
Defines functions write_data.Survey to_labelled.Survey to_excel.Survey to_ppt.Survey write_survey write_model_input read_survey read_model_output require_folders

Documented in read_survey write_survey

# S3 methods for seamless -------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom seamless write_data
#' @export
write_data.Survey <- function(x, file, ...) {
  ext <- stri_trans_tolower(tools::file_ext(file))
  # Convert Survey to a format that can be written using seamless.
  if (ext == "xlsx") {
    x <- list(data = x$get_data(), model = model(x), entities = entities(x))
  } else if (ext == "sav") {
    # S3 method for Survey below.
    x <- seamless::to_labelled(x)
  } else if (ext %in% c("rda", "rdata")) {
    x <- setNames(list(x), deparse(substitute(x)))
  } else {
    stop("Unrecognized output format (for Survey). See help(write_survey).")

  seamless::write_data(x, file, ...)


#' @importFrom seamless to_labelled
#' @export
to_labelled.Survey <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- x$get_data(copy = TRUE)
  if (data.table::is.data.table(out)) {
    data.table::setattr(out, "labels", x$get_label())
  } else {
    attr(out, "labels") <- x$get_label()

  seamless::to_labelled(out, ...)


#' @importFrom seamless to_excel
#' @export
to_excel.Survey <- function(df, ...) {
  # TODO: Automatic labels etc.
  seamless::to_excel(df$data, ...)

#' @importFrom seamless to_ppt
#' @export
to_ppt.Survey <- function(x, ...) {
  # TODO: Automatic labels etc.
  seamless::to_ppt(x$data, ...)

#' Write a Survey
#' In contrast to \code{\link[seamless]{write_data}}, \code{write_survey} will store
#' hidden fields (such as config, translations etc.) which can be retrieved by using
#' \code{\link{read_survey}}. This means that you don't have to repeatedly set
#' these options when reading/writing a survey you are working on. Information that
#' cannot be stored in SPSS will be stored in an associated .Rdata file instead.
#' You can also use \code{\link[seamless]{write_data}} to write the \code{Survey}.
#' In this case the information which is persisted depends on the format used:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{.sav}: Data including labels, and levels for factor variables.
#'  \item \code{.xlsx}: Data, measurement model (labels and levels) and entities.
#'  \item \code{.Rdata}: Everything is stored.
#' }
#' @param x A \code{Survey}.
#' @param file Output file or directory. (If a directory is specified, PLS-input
#' will be created. The resulting EM.sav file-name is based on the Survey's config.)
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- survey_df(data.frame("A" = "test", "B" = 2))
#' # Store data and labels
#' seamless::write_data(df, "test.sav")
#' # Store everything
#' seamless::write_data(df, "test.Rdata")
#' # Write survey as .sav (hidden fields stored as .Rdata)
#' write_survey(df, "test.sav")
#' }

write_survey <- function(x, file) {
  if (!is.survey(x)) stop("Use seamless::write_data to write data that is not a survey.")
  file <- clean_path(file)

  # Use extension to determine output
  ext <- stri_trans_tolower(tools::file_ext(file))
  if (ext == "") {
    # Return early. Writing model input also writes the data.
    write_model_input(x$clone(deep = TRUE), file)
  } else if (ext != "sav") {
    stop("Expecting a directory or .sav file. Other formats can be written with seamless.")
  } else {
    # Write .sav file (Long strings backup is created by seamless.)
    seamless::write_data(x, file)

    # Include hidden fields.
    file <- stri_c(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file), " (survey).Rdata")
    seamless::write_data(x$get_field(), file)

  # Make sure nothing is printed


# Function to write input-files for the PLS-wizard.
# (recursively calls write_survey to write the .sav file.)
write_model_input <- function(x, file) {
  x <- survey_dt(x)
  type <- x$get_config("model")

  # 1 - Check config and use it to create a filename ---------------------------
  cfg <- x$get_config(c("name", "segment", "timestamp"))
  if (is.null(cfg)) stop("Config must be set before writing input.")
  cfg[["timestamp"]] <- format(as.Date(cfg[["timestamp"]], "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y")

  co <- as.numeric(x$get_config("cutoff"))
  if (is.null(co) || is.na(co)) {
    warning("Cutoff had not been set. Defaulting to 30%.", call. = FALSE)
    co <- .3; x$set_config(cutoff = .3)

  fname <- stri_c(stri_c(cfg[!is.na(cfg)], collapse = " "), "EM.sav")

