Defines functions waiver is.waive qcc.ggplot plotCusumEWMA

Documented in is.waive plotCusumEWMA qcc.ggplot waiver

#' A waiver object. Copied from ggplot2
#' A waiver is a "flag" object, similar to \code{NULL}, that indicates the
#' calling function should just use the default value.  It is used in certain
#' functions to distinguish between displaying nothing (\code{NULL}) and
#' displaying a default value calculated elsewhere (\code{waiver()})
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
waiver <- function(){
    structure(NULL, class = "waiver")

#' Is waive
#' @export
is.waive <- function(x){
    inherits(x, "waiver")

#' Convert QCC Plot into GGPlot
#' Implementation of plot.qcc using ggplot2 and grid
#' @param object A qcc object returned from \code{qcc()} function.
#' @param title Title to put in the plot
#' @param rawplot using raw data or not
#' @param font_size size of font
#' @return A \code{grid} object containing the complete plot.
#' @examples
#' AUD_USD = getOandaInstrumentCandles(.oandaEnv$ACCOUNT_TYPE, .oandaEnv$ACCESS_TOKEN, INSTRUMENTS = 'AUD_USD',
#' price = 'M', granularity = 'D', count = 250)
#' for(i in 4:7){
#' AUD_USD[, i] <- as.numeric(AUD_USD[, i])
#' }
#' AUD_USD_p = na.omit(diff(as.matrix(log(AUD_USD[, 4:7]))))
#' AUD_USD_v = as.numeric(AUD_USD$volume)
#' x = AUD_USD_p
#' x = AUD_USD_v
#' object = qcc(AUD_USD_v[1:200], newdata = AUD_USD_v[201:250], type = "xbar.one")
#' ggsave("qcc_ggplot.png", qcc.ggplot(object))
#' @export
qcc.ggplot <- function(object, title = "QCC Chart for AUD/USD Prices", rawplot = FALSE, font_size = 8){
    # 1. Collect data ---------------------------------------------------------
    # collect info from object
    type <- object$type
    std.dev <- object$std.dev
    data.name <- object$data.name
    center <- object$center
    stats <- object$statistics
    limits <- object$limits
    lcl <- limits[,1]
    ucl <- limits[,2]
    newstats <- object$newstats
    newdata.name <- object$newdata.name
    violations <- object$violations

    # 2. Get ready for plotting -----------------------------------------------
    # Set up observation indices
    v.statistics <- c(stats, newstats)
    v.indices <- 1:length(v.statistics)

    # Set y-axis limits explicitly so we can re-use them to control
    # the layout and appearance of other elements in the grid.
        ylimits <- range(v.statistics)
        ylimits <- range(v.statistics, limits, center)

    # Set x-axis limit explicitly so we can control the appearance
    # and re-use for other ggplot objects in a grid arrangement.
    xlimits <- range(v.indices)

    # Set up labels
    # Set axis labels if not provided by the user
    ylabel <- c("Group summary statistics")
    xlabel <- c("Time")

    # Create a main graph title. If provided by the user, use that.
    main.title <- paste(title)

    # Determine significant figures
    # Find the largest number of digits in $statistics, then take the smaller of that and
    has.dec <- FALSE
    sig.dig <- rep(0, length(stats))
    for(i in 1:length(stats)) {
        sig.dig[i] <- length(gregexpr("[[:digit:]]", as.character(stats[i]))[[1]])
    sig.figs <- max(sig.dig) # assume numbers with decimals imply significant figures
    if (sig.figs > getOption("digits")) sig.figs <- getOption("digits")

    # If the default limit labels are used, create new labels using the last values
    # for center, limits[1] and limits[2].
    # Possibilities: label.limits is numeric; label.cl is default or text
    #                label.cl is numeric; label.limits is default or text
    # Desired result: label.limits is a character vector with 3 elements
    label.limits = waiver()
    label.limits <- c(as.character(signif(lcl[length(lcl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                      as.character(signif(ucl[length(ucl)], digits = sig.figs)))
    label.cl <- as.character(signif(center[length(center)], digits = sig.figs))
    label.limits <- c(label.limits, label.cl)

    # create a data frame for use by ggplot
    qc.data <- data.frame(df.indices <- v.indices, df.statistics <- as.vector(v.statistics))

    # 3. Start plotting -------------------------------------------------------
    # plot Shewhart chart

    # Set up the plot
    if(is.null(names(stats))) {
        xlabs = as.character(qc.data$df.indices) # xlabs = as.character(indices)
    } else {
        xlabs = c(as.character(names(stats)), as.character(names(newstats)))

    qc.gplot <- ggplot(data = qc.data, environment = environment(),
                       aes(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics)) +
        theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "mm")) + theme_rquantquant(logo = "rquant", rquant_font = T, font_size = font_size) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.5), limits = xlimits) #, breaks = qc.data$df.indices, labels = xlabs

