
Defines functions .rmaorCalculateModelComparison .rmaorCalculateRestrictedModel .rmaorExtractPars .rmaorCalculateUnrestrictedModel .aorCalculateModelComparison .aorCalculateUnrestrictedModel .aorCalculateCoefficients .aorCalculateMarginalMeansTerm .aorCalculateMarginalMeans .aorCalculateIHT .aorCalculateBootstrapping .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft .aorDisplayModelError .aorMarginalMeansTerm .aorMarginalMeans .aorInformativeHypothesisTestFootnoteHelper .aorAddInformativeHypothesisTestFootnotes .aorInformativeHypothesisTest .aorModelCoefficients .aorModelRestrictionMatrix .aorModelSummary .aorSingleModelsInference .aorModelComparisonHighlightCoefficients .aorModelComparisonCompareCoefficients .aorModelComparisonMatrix .aorModelComparisonTable .aorModelComparison .aorBasicInfoAvailableParameters .aorBasicInfo .aorGetModelComparison .aorGetFittedModels .aorGetRestrictedModels .aorGetRestrictedModel .aorGetUnrestrictedBootstrap .aorGetUnrestrictedModel .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon .aorTranslateSyntax .aorGetUsedVars .aorCheckSyntax .aorPruneEmptyModels .aorGetModelNames .aorGetModelName .aorGetModelSyntaxes .aorGetModelSyntax .aorGetMainContainer .aorGetContainer .anovaOrdinalRestrictions

# Main function  ----
.anovaOrdinalRestrictions <- function(anovaContainer, dataset, options, ready, analysis = c("anova", "rmanova")) {
  if (!ready) return()
  # currently '.aorBasicInfo' shows only available coefficients
  # this can be displayed in JASP before any restricted model is defined
  # (i.e., when length(options[["restrictedModels"]]) == 0)
  # however, unit tests for other parts of the analysis could fail because
  # jaspTools::analysisOptions() does not bring default options from OrderedRestrictions.qml
  # so we will simply jump out if one of the restricted options is NULL
  # to avoid people having to specify default 'restricted options' in the options list manually
  # for unit tests that do not aim to test ordinal restrictions
  if(is.null(options[["restrictedModels"]])) return()

  analysis <- match.arg(analysis)

  options[["restrictedModels"]] <- .aorPruneEmptyModels(options[["restrictedModels"]])

  container <- .aorGetMainContainer(anovaContainer)

  .aorBasicInfo(container, dataset, options, analysis)

  if(length(options[["restrictedModels"]]) == 0) return()

  models <- .aorGetFittedModels(container, dataset, options, analysis)

  .aorModelComparison      (container, dataset, options, models, analysis)
  .aorSingleModelsInference(container, dataset, options, models, analysis)


# Getters ----
.aorGetContainer <- function(container, name, title, dependencies = NULL, position = NULL, initCollapsed = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(container[[name]])) {
    newContainer <- createJaspContainer(
      title         = title,
      dependencies  = dependencies,
      position      = position,
      initCollapsed = initCollapsed
    container[[name]] <- newContainer
  } else {
    newContainer <- container[[name]]


.aorGetMainContainer <- function(container) {
  ordinalRestrictionsContainer <- .aorGetContainer(
    container    = container,
    name         = "ordinalRestrictions",
    title        = gettext("Order Restricted Hypotheses"),
    dependencies = c("restrictedInterceptInclusion", "restrictedHeterogeneityCorrection")


.aorGetModelSyntax <- function(model) {

.aorGetModelSyntaxes <- function(models) {
  return(vapply(models, .aorGetModelSyntax, character(1)))

.aorGetModelName <- function(model) {

.aorGetModelNames <- function(models) {
  return(vapply(models, .aorGetModelName, character(1)))

.aorPruneEmptyModels <- function(restrictedModels) {
  syntaxes <- .aorGetModelSyntaxes(restrictedModels)
  syntaxes <- trimws(syntaxes)

  return(restrictedModels[syntaxes != ""])

# Syntax checks and converters ----
.aorCheckSyntax <- function(modelName, modelSyntax) {
  # check duplication of order restrictions
  lines <- strsplit(modelSyntax, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  lines <- trimws(lines)
  lines <- gsub(" ", "", lines)
  lines <- lines[lines != ""]

  if(length(lines) != length(unique(lines))) {
    stop(gettextf("Syntax error found in model %1$s.\n\nSome restrictions are duplicate!", modelName))


# the following two functions should not be necessary if the QML component
# for the restrictions encodes the column names
.aorGetUsedVars <- function(syntax, availablevars) {
  allVars <- decodeColNames(availablevars)
  inSyntax <- stringr::str_detect(syntax, pattern = allVars)

.aorTranslateSyntax <- function(syntax, dataset, options, modelName) {
  usedvars <- .aorGetUsedVars(syntax, colnames(dataset))

  new.names <- encodeColNames(usedvars)

  for (i in seq_along(usedvars)) {
    syntax <- try(gsub(usedvars[i], new.names[i], syntax))

  if(isTryError(syntax)) {
    stop(gettextf("There are errors in the restriction syntax for %s. The syntax could not be decoded!", modelName))


.aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon <- function(coefs) {
  coefs <- gsub(":\\(Intercept\\)", "..Intercept.", coefs)
  coefs <- gsub("\\(Intercept\\)",  ".Intercept.",  coefs)
  coefs <- gsub(":JaspColumn_",     ".JaspColumn_", coefs)

