
Defines functions fstat_calc

Documented in fstat_calc

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

#' @title  Calculate F-statistics from genotypes or allele frequencies (counts)
#' @description Function takes a genotypes or allele frequencies in a long-format data table
#' and calculates Weir & Cockerham's F-statistics (Weir & Cockerham, 1984).
#' Permutations can be used to test statistical significance of F-statistics in
#' genotype data sets. Can deal with multiallelic data. See Details for more information.
#' @param dat Data table: For genotype data, a long-format data table of genotypes,
#' coded as '/' separated alleles ('0/0', '0/1', '1/1'). For allele frequency data,
#' a long-format data table of allele counts.
#' Columns required for \strong{both} genotypes and allele frequencies:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item The population ID (see param \code{popCol}).
#'    \item The locus ID (see param \code{locusCol}).
#' }
#' Columns required only for \strong{genotypes}:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item The sample ID (see param \code{sampCol}).
#'    \item The genotypes (see param \code{genoCol}).
#' }
#' Columns required only for \strong{allele frequencies}:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item The allelic count column (see param \code{countCol}).
#'    \item The number of individuals used to obtain the allele frequency
#'    estimate (see param \code{indsCol}).
#' }
#' @param type Character: One of \code{'genos'} or \code{'freqs'}, to calculate
#' F-statistics from genotype or allele frequency data, respectively.
#' @param method Character: One of \code{'global'} or \code{'pairwise'} for
#' global or pairwise F-statistics, respectively.
#' @param fstatVec Character: A vector of F-statistics to calculate. This is only
#' applicable for genotype data, \code{type=='genos'}. Must include one of \code{"FST"},
#' \code{"FIS"}, or \code{"FIT"}.
#' @param popCol Character: The column name with the population information.
#' Default is \code{'POP'}.
#' @param sampCol Character: The column name with the sampled individual information.
#' Default is \code{'SAMPLE'}.
#' @param locusCol Character: The column name with the locus information.
#' Default is \code{'LOCUS'}.
#' @param genoCol Character: The column name with the genotype information.
#' Default is \code{'GT'}.
#' @param countCol Character: The column name with the allele count information.
#' Default is \code{'FREQ'}. Counts for each allele need to be separated with a
#' comma, starting with the Ref allele, followed by each subsequent Alt allele.
#' E.g., '0,25', or '5,7,10', for a locus with 2 alleles and 3 alleles, respectively.
#' You must code alleles within a locus at same positions in the character
#' string across all populations.
#' @param indsCol Character: The column name with the number of individuals
#' contributing to the allele freuqency estimate. Default is \code{indsCol}.
#' @param permute Logical: Should permutations be performed to test the
#' statistical significance of F-statistics? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' Can only be performed on genotype data, \code{type=='genos'}.
#' @param keepLocus Logical: Should locus-specific estimates of F-statistics be
#' kept? Default is TRUE. Dropping locus-specific estimates will dramatically
#' save memory and the size of the returned list.
#' @param numPerms Integer: The number of permutations to perform. Default is 100.
#' @param numCores Integer: The number of cores to use when running permutations. Default is 1.
#' @details With genotype data, the F-statistics FST, FIS, and FIT can be calculated.
#' Only FST can be calculated from allele frequency data.
#' F-statistics from genotype data are calculated from the variance components
#' 'a', 'b', and 'c', which have been standardised for observed heterozygosity.
#' FST from allele frequency data uses an estimate of the expected heterozygosity.
#' Permutation tests for genotype data involve random shuffling of individuals
#' among populations, recalculating F-statistics, and testing the hypothesis
#' that the permuted F-statistic > observed F-statistic. The p-value represents the
