#' @include utils.R
#' @importFrom data.table data.table set setorder setattr ":="
#' @importFrom sensitivity morris tell
#' Conduct Sensitivity Analysis for An EnergyPlus Model
#' `sensi_job()` takes an IDF and EPW as input and returns a `SensitivityJob`,
#' which provides a prototype of conducting sensitivity analysis of EnergyPlus
#' simulations using [Morris][sensitivity::morris] method.
#' `SensitivityJob` inherits from [eplusr::ParametricJob] class, which means
#' that all methods provided by [eplusr::ParametricJob] class are also available
#' for `SensitivityJob` class.
#' The basic workflow is basically:
#' 1. Adding parameters for sensitivity analysis using
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-param}{\code{$param()}}
#' or
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-apply_measure}{\code{$apply_measure()}}.
#' 1. Check parameter sampled values and generated parametric models using
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-samples}{\code{$samples()}}
#' and
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-models}{\code{$models()}},
#' respectively.
#' 1. Run EnergyPlus simulations in parallel using
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-run}{\code{$run()}},
#' 1. Gather EnergyPlus simulated data using
#' [$report_data()][eplusr::EplusGroupJob] or
#' [$tabular_data()][eplusr::EplusGroupJob].
#' 1. Evaluate parameter sensitivity using
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob#method-evaluate}{\code{$evaluate()}}.
#' @docType class
#' @name SensitivityJob
#' @author Hongyuan Jia
#' @export
# SensitivityJob {{{
SensitivityJob <- R6::R6Class(classname = "SensitivityJob",
inherit = eplusr::ParametricJob, cloneable = FALSE, lock_class = FALSE,
public = list(
# param {{{
#' @description
#' Set parameters for sensitivity analysis
#' @details
#' `$param()` takes parameter definitions in list format, which is
#' similar to `$set()` in [eplusr::Idf] class except that each field is
#' not assigned with a single value, but a numeric vector of length 3,
#' indicating the minimum value, maximum value and number of levels of
#' each parameter.
#' Similar like the way of modifying object field values in
#' [eplusr::Idf$set()][eplusr::Idf], there are 3 different ways of
#' defining a parameter in epluspar:
#' * `object = list(field = c(min, max, levels))`: Where `object` is a
#' valid object ID or name. Note object ID should be denoted with two
#' periods `..`, e.g. `..10` indicates the object with ID `10`, It
#' will set that specific field in that object as one parameter.
#' * `.(object, object) := list(field = c(min, max, levels))`: Simimar
#' like above, but note the use of `.()` in the left hand side. You
#' can put multiple object ID or names in `.()`. It will set the field
#' of all specified objects as one parameter.
#' * `class := list(field = c(min, max, levels))`: Note the use of `:=`
#' instead of `=`. The main difference is that, unlike `=`, the left
#' hand side of `:=` should be a valid class name in current
#' [eplusr::Idf]. It will set that field of all objects in specified
#' class as one parameter.
#' For example, the code block below defines 3 parameters:
#' * Field `Fan Total Efficiency` in object named `Supply Fan 1` in class
#' `Fan:VariableVolume` class, with minimum, maximum and number of levels
#' being 0.1, 1.0 and 5, respectively.
#' * Field `Thickness` in all objects in class `Material`, with minimum, maximum
#' and number of levels being 0.01, 1.0 and 5, respectively.
#' * Field `Conductivity` in all objects in class `Material`, with minimum,
#' maximum and number of levels being 0.1, 0.6 and 10, respectively.
#' ```
#' sensi$param(
#' `Supply Fan 1` = list(Fan_Total_Efficiency = c(min = 0.1, max = 1.0, levels = 5)),
#' Material := list(Thickness = c(0.01, 1, 5), Conductivity = c(0.1, 0.6, 10))
#' )
#' ```
#' @param ... Lists of paramter definitions. Please see above on the
#' syntax.
#' @param .names A character vector of the parameter names. If `NULL`,
#' the parameter will be named in format `theta + number`, where
#' `number` is the index of parameter. Default: `NULL`.
