
Defines functions npdr diffRegression

Documented in diffRegression npdr

# =========================================================================#
#' diffRegression
#' Wrapper for lm and glm-binomial to run regression for a phenotype diff vector, one attribute diff vector with optional covariate adjustment. Organizes regression statistics into a vector and then all attribute statistics combined in npdr.
#' @param design.matrix.df Desgin matrix with variables: pheno.diff.vec (outcome variable as vector of diffs), attr.diff.vec (one predictor varialbe as vector of diffs) and optional covariates (regressors of non-interest) vector diffs.
#' @param regression.type (\code{"lm"}, \code{"binomial"})
#' @param fast.reg logical, whether regression is run with speedlm or speedglm, default as F
#' @param dof manual input for degrees of freedom, dof=0 lets R stats determine
#' @importFrom stats dist p.adjust predict sd cor binomial lm glm pt var quantile rnorm pnorm runif rbinom qbinom
#' @importFrom rlang check_installed
#' @return vector of regression stats to put into list for npdr and combine into matrix
#' @export
# regression of the neighbor diff vector for one attribute
diffRegression <- function(design.matrix.df, regression.type = "binomial", fast.reg = FALSE, dof = 0) {
  # if there are no covariates then ~. model is pheno.diff.vec ~ attr.diff.vec
  # otherwise ~. model is pheno.diff.vec ~ attr.diff.vec + covariates
  # design.matrix.df must have column named 'pheno.diff.vec'
  if (fast.reg) {
    check_installed("speedglm", reason = "for `speedlm()` and `speedglm()`")
    if (regression.type == "lm") {
      mod <- speedglm::speedlm(pheno.diff.vec ~ ., data = design.matrix.df)
    } else { # regression.type == "binomial"
      mod <- speedglm::speedglm(pheno.diff.vec ~ ., data = design.matrix.df, family = binomial(link = logit))
    #              use R d.o.f       use input dof
    res_df <- if (dof == 0) mod$df else dof
  } else { # non-speedy version
    if (regression.type == "lm") {
      mod <- lm(pheno.diff.vec ~ ., data = design.matrix.df)
    } else { # regression.type == "binomial"
      mod <- glm(pheno.diff.vec ~ ., family = binomial(link = logit), data = design.matrix.df)
    #              use R d.o.f       use input dof
    ifelse(dof == 0, res_df <- mod$df.residual, res_df <- dof)
  fit <- summary(mod)
  coeffs <- fit$coefficients

  ## create output NPDR summary stats (stats.vec)
  if (nrow(coeffs) < 2) {
    # for example, a monomorphic SNP might result in attribute stats (row 2) not being created
    beta_a <- NA
    beta_zscore_a <- NA
    pval.att <- NA
    message("Regression failure. Possible monomorphic SNP or variable with no variation.\n")
  } else {
    beta_a <- coeffs[2, 1]
    beta_zscore_a <- coeffs[2, 3] # standardized beta coefficient (col 3)
    ## use one-side p-value to test H1: beta>0 for case-control and continuous outcome
    pval.att <- pt(beta_zscore_a, res_df, lower.tail = FALSE) # one-sided p-val

  stats.vec <- c(
    pval.att, # one-sided p-value for attribute beta
    beta_a, # beta_a for attribute a
    beta_zscore_a, # standardized beta for attribut a
    coeffs[1, 1], # beta_0, intercept, row 1 is inercept, col 1 is raw beta
    coeffs[1, 4] # p-value for intercept, row 1 is intercept, col 4 is p-val

  if (regression.type == "lm") {
    stats.vec <- c(stats.vec, fit$r.squared)
  } # add R^2 of fit, R.sqr for continuous outcomes


