
Defines functions .cfaTableReliability .cfaTableHtmt .cfaTableAve .cfaSyntax .resCorToMisFitPlot .cfaPlotMisfit .cfaLavToPlotObj .cfaPlotPath .cfaInitPlots .cfaTableResCov .cfaTableImpliedCov .cfaMItoTablesHelper .cfaTableModIndices .cfaThresholdsTable .cfaParEstToTablesHelper .cfaTableParEst .cfaTableFitMeasures .cfaTableRsquared .cfaTableBartlett .cfaTableKMO .cfaTableMain .cfaContainerMain .CFAInvariance .optionsToCFAMod .cfaCalcSpecs .withWarnings .cfaComputeResults .cfaIsReady .translateFactorNames .cfaCheckErrors .cfaPreprocessOptions .cfaReadData confirmatoryFactorAnalysisInternal gettextf

# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 University of Amsterdam
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This is a temporary fix
# TODO: remove it when R will solve this problem!
gettextf <- function(fmt, ..., domain = NULL)  {
  return(sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...))

confirmatoryFactorAnalysisInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
  jaspResults$addCitation("Rosseel, Y. (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v48/i02/")

  # Preprocess options
  options <- .cfaPreprocessOptions(options)

  # Read dataset
  dataset <- .cfaReadData(dataset, options)

  # Error checking
  errors <- .cfaCheckErrors(dataset, options)

  # Main table / model
  cfaResult <- .cfaComputeResults(jaspResults, dataset, options, errors)

  # Output tables
  .cfaContainerMain(   jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Main table container
  .cfaTableMain(       jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Main table with fit info
  .cfaTableFitMeasures(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Additional fit indices
  .cfaTableKMO(        jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test.
  .cfaTableBartlett(   jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Bartlett's test of sphericity
  .cfaTableRsquared(   jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # R-squared of indicators
  .cfaTableParEst(     jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Parameter estimates tables
  .cfaTableModIndices( jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Modification Indices
  .cfaTableImpliedCov( jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Implied Covariance matrix
  .cfaTableResCov(     jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Residual Covariance Matrix
  .cfaTableAve(        jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Average variance explained table
  .cfaTableHtmt(       jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Heterotrait monotrait
  .cfaTableReliability(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) # Reliability

  # Output plots
  .cfaInitPlots( jaspResults, options, cfaResult)      # Create plots container
  .cfaPlotPath(  jaspResults, options, cfaResult)      # Path plot(s) showing model
  .cfaPlotMisfit(jaspResults, options, cfaResult)      # Plot residual correlations

  # Output model syntax
  .cfaSyntax(jaspResults, options, dataset, cfaResult) # Output model syntax to user


# Preprocessing functions ----
.cfaReadData <- function(dataset, options) {
  if (!is.null(dataset)) return(dataset)

  vars <- unique(unlist(lapply(options$factors, function(x) x$indicators)))
  if (options$group == "") {
    return(.readDataSetToEnd(columns = vars))
  } else {
    return(.readDataSetToEnd(columns = vars, columns.as.factor = options$group))

.cfaPreprocessOptions <- function(options) {
  # Remove empty factors
  facwoindicators <- sapply(options$factors, function(f) length(f$indicators)) == 0
  options$factors <- options$factors[!facwoindicators]

  # sofacwoindicators   <- sapply(options$secondOrder, function(f) length(f$indicators)) == 0
  # options$secondOrder <- options$secondOrder[!sofacwoindicators]
  if (length(options$secondOrder) > 0) {
    options$secondOrder <- list(list(indicators = options$secondOrder, name = "SecondOrder", title = gettext("Second-Order")))

.cfaCheckErrors <- function(dataset, options) {

  # TODO (vankesteren) content error checks, e.g., posdef covmat

  # Number of variables in the factors
  nVarsPerFactor <- unlist(lapply(options$factors, function(x) setNames(length(x$indicators), x$title)))
  if (all(nVarsPerFactor == 0)) return("No variables")
  if (any(nVarsPerFactor == 1)) jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettext("The model could not be estimated. Ensure that factors have at least 2 observed variables."))