    # Plot dots and connecting lines for the statistic variable
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
        geom_line(colour = quantColours()[1]) +
        geom_point(shape = 20, size = 2)
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + ylim(ylimits)

    # Add graph labels
    # The plotting of the graph title may need to change when using grid
    # main.title will be in a separate viewport
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + labs(x = xlabel, y = ylabel)

    # Add center line
    if(length(center) == 1) {
        # If there are not steps, just plot a horizontal line for the
        # individuals average.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = center)
        #else lines(indices, c(center, center[length(center)]), type="s")
    } else {
        # otherwise, we need to plot a stepped center line
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_step(aes(x = df.indices, y = c(center, center[length(center)])), direction="hv")

    # Add control limit lines
    if(length(lcl) == 1) {
        # Likewise for the UCL and LCL lines
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = lcl, linetype = 2)
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = ucl, linetype = 2)
    } else {
        # For variable limits, plot stepped lines for UCL and LCL
        varlimits.df <- data.frame(x.l = qc.data$df.indices, yu.l = ucl[qc.data$df.indices], yl.l = lcl[qc.data$df.indices])
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_step(data = varlimits.df,
                                         aes(x = x.l, y = yl.l),
                                         direction = "hv", linetype = 2)
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_step(data = varlimits.df,
                                         aes(x = x.l, y = yu.l),
                                         direction = "hv", linetype = 2)

    # Violating runs
    # Identify violating runs.
        stop(".qcc.options$violating.runs undefined. See help(qcc.options).")
    index.r <- rep(NA, length(violations$violating.runs))
    if(length(violations$violating.runs > 0)) {
        index.r <- violations$violating.runs
        # if(!is.null(newstats)) {
        #     index.r <- index.r - length(stats)
        #     index.r <- index.r[index.r>0]
        # }
        # Create a data frame to (over)plot violating run points.
        df.runs <- data.frame(x.r = qc.data$df.indices[index.r], y.r = qc.data$df.statistics[index.r])
        # Replot points in violating runs in the adjusted color.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_point(data = df.runs,
                       aes(x = x.r, y = y.r),
                       colour = qcc.options("violating.runs")$col,
                       shape = qcc.options("violating.runs")$pch,
                       size = 2)

    # Points beyond limits
    # Identify points beyond limits
    index.b <- rep(NA, length(violations$beyond.limits))
        stop(".qcc.options$beyond.limits undefined. See help(qcc.options).")
    if(length(violations$beyond.limits > 0)) {
        index.b <- violations$beyond.limits
        # if(!is.null(newstats)) {
        #     index.b <- index.b - length(stats)
        #     index.b <- index.b[index.b>0]
        # }
        # Create a data frame to (over)plot beyond limit points.
        df.beyond <- data.frame(x.b = qc.data$df.indices[index.b], y.b = df.statistics[index.b])
        # Replot points that are beyond limits.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_point(data = df.beyond, aes(x = x.b, y = y.b),
                       colour = qcc.options("beyond.limits")$col,
                       shape = qcc.options("beyond.limits")$pch,
                       size = 2)

    # New Statistics
    # Plot and label a vertical break line to mark points used for limits calculation from
    # added points.
    if(!is.null(newstats)) {
        len.obj.stats <- length(object$statistics)
        len.new.stats <- length(v.statistics) - len.obj.stats
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_vline(xintercept = len.obj.stats + 0.5, linetype = "dotted")


    # Generation of QC plot is complete.
    # Prepare objects to add annotations outside of plot
    qc.gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(qc.gplot))
    qc.index <- subset(qc.gt$layout, name == "panel")

    # Add labels "LCL," "UCL," "CL" to control limits and center line.
    # First, set up a data frame for plotting.
    qc.df.limitslab <- data.frame(x.ll = c(0,0,0), y.ll = c(limits[length(limits[,1]),1], limits[length(limits[,2]),2], center[length(center)]))
    # Create a new ggplot object for the labels plot.
    qc.p3 <- ggplot(qc.data, aes_string(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics), environment = environment()) +
        geom_blank() +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(line = element_blank(),
              text = element_blank(),
              panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA)) +
        guides(colour = "none") +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +

    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[1]),
                  label = label.limits[1],
                  hjust = 0)
    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[2]),
                  label = label.limits[2],
                  hjust = 0)
    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[3]),
                  label = label.limits[3],
                  hjust = 0)

    # The labels plot is complete; now just grab the "panel" portion of it
    # for actual display.
    qc.g3 <- gtable_filter(ggplotGrob(qc.p3), "panel")

