
#' Evaluate a .Rmd file (after converting with rmd_to_r)
#' Evaluate a \code{.Rmd} file in a given environment and return the results,
#' including text with inline code (e.g. \code{`r 1+1`} becomes 2).
#' @param rmd Path to a rmarkdown file.
#' @param envir The environment in which to evaluate the rmarkdown file.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' evaluate_rmd("test.Rmd", envir = parent.frame())

evaluate_rmd <- function(rmd, envir = parent.frame()) {
  pattern <- default$pattern$code

  # Remove empty lines before evaluating
  rmd <- rmd[rmd != ""]
  # Get indexes
  titles <- which(stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$title))
  inlines <- which(stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$inline))
  chunks <- which(!stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$text))
  text <- setdiff(1:length(rmd), c(titles, inlines, chunks))
  avoid_inline <- c(titles, chunks)
  avoid_chunks <- c(inlines, titles, text)
  results <- list()
  n <- length(rmd)
  index <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(rmd)) {
    if (i >= index) {
      is_inline <- i %in% inlines
      is_title <- i %in% titles
      is_text <- i %in% text

      if (is_inline || is_text && !is_title) {
        index <- suppressWarnings(min(avoid_inline[avoid_inline > i], na.rm = TRUE))
        if (is.infinite(index)) index <- n + 1
        # Eval inline code and append to results
        res <- eval_inline(rmd[i:(index-1)], envir = envir)
        res <- stri_c(res[res != " "], collapse = "\n")
        results <- c(results, as.list(res))
      } else if (is_title) {
        index <- i
        # Eval titles and append to results
        res <- eval_inline(rmd[i], envir = envir)
        results <- c(results, res)
      } else {
        index <- suppressWarnings(min(avoid_chunks[avoid_chunks > i], na.rm = TRUE))
        if (is.infinite(index)) index <- n + 1
        # Eval chunks and append to results
        res <- evaluate::evaluate(rmd[i:(index-1)], envir = envir, output_handler = ppt_handler)
        results <- c(results, res)
  # Return

# UTILITIES  -------------------------------------------------------------------

eval_inline <- function(lines, envir = parent.frame()) {
  pattern <- default$pattern$rmd
  lines <- lapply(lines, function(x) {
    is_inline <- stri_detect(x, regex = pattern$inline)
    if (length(is_inline) == 0L || !is_inline) return(x) # Return early if it does not contain inline
    inline <- unlist(stri_extract_all(x, regex = pattern$inline))
    expr <- stri_replace_all(inline, "", regex = "`r\\s?|\\s?`")
    for (i in seq_along(expr)) {
      res <- as.character(eval(parse(text = expr[i]), envir = envir))
      res <- if (!is.na(res) && length(res) > 0L) stri_c(res, collapse = " ") else " "
      x <- stri_replace(x, replacement = res, fixed = inline[i])
  # Remove ##+ and empty strings
  lines <- stri_replace(unlist(lines), "", regex = "^##\\+ ")
  lines <- lines[lines != ""]

value_handler <- function(x, visible = TRUE) {
  if (!visible) return()
  if (inherits(x, "FlexTable") || is.data.frame(x)) {
  } else {

ppt_handler <- evaluate::new_output_handler(value = value_handler)

#' Convert .Rmd to .R
#' This function converts a \code{.Rmd} to a \code{.R} file (similar to \code{knitr::purl}) 
#' by replacing chunk delimiters and putting \code{eval} chunk options inside \code{if}
#' statements. Also comments out (\code{##+}) content that is not inside chunks.
#' @param rmd Path to a rmarkdown file.
#' @param encoding The encoding of both the input .Rmd file and the output.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @return A .R file in the same directory and same name as the input .Rmd file.
#' @note \code{UTF-8} is the recommended encoding for scripts and .Rmd files.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' rmd_to_r("Example report.Rmd", encoding = "latin1")