# =========================================================================#
#' npdr
#' Nearest-Neighbor Projected-Distance Regression (npdr)
#' generalized linear model (GLM) extension of STatistical Inference Relief (STIR)
#' Computes attribute statistical signficance with logistic for case/control and linear model for quantitative outcomes.
#' NPDR allows for categorical (SNP) or numeric (expession) predictor data types.
#' NPDR allows for covariate correction.
#' Observations in the model are projected-distance differences between neighbors.
#' @param outcome character name or length-m numeric outcome vector for linear regression, factor for logistic regression
#' @param dataset m x p matrix of m instances and p attributes, May also include outcome vector but then outcome should be name. Include attr names as colnames.
#' @param regression.type (\code{"lm"} or \code{"binomial"})
#' @param attr.diff.type diff type for attributes (\code{"numeric-abs"} or \code{"numeric-sqr"} for numeric, \code{"allele-sharing"} or \code{"match-mismatch"} for SNP). Phenotype diff uses same numeric diff as attr.diff.type when lm regression. For glm-binomial, phenotype diff is \code{"match-mismatch"} For correlation data (e.g., rs-fMRI), use \code{"correlation-data"}; diffs between two variables (e.g., ROIs) are taken across all their pairs of correlations and the attribute importances are given for the overall variable (e.g,. brain ROI), not individual pairs.
#' @param nbd.method neighborhood method \code{"multisurf"} or \code{"surf"} (no k) or \code{"relieff"} (specify k). Used by nearestNeighbors().
#' @param nbd.metric used in npdrDistances for distance matrix between instances, default: \code{"manhattan"} (numeric). Used by nearestNeighbors(). For \code{"precomputed"}, must specify external.dist matrix. 
#' @param knn number of constant nearest hits/misses for \code{"relieff"} (fixed-k). Used by nearestNeighbors().
#' The default knn=0 means use the expected SURF theoretical k with msurf.sd.frac (.5 by default)
#' @param msurf.sd.frac multiplier of the standard deviation from the mean distances; subtracted from mean for SURF or multiSURF.
#' The multiSURF default is msurf.sd.frac=0.5: mean - sd/2. Used by nearestNeighbors().
#' @param covars optional vector or matrix of covariate columns for correction. Or separate data matrix of covariates.
#' @param covar.diff.type string (or string vector) specifying diff type(s) for covariate(s) (\code{"numeric-abs"} for numeric or \code{"match-mismatch"} for categorical).
#' @param glmnet.alpha penalty mixture for npdrNET: default alpha=1 (lasso, L1) alpha=0 (ridge, L2)
#' @param glmnet.lower lower limit for coefficients for npdrNET: lower.limits=0 npdrNET default
#' @param use.glmnet logical, whether glmnet is employed
#' @param glmnet.lam lambda for penalized feature selection. Options: \code{"lambda.1se"} (default),  \code{"lambda.min"} or numeric.
#' @param rm.attr.from.dist attributes for removal (possible confounders) from the distance matrix calculation. Argument for nearestNeighbors. None by default c()
#' @param neighbor.sampling "none" or \code{"unique"} if you want to use only unique neighbor pairs (used in nearestNeighbors)
#' @param separate.hitmiss.nbds for case/control data, find neighbors for same (hit) and opposite (miss) classes separately (TRUE) or find nearest neighborhoods before assigning hit/miss groups (FALSE). Uses nearestNeighborsSeparateHitMiss function
#' @param corr.attr.names character vector of p variable names that correspond to the variables used to create the p(p-1) correlation-data predictors. If not specified, integer (1...p) labels used.
#' @param padj.method for p.adjust (\code{"fdr"}, \code{"bonferroni"}, ...)
#' @param fast.reg logical, whether regression is run with speedlm or speedglm, default as F