    # Add gtable columns to draw annotation
    # to the right for the UCL, LCL and center line labels
    qc.gt <- gtable_add_cols(x=qc.gt,
                             widths=unit(x=1, units="strwidth",
                                         data=paste(rep("M",max(nchar(label.limits))), sep = '', collapse = '')),
    # Add out labels plot object into the plot grob
    qc.gt <- gtable_add_grob(qc.gt, qc.g3,
                             t = qc.index$t,
                             l = ncol(qc.gt),
                             b = qc.index$b,
                             r = ncol(qc.gt))

    # If we're plotting newstats, we need another gtable row above the main
    # plot for the "calibration data..." and "new data in..." labels.
    if(!is.null(newstats)) {
        # Set up a data frame for plotting
        qc.df.nslabel <- data.frame(index = v.indices[length(v.indices)], y = 0)
        # Create the newdata label
        qc.p2.label2 <- paste("New data")
        # Calculate the position of the newdata label
        qc.p2.label2.x <- len.obj.stats + len.new.stats/2
        # Create the ggplot object
        qc.p2 <- ggplot(qc.data, aes(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics), environment = environment()) +
            geom_blank() +
            theme_minimal() +
            theme(line = element_blank(),                   # Prevent display axis lines, etc.
                  text = element_blank(),                   # Prevent display of labels, etc.
                  panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA)) +
            scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.5), limits = xlimits) +
            guides(colour = "none")

        qc.p2 <- qc.p2 +
            geom_text(data = qc.df.nslabel,
                      aes(x = len.obj.stats / 2, y = 0),
                      label = paste("Calibration data"),
                      hjust = 0.5,
                      vjust = 0) +
            geom_text(data = qc.df.nslabel,
                      aes(x = qc.p2.label2.x, y = 0),
                      label = qc.p2.label2,
                      hjust = 0.5,
                      vjust = 0)

        # Get just the panel from qc.p2
        qc.g2 <- gtable_filter(ggplotGrob(qc.p2), "panel")
        # Add the newstats label plot above the main plat
        qc.gt <- gtable_add_rows(qc.gt, unit(2*12, "points"), pos = 0)
        qc.gt <- gtable_add_grob(x = qc.gt, grobs = qc.g2,
                                 t = 1,
                                 l = 4,
                                 b = 1,
                                 r = 4)

    # The user may call qcc.plot as part of their own code or function
    # for building up a graph object.

    # Explicitly create a parent viewport for the whole plot window so that
    # we are sure to have dimensional information for positioning.
    qc.vp.main <- viewport(gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

    # If the user does not want a graph title, make the title viewport
    # zero height. Otherwise, make it 4 lines high.
    if (inherits(x=title, what="element_blank")) {
        qc.vp.top.height = unit(0, "npc")
    } else {
        qc.vp.top.height = convertUnit(unit(4, "lines"), "npc")

    # Set the bottom (stats) panel height to zero. If the user
    # wanted stats printed, we'll expand this later.
    qc.vp.bot.height = convertUnit(unit(0, "lines"), "npc")

    # Set up the top viewport, pinning it to the top of the parent viewport.
    qc.vp.top <- viewport(x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                          y = unit(1, "npc"),
                          height =qc.vp.top.height,
                          width = unit(1, "npc"),
                          just = c("centre", "top"),
                          name = "vptop",
                          gp = gpar(fontsize = as.numeric(12)+2)) # was "lines"

    # Add statistics to the plot (number of groups, limits, etc.)
    # computes the x margins of the figure region
    qc.vp.bot.height <- convertUnit(unit(6, "lines"), "npc")
    qc.vp.bot <- viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"),
                          height =qc.vp.bot.height,
                          just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                          name = "vpstat",
                          gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))
    #grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "grey50"))
    # Set up a tabular layout for the statistics
    stats.x <- unit(rep(NA, 6), "npc")
    stats.y <- unit(rep(NA, 3), "lines")
    stats.x[1] <- unit(0.1, "npc")
    stats.x[2] <- unit(0.3, "npc")
    stats.x[3] <- unit(0.4, "npc")
    stats.x[4] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
    stats.x[5] <- unit(0.58, "npc")
    stats.x[6] <- unit(0.9, "npc")
    stats.y[1] <- unit(3, "lines")
    stats.y[2] <- unit(2, "lines")
    stats.y[3] <- unit(1, "lines")
    grid.text(c("Number of groups ="),
              x = stats.x[1],
              y = stats.y[1],
              just = c("left"),
              name = "numgroupslab")
              x = stats.x[3],
              y = stats.y[1],
              just = c("left"),
              name = "numgroups")
    #     center <- object$center
    if(length(center) == 1) {
        grid.text(c("Center ="),
                  x = stats.x[1],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "centerlab")
        grid.text(as.character(signif(center[length(center)], digits = sig.figs)),
                  x = stats.x[2],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "centerstat")
    } else {
        grid.text(c("Center is variable"),
                  x = stats.x[2],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "centerlab")
    grid.text(c("StdDev ="),
              x = stats.x[1],
              y = stats.y[3],
              just = c("left"),
              name = "stdevlab")
    grid.text(as.character(signif(x=std.dev, sig.figs)),
              x = stats.x[2],
              y = stats.y[3],
              just = c("left"),
              name = "stdevstat")