#' proportion of permutation that were TRUE to this expression. That is,
#' if no permuted values are greater than the observed, p=0. Likewise, if all
#' the permuted values are greater than the observed, p=1.
#' @return A list is returned with three indexes.
#' The first index is \code{$genome}, the genome-wide F-statistics. If global
#' estimates were requested, \code{global==TRUE}, then this is just a single row;
#' the estimates across all populations. If pairwise esimates were requested,
#' \code{pairwise==TRUE}, then there are \code{$POP1} and \code{$POP2}, which
#' represent two populations tested.
#' The second index is \code{$locus}, the locus-specific F-statistics. This is
#' a data table with a \code{$LOCUS} column for global estimates at each locus.
#' when \code{global==TRUE}. If pairwise population estimates have been requested,
#' \code{pairwise==TRUE}, then there are \code{$POP1} and \code{$POP2}, which
#' represent the two populations tested.
#' The third index is \code{$permute}, the permutation results. This index will
#' be \code{NULL} when frequencies are used, i.e., \code{type=='freqs'}, and
#' will only contain data if \code{type=='genos'} and \code{permute==TRUE}.
#' \code{$permute} is itself a list, with two subindexes:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item \code{$fstat}: The permuted F-statistics. If \code{global==TRUE}, then
#'    this will simply be a single row of global estimates. If \code{pairwise==TRUE},
#'    then this will be a data table with columns \code{$POP1}, \code{$POP2}, and
#'    a column for each F-statistic.
#'    \item \code{$pval}: The permuted p-values. This is a long-format data table.
#'    If \code{global==TRUE}, then there are two column: \code{$STAT}, which
#'    contains the F-statistic; and \code{$PVAL}, which contains the global
#'    permuted p-value. If \code{pairwise==TRUE}, then there will two additional
#'    columns, \code{$POP1} and \code{$POP2}.
#' }
#' @references Weir & Cockerham (1984) Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1984.tb05657.x
#' Weir et al. (2002) Annals of Human Genetics. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.genet.36
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(genomalicious)
#' data(data_Genos)
#' data(data_PoolFreqs)
#' data(data_PoolInfo)
#' # Set genotypes as characters
#' data_Genos$GT %>% head
#' data_Genos[, GT:=genoscore_converter(GT)]
#' data_Genos$GT %>% head
#' # Set allele counts and individuals in pool-seq data
#' data_PoolFreqs %>% head
#' data_PoolInfo %>% head
#' data_PoolFreqs[, COUNTS:=paste(RO,AO,sep=',')]
#' data_PoolFreqs$INDS <- data_PoolInfo$INDS[
#' match(data_PoolFreqs$POOL, data_PoolInfo$POOL)
#' ]
#' head(data_PoolFreqs)
#' # Genotypes and global F-statistics
#' geno_global_f <- fstat_calc(
#' dat=data_Genos,
#' type='genos', method='global', fstatVec=c('FST','FIS','FIT'),
#' popCol='POP', sampCol='SAMPLE',
#' locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT',
#' permute=FALSE
#' )
#' # Genotypes and pairwise F-statistics
#' geno_pair_f <- fstat_calc(
#' dat=data_Genos,
#' type='genos', method='pairwise', fstatVec=c('FST','FIS','FIT'),
#' popCol='POP', sampCol='SAMPLE',
#' locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT',
#' permute=FALSE
#' )
#' # Allele frequencies (from counts) and global FST
#' freqs_global_f <- fstat_calc(
#' dat=data_PoolFreqs,
#' type='freqs', method='global', fstatVec=NULL,
#' popCol='POP', locusCol='LOCUS',
#' countCol='COUNTS', indsCol='INDS',
#' permute=FALSE
#' )
#' # Allele frequencies (from counts) and pairwise FST
#' freqs_pair_f <- fstat_calc(
#' dat=data_PoolFreqs,
#' type='freqs', method='pairwise', fstatVec=NULL,
#' popCol='POP', locusCol='LOCUS',
#' countCol='COUNTS', indsCol='INDS',
#' permute=FALSE
#' )
fstat_calc <- function(
    dat, type, method, fstatVec=NULL,
    popCol='POP', sampCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS',
    genoCol='GT', countCol='COUNTS', indsCol='INDS',
    permute=FALSE, keepLocus=TRUE, numPerms=100, numCores=1
  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Assertions and environment
  # --------------------------------------------+
  require(data.table); require(tidyverse)

