
Defines functions assert_agg_scale_args scale agg

Documented in agg scale

#' @title Aggregate/Scale a detailed level of a hierarchical variable to an
#'   aggregate level
#' @description Aggregate counts or probabilities from a detailed level of a
#'   hierarchical variable to an aggregate level or scale the detailed level
#'   values so that the detailed level aggregated together equals the aggregate
#'   level.
#' @param dt \[`data.table()`\]\cr
#'   Data to be aggregated or scaled.
#' @param id_cols \[`character()`\]\cr
#'   ID columns that uniquely identify each row of `dt`.
#' @param value_cols \[`character()`\]\cr
#'   Value columns that should be aggregated.
#' @param col_type \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#'   The type of variable that is being aggregated or scaled over. Can be either
#'   'categorical' or 'interval'.
#' @param col_stem \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#'   The name of the variable to be aggregated or scaled over. If aggregating an
#'   'interval' variable should not include the '_start' or '_end' suffix.
#' @param mapping \[`data.table()`\]\cr
#'   For 'categorical' variables, defines how different levels of the
#'   hierarchical variable relate to each other. For aggregating 'interval'
#'   variables, it is used to specify intervals to aggregate to, while when
#'   scaling the mapping is inferred from the available intervals in `dt`.
#' @param agg_function \[`function()`\]\cr
#'   Function to use when aggregating, can be either `sum` (for counts) or
#'   `prod` (for probabilities).
#' @param missing_dt_severity \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#'   What should happen when `dt` is missing levels of `col_stem` that
#'   prevent aggregation or scaling from occurring? Can be either 'skip',
#'   'stop', 'warning', 'message', or 'none'. Default is 'stop'. See section on
#'   'Severity Arguments' for more information.
#' @param present_agg_severity \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
#'   What should happen when `dt` already has requested aggregates (from
#'   `mapping`)? Can be either 'skip', 'stop', 'warning', 'message',
#'   or 'none'. Default is 'stop'. See section on 'Severity Arguments' for more
#'   information.
#' @param overlapping_dt_severity \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#'   When aggregating/scaling an interval variable or `collapse_interval_cols=TRUE`
#'   what should happen when overlapping intervals are identified? Can be either
#'   'skip', 'stop', 'warning', 'message', or 'none'. Default is 'stop'. See
#'   section on 'Severity Arguments' for more information.
#' @param na_value_severity \[`character(1)`\]\cr
#'   What should happen when 'NA' values are present in `value_cols`? Can be
#'   either 'skip', 'stop', 'warning', 'message', or 'none'. Default is 'stop'.
#'   See section on 'Severity Arguments' for more information.
#' @param collapse_interval_cols \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
#'   Whether to collapse interval `id_cols` (not including `col_stem` if it is
#'   an interval variable). Default is 'False'. If set to 'True' the interval
#'   columns are collapsed to the most detailed common intervals and will error
#'   out if there are overlapping intervals. See details or vignettes for more
#'   information.
#' @param quiet \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
#'   Should progress messages be suppressed as the function is run? Default is
#'   False.
#' @return \[`data.table()`\] with `id_cols` and `value_cols` columns for
#'   requested aggregates or with scaled values.
#' @section Severity Arguments:
#' **`missing_dt_severity`**:
#' Check for missing levels of `col_stem`, the variable being aggregated or
#' scaled over.
#' 1. `stop`: throw error (this is the default).
#' 2. `warning` or `message`: throw warning/message and continue with
#' aggregation/scaling for requested aggregations/scalings where expected input
#' data in `dt` is available.
#' 3. `none`: don't throw error or warning, continue with aggregation/scaling
#' for requested aggregations/scalings where expected input data in `dt` is
#' available.
#' 4. `skip`: skip this check and continue with aggregation/scaling.
#' **`present_agg_severity`** (`agg` only):
#' Check for requested aggregates in `mapping` that are already present
#' 1. `stop`: throw error (this is the default).
#' 2. `warning` or `message`: throw warning/message, drop aggregates and continue
#' with aggregation.
#' 3. `none`: don't throw error or warning, drop aggregates and continue with
#' aggregation.
#' 4. `skip`: skip this check and add to the values already present for the
#' aggregates.
#' **`na_value_severity`**:
#' Check for 'NA' values in the `value_cols`.
#' 1. `stop`: throw error (this is the default).
#' 2. `warning` or `message`: throw warning/message, drop missing values and
#' continue with aggregation/scaling where possible (this likely will cause
#' another error because of `missing_dt_severity`, consider setting
#' `missing_dt_severity = "skip"` for functionality similiar to `na.rm = TRUE`).
#' 3. `none`: don't throw error or warning, drop missing values and continue
#' with aggregation/scaling where possible (this likely will cause another error
#' because of `missing_dt_severity`, consider setting
#' `missing_dt_severity = "skip"` for functionality similiar to `na.rm = TRUE`).
#' 4. `skip`: skip this check and propagate `NA` values through
#' aggregation/scaling.
#' **`overlapping_dt_severity`**:
#' Check for overlapping intervals that prevent collapsing to the most detailed
#' common set of intervals. Or check for overlapping intervals in `col_stem`
#' when aggregating/scaling.
#' 1. `stop`: throw error (this is the default).
#' 2. `warning` or `message`: throw warning/message, drop overlapping intervals
#' and continue with aggregation/scaling where possible (this may cause another
#' error because of `missing_dt_severity`).
#' 3. `none`: don't throw error or warning, drop overlapping intervals and
