#' @title
#' Pack Element Filtering
#' @description
#' Primary filtering stage for the \code{packSearch}
#' algorithm. Identifies potential Pack-TYPE transposable
#' elements based on proximity of matching inverted repeats
#' and equality of TSD sequences.
#' @param forwardMatches
#' A dataframe containing genomic ranges and names referring
#' to forwards-facing TIR sequences and their respective
#' TSD sequences.
#' @param reverseMatches
#' A dataframe containing genomic ranges and names referring
#' to reverse-facing TIR sequences and their respective
#' TSD sequences.
#' @param Genome
#' A DNAStringSet object containing the matches referred to
#' in \code{forwardMatches} and \code{reverseMatches}
#' @param elementLength
#' A vector of two integers containing the minimum and
#' maximum transposable element length.
#' @param tsdMismatch
#' An integer referring to the allowable mismatch
#' (substitutions or indels) between a transposon's TSD
#' sequences. \code{\link[Biostrings]{matchPattern}} from Biostrings
#' is used for pattern matching.
#' @details
#' Used by \code{\link{packSearch}} as a primariy filtering
#' stage. Identifies matches likely to be transposons based
#' on their TIR region, from \code{\link{identifyTirMatches}},
#' and their TSD region, from \code{\link{getTsds}}. It is
#' recommended to use the general pipeline function
#' \code{\link{packSearch}} for identification of potential
#' pack elements, however each stage may be called
#' individually. Note that only exact TSD matches are
#' considered, so supplying long sequences for TSD elements
#' may lead to false-negative results.
#' @return
#' A dataframe, \code{packMatches}, containing the locations
#' of potential Pack-TYPE transposable elements in \code{Genome}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{packSearch}
#' @examples
#' data(arabidopsisThalianaRefseq)
#' forwardMatches <- identifyTirMatches(
#' Biostrings::DNAString("CACTACAA"),
#' arabidopsisThalianaRefseq,
#' tsdLength = 3,
#' strand = "+"
#' )
#' reverseMatches <- identifyTirMatches(
#' Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAString("CACTACAA")),
#' arabidopsisThalianaRefseq,
#' tsdLength = 3,
#' strand = "-"
#' )
#' packMatches <- identifyPotentialPackElements(
#' forwardMatches,
#' reverseMatches,
#' arabidopsisThalianaRefseq,
#' c(300, 3500)
#' )
#' @author
#' Jack Gisby
#' @export
identifyPotentialPackElements <- function(forwardMatches, reverseMatches,
Genome, elementLength,
tsdMismatch = 0) {
packMatches_list <- list()
# for each forward match, consider/filter each nearby reverse match
for (forwardMatch in seq_len(length(forwardMatches[, 1]))) {
forwardRepeat <- forwardMatches[forwardMatch, ]
chr <- as.character(forwardRepeat[[1]])
searchRange <- c(forwardRepeat$start + elementLength[1],
forwardRepeat$start + elementLength[2])
if (searchRange[2] > length(Genome[names(Genome) == chr][[1]])) {
searchRange[2] <- length(Genome[names(Genome) == chr][[1]])
reverseRepeats <- filterTsdMatches(reverseMatches, forwardRepeat,
tsdMismatch, searchRange)
if (length(reverseRepeats[, 1]) > 0) {
for (reverseMatch in seq_len(length(reverseRepeats[, 1]))) {
packMatches_list[[forwardMatch]] <- data.frame(
seqnames = forwardRepeat$seqnames,
start = forwardRepeat$start,
end = reverseRepeats[reverseMatch, ]$end,
width = reverseRepeats[reverseMatch, ]$end
- forwardRepeat$start + 1,
strand = "*"
packMatches <- do.call("rbind", packMatches_list)
filterTsdMatches <- function(reverseMatches, forwardRepeat, tsdMismatch,
searchRange) {
# filters for exact matches (faster), or uses matchpattern
if (tsdMismatch == 0) {
reverseRepeats <- reverseMatches[
reverseMatches$seqnames == as.character(forwardRepeat$seqnames) &
reverseMatches$end > searchRange[1] &
reverseMatches$end < searchRange[2] &
reverseMatches$strand == "-" &
reverseMatches$TSD == as.character(forwardRepeat$TSD),
} else {
reverseRepeats <- reverseMatches[
reverseMatches$seqnames == as.character(forwardRepeat$seqnames)
& reverseMatches$end > searchRange[1] &
reverseMatches$end < searchRange[2] &
reverseMatches$strand == "-",
if (length(reverseRepeats[, 1]) > 0) {
reverseRepeats <- reverseRepeats[
max.mismatch = tsdMismatch,
with.indels = TRUE) > 0,
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