rmd_to_r <- function(rmd, encoding = "UTF-8", write = TRUE) {
  # Assume strings are a path
  if (is.string(rmd)) {
    path <- clean_path(rmd)
    if (!stri_trans_tolower(tools::file_ext(rmd)) == "rmd") {
      stop("This function only accepts a .Rmd file", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      rmd <- readLines(path, encoding = encoding)
  } else {
    write <- FALSE
  # Get default patterns
  pattern <- default$pattern$rmd
  # Identify chunks
  chunk_start <- which(stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$chunk_start))
  chunk_end <- which(stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$chunk_end))
  if (length(chunk_start) == length(chunk_end)) {
    chunk_index <- Map(':', chunk_start, chunk_end)   
  } else {
    stop("The .Rmd file contains unused chunk start/end indicators", call. = FALSE)
  # Get and comment out all lines with content that is not in a chunk
  not_chunk <- setdiff(1:length(rmd), unlist(chunk_index))
  not_chunk <- setdiff(not_chunk, which(rmd == ""))
  rmd[not_chunk] <- stri_c("##+ ", rmd[not_chunk])
  # Comment out text, replace chunk delims and indicate chunknumber
  n <- length(rmd)
  for (i in seq_along(chunk_index)) {
    # Update indices if the document has been extended
    idx <- chunk_index[[i]]+(length(rmd)-n)
    chunk <- replace_chunk_delim(rmd[idx])
    # Piece together the chunk (w/delimiters) and the rest of the document
    if (max(idx) < length(rmd)) {
      last_line <- rmd[(max(idx)+1):length(rmd)]
    } else if (chunk[length(chunk)] == "") {
      last_line <- NULL
    } else {
      last_line <- ""
    rmd <- c(if (min(idx) > 1) { rmd[1:(min(idx)-1)] }, chunk, if (!is.null(last_line)) { last_line })
  # Save or return the cleaned Rmd file
  if (write) {
    path <- file(stri_c(tools::file_path_sans_ext(path), ".R"), encoding = "UTF-8")
    on.exit(close(path), add = TRUE)
    writeLines(rmd, path)
  } else {

# UTILITIES  -------------------------------------------------------------------

replace_chunk_delim <- function(lines) {
  # Get default pattern
  pattern <- default$pattern$rmd
  # Identify which (if any) chunks contain eval options
  chunk_eval <- which(stri_detect(lines, regex = pattern$chunk_eval)) 
  chunk_end <- which(stri_detect(lines, regex = pattern$chunk_end))
  if (length(chunk_eval) > 0L) {
    # Find the correct chunk end for each chunk eval
    chunk_end <- vapply(chunk_eval, function(x) chunk_end[chunk_end > x][1], numeric(1))
    # Replace chunk-delimiters with if-functions
    lines[chunk_eval] <- stri_c("if (", stri_replace(lines[chunk_eval], "$1", regex = pattern$chunk_eval), ") {")
    lines[chunk_end] <- "}"
    # Double indendt the content in if-functions
    chunk_index <- unlist(Map(':', chunk_eval, chunk_end))
    content <- setdiff(chunk_index, c(chunk_eval, chunk_end))
    lines[content] <- stri_c("  ", lines[content])
  # Remove chunk start/endings without eval options
  lines <- stri_replace_all(lines, "", regex = stri_c(pattern$chunk_start, ".*"))
  lines <- stri_replace_all(lines, "", regex = stri_c(pattern$chunk_end, ".*"))
  # Return

extract_yaml <- function(rmd) {
  # Patterns
  pattern <- default$pattern$code
  # Separate out YAML
  yaml <- which(stri_detect(rmd, regex = pattern$yaml))
  yaml <- yaml - c(-1, 1)
  yaml <- rmd[yaml[1]:yaml[2]]
  # Create report and add the first slide
  nms <- vapply(yaml, stri_replace, replacement = "$1", regex = "^##\\+ ([[:alnum:]]*):.*", character(1))
  nms <- unname(nms[!stri_detect(nms, regex = "^##\\+")])
  yaml <- vapply(yaml, stri_replace, replacement = "$1", regex = "##\\+ [a-zA-Z]*:\\s*(.*)", character(1))
  yaml <- unname(yaml[!stri_detect(yaml, regex = "^##\\+")])
  yaml <- stri_replace_all(yaml, "", regex = "\"")
  if (length(yaml) != length(nms)) {
    stop("Problem parsing YAML frontmatter.", call. = FALSE)
  yaml <- setNames(yaml, nms)
  yaml <- as.list(yaml)
  # Return
itsdalmo/reporttool documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.