
## JAMES HAY 20.11.2017 -
## Check all MCMC chains to see if they have converged based on gelman diagnostics and ESS from the coda package.
## Just specify the working directory with all of the chains at the top, and edit the save location at the bottom
## of this script

## Location of all the MCMC chains - this should be the top level directory that contains
## the MCMC chain subfolders
#chainwd <- "/media/james/JH USB/Forecast_runs/"
chainwd <- "/media/james/JH USB/outputs/"
## This might vary depending on the subfolder - you should either specify each one, or run this script
## for each length of chain
burnin <- 500000

minESS <- NULL
minESSName <- NULL
maxGelman <- NULL
maxGelmanName <- NULL
mpsrf <- NULL
reruns <- NULL
allModels <- NULL
runNames <- NULL
allStates <- NULL

## Recursively get all directories in this location - make full directory locations
allDirs <- list.dirs()
allDirs <- allDirs[allDirs != "."]
allDirs <- paste0(chainwd, allDirs)

## Function to read in MCMC chains if possible and then calculate convergence diagnostics
read_and_check <- function(wd, parTab, burnin){
  chain <- lazymcmc::load_mcmc_chains(wd, parTab, TRUE,1,burnin, TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)
  if(length(chain[[1]]) > 1){
    ess <- ess_diagnostics(chain[[1]],200)
    gelman <- gelman_diagnostics(chain[[1]], 1.1)
    minESS <- min(ess$ESS)
    whichMinESS <- names(which.min(ess$ESS))
    maxGelman <- gelman$WorstGelman[1]
    maxGelmanName <- gelman$WorstGelman[2]
    mpsrf <- gelman$WorstGelman[3]
    rerun <- gelman$Rerun | minESS < 200
  } else {
    minESS <- NA
    whichMinESS <- NA
    maxGelman <- NA
    maxGelmanName <- NA
    mpsrf <- NA
    rerun <- TRUE

## Go through each directory
for(dir in allDirs){
    parTab <- read_inipars(dir) ## Read initial parameter table from working directory
    res <- read_and_check(dir, parTab, burnin) ## Check convergence
    minESS <- c(minESS, res[[1]])
    minESSName <- c(minESSName, res[[2]])
    maxGelman <- c(maxGelman, res[[3]])
    maxGelmanName <- c(maxGelmanName, res[[4]])
    mpsrf <- c(mpsrf, res[[5]])
    reruns <- c(reruns, res[[6]])

convergence <- data.frame(allDirs, minESS,minESSName,maxGelman,maxGelmanName,mpsrf,reruns)
colnames(convergence) <- c("runName","minESS","whichMinESS","maxGelman","whichMaxGelman","mpsrf","rerun")
write.table(convergence, "~/Documents/Zika/convergenceCheck_forecasts.csv",sep=",",row.names=FALSE)
jameshay218/zikaProj documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 7:26 p.m.