ext extract
##' @importFrom CircStats rvm
##' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
##' @export
sim_fit <-
what = c("fitted", "predicted"),
reps = 1,
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
grad = NULL,
beta = c(-300, -300),
cpf = FALSE,
sim_only = FALSE) {
## Check args ##
what <- match.arg(what)
if(!is.null(grad)) {
if(!inherits(grad, "SpatRaster"))
stop("grad must be NULL or a SpatRaster with 2 layers")
if(inherits(grad, "SpatRaster") & length(names(grad)) != 2)
stop("grad must have 2 layers")
if(all(!is.null(start), length(start) != 2))
stop("start location must be a single lon,lat or x,y coordinate")
if(all(!is.null(end), length(end) != 2))
stop("end location must be a single lon,lat or x,y coordinate")
if(length(beta) != 2)
stop("beta must be specified as a 2-element vector")
stopifnot("x must be an `ssm_df` fit object" = inherits(x, "ssm_df"))
if(!what %in% c("fitted", "predicted"))
stop("only `fitted` or `predicted` locations can be simulated from a model fit")
if(any(sapply(fit$ssm, function(x) x$pm) == "mp"))
stop("'mp' process model fit(s) detected\n tracks can only be simulated from SSM fits using either the 'rw' or 'crw' process models")
if(!is.null(start)) {
start <- data.frame(lon = start[1], lat = start[2])
st1 <- st_as_sf(start, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4326) |>
st_transform(crs = "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") |>
names(st1) <- c("x","y")
if(!is.null(end)) {
end <- data.frame(lon = end[1], lat = end[2])
ed1 <- st_as_sf(end, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4326) |>
st_transform(crs = "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") |>
names(ed1) <- c("x","y")
## Helper functions ##
wrap_x <- function(mu, x_rng) {
c((mu[1] - x_rng[1]) %% sum(abs(x_rng)) + x_rng[1], mu[2])
reflect_y <- function(mu, y_rng) {
# if(is.na(mu[2])) browser()
if(mu[2] < y_rng[1]) {
c(mu[1], y_rng[1] * 2 - mu[2])
} else if(mu[2] > y_rng[2]) {
c(mu[1], y_rng[2] * 2 - mu[2])
} else {
## set up simulation extents
if(!is.null(grad)) {
ex <- ext(grad)
} else {
## approx extents of world mercator in km
ex <- c(-20077.51,20082.49,-19622.54,18437.46)
## Simulate from a aniMotum model fit ##
n <- nrow(x)
d <- lapply(1:n, function(k) {
model <- x$ssm[[k]]$pm
fitted = {
loc <- grab(x[k,], "fitted", as_sf = FALSE)
predicted = {
loc <- grab(x[k,], "predicted", as_sf = FALSE)
N <- nrow(loc)
dts <- loc$date
dt <- as.numeric(difftime(dts, c(as.POSIXct(NA), dts[-length(dts)]), units = "hours"))
dt[1] <- 0
## get parameters from model fit object
crw = {
Sigma <- diag(2) * 2 * x$ssm[[k]]$par[c("D_x","D_y"), 1]
Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- x$ssm[[k]]$par["rho_p",1] * sqrt(Sigma[1,1]) * sqrt(Sigma[2,2])
vmin <- with(loc,
c(min(u, na.rm = TRUE),
min(v, na.rm = TRUE))) # in km/h
vmax <- with(loc,
c(max(u, na.rm = TRUE),
max(v, na.rm = TRUE)))
rw = {
Sigma <-
diag(2) * c(x$ssm[[k]]$par["sigma_x", 1],
x$ssm[[k]]$par["sigma_y", 1]) ^ 2
Sigma[!Sigma] <-
prod(Sigma[1, 1]^0.5, Sigma[2, 2]^0.5) * x$ssm[[k]]$par["rho_p", 1]
vmin <- with(loc, c(min(diff(x), na.rm = TRUE),
min(diff(y), na.rm = TRUE)))
vmax <- with(loc, c(max(diff(x), na.rm = TRUE),