#' @param .r An positive integer specifying the number of elementary
#' effect computed per factor. For details, see
#' [sensitivity::morris]. Default: `12`.
#' @param .grid_jump An integer or a vector of integers specifying the
#' number of levels that are increased/decreased for computing
#' the elementary effects. Default: `1L`. For details, see
#' [sensitivity::morris].
#' @param .scale If `TRUE`, the input design of experiments is scaled
#' after building the design and before computing the elementary
#' effects so that all factors vary within the range \[0,1\].
#' Default: `TRUE`. For details, see [sensitivity::morris].
#' @return The modified `SensitivityJob` object itself.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sensi$param(
#' `Supply Fan 1` = list(Fan_Total_Efficiency = c(min = 0.1, max = 1.0, levels = 5)),
#' Material := list(Thickness = c(0.01, 1, 5), Conductivity = c(0.1, 0.6, 10))
#' )
#' }
param = function (..., .names = NULL, .r = 12L, .grid_jump = 4L, .scale = TRUE)
sen_param(self, private, ..., .r = .r, .grid_jump = .grid_jump, .names = .names),
# }}}
# apply_measure {{{
#' @description
#' Set parameters for sensitivity analysis using function
#' @details
#' `$apply_measure()` works in a similar way as the `$apply_measure` in
#' [eplusr::ParametricJob] class, with only exception that each argument
#' supplied in `...` should be a numeric vector of length 3, indicating
#' the minimum, maximum and number of levels of each parameter.
#' Basically `$apply_measure()` allows to apply a measure to an
#' [eplusr::Idf]. A measure here is just a function that takes an
#' [eplusr::Idf] object and other arguments as input, and returns a
#' modified [eplusr::Idf] object as output.
#' The names of function parameter will be used as the names of
#' sensitivity parameter. For example, the equivalent version of
#' specifying parameters described in
#' \href{../../epluspar/html/SensitivityJob.html#method-param}{\code{$param()}}
#' using `$apply_measure()` can be:
#' ```
#' # set sensitivity parameters using $apply_measure()
#' # (a) first define a "measure"
#' measure <- function (idf, efficiency, thickness, conducitivy) {
#' idf$set(
#' `Supply Fan 1` = list(Fan_Total_Efficiency = efficiency),
#' Material := list(Thickness = thickness, Conductivity = conducivity)
#' )
#' idf
#' }
#' # (b) then apply that measure with parameter space definitions as
#' # function arguments
#' sensi$apply_measure(measure,
#' efficiency = c(min = 0.1, max = 1.0, levels = 5),
#' thickness = c(0.01, 1, 5), conductivity = c(0.1, 0.6, 10)
#' )
#' ```
#' @param measure A function that takes an [eplusr::Idf] and other
#' arguments as input and returns an [eplusr::Idf] object as
#' output.
#' @param ... Arguments **except first `Idf` argument** that are passed
#' to that `measure`.
#' @param .r An positive integer specifying the number of elementary
#' effect computed per factor. For details, see
#' [sensitivity::morris].
#' @param .grid_jump An integer or a vector of integers specifying the
#' number of levels that are increased/decreased for computing
#' the elementary effects. For details, see
#' [sensitivity::morris].
#' @param .scale If `TRUE`, the input design of experiments is scaled
#' after building the design and before computing the elementary
#' effects so that all factors vary within the range \[0,1\].
#' Default: `TRUE`. For details, see [sensitivity::morris].
