
Defines functions fetchNRSAResults fetchNRSATable

# fetchNRSATable.r
# 10/05/09 cws Created
# 11/09/09 cws Does not create UID column unless BATCHNO column exists.
#          Explicitely de-factors character columns.
# 11/13/09 cws Explicitely sets NA UNITS to ''
# 12/03/09 cws Standardizing empty UNITS as NONE and upcasing UNITS.
# 12/04/09 ssr/mrc Brilliant work, now confident...added at and where arguments... took about 30 seconds.
#  2/25/2010 cws moved source() calls to NRSAvalidation.r
# 4/14/2010 mrc write a unit test for fetchNRSATable
#               exclude datalines for sidechannels when PROTOCOL is BOATABLE

fetchNRSAResults <- function(..., chan, tblName, operator = 'AND', wide = FALSE){
  op <- options()
  options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
  pars <- list(...)
  pars <- lapply(pars, function(x) paste("(", toString(sQuote(x)), ")"))
  pars <- paste(names(pars), pars, sep = " IN ", collapse = sprintf(" %s ", operator))
  query <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s;",
  if (inherits(chan, "SQLiteConnection")){
    df <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
    if('date' %in% names(df)){
      class(df$date) <- class(Sys.time())
  } else if (inherits(chan, 'RODBC')){
    df <- sqlQuery(chan, query, errors = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop('Data connection is not supported')
  n.par <- length(unique(df$parameter))
  n.subpar <- length(unique(df$subparameter))
  if (wide && all(is.na(df$subparameter))){
    if(any(tapply(df$unit, df$parameter, function(x) length(unique(x))) > 1)){
      warning('Some parameters have have more than unit in the same vector!')
    levs <- unique(df$parameter)
    dfm <- melt(df, id.var = c('batchno', 'entity', 'observation_id', 'date', 'parameter', 'method', 'observer', 'equipment'), measure.var = 'result')
    df <- dcast(dfm, ... ~ parameter)
    df[levs] <- lapply(df[levs], type.convert)
  } else if (wide && identical(n.par, 1L)){
    if(any(tapply(df$unit, df$subparameter, function(x) length(unique(x))) > 1)){
      warning('Some parameters have have more than one unit in the same vector!')
    levs <- unique(df$subparameter)
    dfm <- melt(df, id.var = c('batchno', 'entity', 'observation_id', 'date', 'parameter', 'subparameter', 'method', 'observer', 'equipment'), measure.var = 'result')
    df <- dcast(dfm, ... ~ subparameter)
    df[levs] <- lapply(df[levs], type.convert)
  } else {
    df$result <- type.convert(df$result)

fetchNRSATable <- function(chan, tblName, at=NULL, where=NULL, filterSideChannels=TRUE){
# Retrieves the specified NRSA table via an ODBC connection and standardizes
# the contents as follows:
#   a) Changes numeric column 'BATCHNO' to character column 'UID'
#   b) Trims surrounding whitespace from the contents of character columns
# Returns the standardized table contents as a dataframe if successful, or
# a character string if an error occurs.
# chan      an open RODBC channel object through which the data table is read.
# tblName   a string specifying the table to read.
# where    optional string containing an SQL WHERE clause for retrieving
#                  a subset of the table.

 if (filterSideChannels==TRUE) {

      # side channels only meaningful if TRANSECT column exists
      tt <- sqlColumns(chan, tblName)
      if(is.character(tt)) {
          stop(sprintf("Error: Could not retrieve column information for %s: %s"
                        ,tblname, tt))
      if('TRANSECT' %in% tt$COLUMN_NAME) {
          #first to collect some protocol data so we can exclude river sidechannels
          visitInfo <- dbFetch(chan, 'tblVISITS2', at=NULL, where=NULL)
          if (is.character(visitInfo))
              return(sprintf('Error: Could not retrieve tblVISITS2: %s', visitInfo))

          visitInfo <- rename(visitInfo, 'BATCHNO', 'UID')

          riverSites <- siteProtocol(visitInfo$UID)
          riverSites <- subset(riverSites, PROTOCOL=='BOATABLE')
          riverSites <- riverSites$UID
          filterClause <- paste ("NOT(TRANSECT IN ('XA', 'XB', 'XC', 'XD', 'XE', 'XF', 'XG', 'XH','XI', 'XJ', 'XK')
                                  AND BATCHNO IN ("
                                ,paste (sprintf ("'%s'",riverSites), collapse=', ')
          whereClause <- paste (c(where, filterClause), collapse=' AND ')
      } else {whereClause=where}   
  } else {
      whereClause = where
  # Attempt to retrieve data, returning error message if unsuccessful
  tt <- dbFetch(chan, tblName, at, where=whereClause)
  if(class(tt) == 'character') {

  # Convert numeric column 'BATCHNO' to character column 'UID'
  if('BATCHNO' %in% names(tt)) {
      tt<-rename(tt, 'BATCHNO', 'UID')
      tt$UID <- as.character(tt$UID)

  # Trim surrounding whitespace from the contents of character columns
  for(colName in names(tt)) {
      if(is.factor(unlist(tt[colName]))) {
          tt[colName] <- as.character(unlist(tt[colName]))
      if(is.character(unlist(tt[colName]))) {
          tt[colName] <- trimws(unlist(tt[colName]))

  if('UNITS' %in% names(tt)) {
      # Standardize missing units as NONE
      if(any(is.na(tt$UNITS) | trimws(tt$UNITS)=='')) {
          tt[is.na(tt$UNITS) | trimws(tt$UNITS)=='',]$UNITS <- 'NONE'

      # Standardize units as all caps
      tt$UNITS <- toupper(tt$UNITS)


jasonelaw/nrsa documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 11:34 a.m.