    if(length(unique(lcl)) == 1) {
        grid.text(c("LCL ="),
                  x = stats.x[3],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "lcllabel")
        grid.text(as.character(signif(lcl[length(lcl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                  x = stats.x[4],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "lclstat")
    } else {
        grid.text(c("LCL is variable"),
                  x = stats.x[3],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "lcllabel")
    if(length(unique(ucl)) == 1) {
        grid.text(c("UCL ="),
                  x = stats.x[3],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "ucllabel")
        grid.text(as.character(signif(ucl[length(ucl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                  x = stats.x[4],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "uclstat")
    } else {
        grid.text(c("UCL is variable"),
                  x = stats.x[3],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "ucllabel")
    if(!is.null(violations)) {
        grid.text(c("Number beyond limits ="),
                  x = stats.x[5],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "beyondlabel")
                  x = stats.x[6],
                  y = stats.y[2],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "beyondstat")
        grid.text(c("Number violating limits ="),
                  x = stats.x[5],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "violatinglabel")
                  x = stats.x[6],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "violatingstat")

    # Set up the main plot viewport
    qc.vp.plt.height = unit(1 - as.numeric(qc.vp.bot.height) - as.numeric(qc.vp.top.height), "npc")
    qc.vp.plt.y = unit(as.numeric(qc.vp.bot.height) + as.numeric(qc.vp.plt.height) / 2, "npc")
    qc.vp.plt <- viewport(y = qc.vp.plt.y,
                          height =qc.vp.plt.height,
                          just = c("centre","center"),
                          name = "vpplot",
                          gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))

    # Draw the main graph title
    if (!inherits(x=title, what="element_blank")){
        #grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "gray80"),
        #          name = "titlerect")
        grid.text(main.title, name = "titletext",
                  gp = gpar(fontsize = as.numeric(12) + 2, fontface = "bold"),
                  x = 0.5,
                  y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "lines"),
                  just = c("centre","center"))


    # Plot the graph




#' Plot Cusum & EWMA Plot
#' Implementation of plot.qcc using ggplot2 and grid
#' @param x A qcc object to plot.
#' @param add.stats A boolean flag controlling whether summary statistics are printed on the graph.
#' @param chart.all All boolean flag controlling whether all (old and new) statistics are plotted, or only one or the other
#' @param label.limits A character vector with to elements containing the labels for the lower control limit line and the upper control limit line. The default argument now uses \code{\link{waiver()}} from \link{ggplot2}.
#' @param title A character string containing the desired plot title. If not supplied, a default will be created. If set to element_blank(), the title will not be printed and the control chart will be expanded (i.e. the space normally allocated to the title will be given over to plotting the data).
#' @param xlab A character string containing the desired plot x-axis label. If not supplied, a default will be created.
#' @param ylab A character string containing the desired plot y-axis label. If not supplied, a default will be created.
#' @param ylim A two-element numeric vector containing desired limits for the y axis. If not supplied, a default will be created.
#' @param axes.las An integer indicating the desired orientation of axis labels. See \code{?par} for details. Defaults to 0.
#' @param digits An integer indicating the number of digits to print. See\code{?getOption} for details. Defaults to getOption("digits")
#' @param restore.par A boolean indicating whether or not graphic parametersshould be restored. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param font.size The desired font size in points (pts). Defaults to 12 pts.
#' @param label.cl A character vector with one element containing the label for the central limit line.
#' @return A \code{grid} object containing the complete plot.
#' @examples
#' my.xmr.raw <- c(5045,4350,4350,3975,4290,4430,4485,4285,3980,3925,3645,3760,3300,3685,3463,5200)
#' my.xmr.new <- round(c(runif(5, 3500, 4000)))
#' x <- qcc(my.xmr.raw, type = "xbar.one", newdata = my.xmr.new, plot = TRUE)
#' plotCusumEWMA(x)
#' @export
plotCusumEWMA = function(x, add.stats = TRUE, chart.all = TRUE, label.limits = waiver(),
                         title = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, axes.las = 0,
                         digits =  getOption("digits"), restore.par = TRUE, font.size = 12,
                         size = 4, cex = 4, plot.new = TRUE, label.cl = waiver(), ...){

    object <- x  # Argh.  Really want to use 'object' anyway
    if ((missing(object)) | (!inherits(object, "qcc")))
        stop("an object of class `qcc' is required")