# Fitting ----
.aorGetUnrestrictedModel <- function(container, dataset, options, analysis) {
  if(!is.null(container[["stateUnrestricted"]])) return(container[["stateUnrestricted"]]$object)

  if(analysis == "anova") {
    model <- .aorCalculateUnrestrictedModel(dataset, options)
  } else {
    model <- .rmaorCalculateUnrestrictedModel(dataset, options)

  container[["stateUnrestricted"]] <- createJaspState(object = model)


.aorGetUnrestrictedBootstrap <- function(container, dataset, unrestricted, samples){
  if(!is.null(container[["stateUnrestrictedBootstrap"]])) return(container[["stateUnrestrictedBootstrap"]]$object)
    expectedTicks = samples %/% 100,
    label         = gettext("Bootstrapping unrestricted model")

  contrasts <- unrestricted[["contrasts"]]
  weights   <- unrestricted[["weights"]]
  formula   <- formula(unrestricted)

  unrestrictedBootstrap <- vector("list", samples)
  for(i in seq_len(samples)) {
    n <- nrow(dataset)
    idx <- sample.int(n = n, size = n, replace = TRUE)
    resamples <- dataset[idx,,drop=FALSE]

    unrestrictedBootstrap[[i]] <-
        update(unrestricted, data = resamples, contrasts = contrasts, weights = weights, formula = formula)

    if(i %% 100 == 0) progressbarTick()
  unrestrictedBootstrap[vapply(unrestrictedBootstrap, isTryError, logical(1))] <- NULL

  container[["stateUnrestrictedBootstrap"]] <- createJaspState(
    object = unrestrictedBootstrap, dependencies = c("restrictedBootstrap", "restrictedBootstrapSamples")


.aorGetRestrictedModel <- function(container, restrictedModelOption, dataset, options, unrestrictedModel, unrestrictedBootstrap = list(), analysis) {
  modelName <- .aorGetModelName   (restrictedModelOption)
  stateName <- sprintf("state_%s", modelName)

  if(!is.null(container[[stateName]]$object)) {
    if(length(unrestrictedBootstrap) > 0)

  } else {
    container[[stateName]] <- createJaspState()
      options             = c("restrictedBootstrap", "restrictedBootstrapSamples", "restrictedBootstrapCiLevel"),
      optionContainsValue = list(restrictedModels = restrictedModelOption)

  syntaxOriginal <- .aorGetModelSyntax (restrictedModelOption)
  syntax         <- try(.aorTranslateSyntax(syntaxOriginal, dataset, options, modelName))

  if(isTryError(syntax)) {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(syntax)
    stop(gettextf("Error in %1$s - Could not encode the model syntax! Error message: %2$s", modelName, message))

  syntaxCheck <- try(.aorCheckSyntax(modelName, syntax))

  if(isTryError(syntaxCheck)) {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(syntaxCheck)
    stop(gettextf("Error in %1$s - Syntax error in the model! Error message: %2$s", modelName, message))

  if(analysis == "anova") {
    unrestricted <- unrestrictedModel[["fit"]]
    se <- switch(
      huberWhite0  = "HC0",
      huberWhite1  = "HC1",
      huberWhite2  = "HC2",
      huberWhite3  = "HC3",
      huberWhite4  = "HC4",
      huberWhite4m = "HC4m",
      huberWhite5  = "HC5",
    fit <- try(restriktor::restriktor(object = unrestricted, constraints = syntax, se = se))
  } else {
    fit <- try(.rmaorCalculateRestrictedModel(unrestrictedModel, syntax))

  if(isTryError(fit)) {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(fit)
    stop(gettextf("Error in %1$s - Could not estimate the model! Error message: %2$s", modelName, message))

  if(length(unrestrictedBootstrap) > 0) {
    bootstraps <- try(.aorCalculateBootstrapping(unrestrictedBootstrap, fit, syntax, modelName))
  } else {
    bootstraps <- NULL

  ciLevel <- options[["restrictedBootstrapCiLevel"]]
  coefficients  <- try(.aorCalculateCoefficients(fit, bootstraps, ciLevel))
  marginalMeans <- .aorCalculateMarginalMeans   (fit, bootstraps, ciLevel, c(options[["modelTerms"]], options[["withinModelTerms"]], options[["betweenModelTerms"]]), dataset)

  model <- list(
    fit                       = fit,
    name                      = modelName,
    summary                   = restrictedModelOption[["summary"]],
    informedHypothesisTest    = restrictedModelOption[["informedHypothesisTest"]],
    marginalMean              = restrictedModelOption[["marginalMean"]],
    syntax                    = syntax,
    syntaxOriginal            = syntaxOriginal,
    bootstrapSamples          = nrow(bootstraps),
    coefficients              = coefficients,
    marginalMeansResult       = marginalMeans

  container[[stateName]]$object <- model

.aorGetRestrictedModels <- function(container, dataset, options, unrestrictedModel, unrestrictedBootstrap = list(), analysis) {
  if(length(unrestrictedBootstrap) > 0)
    startProgressbar(expectedTicks = length(options[["restrictedModels"]]),
                     label         = gettext("Bootstrapping restricted models"))

  restrictedModels <- vector("list", length(options[["restrictedModels"]]))
  for(i in seq_along(restrictedModels)) {
    restrictedModelOption <- options[["restrictedModels"]][[i]]
    restrictedModels[[i]] <- try(.aorGetRestrictedModel(container, restrictedModelOption, dataset, options, unrestrictedModel, unrestrictedBootstrap, analysis))
  modelNames              <- .aorGetModelNames(options[["restrictedModels"]])
  names(restrictedModels) <- modelNames


