
## Extract liberality from rollcall voting data

## Put the votes in a matrix
House2001m <- as.matrix(House2001[-1])

nonNAnumber <- 4
informative <- rowSums(! >= nonNAnumber

House2001m <- House2001m[informative, ]

constrc <- setConstraintsRasch(compress(House2001m)$data, dim = 1, which = c(1, 21), values = c(0, 1))

fitMLHouse2001 <- brRasch(compress(House2001m), constraints = constrc, dim =1, trace = 1)

## Fit a 2PL model using bias reduction
constr <- setConstraintsRasch(House2001m, dim = 1, which = c(1, 21), values = c(0, 1))

fitBRHouse2001 <- brRasch(House2001m, constraints = constr, br = TRUE, dim = 1, trace = 1)

## Check solution against brglm2
House_1PL <- brRasch(House2001m, br = TRUE, dim = 0, trace = 1)
House_2PL <- brRasch(House2001m, br = TRUE, constraints = constr, dim = 1, trace = 1)

aa <- stack(
names(aa) <- c("response", "rollcall")
aa$member <- rownames(House2001m)
House_1PLbrglm2 <- glm(response ~ -1 + member + rollcall, data = aa, family = binomial(logit),
                       method = "brglm_fit", trace = TRUE)
## Compare. All good
all.equal(c(0, coef(House_1PLbrglm2)[435 + 1:19]), coef(House_1PL, what = "easiness"), tolerance = 1e-04,
          check.attributes = FALSE)
all.equal(coef(House_1PLbrglm2)[1:435], coef(House_1PL, what = "ability"), tolerance = 1e-04,
          check.attributes = FALSE)

## score test
constr_score <- setConstraintsRasch(House2001m, dim = 1, which = c(1, 21:40),
                                    values = c(0, rep(1, 20)),
                                    restricted = c(22:40))
House_1PL_restr <- brRasch(House2001m, br = TRUE, dim = 1, constraints = constr_score, trace = 1,
                           start = coef(House_1PL))
wh <- names(coef(House_1PL_restr))[22:40]
1 - pchisq(drop(with(House_1PL_restr, scores[wh] %*% vcov[wh, wh] %*% scores[wh])), 19)

## Get US party colours for each member
## Colours selected using
partyColors <- ifelse(House2001$party[informative] == "D", "#67a9cf", "#ef8a62")
partyColors[House2001$party[informative] == "I"] <- "#7fbf7b"
irf(fitBRHouse2001, col = partyColors, ncol = 4)

## Let's now obtain a two-dimensional liberality scale
## constr2 <- setConstraintsRasch(House2001m,
##                                dim = 2,
##                                which = c(21, 22, 23, 24, 61, 62),
##                                values = c(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1))

## fitBRHouse2001dim2 <- brRasch(House2001m,
##                               constraints = constr2,
##                               br = TRUE, dim = 2, fsmaxit = 30,
##                               trace = 1, fsinitstepfactor = 3)

brfit2dim <- brRasch:::brRaschOld(House2001m, dim = 2, seed = 111,
                                  subjectsName = "member", itemsName = "rollCall",
                                  verbose = TRUE, trace = TRUE)


startOld <- coef(brfit2dim)
startOld[brfit2dim$constrain] <- brfit2dim$constrainTo
alphasOld <- startOld[c(1:20)]
betasOld <- startOld[c(ncol(House2001m) +,
                       2*ncol(House2001m) + nrow(House2001m) +]
gammasOld <- startOld[c(2*ncol(House2001m) +,
                        3*ncol(House2001m) + nrow(House2001m) +]

startOld <- c(alphasOld, c(t(matrix(betasOld, ncol = 2))), c(t(matrix(gammasOld, ncol = 2))))

constr2 <- setConstraintsRasch(House2001m, dim = 2,
                               which = match(brfit2dim$constrainTo, startOld),
                               values = startOld[match(brfit2dim$constrainTo, startOld)])