#' @param dopar.nn logical, whether or not neighborhood is computed in parallel, default as F
#' @param dopar.reg logical, whether or not regression is run in parallel, default as F
#' @param unique.dof use unique neighbor pairs for degrees of freedom. FALSE lets R stats determine regression degrees of freedom
#' @param verbose logical, whether to print out intermediate steps
#' @param fast.dist whether or not distance is computed by faster algorithm in wordspace, default as F
#' @param external.dist optional input distance matrix between samples. Used in conjunction with nbd.metric = \code{"precomputed"}. 
#' @return npdr.stats.df: npdr fdr-corrected p-value for each attribute ($pval.adj [1]), raw p-value ($pval.attr [2]), and regression coefficient (beta.attr [3])
#' @importFrom utils capture.output combn write.table
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' # Data interface options.
#' # Specify name ("qtrait") of outcome and dataset, 
#' # which is a data frame including the outcome column.
#' # ReliefF fixed-k neighborhood, uses surf theoretical default (with msurf.sd.frac=.5) 
#' # if you do not specify k or let k=0.
#' npdr.results.df <- npdr(
#'   "qtrait", qtrait.3sets$train, 
#'   regression.type = "lm", nbd.method = "relieff", nbd.metric = "manhattan", 
#'   attr.diff.type = "manhattan", covar.diff.type = "manhattan", 
#'   msurf.sd.frac = 0.5, padj.method = "bonferroni")
#' # Specify column index (101) of outcome and dataset, 
#' # which is a data frame including the outcome column.
#' # ReliefF fixed-k nbd, choose a k (knn = 10). Or choose msurf.sd.frac
#' npdr.results.df <- npdr(
#'   101, case.control.3sets$train, 
#'   regression.type = "binomial", nbd.method = "relieff", nbd.metric = "manhattan", 
#'   attr.diff.type = "manhattan", covar.diff.type = "manhattan", 
#'   knn = 10, padj.method = "bonferroni")
#' # if outcome vector (pheno.vec) is separate from attribute matrix
#' # multisurf
#' pheno.vec <- case.control.3sets$train$class
#' npdr.results.df <- npdr(
#'  pheno.vec, predictors.mat,
#'  regression.type = "binomial", nbd.method = "multisurf", nbd.metric = "manhattan",
#'  attr.diff.type = "manhattan", covar.diff.type = "manhattan",
#'  msurf.sd.frac = 0.5, padj.method = "bonferroni"
#'  )
#' # attributes with npdr adjusted p-value less than .05
#' npdr.positives <- row.names(npdr.results.df[npdr.results.df$pva.adj < .05, ]) 
#' @export
npdr <- function(outcome, dataset,
                 regression.type = "binomial", attr.diff.type = "numeric-abs",
                 nbd.method = "multisurf", nbd.metric = "manhattan",
                 knn = 0, msurf.sd.frac = 0.5,
                 covars = "none", covar.diff.type = "match-mismatch",
                 padj.method = "bonferroni", verbose = FALSE,
                 use.glmnet = FALSE, glmnet.alpha = 1, glmnet.lower = 0,
                 glmnet.lam = "lambda.1se",
                 rm.attr.from.dist = c(), neighbor.sampling = "none",
                 separate.hitmiss.nbds = FALSE,
                 corr.attr.names = NULL,
                 fast.reg = FALSE, fast.dist = FALSE,
                 dopar.nn = FALSE, dopar.reg = FALSE,
                 unique.dof = FALSE, external.dist=NULL) {
  ##### parse the commandline
  if (length(outcome) == 1) {
    # e.g., outcome="qtrait" or outcome=101 (pheno col index) and dataset is data.frame including outcome variable
    pheno.vec <- dataset[, outcome] # get phenotype
    attr.mat <- dataset %>% select(-outcome) # outcome = "qtrait" or 101
  } else { # user specifies a separate phenotype vector
    pheno.vec <- outcome # assume users provides a separate outcome data vector
    attr.mat <- as.matrix(dataset) # assumes dataset only contains attributes/predictors
  rm(dataset) # cleanup memory

