
Defines functions `coenorun1` `DropMissingSpec` `Gauss2betaPar` `BinomGaussPar` `GradMul` `GradLocs`

#' Utility Functions for 'coenocliner' Package
#' Functions to automated simulation routines using \pkg{coenocliner}
#' package.
#' @author Jari Oksanen
#' @examples
#' require(coenocliner) || stop("examples need 'coenocliner' package") 
#' ## small simulation
#' nsim <- 10
#' npoints <- 50
#' ## generate a set of species parameters over the maximum extent
#' sp <- replicate(nsim, BinomGaussPar(800, 8, 4))
#' ## sample much narrower proportion of the space
#' xy <- replicate(nsim, GradLocs(npoints, 3, 2))
#' ## Simulations: these can be easily parallelized using mclapply
#' ## (Linux, Mac) or parSapply (all).
#' sapply(seq_len(nsim), function(i)
#'      coenorun1(coenocline(xy[,,i], "gaussian", sp[,i],
#'          countModel="bernoulli")))
#' @param n Number of SUs.
#' @param xrange,yrange Desired range of gradients.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Gradient Locations
#' @export
`GradLocs` <-
    function(n, xrange, yrange)
    cbind("x" = runif(n, -xrange/2, xrange/2),
          "y" = runif(n, -yrange/2, yrange/2))
#' @param xy Gradient locations in two dimensions.
#' @param xmul,ymul Multipliers for each gradient
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Multiply input gradient which
#' presumably is a unit square
#' @export
`GradMul` <-
    function(xy, xmul, ymul)
   sweep(xy, 2, c(xmul, ymul), "*") 

#' @param nsp Number of species.
#' @param buffer Width of buffer zone for optima surrounding ranges.
#' @param tsd Standard deviation of tolerance in log-Normal
#' distribution, in log scale
#' @importFrom stats runif rlnorm
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Gaussian Parameters for Binomial Response.
#' @export
`BinomGaussPar` <-
    function(nsp, xrange, yrange, buffer=2, tsd=0.1)
    ## Create Gaussian parameters for Binomial responses to be used
    ## with coenocliner

    ## uniform h in (0,1)
    h <- runif(nsp)
    ## uniform opt in range +/- buffer
    ux <- runif(nsp, -xrange/2 - buffer, xrange/2 + buffer)
    uy <- runif(nsp, -yrange/2 - buffer, yrange/2 + buffer)
    ## lognormal tol. Mean of lognormal is exp(tsd^2/2)
    tx <- rlnorm(nsp, -tsd^2/2, tsd)
    ty <- rlnorm(nsp, -tsd^2/2, tsd)
    ## Order species centrifugally by their expected abundance at the
    ## origin. First species should be present in most simulations,
    ## even with short gradient spans, and last species are either
    ## globally rare or found only with longest gradients spanning the
    ## whole species space.
    i <- rev(order(-(ux/tx)^2 - (uy/ty)^2 + 2*log(h)))
    h <- h[i]
    ux <- ux[i]
    tx <- tx[i]
    uy <- uy[i]
    ty <- ty[i]
    ## out
    list(px = cbind("opt" = ux, "tol" = tx, "h" = h),
         py = cbind("opt" = uy, "tol" = ty))

