context("BayesCalib Implementation")
test_that("BayesCalib Class", {
path_idf <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "ExampleFiles", "RefBldgLargeOfficeNew2004_Chicago.idf")
path_epw <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData", "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw")
bc <- bayes_job(path_idf, path_epw)
# Output:Variable and Output:Meter should be removed
expect_is(bc$read_rdd(), "RddFile")
expect_equal(nrow(bc$read_rdd()), 620)
expect_is(bc$read_mdd(), "MddFile")
expect_equal(nrow(bc$read_mdd()), 177)
# $input() {{{
expect_null(bc$input(append = NULL))
expect_error(bc$input(name = "a"), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_mdd()), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# using rdd or mdd
data.table(index = 1L, class = "Output:Variable", key_value = "*",
variable_name = "Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature",
reporting_frequency = "Timestep"
# can stop if input one has already been set
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L], append = TRUE))
# can stop if input one has already been set as output
expect_null(bc$input(append = NULL))
expect_is(bc$output(bc$read_rdd()[1L]), "data.table")
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L]), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
expect_null(bc$output(append = NULL))
# can stop if input reporting frequency is not the same as existing one
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L]), "data.table")
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L], append = TRUE, reporting_frequency = "hourly"),
class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input"
# can customize reporting frequency
expect_equal(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L], reporting_frequency = "hourly"),
data.table(index = 1L, class = "Output:Variable", key_value = "*",
variable_name = "Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature",
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
# can retrieve existing ones
data.table(index = 1L, class = "Output:Variable", key_value = "*",
variable_name = "Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature",
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
# can remove all existing ones
expect_null(bc$input(append = NULL))
# input can not be inserted if there is one with key value being "*"
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1]), "data.table")
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1][, key_value := "Environment"], append = TRUE),
class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input"
# input with key value being "*" can not be inserted if there is one with
# specific key value
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1][, key_value := "Environment"]), "data.table")
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1], append = TRUE), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if incorrect column supplied
expect_error(bc$input(data.frame()), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if invalid class name supplied
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(class = "a", index = 1, value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if invalid index supplied
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(class = "Output:Variable", index = 1.1, value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(class = "Output:Variable", index = NA, value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if duplications
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(id = c(1L, 1L), class = "Output:Variable", index = c(1L, 1L), value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if invalid field number provided
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(id = 1L, class = "Output:Variable", index = 1:5, value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
expect_error(bc$input(data.table(id = 1L, class = "Output:Meter", index = 1:3, value = "a")), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
# can stop if Output:Meter is provided
expect_error(bc$input(rbindlist(list(rdd_to_load(bc$read_rdd()[1:2]), mdd_to_load(bc$read_mdd()[1:2])))), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_input")
expect_equal(bc$input(eplusr::rdd_to_load(bc$read_rdd()[1L], reporting_frequency = "hourly")),
data.table(index = 1L, class = "Output:Variable", key_value = "*",
variable_name = "Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature",
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
# can stop if input variables do not have the same reporting frequency
expect_error(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[2L], append = TRUE))
expect_equal(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[2L], reporting_frequency = "hourly", append = TRUE),
data.table(index = 1L:2L, class = "Output:Variable", key_value = "*",
variable_name = paste0("Site Outdoor Air ", c("Drybulb", "Dewpoint"), " Temperature"),
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
# can take directly variable names
expect_is(class = "data.table", bc$input(
c("Environment", "environment"),
c("site outdoor air wetbulb temperature", "site outdoor air humidity ratio")
expect_is(class = "data.table", bc$input(
c("site outdoor air wetbulb temperature", "site outdoor air humidity ratio")
expect_is(class = "data.table", bc$input(
name = c("site outdoor air wetbulb temperature", "site outdoor air humidity ratio")
# }}}
# $output() {{{
# can stop if input one has already been set as output
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L]), "data.table")
