
Defines functions skat

Documented in skat

# SKAT test. Input is a table where the first column is a case/control and other columns are genotypes.
# Return value: a list with Q-statistics and associated p-value (asymptotic and permutted).
skat <- function(table, kernel="linear", weights=NULL, a=1, b=25, permutations=NULL) {
  y <- as.numeric(as.matrix(table[,1]))
  X <- as.matrix(table[,-1])
  ## checking argumetns
  if (!is.vector(y) || mode(y) != "numeric")
    stop("argument 'y' must be a numeric vector")
  if (any(is.na(y))) 
    stop("Sorry =(   No missing data allowed in argument 'y' ")	
  if (!all(y %in% c(0, 1)))
    stop("Sorry =(   argument 'y' must contain only 0 and 1")
  if(!is.matrix(X) & !is.data.frame(X))
    stop("argument 'X' must be a matrix or data.frame")
  if (nrow(X) != length(y)) 
    stop("'X' and 'y' have different lengths")
  if (!is.matrix(X)) X = as.matrix(X)
  if (!(kernel %in% c('linear', 'wlinear', 'quadratic', 'IBS', 'wIBS', 'twowayx')))
    stop(paste("\n", "Sorry =(   I don't recognize kernel:", kernel, "\n",
               "Choose one from: 'linear', 'wlinear', 'quadratic', 'IBS', 'wIBS', 'twowayx'")) 
  if (!is.null(weights))
    if(length(weights) != ncol(X)) 
      stop("length of 'weights' does not match number of columns in 'X'")
    if(!is.vector(weights) || mode(weights) != "numeric" || any(weights) <= 0)
      stop("argument 'weights' must be a numeric vector with positive values")
  if (mode(a) != "numeric" || length(a) != 1 || a <= 0)
    stop("argument 'a' must be a positive number")
  if (mode(b) != "numeric" || length(b) != 1 || b <= 0)
    stop("argument 'b' must be a positive number")
  if (!is.null(permutations))
    if (mode(permutations) != "numeric" || length(permutations) != 1 || permutations < 0 || (permutations %% 1) !=0) 
      warning("Argument 'perm' incorrectly defined. Value permutations=NULL is used")
      permutations <- NULL
  } else {
    permutations <- 0
  ## How many obs and variants
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  ## get weights for linear-weighted or IBS-weighted
  if (kernel=="wlinear" || kernel=="wIBS" && is.null(weights))
    # MAF across cases and controls combined
    MAF <- colMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE) / 2
    # weights of the variants
    weights <- dbeta(MAF, a, b)
  ## Apply kernel
  K <- switch(kernel,
             "linear" = X %*% t(X),
             "wlinear" = ((X %*% diag(weights^2)) %*% t(X) ), 
             "quadratic" = (X %*% t(X) + 1) ^ 2,
             "IBS" = kernel_IBS(X, n, p),
             "wIBS" = kernel_wIBS(X, n, p, weights),
             "twowayx" = kernel_twowayx(X, n, p)
  ## Score statistic Q (follows a Chi-square distr)
  y.new <- y - mean(y)
  Q <- t(y.new) %*% K %*% y.new / 2 
  ## parameters to estimate distr of Q    
  mu <- rep(mean(y), n)
  V <- diag(mu * (1-mu))
  ones <- rep(1, n)
  P <- V - V %*% ones %*% solve(t(ones) %*% V %*% ones) %*% t(ones) %*% V
  PK <- P %*% K
  muQ <- sum(diag(PK)) / 2
  itau <- sum(PK * t(PK)) / 2
  itausig <- sum(PK * t(P)) / 2
  isigma <- sum(P^2) / 2
  iest <- itau - ((itausig^2)/isigma)
  skale <- iest / (2 * muQ)
  degfr <- 2 * (muQ^2) / iest
  ## p-value
  skat.stat <- as.numeric(Q)
  asym.pval <- 1 - pchisq(skat.stat/skale, df=1) #df=degfr)
  ## permutations
  perm.pval <- NA
  if (permutations > 0)
    x.perm <- rep(0, permutations)
    for (i in 1:permutations)
      perm.sample <- sample(1:length(y))
      y.perm <- y[perm.sample]
      y.new <- y.perm - mean(y.perm)
      Q.perm <- t(y.new) %*% K %*% y.new / 2
      x.perm[i] <- as.numeric(Q.perm)
    # p-value 
    perm.pval <- sum(x.perm > skat.stat) / permutations
  } else {
    permutations <- "NULL"   
  ## Results
  name <- "SKAT: Sequence Kernel Association Test"
  arg.spec <- c(sum(y), length(y)-sum(y), ncol(X), permutations, kernel)
  names(arg.spec) <- c("cases", "controls", "variants", "n.perms", "kernel")
  res <- list(skat.stat = skat.stat, 
             asym.pval = asym.pval, 
             perm.pval = perm.pval, 
             args = arg.spec, 
             name = name)
izhbannikov/vartools documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:14 a.m.