
# +++++++++++++++++++
# Class: Commons 
# +++++++++++++++++++

#' Base class of dbgapr package 
#' The class contains the functions shared by all functions of the package. 
#' @export Commons 

#' @import jsonlite 
#' @import gdata 
#' @import XML 
#' @import methods 
#' @import curl 
#' @import RCurl 
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by do distinct %>% 
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off rgb
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases cor median sd
#' @importFrom utils download.file untar head read.csv read.table write.csv write.table 
#' @rdname Commons-class 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' c <- Commons()

# ATTN! Do not includ View when @importFrom utils. Otherwise, the Rstudio table viewer will not work. 
Commons <- setClass(

                    # Set the name of the class

                    # Define the slots as empty 

                    # The slots with an optional item of 'list' for args from class methods 
                    slots = list(
                                 prjDotDir = 'character',
                                 configFile = 'character',
                                 prjDir = 'character',

                                 fileInfoFile = 'character',
                                 fileInfoArchDir = 'character',
                                 lastFileInfoFile = 'character',
                                 prjSetupLog = 'character',

                                 prjDataDir = 'character', 
                                 prjMetaDir = 'character', 
                                 prjTempDir = 'character', 
                                 procLogArchDir = 'character', 
                                 dataProcLog = 'character', 

                                 extDataDir = 'character',
                                 extStudyInfoFile = 'character',
                                 extStudyDatasetInfoFile = 'character',
                                 extPhenoSharedIdNamesFile = 'character',

                                 # New!
                                 extAllStudyInfoFile = 'character', 
                                 extAllIdInfoFile = 'character',

                                 comboInfoFile = 'character',
                                 lastComboInfoFile = 'character',

                                 gapworkDir = 'character',
                                 dataDir = 'character',
                                 logDir = 'character',
                                 showErr = 'character'


                    # Set the default values for the slots

                    prototype = list(
                                     prjDotDir = '', 
                                     configFile = '', 
                                     prjDir = '',

                                     fileInfoFile = '',
                                     fileInfoArchDir = '',
                                     lastFileInfoFile = '',
                                     prjSetupLog = '',

                                     prjDataDir = '', 
                                     prjMetaDir = '', 
                                     prjTempDir = '', 
                                     procLogArchDir = '', 
                                     dataProcLog = '', 
                                     prjSetupLog = '',

                                     extDataDir = '',
                                     extStudyInfoFile = '',
                                     extStudyDatasetInfoFile = '',
                                     extPhenoSharedIdNamesFile = '',

                                     extAllStudyInfoFile = '', 
                                     extAllIdInfoFile = '',

                                     comboInfoFiel = '',
                                     lastComboInfoFile = '',

                                     gapworkDir = '',
                                     dataDir = '',
                                     logDir = '',
                                     showErr = ''


                    validity = function(object) {
                        errors <- character()

                    }, )

# ----------------------
# Method: initialize()
# ----------------------

#' Initialize class Commons
#' The method initializes the Commons class, through which the package wide global variables are made avaiable through the class object.
#' @param .Object The class object. 
#' @param ... There arer optional arguments. 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' c <- Commons()

          function(.Object, ...) {

              .Object <- callNextMethod()

              # Define home directory

              # Define project dot dir and config file
              # Changed from .dbgapr to ncbi/dbgapr_conf
              prjDotDir = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "ncbi", "dbgapr_conf")
              prjDotExtDataDir = file.path(prjDotDir, "supplemental_data")
              confFile = file.path(prjDotDir, "project_config.json")

              fileInfoArchDir = file.path(prjDotDir, "archived_log")
              fileInfoFile = file.path(prjDotDir, 'pht_file_info_indiv.json')
              lastFileInfoFile = file.path(fileInfoArchDir, 'last_pht_file_info_indiv.json')

              #comboInfoFile = file.path(prjDotDir, 'pht_file_info_combo.json')
              lastComboInfoFile = file.path(fileInfoArchDir, 'last_pht_file_info_combo.json')