#' continue with aggregation/scaling where possible (this may cause another
#' error because of `missing_dt_severity`).
#' 4. `skip`: skip this check and continue with aggregation/scaling.
#' @details
#' The `agg` function can be used to aggregate to different levels of a pre
#' defined hierarchy. For example a categorical variable like location you can
#' aggregate the country level to global level or for a numeric 'interval'
#' variable like age you can aggregate from  five year age-groups to all-ages
#' combined.
#' The `scale` function can be used to scale different levels of hierarchical
#' variables like location, so that the sub-national level aggregated together
#' equals the national level. Similarly, it can be used to scale a numeric
#' 'interval' variable like age so that the five year age groups aggregated
#' together equals the all-ages value.
#' If 'location' is the variable to be aggregated or scaled then
#' `col_stem = 'location'` and 'location' must be included in `id_cols.` If
#' 'age' is the variable to be aggregated or scaled then `col_stem = 'age'` and
#' 'age_start' and 'age_end' must be included in `id_cols` since both variables
#' are needed to represent interval variables.
#' The `mapping` argument defines how different levels of the hierarchical
#' variable relate to each other. For numeric interval variables the hierarchy
#' can be inferred while for categorical variables the full hierarchy needs to
#' be provided.
#' `mapping` for categorical variables must have columns called 'parent' and
#' 'child' that represent how each possible variable relates to each other.
#' For example if aggregating or scaling locations then mapping needs to define
#' how each child location relates to each parent location. It is then assumed
#' that each parent location in the `mapping` hierarchy will need to be
#' aggregated to.
#' `mapping` for numeric interval variables is only needed when aggregating data
#' to define exactly which aggregates are needed. It must have columns for
#' '`{col_stem}`_start' and '`{col_stem}`_end' defining the start and end of each
#' aggregate interval that is need. There can be an optional 'include_NA' logical
#' column that allows 'NA' `col_stem` values to be included in the aggregate
#' for certain requested aggregates. When scaling data, `mapping` should be
#' `NULL` since the hierarchy can be inferred from the available intervals in
#' `dt`.
#' `agg` and `scale` work even if `dt` is not a square dataset. Meaning it is
#' okay if different combinations of `id_vars` have different `col_stem` values
#' available. For example if making age aggregates, it is okay if some
#' location-years have 5-year age groups while other location-years have 1-year
#' age groups.
#' If `collapse_interval_cols = TRUE` it is okay if the interval variables
#' included in `id_vars` are not all exactly the same, `agg` and `scale` will
#' collapse to the most detailed common intervals
#' [`collapse_common_intervals()`] prior to aggregation or scaling. An example
#' of this is when aggregating subnational data to the national level (so
#' `col_stem` is 'location' and `col_type` is 'categorical') but each
#' subnational location contains different age groups. [`agg()`] and [`scale()`]
#' first aggregate to the most detailed common age groups before making location
#' aggregates.
#' The `agg` and `scale` functions currently only work when combining counts or
#' probabilities. If the data is in rate-space then you need to convert to count
#' space first, aggregate/scale, and then convert back.
#' @examples
#' # aggregate count data from present day Iran provinces to historical
#' # provinces and Iran as a whole
#' input_dt <- data.table::CJ(location = iran_mapping[!grepl("[0-9]+", child),
#'                                                    child],
#'                            year = 2011,
#'                            value = 1)
#' output_dt <- agg(dt = input_dt,
#'                  id_cols = c("location", "year"),
#'                  value_cols = "value",
#'                  col_stem = "location",
#'                  col_type = "categorical",
#'                  mapping = iran_mapping)
#' # scale count data from present day Iran provinces to Iran national value
#' input_dt <- data.table::CJ(location = iran_mapping[!grepl("[0-9]+", child),
#'                                                    child],
#'                            year = 2011,
#'                            value = 1)
#' input_dt_agg <- data.table::data.table(
#'   location = "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
#'   year = 2011, value = 62
#' )
#' input_dt <- rbind(input_dt, input_dt_agg)
#' output_dt <- scale(dt = input_dt,
#'                    id_cols = c("location", "year"),
#'                    value_cols = "value",
#'                    col_stem = "location",
#'                    col_type = "categorical",
#'                    mapping = iran_mapping,
#'                    collapse_missing = TRUE)
#' # aggregate age-specific count data
#' input_dt <- data.table::data.table(year = 2010,
#'                         age_start = seq(0, 95, 1),
#'                         value1 = 1, value2 = 2)
#' gen_end(input_dt, id_cols = c("year", "age_start"), col_stem = "age")
#' age_mapping <- data.table::data.table(age_start = c(0, 15, 85),
#'                                       age_end = c(5, 60, Inf))
#' output_dt <- agg(dt = input_dt,
#'                  id_cols = c("year", "age_start", "age_end"),
#'                  value_cols = c("value1", "value2"),
#'                  col_stem = "age",
#'                  col_type = "interval",
#'                  mapping = age_mapping)
#' # scale age-specific probability data
#' @export
#' @rdname agg_scale
agg <- function(dt,
                agg_function = sum,
                missing_dt_severity = "stop",
                present_agg_severity = "stop",
                overlapping_dt_severity = "stop",
                na_value_severity = "stop",
                collapse_interval_cols = FALSE,
                quiet = FALSE) {