#' @return The modified `SensitivityJob` object itself.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # set sensitivity parameters using $apply_measure()
#' # (a) first define a "measure"
#' measure <- function (idf, efficiency, thickness, conducitivy) {
#' idf$set(
#' `Supply Fan 1` = list(Fan_Total_Efficiency = efficiency),
#' Material := list(Thickness = thickness, Conductivity = conducivity)
#' )
#' idf
#' }
#' # (b) then apply that measure with parameter space definitions as
#' # function arguments
#' sensi$apply_measure(measure,
#' efficiency = c(min = 0.1, max = 1.0, levels = 5),
#' thickness = c(0.01, 1, 5), conductivity = c(0.1, 0.6, 10)
#' )
#' }
apply_measure = function (measure, ..., .r = 12L, .grid_jump = 4L, .scale = TRUE)
sen_apply_measure(self, private, measure, ..., .r = .r, .grid_jump = .grid_jump),
# }}}
# samples {{{
#' @description
#' Get sampled parameter values
#' @details
#' `$samples()` returns a [data.table::data.table()] which contains the
#' sampled value for each parameter using [Morris][sensitivity::morris]
#' method. The returned data.table has `1 + n` columns, where `n` is the
#' parameter number, while `1` indicates an extra column named `case`
#' giving the index of each sample.
#' @return A [data.table::data.table()].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sensi$samples()
#' }
samples = function ()
sen_samples(self, private),
# }}}
# evaluate {{{
#' @description
#' Evaluate sensitivity
#' @details
#' `$evaluate()` takes a numeric vector with the same length as total
#' sample number and returns the a [sensitivity::morris()] object. The
#' statistics of interest (mu, mu* and sigma) are stored as an attribute
#' named `data` and can be retrieved using `atrr(sensi$evaluate(),
#' "data")`.
#' @param results A numeric vector. Usually the output of parametric
#' simulations extracted using
#' [$report_data()][eplusr::EplusGroupJob] or
#' [$tabular_data()][eplusr::EplusGroupJob].
#' @return a [sensitivity::morris()] object with an extra `data`
#' attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # run parametric simulations
#' sensi$run(wait = TRUE)
#' # status now includes a data.table with detailed information on each simulation
#' sensi$status()
#' # print simulation errors
#' sensi$errors()
#' # extract a target simulation output value for each case to evaluate the
#' # sensitivity results
#' eng <- sen$tabular_data(table_name = "site and source energy",
#' column_name = "energy per total building area",
#' row_name = "total site energy")[, as.numeric(value)]
#' (result <- sensi$evaluate(eng))
#' # extract sensivitity data
#' attr(result, "data")
#' # plot
#' plot(result)
#' }
evaluate = function (results)
sen_evaluate(self, private, results),
# }}}
# print {{{
#' @description
#' Print `SensitivityJob` object
#' @details
#' `$print()` shows the core information of this `SensitivityJob`,
#' including the path of IDFs and EPWs and also the simulation job
#' status.
#' `$print()` is quite useful to get the simulation status, especially
#' when `wait` is `FALSE` in `$run()`. The job status will be updated
#' and printed whenever `$print()` is called.
#' @return The `SensitivityJob` object itself, invisibly.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sen$print()
#' }
print = function ()
sen_print(self, private)
# }}}
# }}}
private = list(
m_param = NULL,
m_sample = NULL,
m_morris = NULL
# }}}
# }}}
#' Create a Sensitivity Analysis Job
#' `sensi_job()` takes an IDF and EPW as input, and returns an `SensitivityJob`
#' object for conducting sensitivity analysis on an EnergyPlus model. For more
#' details, please see [SensitivityJob].
#' @param idf A path to an local EnergyPlus IDF file or an `Idf` object.
#' @param epw A path to an local EnergyPlus EPW file or an `Epw` object.
#' @return An `SensitivityJob` object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (eplusr::is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {
#' idf_name <- "1ZoneUncontrolled.idf"
#' epw_name <- "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw"
#' idf_path <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "ExampleFiles", idf_name)
#' epw_path <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData", epw_name)
#' # create from local files
#' sensi_job(idf_path, epw_path)
#' # create from an Idf and an Epw object
#' sensi_job(read_idf(idf_path), read_epw(epw_path))
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso [bayes_job()] for creating a Bayesian calibration job.
