
globalVariables(c("menu", "setNames", "knit2pdf", "read.delim"))

#' Generate a report for one homework
#' A tex file will be generated from the specified data files,
#' answer key, and learning outcomes.
#' @param keyFile file name with path for the answer key
#' @param dataFile the file name with path for the data
#' @param loFile the file name with path for the learning outcomes
#' @param outFile the directory to save the tex file
#' @param reportType the type of report
#' @param keepFiles keep files (.aux, .log, etc) used to generate .tex file, default value is FALSE
#' @param keepTex keep .tex file, default value is FALSE
#' @param keepImage keep individual image files used to generate .tex file, default value is FALSE
#' @param className the name of the class, default value is "Stat101"
#' @param lowScore the value that instructors designate as a minimally acceptable score (out of 100) for a given topic and section, when running the makeReport() routine with a reportType of "secTopicShort". Any student who scores below this value on their assignment will have their e-mail listed in a text file. Default value is 80
#' @param repeatLowScore the proportion that instructors use to determine students who have performed poorly across multiple assignments. If a student has been ranked below this proportion (out of the other students) for at least half of the assignments, then their e-mail will be listed in a text file. This parameter can be defined when running the makeReport() routine with a reportType of "crossSecUnit". Default value is 20
#' @param topic the topic number, could be integer or character
#' @param section the section name, usually one of 'AB', 'CD', 'GHQ'
#' @param path the directory to the data files
#' @param type the strings before the topic number in the csv file name
#' @param unit the unit of the class
#' @param rewrite logical. If TRUE then the csv files are rewritten
#' @param skip a vector of integers. Same as the parameter in \code{cleanScore}
#' @return a tex file to be compiled
#' @author Xiaoyue Cheng <\email{xycheng@@iastate.edu}>
#' @references Refer to package vignette Section 4
#' @importFrom knitr knit
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom Matrix diag
#' @importFrom fpc pamk
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @importFrom ggplot2 qplot
#' @export
makeReport = function(keyFile=NULL, dataFile=NULL, loFile=NULL, outFile=NULL, reportType = NULL, keepFiles=FALSE, keepTex=FALSE, keepImage=FALSE, className = "Stat101", lowScore = 80, repeatLowScore = 20, topic=NULL, section=NULL, path=NULL, type=NULL, unit = 1, rewrite=FALSE, skip=NULL){  
    if (is.null(reportType)){
      reportMenu <- menu(choices=c("One topic for one section - short version (\"secTopicShort\")", "One topic for one section - long version (\"secTopicLong\")", "One topic comparing multiple sections - short version (\"crossSecTopicShort\")", "One topic comparing multiple sections - long version (\"crossSecTopicLong\")", "One unit (group of topics) for one section (\"secUnit\")", "One unit (group of topics) comparing multiple sections (\"crossSecUnit\")"), title=paste("\nPlease enter integer (1-6) corresponding to desired report type below.", "\n\n", trimws("Note: If running many reports, it is more efficient to exit now and hard-code the reportType parameter. See help(makeReport).", which="both"), sep=""))
      trans <- setNames(c("secTopicShort", "secTopicLong", "crossSecTopicShort", "crossSecTopicLong", "secUnit", "crossSecUnit"),c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
      reportType <- trans[as.character(reportMenu)]
    try(if(is.null(outFile)) stop("Need to define outFile, see help(makeReport)"))
  # Cross-topic report
  if (reportType=="secUnit"){
    reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-topic.Rnw", package="ePort")
    if (keepFiles){
      knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_", section, ".tex"))
      knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_", section, ".tex"),clean=T)
    if (!keepImage && !keepTex){
      outImage = c(outImage, paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_", section, ".tex"))
    if (!keepImage && keepTex){
    if (keepImage && !keepTex){
      on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_", section, ".tex")))
  if (reportType=="crossSecUnit"){
    reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-topic-section.Rnw", package="ePort")
    #Score_filename = dataFile
    if (keepFiles){
      knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_crossSection.tex"))
      knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_crossSection.tex"),clean=T)
    if (!keepImage && !keepTex){
      outImage = c(outImage, paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_crossSection.tex"))
    if (!keepImage && keepTex){
    if (keepImage && !keepTex){
      on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_","Unit", unit, "_crossSection.tex")))
    # Find the file name
    if (is.null(dataFile)) {
      Score_filename = paste(path,type,topic,'.',section,'.csv',sep='')
    } else {
      Score_filename = dataFile
      path = dirname(dataFile)[1]
      type = basename(dataFile)[1]
      number1 = as.vector(gregexpr("[0-9]",type)[[1]])
      topic = substr(type, number1[1], number1[min(2,length(number1))])
      dot1 = as.vector(gregexpr("\\.",type)[[1]])
      section = substr(type, dot1[1]+1, dot1[2]-1)
      type = substr(type, 1, number1[1]-1)
    # Read the answer key
    answerkey = convertKey(keyFile)
    if (type=="Unit") {
      answerkey[[1]]$Objective.Set =
      answerkey[[2]]$Objective.Set =
    # Learning outcome file
    chpt_outcome_file = loFile
    chapter_outcomes=chapter[grep('^[A-Z]\\. ',chapter)]
    for (i in 1:length(chapter_outcomes)){
      chapter_outcomes[i] = paste(str_trim(unlist(strsplit(chapter_outcomes[i], "[.]"))[2]),".",sep="")