.aorGetFittedModels <- function(container, dataset, options, analysis) {
  models <- list()

  models[["unrestricted"]] <- try(.aorGetUnrestrictedModel(container, dataset, options, analysis))
  if(isTryError(models[["unrestricted"]])) {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(models[["unrestricted"]])
    container$setError(gettextf("Could not fit the unrestricted model. As a result, none of the restricted models could be estimated. Error message: %s.", message))

  if(options[["restrictedBootstrap"]]) {
    unrestrictedBootstrap <- try(.aorGetUnrestrictedBootstrap(
      container    = container,
      dataset      = dataset,
      unrestricted = models[["unrestricted"]][["fit"]],
      samples      = options[["restrictedBootstrapSamples"]]

    if(isTryError(unrestrictedBootstrap)) {
      message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(unrestrictedBootstrap)
      container$setError(gettextf("Could not obtain bootstrapping for the unrestricted model. As a result, bootstrapping for the restricted models could not be performed. Error message: %s.", message))
  } else {
    unrestrictedBootstrap <- list()

  models[["restricted"]] <- .aorGetRestrictedModels(container, dataset, options, models[["unrestricted"]], unrestrictedBootstrap, analysis)

  if(isTryError(models[["restricted"]])) {
    modelFailed            <- vapply(models[["restricted"]], isTryError, logical(1))
    models[["failed"]]     <- models[["restricted"]][ modelFailed]
    models[["restricted"]] <- models[["restricted"]][!modelFailed]
  } else {
    models[["failed"]] <- list()

  if(length(models[["failed"]]) > 0 && length(models[["restricted"]]) == 0) {
    errors <- vapply(models[["failed"]], .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft, character(1))
    errors <- sprintf("<li>%s</li>", errors)
    errors <- paste(errors, collapse = "\n")
    errors <- sprintf("<ul>%s</ul>", errors)
    message <- gettextf("Could not fit any of the specified restricted models. Reason(s): %s", errors)
    # if all models fail, we want to rerun the restricted models if any model changes
    container$dependOn(options = "restrictedModels")


.aorGetModelComparison <- function(container, options, models, analysis) {
  if (!is.null(container[["modelComparisonState"]])) return(container[["modelComparisonState"]]$object)

  comparison <- options[["restrictedModelComparison"]]
  reference  <- options[["restrictedModelComparisonReference"]]

  if(analysis == "anova") {
    modelComparison <- try(.aorCalculateModelComparison(options, models, comparison))
  } else {
    modelComparison <- try(.rmaorCalculateModelComparison(options, models, comparison))

  if(!isTryError(modelComparison)) {
    modelNames <- .aorGetModelNames(models[["restricted"]])
    names(modelNames) <- modelNames
    modelNames <- switch(comparison,
                         unconstrained = c(modelNames, unconstrained = gettext("Unconstrained")),
                         complement    = c(modelNames, complement    = gettext("Complement")),

    if(!is.null(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]])) {
      rownames(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]]) <- colnames(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]]) <- modelNames

    modelComparison[["result"]][["modelNames"]] <- modelNames
    modelComparison[["result"]][["model"]]      <- names(modelNames)


  if(length(models[["failed"]]) != 0) {
    modelComparison[["excludedModels"]] <- names(models[["failed"]])

  container[["modelComparisonState"]] <- createJaspState(object = modelComparison)


# Syntax info ----
.aorBasicInfo <- function(container, dataset, options, analysis) {
  unrestricted <- .aorGetUnrestrictedModel(container, dataset, options, analysis)

  if(is.null(container[["basicInfoContainer"]])) {
    basicInfoContainer <- createJaspContainer(title = gettext("Syntax information"), position = 1)
    container[["basicInfoContainer"]] <- basicInfoContainer
  } else {
    basicInfoContainer <- container[["basicInfoContainer"]]

  .aorBasicInfoAvailableParameters(basicInfoContainer, options, unrestricted, analysis)


.aorBasicInfoAvailableParameters <- function(container, options, unrestricted, analysis) {
  if(!is.null(container[["availableParameters"]]) || !options[["restrictedAvailableCoefficients"]]) return()

  availableParameters <- createJaspHtml(title        = gettext("Available coefficients for restriction syntax"),
                                        position     = 1,
                                        dependencies = c("restrictedAvailableCoefficients")
  container[["availableParameters"]] <- availableParameters

  if(analysis == "anova") {
    coefs <- names(coefficients(unrestricted[["fit"]]))
  } else {
    coefs <- names(unrestricted[["parsForGorica"]][["coef"]])
  coefs <- .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(coefs)
  coefs <- sprintf("<li><div class='jasp-code'>%s</div></li>", coefs)

  availableParameters$text <- sprintf("<ul>%s</ul>", paste(coefs, collapse = "\n"))

# Model Comparison ----
.aorModelComparison <- function(container, dataset, options, models, analysis) {
  modelComparisonContainer <- .aorGetContainer(
    container    = container,
    name         = "modelComparison",
    title        = gettext("Model Comparison"),
    dependencies = c("restrictedModels", "restrictedModelComparison"),
    position     = 2

  ready <- !container$getError() && length(models[["restricted"]]) > 0

  if(ready) {
    modelComparison <- try(.aorGetModelComparison(modelComparisonContainer, options, models, analysis))
  } else {
    modelComparison <- NULL

  if(isTryError(modelComparison)) {
    message <- .extractErrorMessage(modelComparison)
    modelComparisonContainer$setError(gettextf("Could not compute model comparison! Error message: %s", message))
    ready <- FALSE

  .aorModelComparisonTable              (modelComparisonContainer, options, modelComparison, ready)
  .aorModelComparisonMatrix             (modelComparisonContainer, options, modelComparison, ready)
  .aorModelComparisonCompareCoefficients(modelComparisonContainer, options, modelComparison, models, ready)