  # 2 - Check data -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Make sure mainentity is set and that it is a factor variable
  me <- unname(x$get_association("mainentity")); lvl <- unique(x[[me]])
  if (is.null(me)) {
    stop("'mainentity' must be set before writing input.")
  } else if (!is.factor(lvl)) {
    lvl <- lvl[stringi::stri_order(lvl)]
    x[, (me) := lapply(.SD, function(x) factor(x, levels = me_levels)), .SDcols = me]

  # Check whether required variables can be found. (order by variable names)
  mm <- x$get_association(which = default_latents())
  mm <- mm[match_all(names(x), mm)]

  cr <- names(x)[stri_trans_tolower(names(x)) %in% "coderesp"]
  if (!length(cr)) stop("'coderesp' variable was not found.")
  vars <- c(unname(mm), me, cr)

  # 3 - Create required folders ------------------------------------------------
  folders <- if (type != "pls") "Data" else c("Data", "Input")
  folders <- require_folders(file, folders, create = TRUE)

  # 4 - Write data -------------------------------------------------------------
  fname <- file.path(folders$data, fname)
  write_survey(x, fname)

  # Return early if not writing PLS input
  if (type != "pls") invisible(return())

  # 5 - Write measurement model ------------------------------------------------
  model <- split(unname(mm), names(mm))
  model <- lapply(model[default_latents()], function(vars) as.integer(mm %in% vars) * -1L)
  model <- as.data.frame(c(list(Manifest = unname(mm), model)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  fname <- file.path(folders$input, "measurement model.txt")
  write.table(model, fname, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "latin1")

  # 5 - Write PLS data ---------------------------------------------------------
  mm <- unname(mm) # Drop latent association.

  pm <- x$get_association("percent_missing")
  if (is.null(pm)) stop("'percent_missing' association must be set before writing.")
  data <- x$get_data()
  data.table::setnames(data, pm, "percent_missing")
  data <- data[percent_missing <= co, vars, with = FALSE]

  # Convert mainentity to integer, clean scales, recode NA and order by mainentity.
  data[, (me) := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = unname(me)]
  data[, (mm) := lapply(.SD, clean_scale), .SDcols = mm]
  data[, (mm) := lapply(.SD, function(x) { x[is.na(x)] <- 98; x }), .SDcols = mm]
  data.table::setkeyv(data, me)

  fname <- file.path(folders$input, "modelldatafil.txt")
  write.table(data, fname, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "latin1")

  # 6 - Write config (entities, count and marketshares) ------------------------
  en <- x$entities() # Returns a data.frame.
  en <- en[, c("entity", "valid", "marketshare")]

  fname <- file.path(folders$input, "config.txt")
  write.table(en, fname, sep = "\t", dec = ",", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "latin1")

  # 7 - Question text ----------------------------------------------------------
  qt <- unname(x$get_label(which = mm))

  fname <- file.path(folders$input, "qtext.txt")
  write.table(qt, fname, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "latin1")

  # 8 - Entity (Q1) names ------------------------------------------------------
  q1 <- as.character(en$entity)

  fname <- file.path(folders$input, "q1names.txt")
  write.table(q1, fname, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, fileEncoding = "latin1")

  # Make sure nothing is printed


#' Read a Survey
#' Read a \code{Survey} that has been written by \code{\link{write_survey}} (or
#' created manually using the PLS-wizard). This function also reads output from
#' the PLS-wizard, such as inner and outer weights. Hidden fields will be updated
#' to reflect changes in input-files when reading a survey directory.
#' If \code{file} is a directory the following directories and files will be read:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item data: A single .sav file ending with ...EM.sav
#'  \item input: measurement model.txt and config.txt
#'  \item output: main results.xlsx (inner weights) and score weights out.xlsx (outer weights).
#' }
#' @param file Output file or directory.
#' @param mainentity Name of the mainentity variable in data.
#' @param inner_weight Optional: Read inner weights from output.
#' @param outer_weight Optional: Read outer weights from output.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(reporttoolDT)
#' lnk <- sharepoint_mount("http://domain.com/path/to/dir")
#' # Read the directory
#' srv <- read_survey(lnk, inner_weight = TRUE, outer_weight = TRUE)
#' # Read just the .sav and hidden fields (.Rdata).
#' srv <- read_survey(file.path(lnk, "Data", "Example study EM.sav"))
#' }

