
Defines functions firstTimeSetup installCommonPackages createGitIgnore listFns updateDirFilePermissions simpleCap

Documented in createGitIgnore firstTimeSetup installCommonPackages listFns simpleCap updateDirFilePermissions

#' Setup the RStuido Environment for New Users
#' Automatically generate \code{.Rprofile} and \code{.Renviron} for basic settings of RStudio development environment. The files will be created under user's root path (e.g. \code{'/home/user1/'})
#' For the first time user, please also see \code{'installCommonPackages()'} function for installing common packages.
#' @examples
#' firstTimeSetup()
#' @seealso \link{installCommonPackages}
#' @export
firstTimeSetup <- function()
    rprof = paste0('/home/', Sys.info()[7], '/.Rprofile')
    renvir = paste0('/home/', Sys.info()[7], '/.Renviron')
    shinypath = paste0('/home/', Sys.info()[7], '/ShinyApps')
        warning("The existing .Rprofile has been found! Please manually update the file as required.")
            ".First <- function(){
rm(list = ls())
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
# needed to zip up stuff as it is in a non-standard location
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/') # for 64-bit version
Sys.setenv(TZ = 'GMT')
Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = 'GMT')
if('RQuant' %in% utils::installed.packages()[, 'Package']) library(RQuant)
if('RQuantAPI' %in% utils::installed.packages()[, 'Package']) library(RQuantAPI)
if('RQuantTrader' %in% utils::installed.packages()[, 'Package']) library(RQuantTrader)
if('RQuantModelStore' %in% utils::installed.packages()[, 'Package']) library(RQuantModelStore)
cat('\\nWelcome ',Sys.info()[7], ' at', date(), '\\n')
        cat("The .Rprofile has been created in root dir, please close it out if no further changes required for the file.")

    warning("The existing .Rprofile has been found! Please manually update the file as required.")
    cat("The .Rprofile has been created in root dir, please close it out if no further changes required for the file.")
# Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER')

    warning("ShinyApps exists already.")
    dir.create(shinypath, recursive = TRUE, mode = '0755')

    system('ln -s /home/Common')

#' Install Common Packages
#' Automatically check and install a list of common packages required for financial modeling, data science, statistical analysis and etc. And choose to update existing libraries.
#' Please make sure you've already run \code{'firstTimeSetup()'} before installing packages. The function helps you to re-locate your library path to a shared folder.
#' @param update if the library exists, try to update the library instead. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @examples
#' Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER')
#' installCommonPackages(update = FALSE)
#' @seealso \link{firstTimeSetup}
#' @export
installCommonPackages <- function(update = FALSE)
    commonPackages <- "webshot,pander,DT,RWeka,igraph,ngram,twitteR,NLP,tm,wordcloud,topicmodels,SnowballC,bursts,qcc,AnomalyDetection,psych,RJDBC,lubridate,plotly,png,sendmailR,ResourceSelection,FNN,caret,digest,DistributionUtils,dplyr,e1071,ecodist,energy,evaluate,expm,fAssets,fBasics,fCopulae,FGN,FinancialInstrument,fMultivar,foreach,forecast,formatR,fPortfolio,fracdiff,FRAPO,fUnitRoots,gdata,GeneralizedHyperbolic,ggplot2,git2r,gplots,gss,gtable,gtools,highr,htmltools,htmlwidgets,httpuv,httr,IBrokers,iterators,jsonlite,kernlab,knitr,ks,akima,assertthat,AUC,BH,bitops,blotter,brew,caTools,cccp,chron,colorspace,crayon,cubature,curl,data.table,DBI,DEoptimR,devtools,dichromat,labeling,lazyeval,ltsa,magrittr,mailR,markdown,memoise,mime,misc3d,mnormt,modopt.matlab,multicool,munsell,mvnormtest,mvtnorm,nloptr,numDeriv,openssl,PearsonDS,PerformanceAnalytics,plyr,PortfolioAnalytics,praise,pROC,quadprog,Quandl,quantmod,quantstrat,R.methodsS3,R.oo,R.utils,R6,RColorBrewer,RcppArmadillo,RCurl,registry,reshape2,rgl,Rglpk,rJava,rneos,robustbase,ROCR,RODBC,ROI,ROI.plugin.glpk,ROI.plugin.quadprog,ROML,ROML.portfolio,roxygen2,Rsolnp,rstudioapi,Rsymphony,rugarch,RUnit,scales,scenportopt,shiny,SkewHyperbolic,slam,sn,sourcetools,sp,spd,stabledist,stringi,stringr,testthat,tibble,tidyjson,timeDate,timeSeries,truncnorm,tseries,TTR,urca,whisker,withr,xgboost,XML,xtable,xts,yaml,zoo,base,boot,class,cluster,codetools,compiler,datasets,foreign,graphics,grDevices,grid,KernSmooth,lattice,MASS,Matrix,methods,mgcv,nlme,nnet,parallel,rpart,spatial,splines,survival,tcltk"
    commonPackages <- strsplit(commonPackages, split = ",")[[1]]
    allPkgs = installed.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths())
    for (i in 1:length(commonPackages)) {
        cat(commonPackages[i], '...\n')
        if (!commonPackages[i] %in% allPkgs[, "Package"]) {
        else {
            if(update) tryCatch({update.packages(commonPackages[i])})