  # Make sure dat is a data.table
  dat <- as.data.table(dat)

  # Has type been specified correctly?
  if(!type %in% c('genos','freqs')){
    stop('Argument `type` must be one of "genos" or "freqs". See ?fstat_calc.')

  # Check that method is assigned properly
  if(!method %in% c('global','pairwise')){
    stop('Argument `method` must be one of "global" or "snpwise". See ?fstat_calc.')

  # Check that permute is logical
    stop('Argument `permute` must be a logical value. See ?fstat_calc.')

  # If permute is specified, then check numPerms is >0 and is an integer
      stop('Argument `numPerms` must be an integer >0. See ?fstat_calc.')

    numPerms <- as.integer(numPerms)

  # Checks specific to each type
    # Check all necessary columns are present and reassign values.
    if(sum(c(popCol,sampCol,locusCol,genoCol) %in% colnames(dat))!=4){
        'Argument `dat` requires columns `popCol`, `sampCol`, `locusCol` and
        `genoCol` to estimate F-statistics from genotypes. See ?fstat_calc.')

      dat <- copy(dat) %>%

    # If genotypes are not character separated with '/' throw error.
        'The genotypes specified in `genoCol` must be characters, alleles
        separated by a "/". Please check before running this function. See ?fstat_calc.'

    # If no F-statistics have been specified for genotypes, stop.
        'Argument `fstatVec` cannot be NULL when requesting F-statistics
      from genotypes. See ?fstat_calc.')

    # Make sure the specified value in fstat are correct
    if(sum(!fstatVec %in% c('FST','FIS','FIT'))!=0){
        'Argument `fstatVec` must only contain "FST", "FIS", and/or "FIT" when
        requesting F-statistics from genotypes. See ?fstat_calc.'

    if(sum(c(popCol,locusCol,countCol,indsCol) %in% colnames(dat))!=4){
        'Argument `dat` requires columns `popCol`, `locusCol`, `countCol`, and
        `indsCol` to estimate F-statistics from allele frequencies. See ?fstat_calc.')

      dat <- copy(dat) %>%

        'Argument `fstatVec` must be NULL when requesting FST from allele
        frequencies. See ?fstat_calc.'

  # ------------------------------------------------+
  # Allele frequencies and global FST
  # ------------------------------------------------+
  if(type=='freqs' & method=='global'){
    # Empty output list
    fstat.output <- list(genome=NULL, locus=NULL, permute=NULL)

    # Frequency table
    freqTab <- allele_freqs_DT(
      dat=dat, type='counts', popCol='POP',
      locusCol='LOCUS', countCol='COUNTS', indsCol='INDS'
    ) %>%
      setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)
    # Variance components
    ABC <- freqTab %>%
      .[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]
    # FST
    f.list <- fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='freqs', fstat='FST')
    fstat.output$genome <- f.list$genome
      fstat.output$locus <- f.list$locus

  # ------------------------------------------------+
  # Allele frequencies and pairwise FST
  # ------------------------------------------------+
  if(type=='freqs' & method=='pairwise'){
    # Empty output list
    fstat.output <- list(genome=NULL, locus=NULL, permute=NULL)

    # Frequency table
    freqTab <- allele_freqs_DT(
      dat=dat, type='counts', popCol='POP',
      locusCol='LOCUS', countCol='COUNTS', indsCol='INDS'
    ) %>%
      setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)

    # Population pairs
    popPairs <- combn(unique(dat$POP), 2) %>% t()

    # Iterate over population pairs
    for(i in 1:nrow(popPairs)){
      # Subset the population pair
      pop.pair <- popPairs[i,]
      # Variance components
      ABC <- freqTab[POP %in% c(pop.pair)] %>%
        .[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]
      # Calculate FST
      f.list <- fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='freqs', fstat='FST')
      f.list$locus <- data.table(POP.1=pop.pair[1], POP.2=pop.pair[2], f.list$locus)
      f.list$genome <- data.table(POP.1=pop.pair[1], POP.2=pop.pair[2], f.list$genome)
      # Output
      fstat.output$genome <- rbind(fstat.output$genome, f.list$genome)
        fstat.output$locus <- rbind(fstat.output$locus, f.list$locus)

      # Clean up

  # ------------------------------------------------+
  # Individual genotypes and global F-statistics
  # ------------------------------------------------+
  if(type=='genos' & method=='global'){
    # Empty output list
    fstat.output <- list(genome=NULL, locus=NULL, permute=NULL)

    # Allele frequency table
    freqTab <- allele_freqs_DT(
      dat, type='genos', sampCol='SAMPLE', popCol='POP',
      locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT'
    ) %>%
      setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)

    # Variance components
    ABC <- freqTab[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]

    # Iterate over requested F-statistics
    for(f in fstatVec){
      f.list <- fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='genos', fstat=f)
      fstat.output$genome <- cbind(fstat.output$genome, f.list$genome)
          fstat.output$locus <- f.list$locus
        } else{
          fstat.output$locus <- left_join(fstat.output$locus, f.list$locus, by='LOCUS')
      rm(f, f.list)

    # PERMUTE?
      # Populations and samples to shuffle
      samp.pop.tab <- unique(dat[, c('SAMPLE','POP')])

      # Make cluster
      my.cluster <- makeCluster(numCores)

      # Iterate over permutations
      perm.stats <- foreach(j=1:numPerms) %dopar% {

        # Shuffle populations
        samp.pop.tab$POP <- sample(samp.pop.tab$POP, nrow(samp.pop.tab), FALSE)

        # Make permuted dataset
        dat.j <- left_join(copy(dat[, c('SAMPLE','LOCUS','GT')]), samp.pop.tab, by='SAMPLE')

        # Permuted allele frequencies
        freq.j <- allele_freqs_DT(
          dat.j, type='genos', sampCol='SAMPLE', popCol='POP',
          locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT'
        ) %>%
          setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)

        # Permuted variance components
        ABC <- freq.j[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]

        # Permuted F-statistics
        lapply(fstatVec, function(f){
          fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='genos', fstat=f)$genome
        }) %>%
          do.call('cbind',.) %>%
          data.table(PERM=j, .)
      } %>%
        do.call('rbind', .)