.aorModelComparisonTable <- function(container, options, modelComparison, ready) {
  if(!is.null(container[["comparisonTable"]])) return()

  if(ready) {
    type <- modelComparison[["type"]]
  } else {
    type <- "none"
  comparison <- options[["restrictedModelComparison"]]
  reference  <- options[["restrictedModelComparisonReference"]]

  # define
  comparisonTable <- createJaspTable(title        = gettext("Model Comparison Table"),
                                     position     = 1,
                                     dependencies = c("restrictedModelComparisonWeights", "restrictedModelComparisonReference")
  comparisonTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
  comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "modelNames", title = gettext("Model"),   type = "string")
  comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "loglik",     title = gettext("Log-likelihood"),      type = "number")
  comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "penalty",    title = gettext("Penalty"), type = "number")
  if (type == "goric") {
    comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "goric",         title = gettext("GORIC"),  type = "number")
    comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "goric.weights", title = gettext("Weight"), type = "number")
  } else if (type == "gorica"){
    comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "gorica",         title = gettext("GORICA"), type = "number")
    comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "gorica.weights", title = gettext("Weight"), type = "number")

    comparisonTable$addColumnInfo(name = "ratio", title = gettext("Weights ratio"), type = "number")

  abbrev     <- switch(type,
                       goric = gettext("GORIC = Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion (Kuiper, Hoijtink, & Silvapulle, 2011)."),
                       gettext("GORICA = Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion Approximation.")

  comparisonTable$addFootnote(gettextf('Weights ratios indicate the relative weight for each model against the "%1$s" model. %2$s', reference, abbrev))
  comparisonTable$addCitation(c("Kuiper, R. M., Hoijtink, H., Silvapulle, M. J. (2011). An Akaike-type information criterion for model selection under equality constarints. Biometrika, 98(2), 495-501.",
                                "Vanbrabant, L., Van Loey, N., & Kuiper, R. M. (2020). Evaluating a theory-based hypothesis against its complement using an AIC-type information criterion with an application to facial burn injury. Psychological Methods, 25(2), 129-142."))

  container[["comparisonTable"]] <- comparisonTable

  if(!ready) return()
  # fill
  if(options[["restrictedModelComparisonWeights"]]) {
    result  <- modelComparison[["result"]]
    weights <- modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]]

    if(nrow(result) == 1) {
      modelComparison[["result"]][["ratio"]] <- 1
    } else if (is.null(weights)) {
      modelComparison[["result"]][["ratio"]] <- NA
      comparisonTable$addFootnote(colNames = "ratio", message = gettext("Could not compute weights!"))
    } else if (! reference %in% result[["model"]]) {
      modelComparison[["result"]][["ratio"]] <- NA
      comparisonTable$addFootnote(colNames = "ratio", message = gettextf("Model '%s' cannot be a reference model as it is empty!", reference))
    } else {
      modelComparison[["result"]][["ratio"]] <- weights[, result[["model"]] == reference]

  if(!is.null(modelComparison[["excludedModels"]])) {
      message = gettextf("The following models were excluded: %s.", paste(modelComparison[["excludedModels"]], collapse = ", "))



.aorModelComparisonMatrix <- function(container, options, modelComparison, ready) {
  if(!is.null(container[["comparisonMatrix"]]) || !options[["restrictedModelComparisonMatrix"]]) return()

  if(ready) {
    type <- modelComparison[["type"]]
  } else {
    type <- ""
  # define
  comparisonMatrix <- createJaspTable(title        = gettextf("Relative %s-Weights", toupper(type)),
                                      position     = 2,
                                      dependencies = c("restrictedModelComparisonMatrix")
  comparisonMatrix$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = gettext("Model"))
  container[["comparisonMatrix"]] <- comparisonMatrix

  if(!ready) return()
  # fill
  if(is.null(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]])) {
    # only one model in the comparison leads to empty relative weight matrix
    comparisonMatrix$setError(gettext("Only one model in the comparison: Cannot compute relative weights matrix"))
  } else {
    modelNames <- rownames(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]])
    df <- as.data.frame(modelComparison[["ratio.gw"]])
    vsModelNames <- colnames(df)
    rownames(df) <- NULL

    df[["model"]] <- modelNames

    for(colName in vsModelNames)
      comparisonMatrix$addColumnInfo(name = colName, title = colName, type = "number", overtitle = gettext("vs."))


.aorModelComparisonCompareCoefficients <- function(container, options, modelComparison, models, ready) {
  if(!is.null(container[["coefficientsTable"]]) || !options[["restrictedModelComparisonCoefficients"]]) return()

  coefficientsTable <- createJaspTable(title        = gettext("Coefficients Comparison"),
                                       position     = 3,
                                       dependencies = c("restrictedModelComparisonCoefficients", "restrictedModelComparisonCoefficientsHighlight")
  coefficientsTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
  coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "coef", title = gettext("Coefficient"), type = "string")

  container[["coefficientsTable"]] <- coefficientsTable

  if(!ready) return()
  # fill
  result <- modelComparison[["result"]]
  df <- t(coefficients(modelComparison))
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  colnames(df) <- result[["model"]]
  df[["coef"]] <- rownames(df)

  # bug in restriktor cannot handle user-defined parameters, so we will remove them
  if(is.null(models[["unrestricted"]][["parsForGorica"]])) {
    unrestrictedCoefficients <- coefficients(models[["unrestricted"]][["fit"]])
  } else {
    unrestrictedCoefficients <- models[["unrestricted"]][["parsForGorica"]][["coef"]]
  basicParameters <- names(unrestrictedCoefficients)
  df <- subset(df, subset = coef %in% basicParameters)

