
utils::globalVariables(c("value", "scaled_prop"))

#' Reweight and aggregate estimates
#' This function reweights and aggregates estimates from \code{dgirt} for strata
#' defined by modeled variables. The names of each of the model's time,
#' geographic, and demographic grouping variables can be given in either the
#' \code{strata_names} or \code{aggregated_names} argument. The result has
#' estimates for the strata indicated by the \code{strata_names} argument,
#' aggregated over the variables specified in \code{aggregated_names}.
#' \code{poststratify} requires a table given as \code{target_data} with
#' population proportions for the interaction of the variables given in
#' \code{strata_names} and \code{aggregated_names}.
#' @rdname poststratify
#' @param ... Additional arguments to methods.
setGeneric("poststratify", signature = "x",
           function(x, target_data, strata_names, aggregated_names,
             proportion_name = "proportion", ...)

#' @param pars Selected parameter names.
#' @export
#' @rdname poststratify 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(toy_dgirtfit)
#' # the stratifying variables should uniquely identify proportions in the
#' # target data; to achieve this, sum over the other variables
#' targets <- aggregate(proportion ~ state + year + race3, targets, sum)
#' # the dgirtfit method of poststratify takes a dgirtfit object, the target
#' # data, the names of variables that define population strata, and the  names
#' # of variables to be aggregated over
#' post <- poststratify(toy_dgirtfit, targets, c("state", "year"), "race3")
#' }
#' @export
setMethod("poststratify", c("dgo_fit"),
  function(x, target_data, strata_names, aggregated_names,
           proportion_name = "proportion", pars = "theta_bar") {
    x <- as.data.frame(x, pars = pars)
    callGeneric(x, target_data, strata_names, aggregated_names, proportion_name)

#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{dgo_fit} object.
#' @param target_data A table giving the proportions contributed to strata by
#' the interaction of \code{strata_names} and \code{aggregated_names}.
#' @param strata_names Names of variables whose interaction defines
#' population strata.
#' @param aggregated_names Names of variables to be aggregated over in
#' poststratification. 
#' @param proportion_name Name of the column in \code{target_data} that gives
#' strata proportions.
#' @return A table of poststratified estimates.
#' @rdname poststratify
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
setMethod("poststratify", "data.frame",
          function(x, target_data, strata_names, aggregated_names,
                   proportion_name = "proportion") {

  if (anyDuplicated(c(strata_names, aggregated_names))) {
    stop("Variable names cannot be used more than once across ",
      "'strata_names' and 'aggregated_names'")

  x <- data.table::setDT(data.table::copy(x))

  if (!length(target_data)) stop("target_data is missing")
  targets <- data.table::setDT(data.table::copy(target_data))

  missing_cols <- setdiff(strata_names, names(x))
  if (length(missing_cols))  {
    stop(paste(missing_cols, collapse = ", "), " in strata_names but ",
      "not the table of estimates to be poststratified.")
  missing_cols <- setdiff(strata_names, names(target_data))
  if (length(missing_cols)) {
    stop(paste(missing_cols, collapse = ", "), " in strata_names but ",
      "not target_data.")

  targets_n <- nrow(unique(targets[, c(strata_names, aggregated_names), with =

  if (!identical(nrow(targets), targets_n)) {
      stop("Variables in aggregated_names should partition the strata ",
           "defined by the interaction of the variables in strata_names ",
           "and aggregated_names, ",
           "but there are more observations in target_data (",
           nrow(targets), ") than combinations ",
           "of strata_names and aggregated_names (", targets_n, "). This error ",
           "will appear if (1) the interaction of more variables than those in ",
           "strata_names and aggregated_names define strata in ",
           "target_data; if so, the solution is to aggregate target_data ",
           "over those variables before passing it to poststratify; ",
           "(2) target_data includes superfluous rows (e.g. time periods not ",
           "represented in the estimates); or (3) target_data does not give ",
           "the population proportion data needed to poststratify estimates ",
           "by strata_names and aggregated_names.")

  extra_cols <- setdiff(names(targets), c(strata_names, aggregated_names,
  if (length(extra_cols)) {
    targets[, c(extra_cols) := NULL]

  for (varname in c(strata_names, aggregated_names)) {
    check_target_levels(varname, x, targets)

  props <- merge(x, targets, all = FALSE, by = c(strata_names,
  by_vars = c(strata_names, 'iteration')
  if (!'iteration' %in% names(props)) {
    props[, iteration := 1]
    no_iterations <- TRUE
  } else {
    no_iterations <- FALSE
  props <- scale_props(props, proportion_name, by_vars)
  check_proportions(props, by_vars)
  res <- props[, list(value = sum(value * scaled_prop)), by = by_vars] 
  if (no_iterations) {
    res[, iteration := NULL]

scale_props <- function(props, proportion_name, by_vars) {
  strata_sums <- props[, list(strata_sum = sum(get(proportion_name))), by =
  props <- merge(props, strata_sums, all = FALSE, by = by_vars)
  props[, c("scaled_prop") := get(proportion_name) / get("strata_sum")]

check_proportions <- function(tabular, by_vars) {
  prop_sums <- tabular[, lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = "scaled_prop", by = by_vars]
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(rep(1L, nrow(prop_sums)), prop_sums$scaled_prop))) {
    stop("Not all proportions sum to 1 within stratifying variables even ",
      " though they should have been rescaled. (The mean sum is ",
      round(mean(prop_sums$scaled_prop), 2L), "). This could indicate a ",
      "problem in joining the estimates and targets or be a bug.")
  } else TRUE

check_target_levels <- function(variable, x, targets) {
  if (!identical(class(x[[variable]]), class(targets[[variable]]))) {
    stop("'", variable, "' inherits from '", class(x[[variable]]),
      "' in estimates and '", class(targets[[variable]]), "' in ",
      "targets. Please reconcile the types.")
  } else if (!all(x[[variable]] %in% targets[[variable]])) {
    x_levels <- setdiff(x[[variable]], targets[[variable]])
    stop("Not all levels of '", variable, "' in estimates are levels of '",
         variable, "' in targets. Missing: ", paste(x_levels , collapse = ", "),
         ". The target data should give the population proportion of ",
         "each group represented in the estimates.")
  } else TRUE
jamesdunham/dgo documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:19 a.m.