read_survey <- function(file, mainentity = "q1", inner_weight = FALSE, outer_weight = FALSE) {
  file <- clean_path(file)
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop("File does not exist:\n", file)

  # Use extension to determine output
  ext <- stri_trans_tolower(tools::file_ext(file))
  if (ext == "") {
    # Return early. Reading model output also reads in the data.
    return(read_model_output(file, mainentity, inner_weight, outer_weight))
  } else if (ext != "sav") {
    stop("Expecting a directory or .sav file. Other formats can be read with seamless.")

  # Read .sav file (Long strings are read by seamless.)
  out <- seamless::read_data(file)

  # Include hidden fields if they exist.
  file <- stri_c(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file), " (survey).Rdata")
  if (file.exists(file)) {
    fields <- seamless::read_data(file)
  } else {
    fields <- NULL

  # Convert to survey and (always) set common latents.
  out <- Survey$new(out, fields = fields)

  # Add mainentity association if it exists in the data.
  is_me <- stri_detect(names(out), regex = stri_c("^", mainentity, "$"), case_insensitive = TRUE)
  if (any(is_me)) out$set_association(mainentity = names(out)[is_me][1L])

  # percent_/andel_missing as missing
  is_pm <- stri_detect(names(out), regex = "(percent|andel)_missing$", case_insensitive = TRUE)
  if (any(is_pm)) out$set_association(percent_missing = names(out)[is_pm][1L])

  # "w" as weight
  is_wt <- stri_detect(names(out), regex = "^w$", case_insensitive = TRUE)
  if (any(is_wt)) out$set_association(weight = names(out)[is_wt][1L])

  # Return


# Function to read input to/output from the PLS-wizard.
# (recursively calls read_survey to read the .sav file.)
read_model_output <- function(file, mainentity, inner_weight, outer_weight) {
  # Match required folders (case_insensitive.)
  folders <- c("Data", "Input", "Output")
  folders <- require_folders(file, folders, optional = "Output", create = FALSE)

  if (!"output" %in% names(folders) && (inner_weight || outer_weight))
    stop("'Output' folder is required to read inner and/or outer weights.", call. = FALSE)

  # 1 - Read the .sav file -----------------------------------------------------
  files <- file.path(folders$data, list.files(folders$data))
  fname <- files[stri_detect(files, regex = ".*em\\.sav$", case_insensitive = TRUE)]
  if (length(fname) != 1L) {
    msg <- if (length(fname) > 1L) "Found more than one" else "Could not find any"
    stop(stri_c(msg, "'...EM.sav' files.", sep = " "))

  # Call read_survey again, using the path to the .sav.
  out <- read_survey(fname, mainentity = mainentity)

  # 2 - Read model -------------------------------------------------------------
  files <- file.path(folders$input, list.files(folders$input))
  fname <- files[stri_detect(files, regex = "measurement model.*\\.txt", case_insensitive = TRUE)]
  if (length(fname) != 1L) {
    msg <- if (length(fname) > 1L) "Found more than one" else "Could not find any"
    stop(stri_c(msg, "file matching 'measurement model.txt'", sep = " "))

  mm <- seamless::read_data(fname, encoding = "latin1", col_types = list("Manifest" = readr::col_character()))
  mm <- lapply(mm[-1], function(x, vars) {vars[x == -1]}, mm[[1]])