  # Validate arguments ------------------------------------------------------

  original_col_order <- copy(names(dt))
  original_keys <- copy(key(dt))

  dt <- copy(dt)
  mapping <- copy(mapping)
  data.table::setkeyv(dt, cols = id_cols)

  dt <- assert_agg_scale_args(
    dt, id_cols, value_cols,
    col_stem, col_type,
    mapping, agg_function,
    missing_dt_severity, overlapping_dt_severity, na_value_severity,
    collapse_interval_cols, functionality = "agg", quiet
  # check `present_agg_severity` argument
    present_agg_severity %in% c("skip", "stop", "warning", "message", "none")

  if (!quiet) message("Aggregating ", col_stem)

  # Do aggregation ----------------------------------------------------------

  args <- list(
  result_dt <- do.call(ifelse(col_type == "categorical", agg_categorical, agg_interval), args)

  data.table::setcolorder(result_dt, original_col_order)
  data.table::setkeyv(result_dt, original_keys)

#' @param collapse_missing \[`logical(1)`\]\cr
#'   When scaling a `categorical` variable, whether to collapse missing
#'   intermediate levels in `mapping`. Default is 'False' and the function
#'   errors out due to missing data.
#' @export
#' @rdname agg_scale
scale <- function(dt,
                  mapping = NULL,
                  agg_function = sum,
                  missing_dt_severity = "stop",
                  overlapping_dt_severity = "stop",
                  na_value_severity = "stop",
                  collapse_interval_cols = FALSE,
                  collapse_missing = FALSE,
                  quiet = FALSE) {

