
Defines functions com.fit com.compute.log.z com.compute.z dcom com.log.density com.loglikelihood com.expectation com.mean com.var rcom qcom com.confint

Documented in com.compute.log.z com.compute.z com.confint com.expectation com.fit com.log.density com.loglikelihood com.mean com.var dcom qcom rcom

com.fit = function(x)
	xbar = (x[,1] %*% x[,2]) / sum(x[,2]);
	options(warn = -1);
	result = optim(c(xbar,1), function(p) {return (-com.loglikelihood(x, p[1], p[2]));},
		method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(1e-10,0));
	options(warn = 0);
	lambda = result$par[1];
	nu = result$par[2];
	fit = list( lambda = lambda,
	            nu = nu,
	            z = com.compute.z(lambda, nu),
	            fitted.values = sum(x[,2]) * dcom(x[,1], lambda, nu),
				log.likelihood = com.loglikelihood(x, lambda, nu) );

	return (fit);

com.compute.log.z = function(lambda, nu, log.error = 1e-6)
  # Perform argument checking
  if (lambda <= 0 || nu < 0)
    stop("Invalid arguments, only defined for lambda > 0, nu >= 0");

  if (nu==0) return(-log(1-lambda)) # Geometric sum
  if (nu==1) return(exp(-lambda))  # Poisson normalizing constant
  # Initialize values
  j = 0;
  llambda = log(lambda)                                 # precalculate for speed
  lfact = 0                                             # log(factorial(0))
  z = j * llambda - nu * lfact;                         # first term in sum
  z.last = -Inf                                         # to ensure entering the loop

  # Continue until we have reached specified precision
  while (abs(z - z.last) > log.error) {
    z.last = z;                                         # For comparison in while statement
    j = j + 1;                                          # Next term in sum
    lfact = lfact+log(j)                                # Calculate increment for log factorial
    z = com.log.sum(z, j * llambda - nu * lfact );      # Log of current sum
  return (z);

com.compute.z = function(lambda, nu, log.error = 0.000001)
  return (exp(com.compute.log.z(lambda,nu,log.error)));

dcom = function(x, lambda, nu, log.z = NULL, log = FALSE)
  if (nu==1) return(dpois(x,lambda,log=log))

  # Perform argument checking
  if (lambda < 0 || nu < 0)
    stop("Invalid arguments, only defined for lambda >= 0, nu >= 0");
  if (x < 0 || x != floor(x))
    return (0);
  if (is.null(log.z))
    log.z = com.compute.log.z(lambda, nu);
  # Return pmf
  log.d = x*log(lambda)-nu*lfactorial(x)-log.z
  if (log) {
  } else {

com.log.density = function(x, lambda, nu, log.z = NULL)
	# Perform argument checking
	if (lambda < 0 || nu < 0)
		stop("Invalid arguments, only defined for lambda >= 0, nu >= 0");
	if (x < 0 || x != floor(x))
		return (0);
	if (is.null(log.z)) { log.z = com.compute.log.z(lambda, nu); }
	# Return log pmf
	return ((x * log(lambda) - nu * lfactorial(x)) - log.z);

com.loglikelihood = function(x, lambda, nu)
	# Perform argument checking
	if (lambda < 0 || nu < 0)
		return (-Inf);

	log.z = com.compute.log.z(lambda, nu);
	return (x[,2] %*% ( x[,1] * log(lambda) - nu * lfactorial(x[,1]) - log.z ));

com.expectation = function(f, lambda, nu, log.error = 0.001)
	log.z = com.compute.log.z(lambda, nu);