      # Kill cluster

      # Output
      fstat.output$permute <- left_join(
        perm.stats %>%
          data.table::melt(., id.vars='PERM', variable.name='STAT', value.name='MIX'),
        data.table(STAT=names(fstat.output$genome), OBS=as.vector(fstat.output$genome)),
      ) %>%
        as.data.table %>%
        .[, TEST:=MIX>OBS] %>%
        .[, .(PVAL=sum(TEST)/length(PERM)), by=STAT]

  # ------------------------------------------------+
  # Genotypes and pairwise F-statistics
  # ------------------------------------------------+
  if(type=='genos' & method=='pairwise'){
    # Empty output list
    fstat.output <- list(genome=NULL, locus=NULL, permute=NULL)

    # Allele frequency table
    freqTab <- allele_freqs_DT(
      dat, type='genos', sampCol='SAMPLE', popCol='POP',
      locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT'
    ) %>%
      setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)

    # Population pairs
    popPairs <- combn(unique(dat$POP), 2) %>% t()

    # Iterate over population pairs
    for(i in 1:nrow(popPairs)){

      # Subset population pair
      pop.pair <- popPairs[i,]

      # Variance components
      ABC <- freqTab[POP %in% pop.pair] %>%
        .[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]

      # F-statistics for the population pair
      f.pair <- list(genome=NULL, locus=NULL)
      for(f in fstatVec){
        f.list <- fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='genos', fstat=f)

        f.pair$genome <- cbind(f.pair$genome, f.list$genome)

            f.pair$locus <- cbind(f.pair$locus, f.list$locus)
          } else{
            f.pair$locus <- left_join(f.pair$locus, f.list$locus, by='LOCUS')

      # Save
      fstat.output$genome <- rbind(
        data.table(POP.1=pop.pair[1], POP.2=pop.pair[2], f.pair$genome)

        fstat.output$locus <- rbind(
          data.table(POP.1=pop.pair[1], POP.2=pop.pair[2], f.pair$locus)

      # Clean up

    # PERMUTE?
      samp.pop.tab <- unique(dat[, c('SAMPLE','POP')])

      # Set up cluster
      my.cluster <- makeCluster(numCores)

      perm.stats <- foreach(j=1:numPerms) %dopar% {

        # Permute individuals over populations
        samp.pop.tab$POP <- sample(samp.pop.tab$POP, nrow(samp.pop.tab), FALSE)

        lapply(1:nrow(popPairs), function(i){
          # Population pair
          pop.pair <- popPairs[i,]

          # Subset data on permuted populations
          dat.ij <- dat %>%
            .[POP %in% pop.pair, c('SAMPLE','LOCUS','GT')] %>%
            left_join(., samp.pop.tab, by='SAMPLE')

          # Permuted allele frequencies
          freq.ij <- allele_freqs_DT(
            dat.ij, type='genos', sampCol='SAMPLE', popCol='POP',
            locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT'
          ) %>%
            setorder(., LOCUS, POP, ALLELE)

          # Permuted Variance components
          ABC <- freq.ij[, fstat_varcomps(pi=FREQ, ni=INDS, r=length(POP), hi=HET), by=c('LOCUS','ALLELE')]

          # Permuted F-statistics
          lapply(fstatVec, function(f){
            fstat_subfun(ABC=ABC, type='genos', fstat=f)$genome
          }) %>%
            do.call('cbind',.) %>%
            data.table(POP.1=pop.pair[1], POP.2=pop.pair[2], PERM=j, .)
        }) %>%
          do.call('rbind', .)
      } %>%
        do.call('rbind', .)