              #extDataDir <- system.file("inst/extdata", package="dbgapr")
              #extStudyInfoFile <- file.path(extDataDir, 'root_and_this_study_info.csv')
              #extStudyDatasetInfoFile <- file.path(extDataDir, 'study_dataset_info.csv')
              #extPhenoSharedIdNamesFile <- file.path(extDataDir, 'phenogeno_shared_id_names.csv')

              # Ftp downloaded files
              #dotExtStudyInfoFile <- file.path(prjDotExtDataDir, 'root_and_this_study_info.csv')
              #dotExtStudyDatasetInfoFile <- file.path(prjDotExtDataDir, 'study_dataset_info.csv')
              #dotExtPhenoSharedIdNamesFile <- file.path(prjDotExtDataDir, 'phenogeno_shared_id_names.csv')

              # New! all-study-info file in dot dir
              extAllStudyInfoFile <- file.path(prjDotExtDataDir, 'all_released_study_info.txt.gz')

              # All study_id, dataset_id, variable_id info file
              extAllIdInfoFile <- file.path(prjDotExtDataDir, 'study_dataset_variable_ids.txt.gz')

              .Object@prjDotDir <- prjDotDir
              .Object@configFile <- confFile 
              .Object@fileInfoArchDir <- fileInfoArchDir 
              .Object@fileInfoFile <- fileInfoFile 
              .Object@lastFileInfoFile <- lastFileInfoFile 

              # Redir extDataDir to prjDotExtData dir
              #.Object@extDataDir <- prjDotExtDataDir 
              #.Object@extStudyInfoFile <- dotExtStudyInfoFile 
              #.Object@extStudyDatasetInfoFile <- dotExtStudyDatasetInfoFile 
              #.Object@extPhenoSharedIdNamesFile <- dotExtPhenoSharedIdNamesFile 

              # New!
              .Object@extAllStudyInfoFile <- extAllStudyInfoFile 
              .Object@extAllIdInfoFile <- extAllIdInfoFile 

              # New! ftp downloaded file

              #.Object@comboInfoFile <- comboInfoFile 
              .Object@lastComboInfoFile <- lastComboInfoFile 

              if (!dir.exists(prjDotDir)) {
                  dir.create(prjDotDir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = T, mode = "0777")
              if (!dir.exists(prjDotExtDataDir)) {
                  dir.create(prjDotExtDataDir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = T, mode = "0777")
              if (!dir.exists(fileInfoArchDir)) {
                  dir.create(fileInfoArchDir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = T, mode = "0777")

              # Copy supplemental files 
              # Only copy when the files are not found in the dotExtData dir
              # After that dotExtData files will be overwritten by ftp download 
              #if (!file.exists(dotExtStudyInfoFile)) {
              #    file.copy(extStudyInfoFile, dotExtStudyInfoFile)

              #if (!file.exists(dotExtStudyDatasetInfoFile)) {
              #    file.copy(extStudyDatasetInfoFile, dotExtStudyDatasetInfoFile)

              #if (!file.exists(dotExtPhenoSharedIdNamesFile)) {
              #    file.copy(extPhenoSharedIdNamesFile, dotExtPhenoSharedIdNamesFile)

              # Project directory setting up
              # Physical directory are created and assigned to object throught createPrjDir()
              prjDir = '' 
              prjDataDir = '' 
              prjMetaDir = '' 
              prjTempDir = '' 

              # Note: 
              # The 3 log dirs below are initialized at here, 
              # but actual creation is implemented in getPrjDir() 
              procLogArchDir = '' 
              dataProcLog = '' 
              prjSetupLog = ''

              if (file.exists(confFile)) {

                  # Get current prjDir
                  # Look up prjDirFiles file  
                  # Get project related dirs/files and assign to the global object

                  # A list of all project directories 
                  # The physical directories  are created by PrjConfig and creatPrjDir 
                  prjDirFiles = getPrjDir(.Object, showErr = TRUE)