  # TODO (tj), call error handling before all the options get screwed around so we can simply do `for (factor in options[["secondOrder"]])`
  if (length(options[["secondOrder"]]) > 0)
    for (factor in options[["secondOrder"]][[1]][["indicators"]])
      if (!factor %in% names(nVarsPerFactor) || nVarsPerFactor[factor] <= 0)
        jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettext("The model could not be estimated. A factor with less than 2 variables was added in Second-Order."))

  vars <- unique(unlist(lapply(options$factors, function(x) x$indicators)))

  if (options$group == "") {

    .hasErrors(dataset[, vars], type = 'varCovData', exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE,
               varCovData.corFun = stats::cov)

  } else {

    .hasErrors(dataset, type = "factorLevels", factorLevels.target = options$group,
               factorLevels.amount = '< 2', exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)

    for (group in levels(dataset[[options$group]])) {

      idx <- dataset[[options$group]] == group

      if (any(sapply(dataset[, vars], is.ordered))) {
        .hasErrors(dataset[idx, vars], type = 'varCovData', exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE,
                   varCovData.corFun = lavaan::lavCor)
      } else {
        .hasErrors(dataset[idx, vars], type = 'varCovData', exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE,
                   varCovData.corFun = stats::cov)


.translateFactorNames <- function(factor_name, options, back = FALSE) {
  # make dictionary
  fac_names    <- vapply(options$factors, function(x) x$name, "name")
  fac_titles   <- vapply(options$factors, function(x) x$title, "title")
  sofac_names  <- vapply(options$secondOrder, function(x) x$name, "name")
  sofac_titles <- vapply(options$secondOrder, function(x) x$title, "title")
  fnames  <- c(fac_names, sofac_names)
  ftitles <- c(fac_titles, sofac_titles)
  # translate
  if (back) {
    idx <- vapply(factor_name, function(n) which(ftitles == n), 0L, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  } else {
    idx <- vapply(factor_name, function(n) which(fnames == n), 0L, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

.cfaIsReady <- function(options) {
  # are all residual covariances pairs fully specified?
  for (rescov in options[["residualsCovarying"]]) {
    if ("" %in% rescov) return(FALSE)


# Results functions ----
.cfaComputeResults <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, errors) {
  if (!is.null(errors) && errors == "No variables" || !.cfaIsReady(options)) return()

  if (!is.null(jaspResults[["stateCFAResult"]])) return(jaspResults[["stateCFAResult"]]$object)

  cfaResult <- list()

  cfaResult[["spec"]] <- .cfaCalcSpecs(dataset, options)
  # Recalculate the model

  modObj <- .optionsToCFAMod(options, dataset, cfaResult)
  mod <- modObj$model
  cfaResult[["model"]] <- mod
  cfaResult[["model_simple"]] <- modObj$simple_model
  geq <- .CFAInvariance(options)
  if (options$group == "") grp <- NULL else grp <- options$group

  # define estimator from options
  estimator = switch(options[["estimator"]],
                     "default"                         = "default",
                     "maximumLikelihood"               = "ML",
                     "generalizedLeastSquares"         = "GLS",
                     "weightedLeastSquares"            = "WLS",
                     "unweightedLeastSquares"          = "ULS",
                     "diagonallyWeightedLeastSquares"  = "DWLS"

  cfaResult[["lav"]] <- try(lavaan::lavaan(
    model           = mod,
    data            = dataset,
    group           = grp,
    group.equal     = geq,
    meanstructure   = options$meanStructure,
    se              = cfaResult[["spec"]]$se,
    std.lv          = options$modelIdentification == "factorVariance",
    auto.fix.first  = options$modelIdentification == "markerVariable",
    orthogonal      = options$factorsUncorrelated,
    int.ov.free     = (options$interceptsFixedToZero == "latent" || options$interceptsFixedToZero == "meanManifest"),
    int.lv.free     = (options$interceptsFixedToZero == "manifest" || options$interceptsFixedToZero == "meanManifest"),
    effect.coding   = ifelse(options$modelIdentification == "effectsCoding", TRUE,
                             ifelse(options$interceptsFixedToZero == "meanManifest", "intercepts", FALSE)),
    auto.fix.single = TRUE,
    auto.var        = TRUE,
    auto.cov.lv.x   = TRUE,
    auto.th         = TRUE,
    auto.delta      = TRUE,
    auto.cov.y      = TRUE,
    mimic           = options$packageMimiced,
    estimator       = estimator,
    missing         = ifelse(options$naAction == "twoStageRobust", "robust.two.stage",
                             ifelse(options$naAction == "twoStage", "two.stage", options$naAction))