max(diff(y), na.rm = TRUE)))
if(any(abs(vmin / mean(dt[-1]) / 3.6) > 5) | any(vmax / mean(dt[-1]) / 3.6 > 5))
stop("Implausible travel rates detected, check SSM fit for implausible locations")
## implausible for pinnipeds but not for eg. birds** need to re-think this...***
## Simulate movement process ##
tmp <- lapply(1:reps, function(j) {
crw = {
mu <- v <- matrix(NA, N, 2)
time <- seq(0, 1, length = N)
if(is.null(start)) {
mu[1,] <- c(loc$x[1], loc$y[1])
} else {
mu[1,] <- st1
v[1, ] <- c(loc$u[1], loc$v[1])
for (i in 2:N) {
v[i,] <- rtmvnorm(1,
v[i - 1,],
sigma = Sigma * dt[i],
lower = vmin,
upper = vmax)
## wrap x values, reflect y values
mu1 <- wrap_x(mu[i-1,] + v[i,] * dt[i], ex[1:2])
mu1 <- reflect_y(mu1, ex[3:4])
if(!is.null(grad)) {
pv <- as.numeric(extract(grad, rbind(mu1)))
if(all(is.na(pv))) pv <- c(0,0) # unsure why NA's can creep in here
mu[i,] <- mu1 + pv * beta
} else {
mu[i,] <- mu1
df <- data.frame(
rep = j,
date = dts,
x = mu[, 1],
y = mu[, 2]
if(cpf & is.null(end)) {
df <- df |>
mutate(x = ((x - x[1]) - time *
(x - x[1])[N]) + x[1]) |>
mutate(y = ((y - y[1]) - time *
(y - y[1])[N]) + y[1])
} else if (!is.null(end)) {
df <- df |>
mutate(x = ((x - x[1]) - time *
(x - ed1[1])[N]) + x[1]) |>
mutate(y = ((y - y[1]) - time *
(y - ed1[2])[N]) + y[1])
rw = {
mu <- matrix(NA, N, 2)
time <- seq(0, 1, length = N)
if(is.null(start)) {
mu[1, ] <- c(loc$x[1], loc$y[1])
} else {
mu[1, ] <- st1
mu[2, ] <- rmvnorm(1, mu[1,], sigma = Sigma * dt[2]^2)
for (i in 3:N) {
dxy <- rtmvnorm(100, mu[i - 1, ] - mu[i - 2,],
sigma = Sigma * dt[i]^2,
lower = vmin,
upper = vmax,
algorithm = "gibbs",
burn.in.samples = 100)
dxy <- dxy[which(!is.na(dxy))[1],]
if(all(is.na(dxy))) dxy <- c(1,1)
## wrap x values, reflect y values
mu1 <- wrap_x(mu[i-1,] + dxy, ex[1:2])
mu1 <- reflect_y(mu1, ex[3:4])
if(!is.null(grad)) {
pv <- as.numeric(extract(grad, rbind(mu1)))
if(all(is.na(pv))) pv <- c(0,0) # unsure why NA's can creep in here
mu[i,] <- mu1 + pv * beta
} else {
mu[i,] <- mu1
df <- data.frame(
rep = j,
date = dts,
x = mu[, 1],
y = mu[, 2]
if(cpf & is.null(end)) {
df$x <- ((x - x[1]) - time * (x - x[1])[N]) + x[1]
df$y <- ((y - y[1]) - time * (y - y[1])[N]) + y[1]
tmp <- bind_rows(tmp)
tmp <- as_tibble(tmp)
if (!sim_only) {
loc <- grab(x[k, ], what = what, as_sf = FALSE)
loc$rep <- 0
loc <- loc[, c("rep", "date", "x", "y")]
tmp <- rbind(loc, tmp)
## lon,lat
tmp1 <- try(st_as_sf(tmp, coords = c("x","y"),
crs = "+proj=merc +units=km +datum=WGS84"), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(tmp1, "try-error")) {
stop("oops something went wrong, try again", call. = FALSE)
xy <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(tmp1))
names(xy) <- c("x","y")
ll <- st_transform(tmp1, crs = 4326)
ll <- st_coordinates(ll)
ll <- as.data.frame(ll)
names(ll) <- c("lon","lat")
st_geometry(tmp1) <- NULL
cbind(tmp1, xy, ll)[, c("rep","date","lon","lat","x","y")]
d <- tibble(id = x$id, model = x$pmodel, sims = d)
if(cpf | !is.null(end)) class(d) <- append("cpf", class(d))
rw = {
class(d) <- append("rws", class(d))
crw = {
class(d) <- append("crws", class(d))
class(d) <- append("sim_fit", class(d))
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