    # Cross-section report
      if (reportType=="crossSecTopicShort"){
        reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-section-short.Rnw", package="ePort")
        instructor_scores = mergeSection(Score_filename, answerkey,skip=NULL)
        if (keepFiles){
          knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-short.tex"))
          knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-short.tex"),clean=T)
        if (!keepTex){
          on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-short.tex"))) 

      if (reportType=="crossSecTopicLong"){
        reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-section-long.Rnw", package="ePort")
        instructor_scores = mergeSection(Score_filename, answerkey,skip=NULL)
        if (keepFiles){
          knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-long.tex"))
          knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-long.tex"),clean=T)
        if (!keepImage && !keepTex){
          outImage = c(outImage, paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-long.tex"))
        if (!keepImage && keepTex){
        if (keepImage && !keepTex){
          on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_crossSection-long.tex")))
    if (rewrite) rewriteData(Score_filename)
    # Read the data
    Student_Score = readScore(Score_filename)
    tmpoutput = cleanScore(Student_Score, answerkey, skip=skip)
    ScorebyQuestion = tmpoutput$HWsheet
    CountbyQuestion = tmpoutput$nResponse
    Student_SetScore = cleanSet(ScorebyQuestion, answerkey)
    # Summary
    sumry1 = summaryScore(ScorebyQuestion,
                           Student_SetScore$QuestionSet, Student_SetScore$ObjectiveSet)
    sumry2 = summaryLevel(tmpoutput, Student_SetScore$QuestionSet,
    if (reportType=="secTopicShort"){
      reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-individual-short.Rnw", package="ePort")
      if (keepFiles){
        knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))))
        knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))),clean=T)
      if (!keepTex){
        on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))))) 

    if (reportType=="secTopicLong"){
      reportType = system.file("inst/Rnw/hw-individual-long.Rnw", package="ePort")
      if (keepFiles){
        knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))))
        knit2pdf(reportType,paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))),clean=T)
      if (!keepImage && !keepTex){
        outImage = c(outImage, paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType)))))
      if (!keepImage && keepTex){
      if (keepImage && !keepTex){
        on.exit(unlink(paste0(outFile,"/", className, "hwk_",type,topic,"_",section,gsub("Rnw$","tex",gsub("hw-individual","",basename(reportType))))))

#' Split wide tables into several tables
#' When a table contains many columns, the display in pdf file
#' produced by LaTeX will be too wide to see. This function
#' cuts the table into several tables, each of which has no
#' more than \code{cols} columns.
#' @param atable a data frame to be printed by \code{xtable}.
#' @param tablecaption caption of the tables. Printed only
#' after the first table.
#' @param label label of the tables, only after the first table.
#' @param cols maximum number of columns for each table.
#' @return a list with several tables, each of them has no more
#' than \code{cols} columns.
#' @author Xiaoyue Cheng <\email{xycheng@@iastate.edu}>
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @export
wideTableLatex=function(atable, tablecaption, label, cols=7){
  n = ncol(atable)
  lasttablecolumn = n%%cols
  if (lasttablecolumn==0){
    ntable = n %/% cols
    ntable = 1 + n %/% cols
  if (lasttablecolumn != 1){
    startcol = 1 + (0:(ntable-1))*cols
    endcol = startcol + cols - 1
    endcol[ntable] = n
  } else {
    ntable = ntable - 1
    startcol = 1 + (0:(ntable-1))*cols
    endcol = startcol + cols - 1
    endcol[ntable] = n
  outcome = list()
        floating=FALSE, tabular.environment = "longtable")
  if (ntable > 1) {
    for (i in 2:ntable){
      print(xtable::xtable(outcome[[i]]), floating=FALSE,
            tabular.environment = "longtable")

#' Abbreviate verbose answers
#' Some answer vectors may be too verbose to represent in visual plots. Verbose answers are abbreviated to a string containing the first letter of each word, "not answered" answers remain the same, and "" answers are returned as "not answered"
#' @param avec Original answer vector (in character or factor format)
#' @param l Maximum length (in characters) of an original answer vector that does not need abbreviation
#' @return List with two objects. The first object is the returned abbreviated answer vector. The second object is a glossary key
#' @examples
#' avec = "The answer is more than l characters"
#' shortenAnswers(avec, l=13)
#' @export
#' @author Xiaoyue Cheng <\email{xycheng@@iastate.edu}>
shortenAnswers = function(avec, l=13) {
  avecformat = class(avec)
  if (avecformat %in% c('factor','character')){
    avec[avec==""]="not answered"
    veclen= nchar(avec)
    if (any(veclen>l)) {abbrwords=substr(abbreviate(avec),1,35)}
    abbrwords[avec=='not answered']='not answered'
    if (avecformat=='factor') abbrwords=as.factor(abbrwords)
    colnames(glossary)=c('abbr.','original answer')
introstat/ePort documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:47 a.m.