  if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
    # For correlation data, a and b are matrices 
    # with m*k rows and numvars-1 cols.
    # m*k rows because looking at all neighbor pairs 
    # (fixed k not required).
    # nvars-1 because for a given var, 
    # we are looking at all other correlation partners. 
    # a represents the first of neighbor pairs
    # b represents the second of neighbor pairs
    # See Eq. 157 and Fig. 9 from
    # https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246761
    num.attr <- ceiling(sqrt(ncol(attr.mat)))
  } else {
    num.attr <- ncol(attr.mat)
  num.samp <- nrow(attr.mat)
  min.class.size <- min(as.numeric(table(pheno.vec)))
  balanced.theoretical.k <- npdr::knnSURF(2*min.class.size - 1, 0.5)

  # create a list of attribute indices for selecting columns in stretched matrix
  if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
    attr.idx.list <- list()
    for (i in seq.int(num.attr)) {
      lo.idx <- (i - 1) * (num.attr - 1) + 1
      hi.idx <- i * (num.attr - 1)
      attr.idx.list[[i]] <- c(lo.idx:hi.idx)

  ##### get Neighbors (no phenotype used)
  # nbd.method (relieff, multisurf...), nbd.metric (manhattan...), k (for relieff nbd, theoerical surf default)
  # msurf.sd.frac used by surf/multisurf relieff for theoretical k
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Finding nearest neighbor pairs.\n")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  if (nbd.metric == "precomputed"){
    if (separate.hitmiss.nbds) { # separate hit and miss neighborhoods
        neighbor.pairs.idx <- nearestNeighborsSeparateHitMiss(
        external.dist, pheno.vec,  # pre-computed distance
        nbd.method = nbd.method,
        nbd.metric = nbd.metric,
        sd.frac = msurf.sd.frac,  # .5 is good
        k = knn, # 0 is good, use k_alpha theoretical
        att_to_remove = rm.attr.from.dist,
        fast.dist = fast.dist,
        dopar.nn = dopar.nn
      } else { 
      # allow neighborhoods to be imbalanced, 
      # often nearest hits are closer than misses,
      # which could dilute the effect of misses
      neighbor.pairs.idx <- nearestNeighbors(
          external.dist,              # pre-computed distance
          nbd.method = nbd.method,
          nbd.metric = nbd.metric,
          sd.frac = msurf.sd.frac, k = knn,
          att_to_remove = rm.attr.from.dist,
          fast.dist = fast.dist,
          dopar.nn = dopar.nn
    } else { # nested, for pre-computed distance
      if (separate.hitmiss.nbds) { # separate hit and miss neighborhoods
        neighbor.pairs.idx <- nearestNeighborsSeparateHitMiss(
          attr.mat, pheno.vec,       # compute distance from attributes
          nbd.method = nbd.method,
          nbd.metric = nbd.metric,
          sd.frac = msurf.sd.frac,  # .5 is good
          k = knn, # 0 is good, use k_alpha theoretical
          att_to_remove = rm.attr.from.dist,
          fast.dist = fast.dist,
          dopar.nn = dopar.nn
      } else { 
        # allow neighborhoods to be imbalanced, 
        # often nearest hits are closer than misses,
        # which could dilute the effect of misses
        neighbor.pairs.idx <- nearestNeighbors(
          attr.mat,                 # compute dist from attributes
          nbd.method = nbd.method,
          nbd.metric = nbd.metric,
          sd.frac = msurf.sd.frac, k = knn,
          att_to_remove = rm.attr.from.dist,
          fast.dist = fast.dist,
          dopar.nn = dopar.nn
  num.neighbor.pairs <- nrow(neighbor.pairs.idx)
  k.ave.empirical <- mean(knnVec(neighbor.pairs.idx))
  unique.neighbor.pairs.idx <- uniqueNeighbors(neighbor.pairs.idx)
  num.unique.neighbors <- nrow(unique.neighbor.pairs.idx)
  if (neighbor.sampling == "unique") {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Extracting unique neighbors.\n")
    # if you only want to return unique neighbors
    neighbor.pairs.idx <- unique.neighbor.pairs.idx
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Neighborhood calculation:", capture.output(end_time - start_time), "\n")
    cat(num.neighbor.pairs, "total neighbor pairs (possible repeats).\n")
    cat(num.unique.neighbors, "unique neighbor pairs.\n")
    erf <- function(x) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
    # theoretical surf k (sd.frac=.5) for regression problems (does not depend on a hit/miss group)
    k.msurf.theory <- knnSURF(num.samp, msurf.sd.frac)
    cat("Theoretical multiSURF average neighbors: ", k.msurf.theory, ".\n", sep = "")
    cat("Theoretical best average neighbors for class imbalance: ", balanced.theoretical.k, ".\n", sep = "")
    cat("Empirical (computed from neighborhood) average neighbors: ", k.ave.empirical, ".\n", sep = "")
    if (neighbor.sampling == "unique") {
      # if you only want to return unique neighbors
      num.neighbor.pairs <- nrow(neighbor.pairs.idx)
      cat(num.neighbor.pairs, "unique neighbor pairs.\n")
      cat("\nPerforming projected distance regression.\n")
  ### pheno diff vector for glm-binomial or lm to use in each attribute's diff regression in for loop.
  # Not needed in loop.
  # create pheno diff vector for linear regression (numeric)
  Ri.pheno.vals <- pheno.vec[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
  NN.pheno.vals <- pheno.vec[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
  if (regression.type == "lm") {
    pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, diff.type = "numeric-abs")
  } else { # regression.type == "binomial"
    # create pheno diff vector for logistic regression (match-mismatch or hit-miss)
    pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, diff.type = "match-mismatch")
    # the reference group is the hit group, so the logistic probability is prob of a pair being a miss
    pheno.diff.vec <- as.factor(pheno.diff.vec)