expect_error(bc$output(bc$read_rdd()[1L]), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_output")
# can stop if input reporting frequency is not the same
expect_error(bc$output(mdd_to_load(bc$read_mdd()[1L]), reporting_frequency = "hourly"))
# }}}
# $param(), $samples() {{{
# give message if input and output are not set
expect_null(bc$input(append = NULL))
expect_null(bc$output(append = NULL))
ZoneInfiltration_DesignFlowRate := list(flow_per_exterior_surface_area = c(0.0003, 0.001)),
Lights := list(watts_per_zone_floor_area = c(5, 20)),
ElectricEquipment := list(watts_per_zone_floor_area = c(5, 20)),
`CoolSys1 Chiller 1` = list(reference_cop = c(1, 5)),
`CoolSys1 Chiller 2` = list(reference_cop = c(1, 5)),
VAV_1_Fan = list(fan_total_efficiency = c(0.1, 0.9)),
VAV_2_Fan = list(fan_total_efficiency = c(0.1, 0.9)),
VAV_3_Fan = list(fan_total_efficiency = c(0.1, 0.9)),
VAV_5_Fan = list(fan_total_efficiency = c(0.1, 0.9)),
# num of simulations
.num_sim = 2L
"No parametric models have been created"
expect_is(smpl <- (bc$samples()), "data.table")
expect_equal(nrow(smpl), 2L)
expect_equal(ncol(smpl), 10L)
expect_equal(names(smpl), c("case", paste0("t", 1:9)))
# }}}
# $models() {{{
# should return NULL if no input and output are set
expect_message(m <- bc$models())
# can create parametric models
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L:2L]), "data.table")
expect_is(bc$output(bc$read_mdd()[1L:2L]), "data.table")
expect_is(m <- bc$models(), "list")
expect_true(all(sapply(m, eplusr::is_idf)))
# }}}
# $data_sim() {{{
# can stop if invalid key value
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[1L:2L][, key_value := "a"]), "data.table")
bc$eplus_run(tempdir(), echo = FALSE)
expect_error(bc$data_sim(), class = "epluspar_error_bc_input_invalid_key_value")
expect_is(bc$input(bc$read_rdd()[c(10, 4, 1)]), "data.table")
bc$eplus_run(tempdir(), run_period = list("bc", 1, 1, 1, 3), echo = FALSE)
# can extract sim data
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(), "list")
expect_equal(names(dt), c("input", "output"))
expect_equal(names(dt$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Environment:Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](TimeStep)"
expect_equal(names(dt$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Electricity:Building [J](TimeStep)",
"Electricity:Facility [J](TimeStep)"
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 864)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 864)
# can stop if input resolution is smaller than reporting frequency
expect_error(bc$data_sim(resolution = "1 min"), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_resolution")
# can stop if input resolution is not divisible by reporting frequency
expect_error(bc$data_sim(resolution = "13 min"), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_resolution")
# can change data resolution
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(resolution = "1 day"), "list")
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 6)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 6)
expect_equal(names(dt$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Environment:Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](1 Day)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir](1 Day)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](1 Day)"
expect_equal(names(dt$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Electricity:Building [J](1 Day)",
"Electricity:Facility [J](1 Day)"
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(resolution = "1 month"), "list")
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 2)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 2)
expect_equal(names(dt$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Environment:Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](1 Month)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir](1 Month)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](1 Month)"
expect_equal(names(dt$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Electricity:Building [J](1 Month)",
"Electricity:Facility [J](1 Month)"
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(exclude_ddy = TRUE), "list")
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 864)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 864)
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(exclude_ddy = FALSE), "list")
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 2592)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 2592)
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_sim(all = TRUE), "list")
expect_equal(names(dt$input), c("case", "environment_period_index", "environment_name",
"simulation_days", "datetime", "month", "day", "hour", "minute",
"day_type", "Date/Time",
"Environment:Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](TimeStep)"
expect_equal(names(dt$output), c("case", "environment_period_index", "environment_name",
"simulation_days", "datetime", "month", "day", "hour", "minute",
"day_type", "Date/Time",
"Electricity:Building [J](TimeStep)",
"Electricity:Facility [J](TimeStep)"
# }}}
# $data_field() {{{
expect_error(bc$data_field(""), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_data_field_output")
expect_error(bc$data_field(data.frame()), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_data_field_output")
expect_error(bc$data_field(data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 11:20)), class = "epluspar_error_bc_invalid_data_field_output")
expect_is(dt <- bc$data_field(data.frame(a = 1:432, b = 1:432)), "list")
expect_equal(names(dt), c("input", "output", "new_input"))