  # make sure to return coefficients formatted in the restriktor way
  df[["coef"]] <- .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(df[["coef"]])
  names(unrestrictedCoefficients) <- .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(basicParameters)

  for(index in seq_len(nrow(result)))
    coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = result[["model"]][[index]], title = result[["modelNames"]][[index]], type = "number")


    .aorModelComparisonHighlightCoefficients(coefficientsTable, unrestrictedCoefficients, df)

.aorModelComparisonHighlightCoefficients <- function(table, unrestricted, df) {
  for(row in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
    coef <- df[["coef"]][[row]]
    table$setRowName(rowIndex = row, newName = coef)

    for(col in seq_len(ncol(df))) {
      model <- colnames(df)[[col]]

      cell <- df[row, col]
      ref  <- unrestricted[[coef]]
      if(is.numeric(cell) && !isTRUE(all.equal(cell, ref))) {
          message  = gettext("Coefficients differ from unconstrained model."),
          symbol   = "\u2020",
          colNames = model,
          rowNames = coef

# Single Model inference ----
.aorSingleModelsInference <- function(container, dataset, options, models, analysis) {
  if(container$getError()) return()

  allModelNames    <- .aorGetModelNames(options[["restrictedModels"]])
  fittedModelNames <- .aorGetModelNames(models[["restricted"]])

  for(modelName in allModelNames) {

    modelContainer <- .aorGetContainer(
      container     = container,
      name          = modelName,
      title         = modelName,
      initCollapsed = TRUE,
      position      = which(modelName == allModelNames) + 3
    modelContainer$dependOn(optionsFromObject = container[[sprintf("state_%s", modelName)]])
    container[[modelName]] <- modelContainer

    if(modelName %in% fittedModelNames) {
      model <- models[["restricted"]][[which(modelName == fittedModelNames)]]
      .aorModelSummary (modelContainer, options, model)
      .aorMarginalMeans(modelContainer, options, model, dataset)
      if(analysis == "anova")
        .aorInformativeHypothesisTest(modelContainer, options, model)
    } else {
      model <- models[["failed"]][[modelName]]
      .aorDisplayModelError(modelContainer, model)

## Model Summary ----
.aorModelSummary <- function(container, options, model) {
  if(!is.null(container[["modelSummaryContainer"]]) || !model[["summary"]]) return()

  modelSummaryContainer <- .aorGetContainer(
    container = container,
    name      = "modelSummaryContainer",
    title     = gettext("Model Summary"),
    position  = 1

  .aorModelRestrictionMatrix(modelSummaryContainer, model)
  .aorModelCoefficients     (modelSummaryContainer, model, options)

.aorModelRestrictionMatrix <- function(container, model) {
  restrictionMatrix <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Restriction Matrix"))
  container[["restrictionMatrix"]] <- restrictionMatrix

  coefs <- names(model[["fit"]][["b.restr"]])
  coefs <- .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(coefs)
  coefNames <- character(length(coefs))
  for(i in seq_along(coefs)) {
    coef <- paste0("coef", i)
    restrictionMatrix$addColumnInfo(name = coef, title = coefs[i], type = "number", overtitle = gettext("Left-hand side (lhs)"))
    coefNames[i] <- coef

  restrictionMatrix$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs", title = gettext("Right-hand side (rhs)"), type = "number")

  # fill
  df <- as.data.frame(model[["fit"]][["constraints"]])
  colnames(df) <- coefNames

  df[["rhs"]] <- model[["fit"]][["rhs"]]


.aorModelCoefficients <- function(container, model, options) {
  coefficientsTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Coefficients"))
  container[["coefficientsTable"]] <- coefficientsTable

  coefs <- model[["coefficients"]]

  if(!isTryError(coefs)) {

    coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "coef",     title = gettext("Coefficient"), type = "string")
    coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "estimate", title = gettext("Estimate"),    type = "number")
      coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("SE"),          type = "number")
      coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "t",      title = gettext("t"),           type = "number")
      coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p",      title = gettext("p"),           type = "pvalue")

    if(!is.null(model[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
      overtitle <- gettextf("%s%% CI", 100*options[["restrictedBootstrapCiLevel"]])
      coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lower",    title = gettext("Lower"),       type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)
      coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "upper",    title = gettext("Upper"),       type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)
      coefficientsTable$addFootnote(gettextf("Estimates based on %s successful bootstrap replicates.", model[["bootstrapSamples"]]))

  } else {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(coefs)
    coefficientsTable$setError(gettextf("Could not compute table of coefficients. Error message: %s", message))

## Informative Hypothesis tests ----
.aorInformativeHypothesisTest <- function(container, options, model) {
  if(!is.null(container[["ihtTable"]]) || !model[["informedHypothesisTest"]]) return()

  ihtTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Informative Hypothesis Tests"), position = 3)
  container[["ihtTable"]] <- ihtTable
  ihtTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE

  ihtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "typeName", title = gettext("Hypothesis"),      type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  ihtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "test",     title = gettext("Test"),            type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  ihtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "stat",     title = gettext("Test Statistic"),  type = "number")
  ihtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue",   title = gettext("p"),               type = "pvalue")

  result <- try(.aorCalculateIHT(model[["fit"]]))

  if(!isTryError(result)) {
    result[["typeName"]] <- gettextf("Type %s", result[["type"]])
    rownames(result) <- sprintf("row%s", seq_len(nrow(result)))
      "Silvapulle, M. J. & Sen, P. K. (2005). Constrained statistical inference: Order, inequality, and shape constraints. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.",
      "Vanbrabant, L. & Rosseel, Y. (2020). Restricted statistical estimation and inference for linear models. http://restriktor.org"
    # for some reason, this takes forever
    # .aorAddInformativeHypothesisTestFootnotes(ihtTable, result)
  } else {
    message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(result)
    ihtTable$setError(gettextf("Could not compute the informative hypothesis tests. Error message: %s", message))


