
globalVariables(c("rec", "year", "Model", "p05", "p95", "p50"))

#' Plot Simulated Predictive Distribution of Recruitment
#' @param fit an fitted stock recruit model returned from \code{eqsr_fit}
#' @param n Number of random recruitment draws to plot
#' @param x.mult max value for the y axis (ssb) as a multiplier of maximum
#'               observed ssb
#' @param y.mult max value for the x axis (rec) as a multiplier of maismum
#'               observed rec
#' @param ggPlot Flag, if FALSE (default) plot using base graphics, if TRUE
#'               do a ggplot
#' @param Scale Numeric value for scaling varibles in plot.
#' @return NULL produces a plot
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{eqsr_fit}} Fits several stock recruitment models to a data set
#' and calculates the proportion contribution of each model based on a bootstrap
#' model averaging procedure.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(icesStocks)
#' FIT <- eqsr_fit(icesStocks$saiNS,
#'                 nsamp = 1000,
#'                 models = c("Ricker", "Segreg"))
#' eqsr_plot(FIT, n = 20000)
#' # Scale argument only available for ggPlot = TRUE
#' eqsr_plot(FIT, n = 20000, ggPlot = TRUE, Scale = 1000)
#' }
#' @export
eqsr_plot <- function (fit, n = 20000, x.mult = 1.1, y.mult = 1.4,
                       ggPlot = FALSE, Scale = 1)
  # get the draws from the SR parameter simulations
  modset <- fit$sr.sto

  # get the full data set
  data <- fit$rby[,c("year", "rec", "ssb")]

  # set up ranges
  minSSB <- min(data$ssb, max(data$ssb) * 0.0125)
  maxSSB <- max(data$ssb) * x.mult
  maxrec <- max(data$rec) * y.mult

  if (!is.null(modset)) {
    # evaluate recruitment at 100 ssb points
    ssb_eval <- seq(minSSB, maxSSB, length.out = 100)
    # reduce n to get n samples pairs
    n_mods <- floor(n / 100)

    # a function to sample from the predictive distribution
    # of recruitment given a bootstrap SR fit.  Each row in modset
    # has a (potrentially) different form, parameter estimates and residual CV.
    sample_rec <- function(i) {
      # what SR model are we simulting from:
      FUN <-  match.fun(modset$model[i])
      # simulate from _predictive_ distribrution of recruitment
      exp( FUN(modset[i,], ssb_eval) + stats::rnorm(length(ssb_eval), sd = modset $ cv[i]) )

    # (up)sample the model fits
    ids <- sample(1:nrow(modset), n_mods, replace = TRUE)
    rec_sim <- sapply(ids, sample_rec)

    # form into a big DF
    out <- data.frame(grp = rep(1:length(ssb_eval), n_mods),
                      mid.grp = rep(ssb_eval, n_mods),
                      ssb = jitter(rep(ssb_eval, n_mods), 2), # jitter for nices plotting
                      rec = c(rec_sim),
                      model = rep(modset[ids,"model"], each = length(ssb_eval)))

    tmp <- paste(fit$sr.det$model, fit$sr.det$prop)
    names(tmp) <- fit$sr.det$model
    out$Model <- tmp[out$model]

    # calculate smooth recruitment median and 5th and 95th percentile for plotting
    fit50 <- mgcv::gam(rec ~ s(ssb, m = 0),
                data = data.frame(ssb = ssb_eval, rec = apply(rec_sim, 1, stats::quantile, .50)))
    fit05 <- mgcv::gam(rec ~ s(ssb, m = 0),
                data = data.frame(ssb = ssb_eval, rec = apply(rec_sim, 1, stats::quantile, .05)))
    fit95 <- mgcv::gam(rec ~ s(ssb, m = 0),
                data = data.frame(ssb = ssb_eval, rec = apply(rec_sim, 1, stats::quantile, .95)))