#' Create and print out .gitignore
#' @description
#' A function to print out all suggested file types that need to be added to .gitignore file.
#' Or users can use the function to create or overwrite the .gitignore file directly under current work directory.
#' @param createFile create or overwrite the .gitignore file in current work directory
#' @param openFile open the .gitigore file or not
#' @param additional file types to be ignored by git
#' @examples
#' createGitIgnore(createFile = TRUE, openFile = TRUE, ignoreList = c("*.RData", "*.jpg"))
#' @export
createGitIgnore <- function(createFile = FALSE, openFile = TRUE, ignoreList = NULL){
    ignore.list = unique(c(c(".Rproj.user",".Rhistory",".RData","*.csv","*.rda",
    ignore.list = paste(ignore.list, collapse = "\n")
    if(openFile & file.exists(".gitignore")) file.edit(".gitignore")

#' List functions within a loaded package
#' @return A vector of function names within a loaded package
#' @param pkg The name of a package as a string
#' @param pattern A regex expression to pass to grep to
#' include only certain package
#' @param invert A logical indicating whether to return names that match the
#' provided pattern (TRUE) or that do not match the pattern (FALSE)
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' listFns("ggplot2")
#' listFns("ggplot2", pattern = "^theme")
#' listFns("ggplot2", pattern = "^[Stat|theme|geom|Geom|scale]", invert = TRUE)
#' @export
listFns <- function(pkg, pattern = NULL , invert = FALSE){

    if (is.null(pkg)){
        stop("pkg cannot be NULL")

    if(!is.character(pkg) | length(pkg) != 1){
        stop("pkg must be a character string of length one!")

    if (!pkg %in% sub("package:","",grep("package:",search(), value = TRUE))){
        stop("pkg must be a character string of the name of a LOADED package!")

    if( (!is.character(pattern) & !is.null(pattern)) | length(pattern) > 1){
        stop("pattern must be a character string of length one!")

        stop("invert must be a logical!")

    eval.command <- paste0("package:",pkg)

    all.functions.in.pkg <- ls(paste0(eval.command))

    if (!is.null(pattern)){
        res <- grep(pattern, all.functions.in.pkg, value = TRUE, invert = invert)
        res <- all.functions.in.pkg

#' Manipulaton of Directories and File Permissions
#' These functions provide a low-level interface to the computer's file system.
#' @param path a character vector containing a single path name.
#' @param recursive logical. Should elements of the path other than the last be created? If true, like the Unix command mkdir -p.
#' @param mode the mode to be used on Unix-alikes: it will be coerced by as.octmode. For Sys.chmod it is recycled along paths.
#' @examples
#' updateDirFilePermissions(getwd(), recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")
#' @export
updateDirFilePermissions <- function(path = getwd(), recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777"){

        files <- list.files(path, all.files = T, full.names = T, recursive  = recursive)
        dirs <- list.dirs(path, full.names = T, recursive  = recursive)

        sapply(files, function(x) Sys.chmod(x, mode = "0777", use_umask = F))
        sapply(dirs, function(x) Sys.chmod(x, mode = "0777", use_umask = F))

        cat(paste0("The permissions under ", path, " have been successfully updated. (", length(files), " files | ", length(dirs), " folders)"))

        cat("The dirctory does not exist!")

#' Capital initial for each word
#' Capital initial for each word
#' @export
simpleCap <- function(x) {
    x = gsub("_", " ", x)
    x = tolower(x)
    s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
    paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
          sep="", collapse=" ")
ivanliu1989/RQuant documentation built on Sept. 13, 2019, 11:53 a.m.