  # ----------------------------------------
  # run npdr, each attribute produces a list
  npdr.stats.list <- vector("list", num.attr) # initialize
  attr.diff.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(neighbor.pairs.idx), ncol = num.attr)
  # for npdrnet later, need matrix because npdrNET operates on all attributes at once
  if (length(covars) > 1) { # if covars is a vector or matrix
    if (use.glmnet) {
      message("penalized npdrNET does not currently support covariates.")
    # default value is covar="none" (no covariates) which has length 1
    covars <- as.matrix(covars) # if covars is just one vector, make sure it's a 1-column matrix
    num.covs <- length(covar.diff.type) # or ncol(covars)
    # covar.diff.type can be a vector of strings because each column of covars may be a different data type
    if (is.null(colnames(covars))) { # if covar vector has no column name, give it one
      covar.names <- paste0("cov", seq.int(num.covs)) # cov1, etc.
    } else {
      covar.names <- colnames(covars) # else get the name from covars

    covar.diff.df <- data.frame(matrix(, nrow = nrow(neighbor.pairs.idx), ncol = 0))
    for (covar.col in seq.int(num.covs)) {
      covar.name <- covar.names[covar.col]
      covar.vals <- covars[, covar.col]
      Ri.covar.vals <- covar.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
      NN.covar.vals <- covar.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
      covar.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(
        Ri.covar.vals, NN.covar.vals,
        diff.type = covar.diff.type[covar.col]
      # add covar diff vector to data.frame
      # these covars will be included in each attribute's model

      covar.diff.df <- covar.diff.df %>%
        mutate(!!covar.name := covar.diff.vec)

  if (!use.glmnet) { # combine non-glmnet result lists into a matrix
    if (dopar.reg) { # perform regressions in parallel
      check_installed("foreach", reason = "for fast parallel computing with `foreach()` and `%dopar%`")
      check_installed("doParallel", reason = "for `registerDoParallel()`")
      check_installed("parallel", reason = "for `makeCluster()`, `detectCores()`, and `stopCluster()`")
      `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
      avai.cors <- parallel::detectCores() # - 2
      #cl <- parallel::makeCluster(avai.cors)

      npdr.stats.attr.mat <- foreach::foreach(
        attr.idx = seq.int(num.attr), .combine = "rbind", .packages = c("dplyr")
      ) %dopar% {
        if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
          attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx.list[[attr.idx]]]
          Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1], ]
          NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2], ]
        } else {
          attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx]
          Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
          NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
        attr.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.attr.vals, NN.attr.vals, diff.type = attr.diff.type)
        attr.diff.mat[, attr.idx] <- attr.diff.vec
        design.matrix.df <- data.frame(
          attr.diff.vec = attr.diff.vec,
          pheno.diff.vec = pheno.diff.vec
        if (length(covars) > 1) { # if covars is a vector or matrix
          design.matrix.df <- data.frame(design.matrix.df, covar.diff.df)
        # design.matrix.df = pheno.diff ~ attr.diff + option covar.diff
        if (unique.dof) {
          dof <- num.unique.neighbors - 2
        } else {
          dof <- 0 # uses all neighbor pairs for regression degrees of freedom
        return(diffRegression(design.matrix.df, regression.type = regression.type, fast.reg = fast.reg, dof = dof))
      } # end of foreach loop, regression done in parallel
    } else { # non parallel version
      for (attr.idx in seq(1, num.attr)) {
        if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
          attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx.list[[attr.idx]]]
          Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1], ]
          NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2], ]
        } else {
          attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx]
          Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
          NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
        attr.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.attr.vals, NN.attr.vals, diff.type = attr.diff.type)
        attr.diff.mat[, attr.idx] <- attr.diff.vec
        # model data.frame to go into lm or glm-binomial
        design.matrix.df <- data.frame(
          attr.diff.vec = attr.diff.vec,
          pheno.diff.vec = pheno.diff.vec
        ### diff vector for each covariate
        # optional covariates to add to design.matrix.df model
        if (length(covars) > 1) { # if covars is a vector or matrix
          design.matrix.df <- data.frame(design.matrix.df, covar.diff.df)
          # design.matrix.df$temp <- covar.diff.vec  # add the diff covar to the design matrix data frame
          # colnames(design.matrix.df)[2+covar.col] <- covar.name # change variable name
        # design.matrix.df = pheno.diff ~ attr.diff + option covar.diff
        if (verbose) {
          # cat("running non-parallel npdr.stats.list for attr ", attr.idx,".\n",sep="")
        if (unique.dof) {
          dof <- num.unique.neighbors - 2
        } else {
          dof <- 0 # uses all neighbor pairs for regression degrees of freedom
        npdr.stats.list[[attr.idx]] <- diffRegression(design.matrix.df, regression.type = regression.type, fast.reg = fast.reg, dof = dof)
      } # end of for loop, regression done for each attribute

