
Defines functions .create_depmap_outputs

#' Render general outputs for the DepMap tab
#' Create rendering expressions for the DepMap tab outputs.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param output The Shiny output object from the server function.
#' @param robjects A reactive list of values generated in the server function.
#' @return A \linkS4class{NULL} is invisibly returned
#' and rendering expressions for DepMap tab features are added to \code{output}.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @importFrom shiny isolate renderUI
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly
#' @importFrom DT renderDT datatable formatStyle
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_depmap_outputs
.create_depmap_outputs <- function(input, output, robjects) {
    # nocov start
    output$depmap.deplines <- renderUI({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.gene)

        dep.info <- get_depmap_essentiality(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.gene)
            dep.info = dep.info,
            dep.release = robjects$depmap.release,
            crispr.color = isolate(input$dep.crispr.color),
            rnai.color = isolate(input$dep.rnai.color)
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.essplot <- renderPlotly({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.meta, robjects$pool)

        df <- get_depmap_plot_data(
            gene = input$depmap.gene, data.type = "dependency",
            depmap.meta = robjects$depmap.meta, depmap.pool = robjects$pool

        fig <- plot_depmap_dependency(
            df = df,
            crispr.color = isolate(input$dep.crispr.color),
            rnai.color = isolate(input$dep.rnai.color),
            depline = isolate(input$dep.depline),
            plot.grid = isolate(input$dep.plot.grid)

        robjects$plot.depmap.essplot <- fig
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.expplot <- renderPlotly({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.meta, robjects$pool)

        df <- get_depmap_plot_data(
            gene = input$depmap.gene, data.type = "ccle_tpm",
            depmap.meta = robjects$depmap.meta, depmap.pool = robjects$pool

        fig <- plot_depmap_expression(
            df = df,
            color = isolate(input$exp.color),
            plot.grid = isolate(input$exp.plot.grid)

        robjects$plot.depmap.expplot <- fig
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.cnplot <- renderPlotly({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.meta, robjects$pool)

        df <- get_depmap_plot_data(
            gene = input$depmap.gene, data.type = "cn",
            depmap.meta = robjects$depmap.meta, depmap.pool = robjects$pool

        fig <- plot_depmap_cn(
            df = df,
            color = isolate(input$cn.color),
            plot.grid = isolate(input$cn.plot.grid)

        robjects$plot.depmap.cnplot <- fig
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.lineages <- renderPlotly({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.meta, robjects$pool)

        plot.val <- isolate(input$lin.data)

            dependency = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            crispr = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            rnai = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            cn = {
                plot.val <- "log_copy_number"
            ccle_tpm = {
                plot.val <- "rna_expression"

        df <- get_depmap_plot_data(
            gene = input$depmap.gene, data.type = isolate(input$lin.data),
            depmap.meta = robjects$depmap.meta, depmap.pool = robjects$pool

        fig <- plot_depmap_lineages(
            df = df,
            plot.val = plot.val,
            group.by = isolate(input$lin.group),
            label.size = isolate(input$lin.label.size),
            pt.color = isolate(input$lin.pt.color),
            pt.size = isolate(input$lin.pt.size),
            boxplot.fill = isolate(input$lin.box.fill),
            boxplot.line.color = isolate(input$lin.box.color),
            depline = isolate(input$lin.depline)

        robjects$plot.depmap.lineages <- fig
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.sublineage <- renderPlotly({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.meta, robjects$pool)

        plot.val <- isolate(input$lin.data)

            dependency = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            crispr = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            rnai = {
                plot.val <- "dependency"
            cn = {
                plot.val <- "log_copy_number"
            ccle_tpm = {
                plot.val <- "rna_expression"

        df <- get_depmap_plot_data(
            gene = input$depmap.gene, data.type = isolate(input$lin.data),
            depmap.meta = robjects$depmap.meta, depmap.pool = robjects$pool

        fig <- plot_depmap_lineages(
            df = df,
            plot.val = plot.val,
            group.by = "lineage_subtype",
            lineage = isolate(input$sub.lineage),
            label.size = isolate(input$sub.label.size),
            pt.color = isolate(input$sub.pt.color),
            pt.size = isolate(input$sub.pt.size),
            boxplot.fill = isolate(input$sub.box.fill),
            boxplot.line.color = isolate(input$sub.box.color),
            depline = isolate(input$sub.depline)

        robjects$plot.depmap.sublineage <- fig
    # nocov end

    # nocov start
    output$depmap.geneinfo <- renderUI({
        req(input$depmap.gene, robjects$depmap.gene)

    # nocov end
j-andrews7/CRISPRball documentation built on May 10, 2024, 6:48 p.m.