      # Kill cluster

      # Summarise permutations and get significance
      fstat.output$permute <- left_join(
        perm.stats %>%
          data.table::melt(., id.vars=c('PERM','POP.1','POP.2'), variable.name='STAT', value.name='MIX'),
        fstat.output$genome %>%
          data.table::melt(., id.vars=c('POP.1','POP.2'), variable.name='STAT', value.name='OBS'),
      ) %>%
        as.data.table %>%
        .[, TEST:=MIX>OBS] %>%
        .[, .(PVAL=sum(TEST)/length(PERM)), by=c('STAT','POP.1','POP.2')]

  # ------------------------------------------------+
  # Return the output
  # ------------------------------------------------+

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

#' @title  Calculate variance components for F-statistics
#' @description Takes a list of values of allele frequencies, sample sizes, number of
#' populations, and heterozygosity, and returns variance components, as
#' per Weir & Cockerham (1984). Assumes that all values are for a single
#' biallelic SNP locus. \cr\cr Note, this function is not exported and is an
#' internal function for \code{fstat_calc}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param pi Numeric: A vector of allele frequencies for each population.
#' @param ni Numeric: A vector of sample sizes (number of diploid individuals)
#' for each population.
#' @param r Integer: A single value, the number of populations.
#' @param hi Numeric: A vector of observed heterozygosities for each population.
#' @returns Returns a data table with three columns \code{$A}, \code{$B},
#' \code{$C}, which correspond to the 'a', 'b' and 'c' variance components
#' described in Weir & Cockheram (1984).
#' @references Weir & Cockerham (1984) Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1984.tb05657.x
#' Weir et al. (2002) Annals of Human Genetics. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.genet.36
#' @export
fstat_varcomps <- function(pi, ni, r, hi){
  # The mean sample size
  n.mean <- sum(ni/r)

  # The sample size scaling parameter
  nc <- (r*n.mean - sum((ni^2)/(r*n.mean))) / (r-1)

  # The average sample allele frequency
  p.mean <- sum((ni*pi)/(r*n.mean))

  # The variance in allele frequencies
  s2 <- sum( (ni*(pi-p.mean)^2)/((r-1)*n.mean) )

  # The average heterozygosity
  h.mean <- sum( (ni*hi)/(r*n.mean) )

  # The a, b, and c components
  a <- (nc/n.mean) * (s2 - (1/(n.mean-1))*((p.mean*(1-p.mean)) - (s2*(r-1)/r) - (0.25*h.mean)))

  b <- (n.mean/(n.mean-1)) * ((p.mean*(1-p.mean)) - (s2*(r-1)/r) - (h.mean*((2*n.mean-1)/(4*n.mean))))

  c <- 0.5 * h.mean

  # Return as list
  return(data.table(A=a, B=b, C=c))

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

fstat_subfun <- function(ABC, type, fstat){
  # Frequencies
    # Locus
    f.tab.loc <- ABC[, .(FST=sum(A)/sum(A+B+C)), by='LOCUS']
    # Genome
    f.tab.genome <- left_join(
      ABC %>% na.omit %>% .[, .(NUMER=sum(A)), by='LOCUS'],
      ABC %>% na.omit %>% .[, .(DENOM=sum(A+B+C)), by='LOCUS'],
    ) %>%
      .[, .(FST=sum(NUMER)/sum(DENOM))]
  # Genotypes
      # Locus
      f.tab.loc <- ABC[, .(FST=sum(A)/sum(A+B+C)), by='LOCUS']
      # Genome
      f.tab.genome <- left_join(
        ABC %>% na.omit %>% .[, .(NUMER=sum(A)), by='LOCUS'],
        ABC %>% na.omit %>% .[, .(DENOM=sum(A+B+C)), by='LOCUS'],
      ) %>%
        .[, .(FST=sum(NUMER)/sum(DENOM))]
    } else if(fstat=='FIS'){
      # Locus
      f.tab.loc <- ABC[, .(FIS=1-(sum(C)/sum(B+C))), by='LOCUS']
      # Genome
      f.tab.genome <- left_join(
        ABC %>% na.omit() %>% .[, .(NUMER=sum(C)), by='LOCUS'],
        ABC %>% na.omit() %>% .[, .(DENOM=sum(B+C)), by='LOCUS'],
      ) %>%
        .[, .(FIS=1-sum(NUMER)/sum(DENOM))]
    } else if(fstat=='FIT'){
      # Locus
      f.tab.loc <- ABC[, .(FIT=1-(sum(C)/sum(A+B+C))), by='LOCUS']
      # Genome
      f.tab.genome <- left_join(
        ABC %>% na.omit() %>% .[, .(NUMER=sum(C)), by='LOCUS'],
        ABC %>% na.omit() %>% .[, .(DENOM=sum(A+B+C)), by='LOCUS'],
      ) %>%
        .[, .(FIT=1-sum(NUMER)/sum(DENOM))]

  # Output
  return(list(genome=f.tab.genome, locus=f.tab.loc))
j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.