#' @author Hongyuan Jia
#' @export
# sensi_job{{{
sensi_job <- function (idf, epw) {
SensitivityJob$new(idf, epw)
# }}}
# sen_param {{{
sen_param <- function (self, private, ..., .names = NULL, .r = 12L, .grid_jump = 4L,
.scale = TRUE, .env = parent.frame()) {
checkmate::assert_count(.r, positive = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_count(.grid_jump, positive = TRUE)
# clean measure created using $apply_measure() if any
private$m_log$measure_wrapper <- NULL
private$m_log$measure_name <- NULL
l <- expand_param_specs(private$m_seed, ..., .env = .env, .names = .names, .specs_len = 3L)
# use sensitivity::morris to generate input
mo <- sensitivity::morris(model = NULL, factors = l$param$param_name, r = .r,
design = list(type = "oat", levels = l$param$levels, grid.jump = .grid_jump),
binf = l$param$min, bsup = l$param$max, scale = .scale
# get parameter sample value
samples <- data.table::as.data.table(mo$X)
samples[, case := .I]
data.table::setcolorder(samples, "case")
idfs <- create_par_models(private$m_seed, l$param, samples, l$value, NULL)
private$m_param <- l$param
private$m_sample <- samples
private$m_morris <- mo
private$m_idfs <- idfs
# log
private$m_log$unsaved <- rep(TRUE, length(idfs))
# }}}
# sen_apply_measure {{{
sen_apply_measure <- function (self, private, measure, ..., .r = 12L, .grid_jump = 4L, .scale = TRUE) {
l <- match_param_measure(measure, ..., .specs_len = 3L, .env = parent.frame())
# use sensitivity::morris to generate input
mo <- sensitivity::morris(model = NULL, factors = l$param$param_name, r = .r,
design = list(type = "oat", levels = l$param$levels, grid.jump = .grid_jump),
binf = l$param$min, bsup = l$param$max, scale = .scale
# get parameter sample value
samples <- data.table::as.data.table(mo$X)
samples[, case := .I]
data.table::setcolorder(samples, "case")
idfs <- create_par_models(private$m_seed, l$param, samples, measure = l$measure)
private$m_param <- l$param
private$m_sample <- samples
private$m_morris <- mo
private$m_idfs <- idfs
private$m_log$measure <- measure
private$m_log$measure_name <- l$name
# log
private$m_log$unsaved <- rep(TRUE, length(idfs))
# }}}
# sen_samples {{{
sen_samples <- function (self, private) {
sen_assert_has_sampled(self, private)
# }}}
# sen_evaluate {{{
sen_evaluate <- function (self, private, results) {
sen_assert_can_evaluate(self, private)
if (!is.data.frame(results)) {
checkmate::assert_numeric(results, any.missing = FALSE, all.missing = FALSE)
} else {
type <- vapply(results, typeof, character(1L))
if (any(!type %in% c("integer", "double"))) {
abort(paste0("Non-numeric columns found in results: ",
paste0(sQuote(names(results)[!type %in% c("integer", "double")]), collapse = ", ")),
private$m_morris <- sensitivity::tell(private$m_morris, results)
attr(private$m_morris, "data") <- morris_data(private$m_morris)
# }}}
# sen_print {{{
#' @importFrom cli cat_line
sen_print <- function (self, private) {
eplusr:::print_job_header(title = "EnergPlus Sensitivity Analysis Job",
path_idf = private$m_seed$path(),
path_epw = private$m_epws_path,
eplus_ver = private$m_seed$version(),
name_idf = "Seed", name_epw = "Weather"
if (is.null(private$m_idfs)) {
cli::cat_line("<< No parameter has been set yet >>",
col = "white", background_col = "blue")
sprintf("Applied Measure: '%s'", private$m_log$measure_name),
sprintf("Parameters [%i]", nrow(private$m_param)),
private$m_param[, sprintf("[%s]: '%s' [%s, %s] (lvl: %i)",
param_index, param_name, min, max, levels)],
paste0("Parametric Models [", length(private$m_idfs), "]: ")
eplusr:::epgroup_print_status(self, private, epw = FALSE)
# }}}
# sen_assert_has_sampled {{{
sen_assert_has_sampled <- function (self, private, stop = FALSE) {
if (is.null(private$m_morris)) {
if (stop) {
abort(paste0("No sensitivity samples are generated. ",
"Please use '$param()' or '$apply_measure()' to set parameters and ",
"perform Morris sampling."