expect_equal(names(dt$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Environment:Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir](TimeStep)",
"Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](TimeStep)"
expect_equal(names(dt$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"Electricity:Building [J](TimeStep)",
"Electricity:Facility [J](TimeStep)"
expect_equal(nrow(dt$input), 864/2)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$output), 864/2)
expect_equal(nrow(dt$new_input), 864/2)
# }}}
# $data_bc() {{{
expect_is(dt_sim <- bc$data_sim(), "list")
expect_is(dt_field <- bc$data_field(data.frame(a = 1:432, b = 1:432)), "list")
expect_is(bc$data_bc(), "list")
expect_is(bc$data_bc(data_sim = dt_sim), "list")
expect_is(bc$data_bc(data_field = dt_field), "list")
expect_is(bc$data_bc(data_field = dt_field, data_sim = dt_sim), "list")
# }}}
# a whole game {{{
path_idf <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "ExampleFiles", "RefBldgLargeOfficeNew2004_Chicago.idf")
path_epw <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData", "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw")
bc <- bayes_job(path_idf, path_epw)
# set parameters
bc$input("CoolSys1 Chiller 1", paste("chiller evaporator", c("inlet temperature", "outlet temperature", "mass flow rate")), "hourly"),
data.table(index = 1L:3L, class = "Output:Variable",
key_value = "CoolSys1 Chiller 1",
variable_name = c(
"Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature",
"Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature",
"Chiller Evaporator Mass Flow Rate"
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
bc$output("CoolSys1 Chiller 1", "chiller electric power", "hourly"),
data.table(index = 1L, class = "Output:Variable",
key_value = "CoolSys1 Chiller 1",
variable_name = "Chiller Electric Power",
reporting_frequency = "Hourly"
# set parameter
`CoolSys1 Chiller 1` = list(reference_cop = c(4, 6), reference_capacity = c(2.5e6, 3.0e6)),
.names = c("cop1", "cap1"), .num_sim = 5
# run simulations
bc$eplus_run(dir = tempdir(), run_period = list("example", 7, 1, 7, 3), echo = FALSE)
s <- bc$eplus_status()
expect_equal(s[c("run_before", "alive", "terminated", "successful")],
list(run_before = TRUE, alive = FALSE, terminated = FALSE, successful = TRUE)
# set simulation data
expect_is(dt_sim <- bc$data_sim("6 hour"), "list")
expect_equal(names(dt_sim), c("input", "output"))
expect_equal(names(dt_sim$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Mass Flow Rate [kg/s](6 Hour)"
expect_equal(names(dt_sim$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Electric Power [W](6 Hour)"
expect_equal(nrow(dt_sim$input), 60)
expect_equal(nrow(dt_sim$output), 60)
# use the seed model to get field data
## clone the seed model
seed <- bc$seed()$clone()
## remove existing RunPeriod objects
seed$RunPeriod <- NULL
## set run period as the same as in `$eplus_run()`
seed$add(RunPeriod = list("test", 7, 1, 7, 3))
`Run Simulation for Sizing Periods` = "No",
`Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods` = "Yes"
## save the model to tempdir
seed$save(tempfile(fileext = ".idf"))
## run
job <- seed$run(bc$weather(), echo = FALSE)
## get output data
fan_power <- epluspar:::report_dt_aggregate(job$report_data(name = bc$output()$variable_name, all = TRUE, day_type = "normalday"), "6 hour")
fan_power <- report_dt_to_wide(fan_power)
# add Gaussian noice
fan_power <- fan_power[, -"Date/Time"][
, lapply(.SD, function (x) x + rnorm(length(x), sd = 0.05 * sd(x)))][
, lapply(.SD, function (x) {x[x < 0] <- 0; x})
# set field data
expect_is(dt_fld <- bc$data_field(fan_power), "list")
expect_equal(names(dt_fld), c("input", "output", "new_input"))
expect_equal(names(dt_fld$input), c("case", "Date/Time",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Mass Flow Rate [kg/s](6 Hour)"
expect_equal(names(dt_fld$output), c("case", "Date/Time",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Electric Power [W](6 Hour)"
expect_equal(nrow(dt_fld$input), 12)
expect_equal(nrow(dt_fld$output), 12)
expect_equal(nrow(dt_fld$new_input), 12)
# check stan input
expect_is(stan_data <- bc$data_bc(), "list")
expect_equal(sapply(stan_data, function (x) class(x)[1]),
c("n" = "integer", "n_pred" = "integer", "m" = "integer", "p" = "integer", "q" = "integer",
"yf" = "numeric", "yc" = "numeric",
"xf" = "data.table", "xc" = "data.table", "x_pred" = "data.table", "tc" = "data.table"
expect_error(bc$prediction(), class = "epluspar_error_bc_stan_not_ready")
# run stan
suppressWarnings(res <- bc$stan_run(iter = 300, chains = 3))
expect_equal(names(res), c("fit", "y_pred"))
expect_is(res$fit, "stanfit")
expect_equal(names(res$y_pred), c("index", "sample", "Date/Time",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Inlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Outlet Temperature [C](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Evaporator Mass Flow Rate [kg/s](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Electric Power [W](6 Hour)",
"COOLSYS1 CHILLER 1:Chiller Electric Power [W](6 Hour) [Prediction]"
expect_is(bc$stan_file(), "character")
expect_is(f <- bc$stan_file(tempfile()), "character")
expect_equal(bc$stan_file(), readLines(f))
expect_equivalent(bc$prediction(), res$y_pred)
expect_is(bc$post_dist(), "data.table")
expect_equal(names(bc$post_dist()), c("sample", "cop1", "cap1"))
expect_equal(nrow(bc$post_dist()), 450)
expect_is(bc$evaluate(), "data.table")
expect_equal(names(bc$evaluate()), c("sample", "nmbe", "cvrmse"))
expect_equal(nrow(bc$evaluate()), 450)
# }}}
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