## Let's use own starting values but make fsinitstepfactor larger for stability
system.time(fitBRHouse2001dim2 <- brRasch(House2001m,
                                          constraints = constr2,
                                          br = TRUE, dim =2, fsmaxit = 1000,
                                          trace = 1, fsinitstepfactor = 3))

plot(fitBRHouse2001dim2, col = partyColors)

## As in ?gnm:::House2001

## This example takes some time to run!
## Put the votes in a matrix, and discard members with too many NAs etc:
House2001m <- as.matrix(House2001[-1])
informative <- apply(House2001m, 1, function(row){
    valid <- !
    validSum <- if (any(valid)) sum(row[valid]) else 0
    nValid <- sum(valid)
    uninformative <- (validSum == nValid) || (validSum == 0) || (nValid < 10)
House2001m <- House2001m[informative, ]

House2001madj <- 0.03 + House2001m*(1 - 2*0.03)

rownames(House2001madj) <- paste0("member",
colnames(House2001madj) <- paste0("rollcall",
## Make a vector of colours, blue for Republican and red for Democrat:
parties <- House2001$party[informative]

House2001v <- as.vector(House2001madj)
House2001f <- data.frame(member = factor(sprintf("%03d",,
                         party = parties,
                         rollCall = factor(rep(sprintf("%02d", 1:20), each = nrow(House2001madj))),
                         vote = House2001v)

baseModel <- glm(vote ~ -1 + rollCall, family = binomial, data = House2001f)
## From this, get starting values for a one-dimensional multiplicative term:
Start <- residSVD(baseModel, rollCall, member)
## Now fit the logistic model with one multiplicative term.
## For the response variable, instead of vote=0,1 we use 0.03 and 0.97,
## corresponding approximately to a bias-reducing adjustment of p/(2n),
## where p is the number of parameters and n the number of observations.
House2001model1 <- gnm(vote ~ Mult(rollCall, member),
                       eliminate = rollCall,
                       family = binomial, data = House2001f,
                       na.action = na.exclude, trace = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-03,
                       start = -Start)
Start2 <- residSVD(baseModel, rollCall, member, d = 2)
House2001model2 <- gnm(
    vote ~ -1 + rollCall + instances(Mult(rollCall - 1, member - 1), 2),
    family = binomial, data = House2001f,
    na.action = na.exclude, trace = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-03,
    start = c(rep(0, 20), Start2), lsMethod = "qr")

startGNM <- coef(House2001model2)
alphasGNM <- startGNM[c(1:20)]
betasGNM <- startGNM[c(ncol(House2001madj) +,
                       2*ncol(House2001madj) + nrow(House2001madj) +]
gammasGNM <- startGNM[c(2*ncol(House2001madj) +,
                        3*ncol(House2001madj) + nrow(House2001madj) +]

startGNM <- c(alphasGNM, c(t(matrix(betasGNM, ncol = 2))), c(t(matrix(gammasGNM, ncol = 2))))

constr2 <- setConstraintsRasch(House2001m, dim = 2,
                               which = c(21, 22, 23, 24, 61, 62),
                               values = startGNM[c(21, 22, 23, 24, 61, 62)])

## Perturb a bit the starting values
startGNMper <- startGNM
startGNMper[!constr2$constrained] <-
    startGNMper[!constr2$constrained] + (runif(sum(!constr2$constrained)))

mm <- brRasch(House2001madj, dim = 2,
              constraints = constr2, trace = 1, startmaxit = 200)
plot(fitted(mm), fitted(House2001model2))

mm <- brRasch(House2001m, dim = 2, constraints = constr2, trace = 1,
              startmaxit = 50,
              startadjustment = 0.2,
              fsmaxit = 100,
              fsinitstepfactor = 3)
ikosmidis/brRasch documentation built on May 16, 2022, 10:12 a.m.