	# Initialize variables
	ex = -Inf;
	ex.last = 0;
	j = 0;

	# Continue until we have reached specified precision
	while ((ex == -Inf && ex.last == -Inf) || abs(ex - ex.last) > log.error)
		ex.last = ex;
		ex = com.log.sum(ex, log(f(j)) + com.log.density(j, lambda, nu, log.z));

		j = j + 1;
	return (exp(ex));

com.mean = function(lambda, nu)
	return ( com.expectation(function (x) {x}, lambda, nu) );

com.var = function(lambda, nu)
	return ( com.expectation(function(x) {x^2}, lambda, nu) - (com.mean(lambda,nu))^2 );

rcom = function(n, lambda, nu, log.z = NULL) {
  qcom(runif(n), lambda, nu)

qcom = function(p, lambda, nu, log.z = NULL, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
  # Check arguments
  if (lambda < 0 || nu < 0)
    stop("Invalid arguments, only defined for lambda >= 0, nu >= 0");
  if (nu == 1) return(qpois(p, lambda, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p))

  if (!log.p)      lp = log(p)
  if (!lower.tail) lp = 1-exp(lp) # better way to calculate this?

  if (is.null(log.z))
    log.z = com.compute.log.z(lambda, nu);

  # Pre-calculate for speed
  ll = log(lambda)
  n  = length(p)
  r  = rep(NA,n)

  for (i in 1:n) {
    # inverse CDF method
    lu = lp[i]
    ld = -log.z                  # log density, P(X=0)=1/Z
    j = 0;
    while (lu>ld) {
      j = j+1
      lu = lu+log1p(-exp(ld-lu)) # decrement the remaining probability
      ld = ld+ll-nu*log(j)       # ratio of pmf for successive integers is j^nu/lambda
    r[i] = j                     # new draw is j

  return (r);


com.confint = function(data, level=0.95, B=1000, n=1000)
	# B = Number of repetitions of bootstrap
	# n = number of obs. in each sample used to find bootstrap mean
	# data = the original data
	# level - confidence interval level

	# Check arguments
	if (level <= 0 || level >= 1)
		stop("Invalid arguments, 0 < level < 1");
	if (n <= 0)
		stop("Invalid arguments, n > 0");
	if (B <= 0)
		stop("Invalid arguments, B > 0");

	boot.lambda = matrix(0,B,1)
	boot.nu = matrix(0,B,1)

	# Sample statistic
	COMobject = com.fit(data)
	lambda.mle = COMobject$lambda 
	nu.mle = COMobject$nu

	# Changing data into form we can sample from
	fulldata = matrix(0,sum(data[,2]),1)
	index = 0
	for (i in 1:length(data[,1]))
		index2 = index + data[i,2]
		fulldata[(index+1):index2] = data[i,1]

	# Creates a vector of means (the bootstrap vector)
	for (i in 1:B)
		samplewR = sample(fulldata, n, replace=TRUE);
		sample = data.matrix( as.data.frame(table(samplewR)) );
		sample = cbind( sample[,1] - 1, sample[,2] );
		COMsampleobject = com.fit(sample);
		boot.lambda[i] = COMsampleobject$lambda;
		boot.nu[i] = COMsampleobject$nu;

	# Pivotal method calculation
	boot.lambda = sort(boot.lambda)
	boot.nu = sort(boot.nu)

	lower.bound = (1 - level) / 2;
	upper.bound = 1 - lower.bound;

	lower.index = floor(lower.bound * B)+1;
	upper.index = floor(upper.bound * B);

	pivotal.ci = matrix(0,2,2);
	pivotal.ci[1,1] = max(0, 2*lambda.mle - boot.lambda[upper.index]);
	pivotal.ci[1,2] = 2*lambda.mle - boot.lambda[lower.index];

	pivotal.ci[2,1] = max(0, 2*nu.mle - boot.nu[upper.index]);
	pivotal.ci[2,2] = 2*nu.mle - boot.nu[lower.index];

	rownames(pivotal.ci) = c("lambda", "nu");
	colnames(pivotal.ci) = c(lower.bound, upper.bound);

	return (pivotal.ci);
jarad/compoisson documentation built on May 18, 2019, 3:45 p.m.