
#' Return NMFS's main policies page as an xml2 object
get_policies_page <- function() {
  page <- xml2::read_html("http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/laws/esa/policies.htm")

#' Get tables of NMFS ESA policies
#' @details NMFS provides tables with document titles, dates, and citations
#' for their ESA policy documents. This function may be particularly useful in
#' a script that is run as a cron job to check for updates.
#' @note This function may be fragile: it is 'tuned' to the table layout of
#' the ESA policies page as of 26 Nov 2016. Check the policies page,
#' \href{http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/laws/esa/policies.htm}{here}, for a layout
#' other than one two-column table at top, followed by >1 three-column tables
#' below, if this function fails.
#' @return A list of two data.frames, \describe{
#'   \item{interagency}{Table of interagency cooperation ESA policies}
#'   \item{other_docs}{Table of other ESA policies}
#' }
#' @importFrom rvest html_table
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows filter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    policies_tab <- get_policies_tables()
#' }
get_policies_tables <- function() {
  page <- get_policies_page()
  tabs <- rvest::html_table(page)
  interagency <- tabs[[1]]
  tabs[[1]] <- NULL
  names(interagency) <- gsub(interagency[2, ], pattern = "/", replacement = "_")
  interagency <- interagency[-c(1,2), ]
  tabs <- lapply(tabs, FUN = function(x) {
    names(x) <- gsub(x[2, ], pattern = "/", replacement = "_")
    x <- x[-c(1,2), ]
    x <- dplyr::filter(x, !grepl(x[[1]], pattern = "^Establishment of NOAA"))
  other_docs <- dplyr::bind_rows(tabs)
  return(list(interagency = interagency,
              other_docs = other_docs))

#' Return PDF urls linked directly to NMFS's main policies page
#' @export
get_policies_pdf_urls <- function() {
  domain <- "http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov"
  page <- get_policies_page()
  cntr <- rvest::html_nodes(page, xpath = '//*[@id="center"]')
  atag <- rvest::html_nodes(cntr, "a")
  href <- rvest::html_attr(atag, "href")
  pdfs <- href[grep(href, pattern = "pdf$|PDF$")]
  pdfs <- ifelse(grepl(pdfs, pattern = "^http"),
                 paste0(domain, pdfs))

#' Download all PDF policies documents from NMFS
#' @details Uses \link{get_status_review_pdf_urls} to fetch the vector of PDF
#' URLs for policies maintained by the National Marine Fisheries
#' Service (NMFS). Filenames are the \link{basename} of the URL with spaces
#' replaced by "_". Uses \link[pdfdown]{pdfdown}, which returns a data.frame of
#' results, to do the scraping.
#' @note Two points to note: \enumerate{
#'   \item{
#'     \link[pdfdown]{download_pdf} checks for duplicate files by name and
#'       skips the download by default if the file exists;
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'       By extension, \link[pdfdown]{download_pdf} does not check for duplicate
#'       files based on, e.g., MD5 hashes. Yet.
#'   }
#' }
#' @param subd The directory (subdirectory) to which the PDFs are downloaded
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   dl_res <- download_policies("~/Downloads/NMFS_rec")
#' }
download_policies <- function(subd = "") {
  all_policy_pdfs <- get_policies_pdf_urls()
  res <- lapply(all_policy_pdfs, pdfdown::download_pdf, subd = subd)
  res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
jacob-ogre/nmfsscraper documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:01 a.m.