  # Validate arguments ------------------------------------------------------

  original_col_order <- copy(names(dt))
  original_keys <- copy(key(dt))

  dt <- copy(dt)
  mapping <- copy(mapping)
  data.table::setkeyv(dt, id_cols)

  dt <- assert_agg_scale_args(
    dt, id_cols, value_cols,
    col_stem, col_type,
    mapping, agg_function,
    missing_dt_severity, overlapping_dt_severity, na_value_severity,
    collapse_interval_cols, functionality = "scale", quiet

  if (!quiet) message("Scaling ", col_stem)

  # Do scaling --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (col_type == "interval") {
    cols <- paste0(col_stem, "_", c("start", "end"))

    # create one column to describe each interval
    dt_intervals <- unique(dt[, .SD, .SDcols = cols])
    gen_name(dt_intervals, col_stem = col_stem, format = "interval")
    data.table::setnames(dt_intervals, paste0(col_stem, "_name"), col_stem)
    data.table::setkeyv(dt_intervals, cols)
    dt <- dt[dt_intervals, on = cols, nomatch = 0]

    # create mapping from available interval variables
    interval_tree <- create_scale_interval_tree(
      data_intervals_dt = dt_intervals,
      col_stem = col_stem
    mapping <- data.tree::ToDataFrameNetwork(interval_tree)

  # identify each nonleaf node (and its subtree)
  subtrees <- create_scale_subtrees(
    mapping = mapping,
    exists = unique(dt[[col_stem]]),
    col_type = col_type,
    collapse_missing = collapse_missing

  # scale children to parents for subtrees where scaling is possible
  for (i in 1:length(subtrees)) {

    subtree <- subtrees[[i]]
    if (!quiet) message("Scaling ", i, " of ", length(subtrees), ": ", subtree$name)

    # check if aggregation is possible given available data
    if (!subtree$scale_children_possible) {
      missing_nodes <- subtree$Get("name", filterFun = function(x) {
      if (!is.null(missing_nodes)) {
        if (missing_dt_severity != "skip") {
          missing_dt <- data.table(col_stem = missing_nodes)
          data.table::setnames(missing_dt, "col_stem", col_stem)
          empty_missing_dt <- function(dt) nrow(dt) == 0
          error_msg <-
            paste0("expected input data is missing.\n",
                   "* See `missing_dt_severity` argument if it is okay to only make ",
                   "aggregate/scale data that are possible given what is available.\n",
                   paste0(capture.output(missing_dt), collapse = "\n"))
            predicate = empty_missing_dt,
            msg = error_msg,
            severity = missing_dt_severity
      } else { # additional check for overlapping intervals in the children nodes
        if (col_type == "interval") {
          if (overlapping_dt_severity != "skip") {
            nodes <- names(subtree$children)
            overlapping_dt <- data.table(col_stem = nodes)
            data.table::setnames(overlapping_dt, "col_stem", col_stem)
            empty_dt <- function(dt) nrow(dt) == 0
            error_msg <-
              paste0("Some overlapping intervals are in `dt`.\n",
                     paste0(capture.output(overlapping_dt), collapse = "\n"))
              predicate = empty_dt,
              msg = error_msg,
              severity = overlapping_dt_severity
      # skip aggregation for this subtree

    scaled_same_groupings_dt <- scale_subtree(

    if (col_type == "interval") {
      gen_name(scaled_same_groupings_dt, col_stem = col_stem,
               format = "interval")
      setnames(scaled_same_groupings_dt, paste0(col_stem, "_name"),

    # replace the unscaled children node values with the scaled values where
    # scaling is possible
    id_cols_with_stem <- c(id_cols, if (col_type == "interval") col_stem)
    dt <- merge(dt, scaled_same_groupings_dt,
                by = id_cols_with_stem, all = T)
    children <- names(subtree$children)
    for (value_col in value_cols) {
        get(col_stem) %in% children & aggregate_exists,
        paste0(value_col) := get(paste0(value_col, "_scaled"))
      dt[, paste0(value_col, "_scaled") := NULL]
    dt[, aggregate_exists := NULL]
  if (col_type == "interval") dt[, c(col_stem) := NULL]

  data.table::setcolorder(dt, original_col_order)
  data.table::setkeyv(dt, original_keys)