), "sa_not_ready")
} else {
message("No sensitivity samples are generated. ",
"Please use '$param()' or '$apply_measure()' to set parameters and ",
"perform Morris sampling."
# }}}
# sen_assert_can_evaluate {{{
sen_assert_can_evaluate <- function (self, private, stop = FALSE) {
if (stop) {
fun <- function (...) abort(paste0(...), "sa_not_ready")
} else {
fun <- message
if (is.null(private$m_idfs)) {
fun("No models have been created. Please use $param() or $apply_measure() ",
"to create parametric models after parameters are set."
# use $output_dir() to perform other checking
# }}}
# morris_data {{{
morris_data <- function (morris) {
stopifnot(inherits(morris, "morris"))
mu <- apply(morris$ee, 2, mean)
mu.star <- apply(morris$ee, 2, function(x) mean(abs(x)))
sigma <- apply(morris$ee, 2, sd)
index = seq_along(mu), name = morris$factors,
mu = mu, mu.star = mu.star, sigma = sigma
# }}}
# expand_param_specs {{{
expand_param_specs <- function (idf, ..., .env = parent.frame(), .names = NULL, .specs_len = 2L) {
l <- eplusr::expand_idf_dots_value(
get_priv_env(idf)$idd_env(), get_priv_env(idf)$idf_env(), ...,
.type = "object", .complete = FALSE, .unique = TRUE, .empty = FALSE,
.default = FALSE, .scalar = FALSE, .pair = FALSE, .env = .env)
# check type
eplusr:::add_field_property(get_priv_env(idf)$idd_env(), l$value, "type")
# handle schedule:compact fields
if (nrow(invld <- l$value[type != "real" & class_name != "Schedule:Compact"])) {
abort(paste0("Currently only numeric fields are supported. Non-numeric fields found:\n",
paste0(invld[, sprintf("#%s: '%s' in class '%s'", lpad(seq_len(.N), "0"), field_name, class_name)], collapse = "\n")
set(l$value, NULL, "type", NULL)
# check data range
param <- unique(l$value, by = c("rleid", "class_id", "field_id"))
# if no duplicates, param and l$value is the same
if (nrow(param) == nrow(l$value)) param <- copy(param)
set(param, NULL, "param_index", seq_len(nrow(param)))
checkmate::qassertr(param$value_num, sprintf("N%i", .specs_len), .var.name = "Parameter Range Specs")
if (.specs_len == 2L) {
param[, by = "param_index", c("min", "max") := bc_param_specs(value_num[[1L]], .BY$param_index)]
# clean
set(param, NULL, setdiff(names(param), c("param_index", "min", "max")), NULL)
} else if (.specs_len == 3L) {
param[, by = "param_index", c("min", "max", "levels") :=
sen_param_specs(value_num[[1L]], .BY$param_index)]
# clean
set(param, NULL, setdiff(names(param), c("param_index", "min", "max", "levels")), NULL)
# add value id mapping
l$value[, by = c("rleid", "class_id", "field_id"),
list(param_index = .GRP, value_id = list(value_id))],
on = "param_index", value_id := i.value_id
# clean
set(l$value, NULL, c("value_chr", "value_num"), NULL)
# create parameter names
if (is.null(.names)) {
nm <- if (.specs_len == 2L) "t" else "theta"
set(param, NULL, "param_name", paste0(nm, seq_len(nrow(param))))
} else {
checkmate::assert_character(.names, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE,
len = nrow(param), .var.name = ".names")
set(param, NULL, "param_name", .names)
list(object = l$object, value = l$value, param = param)
# }}}
# sen_param_specs {{{
sen_param_specs <- function (value_num, index) {
if (!is.null(nm <- names(value_num))) {
nm_valid <- nm[nm != ""]
if (any(invld <- !nm_valid %in% c("min", "max", "levels"))) {
abort(paste0("Parameter Range Specs should only contain ",
"'min', 'max' and 'levels'. Invalid element found: ",
paste0("{", index, ":'", nm_valid[invld], "'}", collapse = ", ")