#' @importFrom stats qbeta qnorm runif
#' @param gausspar Gaussian response parameters for species as
#' returned by \code{BinomGaussPar}.
#' @param shape Random log-uniform range of shape parameters \eqn{alpha}
#' and \eqn{gamma} of response function
#' @param cover Find range of beta response so that the same span
#' covers the same proportion of 1-dim integral as the Gaussian
#' response function.
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Translate Gaussian parameters into
#' corresponding beta response parameters.
#' @export
`Gauss2betaPar` <-
    function(gausspar, shape = c(0.5, 6.5), cover = 0.95)
    ## Define beta response so that it as similar to a Gaussian model
    ## as possible -- except for shape. Input **must** be similar as
    ## from BinomGausPar. This is not checked.
    nsp <- nrow(gausspar[[1]])
    ## shapes uniform in (shape)
    shape <- log(shape)
    ax <- exp(runif(nsp, shape[1], shape[2]))
    gx <- exp(runif(nsp, shape[1], shape[2]))
    ay <- exp(runif(nsp, shape[1], shape[2]))
    gy <- exp(runif(nsp, shape[1], shape[2]))
    ## Scale beta response range so that a multiply of 't' covers the
    ## same integral as Gaussian response: high alpha and gamma give
    ## narrow responses and must use wider range.
    lim <- (1 - cover)/2
    lim <- c(lim, 1-lim)
    range <- diff(qnorm(lim))
    rx <- range * gausspar$px[,"tol"] /
        (qbeta(lim[2], ax+1, gx+1) - qbeta(lim[1], ax+1, gx+1))
    ry <- range * gausspar$py[,"tol"] /
        (qbeta(lim[2], ay+1, gy+1) - qbeta(lim[1], ay+1, gy+1))
    ## modal abundance at Gaussian opt
    mx <- gausspar$px[,"opt"]
    my <- gausspar$py[,"opt"]
    ## Response height A0 should be such that beta response has the
    ## same mass as the corresponding Gaussian. The integral of
    ## univariate Gaussian response is h*t*sqrt(2*pi) and the integral
    ## of beta response is adj*range*beta(alpha+1, gamma+1), and we
    ## need to find A0 giving the desired height adjustment adj, and
    ## here beta() is the real mathematical beta function. However, we
    ## do not want A0>1 because we target Binomial models.
    Gmass <- with(gausspar, px[,"h"] * px[,"tol"] * py[,"tol"] * 2 * pi)
    Bmass <- rx * ry * beta(ax+1, gx+1) * beta(ay+1, gy+1)
    adj <- Gmass/Bmass
    ## bx, by and A0 are from Minchin, Vegetatio 71, 145-156 (1987),
    ## and they are similarly used in coenocliner.
    bx <- ax/(ax+gx)
    by <- ay/(ay+gy)
    A0 <- pmin(adj * bx^ax * (1-bx)^gx * by^ay * (1-by)^gy, 1)
    ## collect
    list(px = cbind("m" = mx, "r" = rx, "alpha" = ax, "gamma" = gx, "A0" = A0),
         py = cbind("m" = my, "r" = ry, "alpha" = ay, "gamma" = gy))

#' @param comm Community data.
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Drop missing species from the data.
#' @export
`DropMissingSpec` <-
    cl <- class(comm)
    locs <- locations(comm)
    colnames(comm) <- paste0("sp", seq_len(ncol(comm)))
    comm <- comm[, colSums(comm) > 0]
    attr(comm, "locations") <- locs
    class(comm) <- cl

#' @importFrom vegan metaMDS cca decorana procrustes specnumber wisconsin
#' @importFrom coenocliner locations
#' @param sim One simulated community.
#' @param tot Binomial total in \code{sim}.
#' @param family Error family passed to \code{\link{GO}}.
#' @param far Weirdness limit passed to \code{\link{GO}}.
#' @param trace Print tracing information. If \code{FALSE} or
#' \code{0}, work as silently as possible, and higher values print more.
#' @describeIn coenoclinerutil Takes one simulated community for
#' ordination with GO, NMDS, CA and DCA and returns average Procrustes
#' precision
#' @export
`coenorun1` <-
    function(sim, tot=1, family = "binomial", far=4, trace = TRUE)
    locs <- locations(sim)
    sim <- DropMissingSpec(sim)
    empty <- rowSums(sim) <= 0
    if (any(empty)) {
        locs <- locs[!empty,]
        sim <- sim[!empty,]
    n <- nrow(locs)
    out <- rep(NA, 6)
    names(out) <- c("GO", "NMDS", "CA", "DCA", "gamma", "alpha")
    ## GO can fail -- even metaGO. Hardcode metaGO options to protect
    ## this routine against possible changes in metaGO.
    mgo <- try(metaGO(sim, k=2, family=family, tot=tot, far=far, iterlim=1000,
                  trace = trace, firstOK=TRUE, trymax=3))
    mmds <- metaMDS(sim, maxit=500, trymax=200, sratmax=0.999999, trace= trace > 1)
    mca <- cca(sim)
    mdca <- decorana(sim)
    if (!inherits(mgo, "try-error"))
        out["GO"] <- sqrt(procrustes(locs, mgo)$ss/n)
    out["NMDS"] <- sqrt(procrustes(locs, mmds)$ss/n)
    out["CA"] <- sqrt(procrustes(locs, mca, scaling=1)$ss/n)
    out["DCA"] <- sqrt(procrustes(locs, mdca, choices=1:2)$ss/n)
    ## richness statistics
    out["gamma"] <- ncol(sim)
    out["alpha"] <- mean(specnumber(sim))
jarioksa/GO documentation built on April 2, 2024, 8:37 p.m.