    Percentiles <-
        ssb = ssb_eval,
        p50 = stats::fitted(fit50),
        p05 = stats::fitted(fit05),
        p95 = stats::fitted(fit95)
    Percentiles <- Percentiles[stats::complete.cases(Percentiles),]


  if(!ggPlot) {

    # set up plot
    plot(0, 0, type = "n",
         xlim = c(0, maxSSB), ylim = c(0, maxrec), las = 1,
         xlab = "Spawning stock biomass", ylab="Recruitment",
         main = paste("Predictive distribution of recruitment\nfor", fit$id.sr))

    if (!is.null(modset)) {
      points(out$ssb, out$rec,
             pch = 20, cex = 1,
             col = grDevices::grey(0, alpha = 0.02))

      lines(p50 ~ ssb, col = 7, lwd = 3, data = Percentiles)
      lines(p05 ~ ssb, col = 4, lwd = 3, data = Percentiles)
      lines(p95 ~ ssb, col = 4, lwd = 3, data = Percentiles)

    # plot the best fit for each model as a line
    x <- fit$sr.det
    y <- seq(1, round(maxSSB), length = 100)
    for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
      lines(y, exp(match.fun(as.character(x$model[i])) (x[i,], y)), col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = i)

    # plot the observation points
    lines(data$ssb, data$rec, col = "red")
    points(data$ssb, data$rec, pch = 19, col = "red", cex = 1.25)
    # plot the model weights on the graph
    for (i in 1:nrow(fit$sr.det)) {
      text(0.2 * maxSSB,
           maxrec*(1 - i/10),
           paste(fit$sr.det$model[i], round(fit$sr.det$prop[i], 2)),
           cex = 0.9, adj = 1)

  } else { # ggplot
    x <- fit$sr.det
    ssb <- seq(1,round(max(maxSSB)),length=100)
    z <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) rec <- exp(match.fun(as.character(x$model[i])) (x[i,], ssb)))
    modelLines <- as.data.frame(cbind(ssb,z))
    names(modelLines) <- c("ssb",paste(x$model,x$prop))
    modelLines <- reshape2::melt(modelLines,id.var="ssb",variable.name="Model",value.name="rec")

    if (!is.null(modset)) {
      out$ssb <- out$ssb/Scale
      out$rec <- out$rec/Scale
      out$mid.grp <- out$mid.grp/Scale
      Percentiles$ssb <- Percentiles$ssb/Scale
      Percentiles$p50 <- Percentiles$p50/Scale
      Percentiles$p05 <- Percentiles$p05/Scale
      Percentiles$p95 <- Percentiles$p95/Scale
      i <- sample(nrow(out),n)
    modelLines$ssb <- modelLines$ssb/Scale
    modelLines$rec <- modelLines$rec/Scale

    fit$rby$ssb <- fit$rby$ssb/Scale
    fit$rby$rec <- fit$rby$rec/Scale

    if (!is.null(modset)) {
      ggplot2::ggplot(out[i,]) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=ssb,y=rec,colour=Model),size=1, alpha = 0.2) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(data=Percentiles,ggplot2::aes(x=ssb,y=p05),colour="blue", lwd = 1.5) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(data=Percentiles,ggplot2::aes(x=ssb,y=p95),colour="blue", lwd = 1.5) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(data=Percentiles,ggplot2::aes(ssb,p50),col="yellow", lwd = 1.5) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(data=modelLines,ggplot2::aes(ssb,rec,colour=Model),lwd=1.5) +
        ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, stats::quantile(out$rec[i],0.99))) +
        ggplot2::geom_path(data=fit$rby, ggplot2::aes(ssb, rec), col="black",linetype=2, lwd = 1) +
        ggplot2::geom_text(data=fit$rby, ggplot2::aes(ssb, rec, label = substr(year,3,4)),size=4,col="black",angle=45) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(0.20, 0.85)) +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Spawning stock biomass",
                      y = "Recruitment",
    } else {
      ggplot2::ggplot(fit$rby) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=ssb,y=rec),size=1, alpha = 0.2) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(data=modelLines,ggplot2::aes(ssb,rec,colour=Model),lwd=1.5) +
        ggplot2::geom_path(data=fit$rby, ggplot2::aes(ssb, rec), col="black",linetype=2, lwd = 1) +
        ggplot2::geom_text(data=fit$rby, ggplot2::aes(ssb, rec, label = substr(year,3,4)),size=4,col="black",angle=45) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(0.20, 0.85)) +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Spawning stock biomass",
                      y = "Recruitment",

ices-tools-prod/msy documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 6:41 p.m.