    # if point size is the default and \code{cex} is given, we want to change \code{size}
    if (size == 4 & !missing(cex)) {
        if (size != cex) {
            size <- cex
    # collect info from object
    type <- object$type
    std.dev <- object$std.dev
    data.name <- object$data.name
    center <- object$center
    stats <- object$statistics
    limits <- object$limits
    lcl <- limits[,1]
    ucl <- limits[,2]
    newstats <- object$newstats
    newdata.name <- object$newdata.name
    violations <- object$violations
    # Set up observation indices
    if(chart.all) {
        v.statistics <- c(stats, newstats)
        v.indices <- 1:length(v.statistics)
    } else {
        if(is.null(newstats)) {
            v.statistics <- stats
            v.indices <- 1:length(v.statistics)
        } else {
            v.statistics <- newstats
            v.indices <- seq(length(stats)+1, length(stats)+length(newstats))

    # Set y-axis limits explicitly so we can re-use them to control
    # the layout and appearance of other elements in the grid.
    if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(v.statistics, limits, center)
    # Set x-axis limit explicitly so we can control the appearance
    # and re-use for other ggplot objects in a grid arrangement.
    xlim <- range(v.indices)

    # Set up labels
    # Set axis labels if not provided by the user
    if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- c("Group summary statistics")
    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- c("Group")

    # Create a main graph title. If provided by the user, use that.
    if (!inherits(x=title, what="element_blank")){
        if (is.null(title)) {          # Need to create a plot title
            if (is.null(newstats))  {    # Just for the qcc data used to calculate limits
                main.title <- paste(type, "Chart\nfor", data.name)
            } else {                     # Also have new data (not used for limits calcs)
                if (chart.all){            # Plotting both old and new data
                    main.title <- paste(type, "Chart\nfor", data.name,
                                        "and", newdata.name)
                } else {                   # Plotting only the new data
                    main.title <- paste(type, "Chart\nfor", newdata.name)
        } else {main.title <- paste(title)}  # Plot title given by the user

    # Determine significant figures
    # If \code{digits} is provided (i.e., \code{digits != getOption("digits")}), then use that,
    # otherwise estimate the correct number of significant measurement digits.
    # Find the largest number of digits in $statistics, then take the smaller of that and
    # getOption("digits")
    if(digits == getOption("digits")) {
        # Assume user did not set a value.
        has.dec <- FALSE
        sig.dig <- rep(0, length(stats))
        for(i in 1:length(stats)) {
            sig.dig[i] <- length(gregexpr("[[:digit:]]", as.character(stats[i]))[[1]])
        sig.figs <- max(sig.dig) # assume numbers with decimals imply significant figures
        if (sig.figs > getOption("digits")) sig.figs <- getOption("digits")
    } else {
        sig.figs <- digits

    # If the default limit labels are used, create new labels using the last values
    # for center, limits[1] and limits[2].
    # Possibilities: label.limits is numeric; label.cl is default or text
    #                label.cl is numeric; label.limits is default or text
    # Desired result: label.limits is a character vector with 3 elements
    if(is.waive(label.limits)) {
        label.limits <- c(as.character(signif(lcl[length(lcl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                          as.character(signif(ucl[length(ucl)], digits = sig.figs)))
    } else{
        if(is.numeric(label.limits)) {
            label.limits.text <- as.character(c(NA, NA))
            label.limits.text[1] <- as.character(signif(label.limits[1], digits = sig.figs))
            label.limits.text[2] <- as.character(signif(label.limits[2], digits = sig.figs))
            label.limits <- label.limits.text
    if(is.waive(label.cl)) {
        label.cl <- as.character(signif(center[length(center)], digits = sig.figs))
    } else {
        if(is.numeric(label.cl)) {
            label.cl <- as.character(signif(label.cl, digits = sig.figs))

    label.limits <- c(label.limits, label.cl)

    # create a data frame for use by ggplot
    qc.data <- data.frame(df.indices <- v.indices, df.statistics <- as.vector(v.statistics))

