
##' Poplin data methods
##' Methods to get or set data processing results in a \linkS4class{poplin}
##' object. These methods are intended to store and retrieve processed data
##' sets involved in normalization, imputation, and transformation.
##' @section Getters:
##' In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{poplin} object.
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{poplin_data_names(x)}:}{
##' Return the names of all processed data sets.
##' }
##' \item{\code{poplin_data_list(x, type)}:}{
##' Retrieves a named \linkS4class{List} of matrices containing one or more data
##' processing results. Each entry is a matrix with the same dimension of raw
##' feature data in \code{poplin_raw_list(x)}.
##' }
##' \item{\code{poplin_data(x, type)}:}{
##' Retrieves a matrix of data processing result. \code{type} is either a
##' string specifying the name of data set to retrieve or an integer specifying
##' the index of the desired data set, defaulting to the first entry if missing.
##' }
##' }
##' @section Setters:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{poplin_data_names(x) <- value}:}{
##' \code{value} must be a character vector to be assigned for the names of
##' processed data sets.
##' }
##' \item{\code{poplin_data_list(x) <- value}:}{
##' \code{value} is expected to be a named \linkS4class{List} of matrices. If
##' the result already exists, it will be replaced. If \code{value} is
##' \code{NULL}, any existing result will be removed.
##' }
##' \item{\code{poplin_data(x, type) <- value}:}{
##' \code{value} is expected to be a matrix. \code{type} determines how the
##' result is assigned:
##' - integer: it must be within the range of existing results. \code{value}
##' will replace the result at that index.
##' - character: if the result exists with this name, it will be replaced with
##' \code{value}. Otherwise a new result with this name will be appended.
##' - missing: \code{value} will be assigned to the first entry.
##' If \code{value} is \code{NULL}, the result corresponding to \code{type} will
##' be removed.
##' }
##' }
##' @name poplin_data
##' @aliases
##' poplin_data poplin_data_list poplin_data_names
##' poplin_data,poplin,missing-method
##' poplin_data,poplin,numeric-method
##' poplin_data,poplin,character-method
##' poplin_data_list,poplin-method
##' poplin_data_names,poplin-method
##' poplin_data<- poplin_data_list<- poplin_data_names<-
##' poplin_data poplin_data_list poplin_data_names
##' poplin_data<-,poplin,missing-method
##' poplin_data<-,poplin,numeric-method
##' poplin_data<-,poplin,character-method
##' poplin_data_list<-,poplin-method
##' poplin_data_names<-,poplin,character-method
##' @docType methods
##' @seealso [poplin_raw], [poplin_reduced]
##' @examples
##' data(faahko_poplin)
##' poplin_data_list(faahko_poplin)
##' poplin_data_names(faahko_poplin)
##' poplin_data(faahko_poplin)
##' poplin_data(faahko_poplin, 2)
##' poplin_data(faahko_poplin, "knn")

##' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
##' @export
  function(x) {
    value <- as(poplinData(x), "SimpleList")
    for (i in seq_along(value)) {
      rownames(value[[i]]) <- rownames(x)
      colnames(value[[i]]) <- colnames(x)

##' @export
  function(x, check_dimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
    if (check_dimnames) {
      for (v in seq_along(value)) {
        value[[v]] <- .check_dimnames(x, value[[v]], fun ='poplin_data_list<-')
    .check_name_duplicates(assayNames(x), names(value),
                           msg1 = "names(value)",
                           msg2 = "Use different names for incoming data.")
      x, value,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      set_element_fun = `poplinData<-`,
      funstr = "poplin_data_list",
      name_pattern = "poplin")

##' @export
  function(x) {
    .get_poplinData_names(x, get_slot = poplinData)

##' @export
  c("poplin", "character"),
  function(x, value) {
    .check_name_duplicates(assayNames(x), value,
                           msg1 = "value",
                           msg2 = "Use unique names.")
      x, value,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      set_element_fun = `poplinData<-`,
      name_pattern = "poplin"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "numeric"),
  function(x, type) {
      x, type,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      funstr = "poplin_data"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "character"),
  function(x, type) {
      x, type,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      funstr ="poplin_data",
      namestr = "poplin_data_names"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "missing"),
  function(x, type) {
      base_fun = poplin_data,
      name_fun = poplin_data_names,
      funstr = "poplin_data"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "numeric"),
  function(x, type, check_dimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
    if (check_dimnames) {
      value <- .check_dimnames(x, value, fun = 'poplin_data<-')
      x, type, value,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      set_element_fun = `poplinData<-`,
      funstr = "poplin_data"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "character"),
  function(x, type, check_dimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
    if (type == "") {
      stop("Empty string is not allowed. ",
           "Use a different name for incoming data.")
    .check_name_duplicates(assayNames(x), type,
                           msg1 = "value",
                           msg2 = "Use a different name.")
    if (check_dimnames) {
      value <- .check_dimnames(x, value, fun = "poplin_data<-")
      x, type, value,
      get_slot = poplinData,
      set_element_fun = `poplinData<-`,
      funstr = "poplin_data"

##' @export
  c("poplin", "missing"),
  function(x, type, check_dimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
      x, value,
      base_fun = `poplin_data<-`,
      name_fun = poplin_data_names,
      name_pattern = "poplin"
jaehyunjoo/poplin documentation built on Jan. 8, 2022, 1:13 a.m.