  # Set associations specified in measurement model (mainentity is set in read_survey.).
  out$set_association(.list = mm)

  # 3 - Read config ------------------------------------------------------------
  fname <- files[stri_detect(files, regex = "config.*\\.txt", case_insensitive = TRUE)]
  if (length(fname) != 1L) {
    msg <- if (length(fname) > 1L) "Found more than one" else "Could not find any"
    stop(stri_c(msg, "file matching 'config.txt'", sep = " "))

  cf <- seamless::read_data(fname, encoding = "latin1", col_names = FALSE, decimal = ",")
  names(cf) <- c("row", "entity", "valid", "marketshare")

  # Set marketshare based on config
  out$set_marketshare(.list = setNames(as.list(cf$marketshare), cf$entity))

  # 4a - Read inner weights ----------------------------------------------------
  if (inner_weight || outer_weight)
    files <- file.path(folders$output, list.files(folders$output))
  if (inner_weight) {
    fname <- files[stri_detect(files, regex = "main results.*\\.xlsx$", case_insensitive = TRUE)]
    if (length(fname) != 1L) {
      msg <- if (length(fname) > 1L) "Found more than one" else "Could not find any"
      stop(stri_c(msg, "file matching 'main results.xlsx'", sep = " "))

    weight <- lapply(cf$entity, function (x) {
      iw <- read_data(fname, sheet = x, skip = 5)
      if (is.null(iw) || length(iw) == 0L) {
        stop("Could not find sheet '", x, "' in '", basename(fname), "'", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (nrow(iw) == 0L) {
        stop("Problem reading weights from '", basename(fname), "'. This is often solved by opening the file for editing, selecting each sheet in turn, and saving again without further changes.", call. = FALSE)
      iw <- iw[1:7, ]
      names(iw) <- c("origin", default_latents())
      iw[, default_latents()] <- lapply(iw[, default_latents()], as.numeric)
      iw$origin <- stri_trans_tolower(iw$origin)

    out$set_inner_weight(setNames(weight, cf$entity))

  # 4b - Read outer weights ----------------------------------------------------
  if (outer_weight) {
    fname <- files[stri_detect(files, regex = "score weights out.*\\.xlsx$", case_insensitive = TRUE)]
    if (length(fname) != 1L) {
      msg <- if (length(fname) > 1L) "Found more than one" else "Could not find any"
      stop(stri_c(msg, "file matching 'score weights out.xlsx'", sep = " "))

    weight <- lapply(cf$entity, function(x) {
      ow <- read_data(fname, sheet = x, skip = 3)
      if (is.null(ow) || length(ow) == 0L) {
        stop("Could not find sheet '", x, "' in '", basename(fname), "'", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (nrow(ow) == 0L) {
        stop("Problem reading weights from '", basename(fname), "'. This is often solved by opening the file for editing, selecting each sheet in turn, and saving again without further changes.", call. = FALSE)
      ow <- ow[, c(2:7, 9)]
      num <- c("score", "weight", "std", "effect")
      names(ow) <- c("latent", "manifest", "question", num)
      ow[num] <- suppressWarnings(lapply(ow[num], as.numeric))
      ow[!is.na(ow$effect) & ow$effect > 0L, ]

    out$set_outer_weight(setNames(weight, cf$entity))

  # Return


# Match contents from a path to a list of required folders (case insensitive)
# (Returns a named list with paths to the folders. Optionally creates missing folders.)
require_folders <- function(path, folders, optional = NULL, create = FALSE) {
  if (missing(folders) || !is.character(folders))
    stop("Argument 'folders' should be a character vector.")

  # Check/create required folders
  # (Files that are not optional will error if create != TRUE)
  existing <- list.files(path)
  missing <- folders[!tolower(folders) %in% tolower(existing)]
  missing <- missing[!tolower(missing) %in% tolower(optional)]
  if (length(missing)) {
    if (!create) stop("Required folders do not exist:\n", str_list(missing), call. = FALSE)
    for (folder in missing) {
      dir.create(file.path(path, folder), showWarnings = FALSE)
    warning("Created missing folders:\n", str_list(missing), call. = FALSE)

  # Reuse existing (case insensitive)
  paths <- c(missing, existing[tolower(existing) %in% tolower(folders)])
  paths <- setNames(file.path(path, paths), tolower(paths))

  # Return as list (avoid brackets)

itsdalmo/reporttoolDT documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.