    # plot Shewhart chart

    # Set up the plot
    # Expand the x axis manually so we can control the position
    # of CL, UCL and LCL labels outside the plot
    # Set the plot margins to allow space for the limit labels
    # TODO: adjust axis and tick labels based on axes.las
    # las
    #   0: parallel to axis
    #   1: horizontal
    #   2: perpendicular to axis
    #   3: vertical
    # angle = [0, 360]
    #  angle=if(las=0) 90 else ...
    #  angle=if(las=0) 0 else ...
    # bp + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", colour="#990000", size=20),
    #            axis.text.x  = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, size=16))
    if (axes.las != 0) {
        # Adjust axis title orientation based on "las" value.
        # TODO: Need to calculate appropriate angle.
    if(is.null(names(stats))) {
        xlabs = as.character(qc.data$df.indices) # xlabs = as.character(indices)
    } else {
        xlabs = c(as.character(names(stats)), as.character(names(newstats)))

    qc.gplot <- ggplot(data = qc.data, environment = environment(),
                       aes(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics)) +
            text = element_text(size = font.size),
            plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "mm")) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.5), limits = xlimits) #, breaks = qc.data$df.indices, labels = xlabs

    # Plot dots and connecting lines for the statistic variable
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
        geom_line(colour = "grey40") +
        geom_point(shape = 20, size = size)
    # Code is broken here
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + ylim(ylim)

    # Add graph labels
    # The plotting of the graph title may need to change when using grid
    # main.title will be in a separate viewport
    qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab)

    # Add center line
    if(length(center) == 1) {
        # If there are not steps, just plot a horizontal line for the
        # individuals average.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = center)
        #else lines(indices, c(center, center[length(center)]), type="s")
    } else {
        # otherwise, we need to plot a stepped center line
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_step(aes(x = df.indices, y = c(center, center[length(center)])), direction="hv")

    # Add control limit lines
    if(length(lcl) == 1) {
        # Likewise for the UCL and LCL lines
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = lcl, linetype = 2)
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_hline(yintercept = ucl, linetype = 2)
    } else {
        # For variable limits, plot stepped lines for UCL and LCL
        varlimits.df <- data.frame(x.l = qc.data$df.indices, yu.l = ucl[qc.data$df.indices], yl.l = lcl[qc.data$df.indices])
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_step(data = varlimits.df,
                                         aes(x = x.l, y = yl.l),
                                         direction = "hv", linetype = 2)
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_step(data = varlimits.df,
                                         aes(x = x.l, y = yu.l),
                                         direction = "hv", linetype = 2)

    # Violating runs
    # Identify violating runs.
        stop(".qcc.options$violating.runs undefined. See help(qcc.options).")
    index.r <- rep(NA, length(violations$violating.runs))
    if(length(violations$violating.runs > 0)) {
        index.r <- violations$violating.runs
        if(!chart.all & !is.null(newstats)) {
            index.r <- index.r - length(stats)
            index.r <- index.r[index.r>0]
        # Create a data frame to (over)plot violating run points.
        df.runs <- data.frame(x.r = qc.data$df.indices[index.r], y.r = qc.data$df.statistics[index.r])
        # Replot points in violating runs in the adjusted color.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_point(data = df.runs,
                       aes(x = x.r, y = y.r),
                       colour = qcc.options("violating.runs")$col,
                       shape = qcc.options("violating.runs")$pch,
                       size = size)

    # Points beyond limits
    # Identify points beyond limits
    index.b <- rep(NA, length(violations$beyond.limits))
        stop(".qcc.options$beyond.limits undefined. See help(qcc.options).")
    if(length(violations$beyond.limits > 0)) {
        index.b <- violations$beyond.limits
        if(!chart.all & !is.null(newstats)) {
            index.b <- index.b - length(stats)
            index.b <- index.b[index.b>0]
        # Create a data frame to (over)plot beyond limit points.
        df.beyond <- data.frame(x.b = qc.data$df.indices[index.b], y.b = df.statistics[index.b])
        # Replot points that are beyond limits.
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot +
            geom_point(data = df.beyond, aes(x = x.b, y = y.b),
                       colour = qcc.options("beyond.limits")$col,
                       shape = qcc.options("beyond.limits")$pch,
                       size = size)

    # New Statistics
    # Plot and label a vertical break line to mark points used for limits calculation from
    # added points.
    if(chart.all & (!is.null(newstats))) {
        len.obj.stats <- length(object$statistics)
        len.new.stats <- length(v.statistics) - len.obj.stats
        qc.gplot <- qc.gplot + geom_vline(xintercept = len.obj.stats + 0.5, linetype = "dotted")


    # Generation of QC plot is complete.
    # Prepare objects to add annotations outside of plot
    qc.gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(qc.gplot))
    qc.index <- subset(qc.gt$layout, name == "panel")