#' Check inputs to agg and scale functions
#' @inheritParams agg
#' @param functionality whether `agg` or `scale` function inputs are being
#' checked.
#' @return Invisibly returns `dt` but throws error if inputs are not formatted
#'   correctly.
#' @noRd
assert_agg_scale_args <- function(dt,
                                  quiet) {

  severity_options <- c("skip", "stop", "warning", "message", "none")
  # check `missing_dt_severity` argument
    missing_dt_severity %in% severity_options
  # check `overlapping_dt_severity` argument
    overlapping_dt_severity %in% severity_options
  # check `na_value_severity` argument
    na_value_severity %in% severity_options

  # check `col_type` argument
                                                 c("categorical", "interval")),
                          msg = "`col_type` must be one of 'categorical'
                                 or 'interval'")

  # check `col_stem` argument
                          msg = "`col_stem` must be a string")
  cols <- col_stem
  if (col_type == "interval") {
    cols <- paste0(col_stem, "_", c("start", "end"))

  # check mapping argument
  if (!(functionality == "scale" & col_type == "interval")) {
    if (col_type == "categorical") {
        data = mapping,
        colnames = c("parent", "child"),
        only_colnames = T, quiet = T
      demUtils::assert_is_unique_dt(mapping, c("parent", "child"))
    } else if (col_type == "interval") {
      if (!"include_NA" %in% names(mapping)) mapping[, include_NA := FALSE]
        data = mapping,
        colnames = c(cols, "include_NA"),
        only_colnames = T, quiet = T
      demUtils::assert_is_unique_dt(mapping, cols)

  } else {
                            msg = "When scaling an interval variable `mapping`
                                   must be Null. `mapping` is inferred from

  if (functionality == "agg" & col_type == "interval") {
    invalid_interval_mapping <- mapping[get(cols[1]) >= get(cols[2])]
      nrow(invalid_interval_mapping) == 0,
      msg = "interval 'start' columns must always be less than the corresponding
             'end' column, check `mapping` argument")

  # check `agg_function` argument
                          identical(agg_function, sum) |
                            identical(agg_function, prod),
                          msg = "`agg_function` must be either the 'sum' or
                                 'prod' function")

  # check `id_cols` argument
  error_msg <- paste0("`id_cols` must include '",
                      paste(cols, collapse = "', '"), "'")
  assertthat::assert_that(all(cols %in% id_cols), msg = error_msg)

  # check `value_cols` argument

  # basic checks for `dt` argument
    data = dt, colnames = c(id_cols, value_cols),
    only_colnames = T, quiet = T
  for (value_col in value_cols) {
  demUtils::assert_is_unique_dt(dt, id_cols)

  # check for na values in `dt`
  if (na_value_severity != "skip") {
    # identify any rows with missing values
    na_value_dt <- na.omit(dt, cols = value_cols, invert = TRUE)

    empty_na_value_dt <- function(dt) nrow(dt) == 0
    error_msg <-
      paste0("input `value_cols` have 'NA' values.\n",
             "* See `na_value_severity` argument if it is okay to propagate ",
             "NA values or to drop NA values and continue.\n",
             paste0(capture.output(na_value_dt), collapse = "\n"))
      predicate = empty_na_value_dt,
      msg = error_msg,
      severity = na_value_severity

    # drop na value rows and continue
    if (!empty_na_value_dt(na_value_dt)) dt <- na.omit(dt, cols = value_cols)

  # check column to be aggregated in `dt`
  if (col_type == "interval") {
    for (col in cols) {
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(!any(grepl(",", dt[[col_stem]])),
                            msg = "`col_stem` column in `dt` must not contain
                                   any commas")

    missing_mapping <- setdiff(dt[[col_stem]],
                               unique(c(mapping$parent, mapping$child)))
    error_msg <- paste0("Some variables are missing in the `mapping` argument.",
                        "\n\t\tMissing: '", paste(missing_mapping,
                                                  collapse = "', '"),
    assertthat::assert_that(length(missing_mapping) == 0, msg = error_msg)

  # check `collapse_interval_cols` argument
                          msg = "`collapse_interval_cols` must be a logical")

  checkmate::assert_logical(quiet, len = 1)

ihmeuw-demographics/hierarchyUtils documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m.