if (anyDuplicated(nm_valid)) {
abort(paste0("Parameter Range Specs should contain only one ",
"'min', 'max' and 'levels'. Duplicated element found: ",
paste0("{", index, ":'", nm_valid[duplicated(nm_valid)], "'}", collapse = ", ")
m <- match(c("min", "max", "levels"), nm)
m[is.na(m)] <- setdiff(seq_along(value_num), m)
if (value_num[[1L]] >= value_num[[2L]]) {
abort(paste0("For numeric field, minimum value should be less than ",
"maximum value. Invalid input found for ",
sprintf("{%i: %s(min), %s(max)}", index, value_num[[1L]], value_num[[2L]])
), "param_num_format")
if (!checkmate::test_count(value_num[[3]], positive = TRUE)) {
abort(paste0("For numeric field, number of total levels should be positive integer. ",
"Invalid input found for ",
sprintf("{%i: %s(levels)}", index, value_num[[3L]])
), "param_num_format")
value_num[[3L]] <- as.integer(value_num[[3L]])
list(min = value_num[[1L]], max = value_num[[2L]], levels = value_num[[3L]])
# }}}
# match_param_measure {{{
match_param_measure <- function (measure, ..., .specs_len = 2L, .env = parent.frame()) {
# measure name
mea_nm <- deparse(substitute(measure, .env))
if (length(formals(measure)) < 2L) {
abort("'measure' function must have at least two argument.", "bc_measure_no_arg")
# match fun arg
mc <- match.call(measure, quote(measure(private$m_seed, ...)))[-1L]
l <- vector("list", length(mc[-1L]))
names(l) <- names(mc[-1L])
# get value
for (nm in names(l)) l[[nm]] <- eval(mc[-1L][[nm]])
checkmate::qassertr(l, sprintf("N%i", .specs_len), .var.name = "Parameter Range Specs")
param <- data.table(param_index = seq_along(l), param_name = names(l), value_num = l)
if (.specs_len == 2L) {
param[, by = "param_index", c("min", "max") :=
bc_param_specs(value_num[[1L]], .BY$param_index)]
} else if (.specs_len == 3L) {
param[, by = "param_index", c("min", "max", "levels") :=
sen_param_specs(value_num[[1L]], .BY$param_index)]
if (is.name(substitute(measure, .env))) {
mea_nm <- deparse(substitute(measure, .env))
} else {
mea_nm <- "Function"
list(name = mea_nm, measure = measure, param = param)
# }}}
# create_par_models {{{
create_par_models <- function (idf, param, samples, matched = NULL, measure = NULL, name = TRUE) {
if (is.null(measure)) {
# create param models
m <- melt.data.table(samples, id.vars = "case", variable.name = "param_name", variable.factor = FALSE)
val <- param[m, on = "param_name"][, by = c("case", "param_index"), {
len <- vapply(value_id, length, integer(1L))
list(value_id = unlist(value_id, FALSE, FALSE), value = rep(value, len))
val <- matched[val, on = "value_id"][, list(
case, id = object_id, class = class_name, index = field_index, value = as.character(value)
idfs <- lapply(split(val, by = "case", keep.by = FALSE), function (d) {
idf <- idf$clone()
} else {
measure_wrapper <- function (idf, ...) {
if (!eplusr::is_idf(idf)) {
abort(paste0("Measure should take an 'Idf' object as input, not '", class(idf)[[1]], "'."))
idf <- idf$clone(deep = TRUE)
idf <- measure(idf, ...)
if (!eplusr::is_idf(idf)) {
abort(paste0("Measure should return an 'Idf' object, not '", class(idf)[[1]], "'."))
idfs <- do.call("mapply", c(
FUN = list(quote(measure_wrapper)),
samples[, -"case"],
MoreArgs = quote(list(idf = idf)),
# get new idf names
if (name) setattr(idfs, "names", case_names(samples[, -"case"]))
# }}}
# case_names {{{
case_names <- function (sample) {
paste0("Case", lpad(seq_len(nrow(sample)), "0"))
# }}}
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