                  # Current dir is the 1st item of the list 
                  # Example "C:\\Users\\mars\\Documents\\R_Dev\\my_dbgapr_project2"
                  prjDir = prjDirFiles$prjDir

                  # Null prjDir means no prjDir created
                  if (is.null(prjDir)) {
                      prjDir = ""

                  if (prjDir !=  "") {

                      prjDataDir = prjDirFiles$prjDataDir
                      prjMetaDir = prjDirFiles$prjMetaDir
                      prjTempDir = prjDirFiles$prjTempDir
                      procLogArchDir = prjDirFiles$procLogArchDir
                      dataProcLog = prjDirFiles$dataProcLog
                      prjSetupLog = prjDirFiles$prjSetupLog

                      # Pass to global
                      .Object@prjDir <- prjDir 
                      .Object@prjDataDir <- prjDataDir 
                      .Object@prjMetaDir <- prjMetaDir 
                      .Object@prjTempDir <- prjTempDir 
                      .Object@procLogArchDir <- procLogArchDir 
                      .Object@dataProcLog <- dataProcLog 
                      .Object@prjSetupLog <- prjSetupLog 

                      if (file.exists(prjSetupLog)) {
                          # Determine move log file to archive or not  
                          # Rules for log file management
                          # 1. If size reach default 1MB and the log file is older than ond day,  rename it with dateInfo and move to log_archive directory. 
                          # 2. Remove archived file that is older than default 90 days.
                          logFile = prjSetupLog
                          logArchDir = procLogArchDir 
                          type = 'logfile'
                          manageArchive(.Object, workFile = logFile, archiveDir = logArchDir, type = type, maxSizeInMb = 1, keptDay = 90, minFileAge = 1)

                      cat("Class Commons is initialized.\n")

                  } # end prjDir != "" 

              } # end: file.exists(confFile) 
              else {
                  mesg = paste("The project config file is not found. Checkout ?prjConfig to see how to create it.", sep="")


# ----------------
# Method: show()
# ----------------

#' Display all class Commons methods 
#' The method displays all the methods available in the class Commons.
#' @param object Commons class object.
#' @export show
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' c <- Commons()
#' show(c)

          definition=function(object) {
              cat("Class Methods:\n")

              # Note: set where=search() to show only S4 method
              s4Methods <- classMethods <- showMethods(classes="Commons", where = search(), showEmpty = FALSE, inherited = TRUE, printTo = FALSE)
              s4MethodsCombo = paste(s4Methods, collapse="\n")

# List of global variabls, functions
# initialize 
# show
# getPrjDir
# createPrjDir
# prjConfig
# recordPrjFileInfo
# searchCopyPhenoFiles
# copyUserFile
# composeFileInfoJson
# writeFileInfoJson
# mergeDatasetConsent
# mergeDatasetConsentByStudy
# parsePhenoFileMeta
# writeLog
# mangeArchive
# parseAllStudyDataDic
# parseDataDicByStudy
# dataDicXmlParser

# getAllStudyInfo
# getAllDatasetInfo
# viewAllDatasetInfo
# viewAllStudyInfo
# accInfo
# getDataDicByStudy
# parsePhtHeaderFromFile
# parseIdsFromStAcc
# parseIdsFromPhtAcc
# cleanObjAcc
# displayTextFile 
# saveGapPlot
# convertEnumVarColName
# getVarNameByPhvAcc
# stripColNameAcc
# downloadDataDicFromFtp
# downloadExtDataFromFtp
# testFunc 

# Update history
# 2016-12-07: added code to process data-dic and var-report
# 2017-01-23: finished parseDataDicByStudy()
# 2017-01-27: added viewAllStudyInfo 
# 2017-02-08: done viewAllStudyInfo 
# 2017-03-01: added get functions
# 2017-03-02: dataDic parser improved 
# 2017-04-12: Finalized all functions 
jameslhao/dbgapr_dev documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:03 p.m.