    # Add labels "LCL," "UCL," "CL" to control limits and center line.
    # First, set up a data frame for plotting.
    qc.df.limitslab <- data.frame(x.ll = c(0,0,0), y.ll = c(limits[length(limits[,1]),1], limits[length(limits[,2]),2], center[length(center)]))
    # Create a new ggplot object for the labels plot.
    qc.p3 <- ggplot(qc.data, aes_string(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics), environment = environment()) +
        geom_blank() +
        theme_minimal() +
        theme(line = element_blank(),
              text = element_blank(),
              panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA)) +
        guides(colour = "none") +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +

    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[1]),
                  label = label.limits[1],
                  hjust = 0)
    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[2]),
                  label = label.limits[2],
                  hjust = 0)
    qc.p3 <- qc.p3 +
        geom_text(data = qc.df.limitslab,
                  aes( x = 0, y = y.ll[3]),
                  label = label.limits[3],
                  hjust = 0)

    # The labels plot is complete; now just grab the "panel" portion of it
    # for actual display.
    qc.g3 <- gtable_filter(ggplotGrob(qc.p3), "panel")

    # Add gtable columns to draw annotation
    # to the right for the UCL, LCL and center line labels
    qc.gt <- gtable_add_cols(x=qc.gt,
                             widths=unit(x=1, units="strwidth",
                                         data=paste(rep("M",max(nchar(label.limits))), sep = '', collapse = '')),
    # Add out labels plot object into the plot grob
    qc.gt <- gtable_add_grob(qc.gt, qc.g3,
                             t = qc.index$t,
                             l = ncol(qc.gt),
                             b = qc.index$b,
                             r = ncol(qc.gt))

    # If we're plotting newstats, we need another gtable row above the main
    # plot for the "calibration data..." and "new data in..." labels.
    if(chart.all & (!is.null(newstats))) {
        # Set up a data frame for plotting
        qc.df.nslabel <- data.frame(index = v.indices[length(v.indices)], y = 0)
        # Create the newdata label
        qc.p2.label2 <- paste("New data in", object$newdata.name)
        # Calculate the position of the newdata label
        qc.p2.label2.x <- len.obj.stats + len.new.stats/2
        # Create the ggplot object
        qc.p2 <- ggplot(qc.data, aes(x = df.indices, y = df.statistics), environment = environment()) +
            geom_blank() +
            theme_minimal() +
            theme(line = element_blank(),                   # Prevent display axis lines, etc.
                  text = element_blank(),                   # Prevent display of labels, etc.
                  panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA)) +
            scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.5), limits = xlim) +
            guides(colour = "none")

        qc.p2 <- qc.p2 +
            geom_text(data = qc.df.nslabel,
                      aes(x = len.obj.stats / 2, y = 0),
                      label = paste("Calibration data in", data.name),
                      hjust = 0.5,
                      vjust = 0) +
            geom_text(data = qc.df.nslabel,
                      aes(x = qc.p2.label2.x, y = 0),
                      label = qc.p2.label2,
                      hjust = 0.5,
                      vjust = 0)

        # Get just the panel from qc.p2
        qc.g2 <- gtable_filter(ggplotGrob(qc.p2), "panel")
        # Add the newstats label plot above the main plat
        qc.gt <- gtable_add_rows(qc.gt, unit(2*font.size, "points"), pos = 0)
        qc.gt <- gtable_add_grob(x = qc.gt, grobs = qc.g2,
                                 t = 1,
                                 l = 4,
                                 b = 1,
                                 r = 4)

    # The user may call qcc.plot as part of their own code or function
    # for building up a graph object.
    if (plot.new) {

    # Explicitly create a parent viewport for the whole plot window so that
    # we are sure to have dimensional information for positioning.
    qc.vp.main <- viewport(gp = gpar(fontsize = font.size))

    # If the user does not want a graph title, make the title viewport
    # zero height. Otherwise, make it 4 lines high.
    if (inherits(x=title, what="element_blank")) {
        qc.vp.top.height = unit(0, "npc")
    } else {
        qc.vp.top.height = convertUnit(unit(4, "lines"), "npc")

    # Set the bottom (stats) panel height to zero. If the user
    # wanted stats printed, we'll expand this later.
    qc.vp.bot.height = convertUnit(unit(0, "lines"), "npc")

    # Set up the top viewport, pinning it to the top of the parent viewport.
    qc.vp.top <- viewport(x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                          y = unit(1, "npc"),
                          height =qc.vp.top.height,
                          width = unit(1, "npc"),
                          just = c("centre", "top"),
                          name = "vptop",
                          gp = gpar(fontsize = as.numeric(font.size)+2)) # was "lines"