.aorAddInformativeHypothesisTestFootnotes <- function(table, result) {
  rownames <- rownames(result)

    table     = table,
    message   = gettextf("H%1$s: All equality restrictions are active (==), H%2$s: At least one equality restriction is violated.", "\u2080", "\u2081"),
    condition = result[["type"]] == "classical",
    rownames  = rownames

    table     = table,
    message   = gettextf("H%1$s: All parameters are restricted to be equal (==), H%2$s: At least one inequality restriction is strictly true (>).", "\u2080", "\u2081"),
    condition = result[["type"]] == "global",
    rownames  = rownames

    table     = table,
    message   = gettextf("H%1$s: All restrictions are equalities (==), H%2$s: At least one inequality restriction is strictly true (>).", "\u2080", "\u2081"),
    condition = result[["type"]] == "A",
    rownames  = rownames

    table     = table,
    message   = gettextf("H%1$s: All restrictions hold, H%2$s: At least one restriction is violated.", "\u2080", "\u2081"),
    condition = result[["type"]] == "B",
    rownames  = rownames

    table     = table,
    message   = gettextf("H%1$s: At least one restriction is false or active (==), H%2$s: All restrictions are strictly true (>).", "\u2080", "\u2081"),
    condition = result[["type"]] == "C",
    rownames  = rownames


.aorInformativeHypothesisTestFootnoteHelper <- function(table, message, condition, rownames) {
  if(any(condition)) {
      message  = message,
      rowNames = rownames[min(which(condition))],
      colName  = "typeName"

## Marginal means ----
.aorMarginalMeans <- function(container, options, model, dataset) {
  if(!model[["marginalMean"]]) return()

  marginalMeansContainer <- .aorGetContainer(
    container    = container,
    name         = "marginalMeansContainer",
    title        = gettext("Marginal Means"),
    position     = 2,
    dependencies = c("restrictedMarginalMeanTerms",

  if(length(options[["restrictedMarginalMeanTerms"]]) == 0 || all(options[["restrictedMarginalMeanTerms"]] == "")) {
    # settting an error on empty container does not show up, so we will make an empty table
    marginalMeansContainer[["table"]] <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Marginal Means"))
    marginalMeansContainer$setError(gettext("No marginal means terms specified. Please, select model terms in the 'Restricted Marginal Means' section."))
  } else {
    terms <- options[["restrictedMarginalMeanTerms"]]
    for(i in seq_along(terms))
      .aorMarginalMeansTerm(marginalMeansContainer, dataset, options, model, terms[[i]][["variable"]], i)

.aorMarginalMeansTerm <- function(container, dataset, options, model, variables, position) {
  tableName <- paste(variables, collapse="_")
  if(!is.null(container[[tableName]])) return()

  marginalMeansTable <- createJaspTable(title    = paste(variables, collapse=" \u273B "),
                                        position = position)
  container[[tableName]] <- marginalMeansTable

  marginalMeansTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
  for(var in variables)
    marginalMeansTable$addColumnInfo(name = var, title = var, type = "string", combine = TRUE)

  marginalMeansTable$addColumnInfo(name="lsmean",   title = gettext("Marginal Mean"), type="number")

  # analytic SEs are only available for ANOVAs, not RM anovas
  if(inherits(model[["fit"]], "restriktor") || !is.null(model[["bootstrapSamples"]]))
    marginalMeansTable$addColumnInfo(name="SE",     title = gettext("SE"),            type="number")

  if(!is.null(model[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
    marginalMeansTable$addColumnInfo(name="lower.CL", title = gettext("Lower"),         type="number", overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI", 100*options[["restrictedBootstrapCiLevel"]]))
    marginalMeansTable$addColumnInfo(name="upper.CL", title = gettext("Upper"),         type="number", overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI", 100*options[["restrictedBootstrapCiLevel"]]))

    marginalMeansTable$addFootnote(gettextf("Estimates based on %s successful bootstrap replicates.", model[["bootstrapSamples"]]))

  # fill
  result <- model[["marginalMeansResult"]][[paste0(variables, collapse = "_")]]

  if(isTryError(result)) {
    message <- .extractErrorMessage(result)
    marginalMeansTable$setError(gettextf("Could not compute the marginal means. Error message: %s", message))
  } else {

    # add footnotes
    if(!is.null(attr(result, "avgd.over")))
        message = gettextf("Results are averaged over the levels of: %s.",
                          paste(attr(result, "avgd.over"), collapse = ", ")
    if(!is.null(options[["covariates"]]) && length(options[["covariates"]]) != 0) {
      activeCovariates <- options[["covariates"]][options[["covariates"]] %in% unique(unlist(options[["modelTerms"]]))]
        message = gettextf("Covariates (%s) held fixed at their mean values.", paste(activeCovariates, collapse = ", "))

## Model Error ----
.aorDisplayModelError <- function(container, model) {
  # settting an error on empty container does not show up, so we will make an
  # empty table
  container[["restrictionMatrix"]] <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Restriction Matrix"))

  message <- .aorExtractErrorMessageSoft(model)

# Utilities ----

.aorExtractErrorMessageSoft <- function(error) {
  split <- base::strsplit(as.character(error), ":")[[1]]
  message <- split[2:length(split)]
  message <- unlist(message)
  message <- paste(message, collapse = ":")