      # npdr.stats.attr.mat <- bind_rows(npdr.stats.list)
      npdr.stats.attr.mat <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, npdr.stats.list))
      colnames(npdr.stats.attr.mat) <- c("pval.att", "beta.raw.att", "beta.Z.att", "beta.0", "pval.0")

    if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
      if (is.null(corr.attr.names)) {
        att.names <- as.character(c(1:num.attr))
      } else {
        att.names <- as.character(corr.attr.names)

      #### Create Results Data Frame for NPDR
      # attribute p-values
      # relies on first column [, 1] being the p-value for now
      # later, first columns become att and adjusted p-value
      attr.pvals <- npdr.stats.attr.mat[, 1]
      # order-index for sorted attribute-beta p-values
      attr.pvals.order.idx <- order(attr.pvals, decreasing = F)
      # adjust p-values using Benjamini-Hochberg (default)
      attr.pvals.adj <- p.adjust(attr.pvals[attr.pvals.order.idx], method = padj.method)
      # order by attribute p-value
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- npdr.stats.attr.mat[attr.pvals.order.idx, ]
      # prepend adjused attribute p-values to first column
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- cbind(attr.pvals.adj, npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat)
      # prepend attribute column (att)
      # att = colnames(attr.mat)
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- cbind(
        data.frame(att = att.names[attr.pvals.order.idx], stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        data.frame(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat, row.names = NULL)
      colnames(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat) <- c(
        "att", "pval.adj", "pval.att", "beta.raw.att", "beta.Z.att",
        "beta.0", "pval.0"
      # dataframe final output for regular npdr
      npdr.stats.df <- data.frame(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat)

      # npdr.stats.df <- npdr.stats.attr.mat %>%                                        # corrdata
      #  mutate(att = att.names, # add an attribute column                              # corrdata
      #         pval.adj = p.adjust(pval.att, method = padj.method) # adjust p-values   # corrdata
      #  ) %>% arrange(pval.att) %>% # order by attribute p-value                       # corrdata
      #  select(att, pval.adj, everything()) %>% # reorder columns                      # corrdata
      #  as.data.frame() # convert tibbles to df -- can we remove this step?            # corrdata
    } else { # non-correlation matrix predictors

      # npdr.stats.df <- as.data.frame(npdr.stats.attr.mat) %>%
      #   mutate(att = colnames(attr.mat), # add an attribute column
      #          pval.adj = p.adjust(pval.att, method = padj.method) # adjust p-values
      #   ) %>% arrange(pval.att) %>% # order by attribute p-value
      #   select(att, pval.adj, everything()) %>% # reorder columns
      #   as.data.frame() # convert tibbles to df -- can we remove this step?