    # Add statistics to the plot (number of groups, limits, etc.)
    if(add.stats) { # computes the x margins of the figure region
        qc.vp.bot.height <- convertUnit(unit(6, "lines"), "npc")
        qc.vp.bot <- viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"),
                              height =qc.vp.bot.height,
                              just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                              name = "vpstat",
                              gp = gpar(fontsize = font.size))
        #grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "grey50"))
        # Set up a tabular layout for the statistics
        stats.x <- unit(rep(NA, 6), "npc")
        stats.y <- unit(rep(NA, 3), "lines")
        stats.x[1] <- unit(0.1, "npc")
        stats.x[2] <- unit(0.3, "npc")
        stats.x[3] <- unit(0.4, "npc")
        stats.x[4] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
        stats.x[5] <- unit(0.58, "npc")
        stats.x[6] <- unit(0.9, "npc")
        stats.y[1] <- unit(3, "lines")
        stats.y[2] <- unit(2, "lines")
        stats.y[3] <- unit(1, "lines")
        grid.text(c("Number of groups ="),
                  x = stats.x[1],
                  y = stats.y[1],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "numgroupslab")
                  x = stats.x[3],
                  y = stats.y[1],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "numgroups")
        #     center <- object$center
        if(length(center) == 1) {
            grid.text(c("Center ="),
                      x = stats.x[1],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "centerlab")
            grid.text(as.character(signif(center[length(center)], digits = sig.figs)),
                      x = stats.x[2],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "centerstat")
        } else {
            grid.text(c("Center is variable"),
                      x = stats.x[2],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "centerlab")
        grid.text(c("StdDev ="),
                  x = stats.x[1],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "stdevlab")
        grid.text(as.character(signif(x=std.dev, sig.figs)),
                  x = stats.x[2],
                  y = stats.y[3],
                  just = c("left"),
                  name = "stdevstat")

        if(length(unique(lcl)) == 1) {
            grid.text(c("LCL ="),
                      x = stats.x[3],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "lcllabel")
            grid.text(as.character(signif(lcl[length(lcl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                      x = stats.x[4],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "lclstat")
        } else {
            grid.text(c("LCL is variable"),
                      x = stats.x[3],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "lcllabel")
        if(length(unique(ucl)) == 1) {
            grid.text(c("UCL ="),
                      x = stats.x[3],
                      y = stats.y[3],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "ucllabel")
            grid.text(as.character(signif(ucl[length(ucl)], digits = sig.figs)),
                      x = stats.x[4],
                      y = stats.y[3],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "uclstat")
        } else {
            grid.text(c("UCL is variable"),
                      x = stats.x[3],
                      y = stats.y[3],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "ucllabel")
        if(!is.null(violations)) {
            grid.text(c("Number beyond limits ="),
                      x = stats.x[5],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "beyondlabel")
                      x = stats.x[6],
                      y = stats.y[2],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "beyondstat")
            grid.text(c("Number violating limits ="),
                      x = stats.x[5],
                      y = stats.y[3],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "violatinglabel")
                      x = stats.x[6],
                      y = stats.y[3],
                      just = c("left"),
                      name = "violatingstat")

    # Set up the main plot viewport
    qc.vp.plt.height = unit(1 - as.numeric(qc.vp.bot.height) - as.numeric(qc.vp.top.height), "npc")
    qc.vp.plt.y = unit(as.numeric(qc.vp.bot.height) + as.numeric(qc.vp.plt.height) / 2, "npc")
    qc.vp.plt <- viewport(y = qc.vp.plt.y,
                          height =qc.vp.plt.height,
                          just = c("centre","center"),
                          name = "vpplot",
                          gp = gpar(fontsize = font.size))
    #                        xscale = ggplot_build(qc.gplot)$panel$ranges[[1]]$x.range,
    #                        yscale = ggplot_build(qc.gplot)$panel$ranges[[1]]$y.range)

    # Draw the main graph title
    if (!inherits(x=title, what="element_blank")){
        #grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "gray80"),
        #          name = "titlerect")
        grid.text(main.title, name = "titletext",
                  gp = gpar(fontsize = as.numeric(font.size) + 2, fontface = "bold"),
                  x = 0.5,
                  y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "lines"),
                  just = c("centre","center"))


    # Plot the graph




#' Replace the qcc package plot function with our custom function.
# unlockBinding(sym="plot.qcc", env=getNamespace("qcc"));
# assignInNamespace(x="plot.qcc", value=plot.qcc, ns=asNamespace("qcc"), envir=getNamespace("qcc"));
# assign("plot.qcc", plot.qcc, envir=getNamespace("qcc"));
# lockBinding(sym="plot.qcc", env=getNamespace("qcc"));
ivanliu1989/RQuant documentation built on Sept. 13, 2019, 11:53 a.m.