.aorCalculateBootstrapping <- function(unrestrictedBootstrap, fit, syntax, modelName) {
  samples    <- length(unrestrictedBootstrap)
  ncoefs     <- length(coefficients(fit))
  bootstraps <- matrix(nrow = samples, ncol = ncoefs)
  keep       <- c()

  for(i in seq_len(samples)) {
    unconstrained <- unrestrictedBootstrap[[i]]
    if(inherits(fit, "restriktor")) { # an(c)ova
      boot <- try(restriktor::restriktor(object = unconstrained, constraints = syntax, se = fit[["se"]]))
    } else { # rm anova
      model <- list(parsForGorica = .rmaorExtractPars(unconstrained))
      boot <- try(.rmaorCalculateRestrictedModel(model, syntax))

    if(!isTryError(boot)) {
      bootstraps[i, ] <- coefficients(boot)
      keep <- c(keep, i)

  bootstraps <- bootstraps[keep,,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(bootstraps) <- names(coefficients(fit))


.aorCalculateIHT <- function(model) {
  nconst <- nrow(model[["constraints"]])
  neq    <- model[["neq"]]

  if(nconst == neq) { # only equality constraints
    types <- "classical"
    tests <- c("F", "Wald", "score")
  } else if(neq > 0) { # some equality constraints
    types <- c("global", "A", "B")
    tests <- c("F", "LRT", "score")
  } else { # no equality constraints
    types = c("global", "A", "B", "C")
    tests <- c("F", "LRT", "score")

  results <- list()
  for(type in types) {
    results[[type]] <- list()
    for(test in tests) {
      if(type == "classical") {
        res <- restriktor::conTest_ceq(model, test = test)
      } else {
        if(type == "C" && test != "F") next # type C is only done with t-test (which can be called by test = "F")

        res <- restriktor::conTest(model, type = type, test = test)
      results[[type]][[test]] <- data.frame(
        type   = type,
        test   = res[["test"]],
        stat   = res[["Ts"]],
        pvalue = res[["pvalue"]]

    results[[type]] <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, results[[type]]))
  results <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, results))


.aorCalculateMarginalMeans <- function(fit, bootstraps = NULL, ciLevel, terms, dataset) {
  results <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(terms)) {
    variables <- terms[[i]][["components"]]
    results[[paste0(variables, collapse = "_")]] <- try(.aorCalculateMarginalMeansTerm(fit, bootstraps, ciLevel, variables, dataset))


.aorCalculateMarginalMeansTerm <- function(fit, bootstraps, ciLevel, variables, dataset) {
  if(is.null(bootstraps)) {
    if(inherits(fit, "restriktor")) { # an(c)ova
      vcov    <- summary(fit)[["V"]]
      refGrid <- emmeans::qdrg(
        formula   = formula(fit[["model.org"]]),
        data      = dataset,
        coef      = fit[["b.restr"]],
        vcov      = vcov,
        df        = fit[["df.residual"]],
        contrasts = fit[["model.org"]][["contrasts"]]
    } else { # rmanova
      refGrid <- emmeans::ref_grid(fit[["model.org"]], mult.levs = fit[["rmFactors"]])
      refGrid@bhat <- fit[["b.restr"]]

    means <- emmeans::lsmeans(refGrid, variables, infer=c(FALSE, FALSE))
    avgd.over <- slot(means, "misc")[["avgd.over"]]
    means <- summary(means)
  } else {
    if(inherits(fit, "restriktor")) { # an(c)ova
      refGrid <- emmeans::qdrg(
        formula   = formula(fit[["model.org"]]),
        data      = dataset,
        mcmc      = bootstraps[, names(fit[["b.restr"]]), drop = FALSE],
        contrasts = fit[["model.org"]][["contrasts"]]
      means <- emmeans::lsmeans(refGrid, variables)
      avgd.over <- slot(means, "misc")[["avgd.over"]]
      boots <- emmeans::as.mcmc.emmGrid(means)
      boots <- as.data.frame(boots)
    } else { # rm anova
      refGrid <- emmeans::ref_grid(fit[["model.org"]], mult.levs = fit[["rmFactors"]])
      res <- list()
      for(i in seq_len(nrow(bootstraps))) {
        b.restr <- bootstraps[i, names(fit[["b.restr"]]), drop = TRUE]
        refGrid@bhat <- b.restr
        means <- emmeans::lsmeans(refGrid, variables, infer=c(FALSE, FALSE))
        res[[i]] <- summary(means)[["lsmean"]]
      avgd.over <- slot(means, "misc")[["avgd.over"]]
      boots <- do.call(rbind, res)

    alpha <- 1-ciLevel
    means <- summary(means)
    means[["lsmean"]]   <- apply(boots, 2, median,                      na.rm = TRUE)
    means[["SE"]]       <- apply(boots, 2, sd,                          na.rm = TRUE)
    means[["lower.CL"]] <- apply(boots, 2, quantile, probs =   alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)
    means[["upper.CL"]] <- apply(boots, 2, quantile, probs = 1-alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)

  if(!is.null(avgd.over) && length(avgd.over))
    attr(means, "avgd.over") <- avgd.over


.aorCalculateCoefficients <- function(fit, bootstraps, ciLevel) {
  if(is.null(bootstraps) && inherits(fit, "restriktor")) { #an(c)ova
    result <- coefficients(summary(fit))
    result <- as.data.frame(result)
    result[["coef"]] <- .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(rownames(result))
    colnames(result) <- c("estimate", "se", "t", "p", "coef")
  } else if(is.null(bootstraps)) { # rm anova
    result <- coefficients(fit)
    result <- data.frame(
      coef     = .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(names(result)),
      estimate = result
  } else {
    alpha <- 1-ciLevel
    result <- data.frame(
      coef     = .aorRenameInterceptRemoveColon(colnames(bootstraps)),
      estimate = apply(bootstraps, 2, median,                      na.rm = TRUE),
      se       = apply(bootstraps, 2, sd    ,                      na.rm = TRUE),
      lower    = apply(bootstraps, 2, quantile, probs =   alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE),
      upper    = apply(bootstraps, 2, quantile, probs = 1-alpha/2, na.rm = TRUE)


