Man pages for issactoast/ikhyd
"I Know How you Drive - Analysis Tools for Telematics Data"

acc_from_obdCalculate acceleration from OBD2 data
adjust_altaltitude data length adjustment.
calibrate_telematicsCalibarate telematics data
converTOmeterCalculate distance between two GPS points into meter scale
convert_timeconvert time stamp into seconds
dot-onAttachCat citation message when the package is loading
drawHeatmapDraw a heatmap for telematics data
draw_mapdraw GPS points
draw_vaHeatmapDraw a v-a heatmap for telematics data
get_NEConvert accelerometer value into lat., long. acceleration
get_obd_tripSync OBD speed data with GPS speed data
get_stopvecMaking stop moments index from stop information
get_tripLoading the telematics trip csv file.
get_tripmapget trip map from google map
get_tripmap2get trip map without google account
indicate_errorFind big difference in derivative with same sampling rate...
kalmanfilterKalmanfilter general
kalmanfilter_1D1-D Kalmanfilter
kalmanfilter_accfirstkalman filter with road grade for lon. accelerometer
kalmanfilter_axCalibarate accelerometer x-axis using Gyroscope data
kalmanfilter_ayCalibarate accelerometer y-axis using speed data
kalmanfilter_gpsCalibarate GPS data using accelerometer data
kalmanfilter_roadgradekalman filter with road grade for lon. accelerometer
kalmanfilter_telematicsCalibrate telematics data with the Kalman filtering
kalmanfilter_withalphakalman filter with road grade for lon. accelerometer
kalmansmooth_telematicsCalibrate telematics data with the Kalman smoothing
load_telematic_dataLoad telematics data set
low_passLow pass filter
make_ymake y vectors for calibration
OBD2_dataRead speed data from OBD2 device
OBD2gps_dataRead speed data from OBD2 device
plot_accVisualization of accelerometer sensor data
plot_acc_compareVisualization of telematics data
plot_telematicsVisualization of telematics data
smoothing_gpsSmoothing GPS data using smoothing spline
smoothing_speedSmooting speed(mph) from speed data
speed_from_accCalculate speed(mph) from accelerometer y values
speed_from_gpsCalculate speed(mph) from GPS coordinates
speed_from_obdSpline obd speed data from OBD2 device
stop_correctionCorrection of GPS based on stop information
stop_correction_accCorrect accelerometer values for stop
stop_detectionDetecting stops from accelerometer y-axis
stop_detection2Detecting stops from accelerometer y-axis using regresion
telematics_data_fromGPSPreparing a telematics data from GPS data for heatmap drawing
track_visTrip visualization of telematics data
vspeed_from_baroVertical speed from Barometer data
issactoast/ikhyd documentation built on March 5, 2021, 10:24 p.m.