
Defines functions poplin_naplot.poplin poplin_naplot.default poplin_naplot

Documented in poplin_naplot poplin_naplot.default poplin_naplot.poplin

##' Missing value plot
##' Visualize data for exploring missing value (NA) patterns. All values in a
##' data matrix are recoded (1: missing; 0: non-missing) and visualized by
##' rectangles.
##' @param x A matrix or \linkS4class{poplin} object.
##' @param xin Character specifying the name of data to retrieve from \code{x}
##'   when \code{x} is a poplin object.
##' @param widths Relative widths of heatmap and dendrogram.
##' @param heights Relative heights of heatmap and dendrogram.
##' @param colors A vector of colors for heatmap.
##' @param label Logical controlling whether cell values are shown.
##' @param digits The desired number of digits when \code{label = TRUE}.
##' @param grid_gap Numeric specifying the gap between cells.
##' @param hide_colorbar Logical controlling whether the color bar (legend) is
##'   hidden.
##' @param showticklabels A logical vector of length 2 (x-axis, y-axis). If
##'   \code{FALSE}, the ticks are removed from the sides of the plot.
##' @param row_dend_left Logical controlling whether the row dendrogram is
##'   placed on the left on the plot.
##' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link[heatmaply]{heatmaply}
##'   (\pkg{heatmaply} package).
##' @return A gtable of aligned plots
##' @name poplin_naplot
##' @examples
##' data(faahko_poplin)
##' ## poplin object
##' poplin_naplot(faahko_poplin, xin = "raw")
##' ## matrix
##' m <- poplin_raw(faahko_poplin, "raw")
##' poplin_naplot(m)

##' @export
poplin_naplot <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname poplin_naplot
##' @export
##' @importFrom heatmaply is.na10 heatmaply
poplin_naplot.default <- function(x, widths = NULL, heights = NULL,
                                  colors = viridis::viridis(2),
                                  label = FALSE, digits = 2,
                                  grid_gap = 1, hide_colorbar = TRUE,
                                  showticklabels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                                  row_dend_left = FALSE, ...) {
  p <- heatmaply(is.na10(x), colors = colors, grid_gap = grid_gap,
                 showticklabels = showticklabels,
                 row_dend_left = row_dend_left,
                 return_ppxpy = TRUE, plot_method = "ggplot", ...)
  if (label) {
    p$p <- p$p + geom_text(aes(label = format(!!quote(value), digits = digits)))
  heatmaply:::arrange_plots(plots = p, widths = widths, heights = heights,
                            hide_colorbar = hide_colorbar,
                            row_dend_left = row_dend_left)
  ## temporary issue in arrange_plots in hide_colorbar
  ## .arrange_plots(plots = p, widths = widths, heights = heights,
  ##                hide_colorbar = hide_colorbar, row_dend_left = row_dend_left)

##' @rdname poplin_naplot
##' @export
poplin_naplot.poplin <- function(x, xin, widths = NULL, heights = NULL,
                                 colors = viridis::viridis(2),
                                 label = FALSE, digits = 2,
                                 grid_gap = 1,
                                 hide_colorbar = TRUE,
                                 showticklabels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                                 row_dend_left = FALSE, ...) {
  m <- .verify_and_extract_input(x, xin)
  poplin_naplot.default(m, widths = widths, heigths = heights,
                        colors = colors, label = label, digits = digits,
                        grid_gap = grid_gap, hide_colorbar = hide_colorbar,
                        showticklabels = showticklabels,
                        row_dend_left = row_dend_left, ...)
jaehyunjoo/poplin documentation built on Jan. 8, 2022, 1:13 a.m.