.aorCalculateUnrestrictedModel <- function(dataset, options) {
  reorderModelTerms <- .reorderModelTerms(options)
  modelTerms        <- reorderModelTerms$modelTerms
  modelDef          <- .modelFormula(modelTerms, options)

  if (options[["restrictedInterceptInclusion"]]) {
    formula <- as.formula(modelDef[["model.def"]])
  } else {
    formula <- as.formula(paste(modelDef[["model.def"]], "- 1"))

  if(options[["wlsWeights"]] == "" || is.na(options[["wlsWeights"]])) {
    weights <- NULL
  } else {
    weights <- dataset[[options[["wlsWeights"]]]]

  allFactors <- c(unlist(options$fixedFactors), unlist(options$randomFactors))
  factorsInFormula <- allFactors[allFactors %in% modelDef[["terms.base64"]]]
  contrasts <- replicate(length(factorsInFormula), "contr.treatment", simplify = FALSE)
  names(contrasts) <- factorsInFormula

  modelMatrix <- model.matrix(formula, dataset, contrasts.arg = contrasts)

  fit <- lm(
    formula   = formula,
    data      = dataset,
    weights   = weights,
    contrasts = contrasts

  model <- list(
    fit         = fit,
    formula     = formula,
    modelMatrix = modelMatrix,
    weights     = weights,
    contrasts   = contrasts


.aorCalculateModelComparison <- function(options, models, comparison) {
  modelList <- lapply(models[["restricted"]], "[[", "fit")
  names(modelList)[1] <- "object"
  modelComparison <- try(do.call(restriktor::goric, c(modelList, comparison = comparison)))

.rmaorCalculateUnrestrictedModel <- function(dataset, options) {
  # get formula for a lm fit
  lhs <- sprintf("cbind(%s)", paste(options[["repeatedMeasuresCells"]], collapse = ","))

  if(!options[["restrictedInterceptInclusion"]] && length(options[["betweenModelTerms"]]) > 0) {
    rhs <- "0"
  } else {
    rhs <- "1"

  for(term in options[["betweenModelTerms"]]) {
    components <- term[["components"]]
    rhs <- c(rhs, paste(components, collapse = ":"))

  rhs <- paste(rhs, collapse = "+")

  formula <- as.formula(sprintf("%s~%s", lhs, rhs))

  # weights (are none for rm anova)
  weights <- NULL

  # get dummy coding contrasts for between subject factors
  allFactors <- options[["betweenSubjectFactors"]]
  factorsInFormula <- allFactors[allFactors %in% all.vars(formula)]
  contrasts <- replicate(length(factorsInFormula), "contr.treatment", simplify = FALSE)
  names(contrasts) <- factorsInFormula

  fit <- lm(
    formula   = formula,
    data      = dataset,
    weights   = weights,
    contrasts = contrasts

  # this is needed later for marginal means (to create a refgrid object)
  rmFactors        <- lapply(options[["repeatedMeasuresFactors"]], "[[", "levels")
  names(rmFactors) <- sapply(options[["repeatedMeasuresFactors"]], "[[", "name"  )
  # ref_grid argument mult.levs combines the levels according to expand.grid()
  # but repeated measured cells are in the reversed order -> we reverse the list of factors here
  rmFactors        <- rev(rmFactors)

  model <- list(
    fit           = fit,
    formula       = formula,
    weights       = weights,
    contrasts     = contrasts,
    parsForGorica = .rmaorExtractPars(fit),
    rmFactors     = rmFactors


.rmaorExtractPars <- function(fit) {
  coef <- coefficients(fit)
  vcov <- vcov(fit)

  if(nrow(coef) == 1) { # there is no between subjects factor or a covariate, so we do not need to include the intercept in the syntax
    names <- colnames(coef)
  } else { # we need to combine row and col names as in vcov
    names <- colnames(vcov)

  coef <- as.vector(coef)
  colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- names(coef) <- names

    coef = coef,
    vcov = vcov

.rmaorCalculateRestrictedModel <- function(unrestrictedModel, syntax) {
  args <- list(
    object      = unrestrictedModel[["parsForGorica"]][["coef"]],
    VCOV        = unrestrictedModel[["parsForGorica"]][["vcov"]],
    constraints = syntax,
    comparison  = "none",
    type        = "gorica"
  fit <- do.call(restriktor::goric, args)
  fit <- fit[["objectList"]][[1]]

  if(!is.null(unrestrictedModel[["fit"]])) {
    fit[["model.org"]] <- unrestrictedModel[["fit"]]

  if(!is.null(unrestrictedModel[["rmFactors"]])) {
    fit[["rmFactors"]] <- unrestrictedModel[["rmFactors"]]


.rmaorCalculateModelComparison <- function(options, models, comparison) {
  args <- as.list(.aorGetModelSyntaxes(models = models[["restricted"]]))
  args[["object"]]     <- models[["unrestricted"]][["parsForGorica"]][["coef"]]
  args[["VCOV"]]       <- models[["unrestricted"]][["parsForGorica"]][["vcov"]]
  args[["comparison"]] <- comparison
  args[["type"]]       <- "gorica"

  modelComparison <- do.call(restriktor::goric, args)

coef.gorica_est <- restriktor::coef.restriktor
jasp-stats/jaspAnova documentation built on June 14, 2024, 6:48 p.m.