      #### Create Results Data Frame for NPDR
      # attribute p-values
      # relies on first column [, 1] being the p-value for now
      # later, first columns become att and adjusted p-value
      attr.pvals <- npdr.stats.attr.mat[, 1]
      # order-index for sorted attribute-beta p-values
      attr.pvals.order.idx <- order(attr.pvals, decreasing = F)
      # adjust p-values using Benjamini-Hochberg (default)
      attr.pvals.adj <- p.adjust(attr.pvals[attr.pvals.order.idx], method = padj.method)
      # order by attribute p-value
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- npdr.stats.attr.mat[attr.pvals.order.idx, ]
      # prepend adjused attribute p-values to first column
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- cbind(attr.pvals.adj, npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat)
      # prepend attribute column (att)
      att <- colnames(attr.mat)
      npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat <- cbind(
        data.frame(att = att[attr.pvals.order.idx], stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        data.frame(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat, row.names = NULL)
      if (regression.type == "lm") { # stats colnames for lm
        colnames(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat) <- c(
          "att", "pval.adj", "pval.att", "beta.raw.att", "beta.Z.att",
          "beta.0", "pval.0", "R.sqr"
      } else { # stats columns for glm-binomial
        colnames(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat) <- c(
          "att", "pval.adj", "pval.att", "beta.raw.att", "beta.Z.att",
          "beta.0", "pval.0"
      # dataframe final output for regular npdr
      npdr.stats.df <- data.frame(npdr.stats.pval_ordered.mat)
    } # end-else non-correlation-based predictors
  } else { # use.glmnet = TRUE, Option npdrNET
    # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
    # Need to create a data matrix with each column as a vector of diffs for each attribute.
    # Need matrix because npdrNET operates on all attributes at once.
    check_installed("glmnet", reason = "for `glmnet()` and `cv.glmnet()`")
    attr.diff.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(neighbor.pairs.idx), ncol = num.attr)
    for (attr.idx in seq(1, num.attr)) {
      if (attr.diff.type == "correlation-data") { # corrdata
        attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx.list[[attr.idx]]]
        Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1], ]
        NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2], ]
      } else {
        attr.vals <- attr.mat[, attr.idx]
        Ri.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
        NN.attr.vals <- attr.vals[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
      attr.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.attr.vals, NN.attr.vals, diff.type = attr.diff.type)
      attr.diff.mat[, attr.idx] <- attr.diff.vec
    } # end for
    Ri.pheno.vals <- pheno.vec[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 1]]
    NN.pheno.vals <- pheno.vec[neighbor.pairs.idx[, 2]]
    if (glmnet.alpha != "cluster") { # temporary trick to cluster attributes by diff vector
      if (regression.type == "binomial") {
        pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, diff.type = "match-mismatch")
        pheno.diff.vec <- as.factor(pheno.diff.vec)
        if (glmnet.lam=="lambda.min"){
          # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                             alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "binomial",
                                             lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "class"
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
        }else if(glmnet.lam=="lambda.1se"){
          # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                  alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "binomial",
                                  lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "class"
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
        } else{ # numeric lambda value
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                  alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "binomial",
                                  lambda=glmnet.lam, thresh = 1e-14,
                                  lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "class"
          #npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(coef(npdrNET.model))
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
                                              s=glmnet.lam, exact=T))
      } else { # "gaussian"
        pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, 
                                   diff.type = "numeric-abs")
        # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
        npdrNET.model <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
          alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "gaussian",
          lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "mse"
        if (glmnet.lam=="lambda.min"){
          # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "gaussian",
                                lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "mse"
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
        }else if(glmnet.lam=="lambda.1se"){
          # Run glmnet on the diff attribute columns
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                  alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "gaussian",
                                  lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "mse"
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
        } else{ # numeric lambda value
          npdrNET.model <- glmnet::glmnet(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff.vec,
                                  alpha = glmnet.alpha, family = "gaussian",
                                  lambda=glmnet.lam, thresh = 1e-14,
                                  lower.limits = glmnet.lower, type.measure = "mse"
          #npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(coef(npdrNET.model))
          npdrNET.coeffs <- as.matrix(predict(npdrNET.model, 
                                              type = "coefficients",
                                              s=glmnet.lam, exact=T))
      if (verbose) {
        cat("npdr-glmnet cv lambda values:\n")
        cat("lambda.min: ", npdrNET.model$lambda.min,"\n")
        cat("lambda.1se: ", npdrNET.model$lambda.1se, "\n")
      if (attr.diff.type=="correlation-data"){
        # attr.mat is ROI pair names, but the correlation metric gives importance of ROIs
        # which should be contained in corr.attr.names
        row.names(npdrNET.coeffs) <- c("intercept", corr.attr.names) # add variable names
      } else{
        row.names(npdrNET.coeffs) <- c("intercept", colnames(attr.mat)) # add variable names
      glmnet.sorted <- as.matrix(npdrNET.coeffs[order(abs(npdrNET.coeffs), decreasing = T), ], ncol = 1) # sort
      npdr.stats.df <- data.frame(scores = glmnet.sorted)
    } else { # glmnet.alpha == "cluster", so don't do regression and return the attribute diff vectors
      # might not need the phenotype diff for clustering, but add anyway.
      if (regression.type == "binomial") {
        pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, diff.type = "match-mismatch")
      } else { # "gaussian"
        pheno.diff.vec <- npdrDiff(Ri.pheno.vals, NN.pheno.vals, diff.type = "numeric-abs")
      colnames(attr.diff.mat) <- colnames(attr.mat)
      # not actually stats, contains a pairs x attr diff matrix
      npdr.stats.df <- data.frame(attr.diff.mat, pheno.diff = pheno.diff.vec)
    } # end cluster option
  } # end glmnetNPDR option
insilico/glmSTIR documentation built on July 7, 2023, 12:29 a.m.