  # are there ordered variables in the data?
  cfaResult[["orderedVariables"]] <- any(sapply(dataset, is.ordered))

  # Quit analysis on error
  if (inherits(cfaResult[["lav"]], "try-error")) {
    if (!options[["estimator"]] %in% c("default", "ML") && options[["naAction"]] == "fiml") {
      jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettext("FIML missing data handling only available with ML-type estimators"))

    if (options[["estimator"]] == "generalizedLeastSquares" && options[["seType"]] == "robust") {
      jaspBase::.quitAnalysis(gettext("Robust standard errors are not available with the GLS estimator. Try changing the standard error method in the 'Advanced' settings to fit the model."))

    err <- attr(cfaResult[["lav"]], "condition")$message
    if(grepl("not available in the categorical", err)){
      if(grepl("ml", err))
        errMissingMethod <- "FIML"
      if(grepl("two.stage", err))
        errMissingMethod <- "Two-stage"
      if(grepl("robust.two.stage", err))
        errMissingMethod <- "Robust two-stage"
      err <- gettextf("Missing data handling '%s' is not supported for categorical data. \n Please select another method under 'Missing data handling' within the 'Advanced' options tab",
    jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettextf("The model could not be estimated. Error message: \n\n %s", err))

  admissible <- .withWarnings(lavaan:::lav_object_post_check(cfaResult[["lav"]]))

  if (!admissible$value) {
    jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettextf("The model is not admissible: %s", admissible$warnings[[1]]$message))

  if (!cfaResult[["lav"]]@optim$converged) {
    jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettext("The model could not be estimated due to nonconvergence."))

  if (cfaResult[["lav"]]@test[[1]]$df < 0) {
    jaspBase:::.quitAnalysis(gettext("The model could not be estimated: No degrees of freedom left."))

  # Bootstrapping with interruptible progress bar
  if (cfaResult[["spec"]]$bootstrap) {
    cfaResult[["lav"]] <- jaspSem::lavBootstrap(cfaResult[["lav"]], options$bootstrapSamples)

  # Save cfaResult as state so it's available even when opts don't change
  jaspResults[["stateCFAResult"]] <- createJaspState(cfaResult)
    "factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification",
    "factorsUncorrelated", "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples",
    "group", "invarianceTesting", "interceptsFixedToZero"



.withWarnings <- function(expr) {
  myWarnings <- NULL
  wHandler <- function(w) {
    myWarnings <<- c(myWarnings, list(w))
  val <- withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = wHandler)
  list(value = val, warnings = myWarnings)

.cfaCalcSpecs <- function(dataset, options) {
  spec <- list()
  spec$variables <- unlist(lapply(options$factors, function(x) x$indicators))
  spec$latents   <- vapply(options$factors,        function(x) x$name, "names")
  if (length(options$secondOrder) > 0) {
    spec$soIndics  <- .translateFactorNames(options$secondOrder[[1]]$indicators, options, back = TRUE)
  if (options$seType == "bootstrap") {
    spec$se <- "standard"
    spec$bootstrap <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (options$seType == "robust") {
      spec$se <- "robust.sem"
    } else {
      spec$se <- options$seType
    spec$bootstrap <- FALSE

.optionsToCFAMod <- function(options, dataset, cfaResult, base64 = TRUE) {
  gv <- options$group
  if (!base64) .v <- identity

  vars    <- options$factors
  latents <- cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents
  labels  <- list()
  # add extra output here because the Htmt needs a model syntax without grouping labels
  labels_simp <- list()

  fo <- gettext("# Factors")
  fo_simp <- gettext("# Factors")
  for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
    pre <- paste0("\n", latents[i], " =~ ")
    len <- length(vars[[i]]$indicators)
    labelledvars <- character(len)
    labels[[i]] <- list()
    labelledvars_simp <- character(len)
    labels_simp[[i]] <- list()
    for (j in 1:len) {
      if (nchar(options$group) == 0 || options$invarianceTesting !="configural") {
        labels[[i]][[j]]  <- paste0("lambda_", i, "_", j)
        labelledvars[j] <- paste0("lambda_", i, "_", j, "*", vars[[i]]$indicators[j])
      } else { # grouping variable present and configural invarianceTesting
        # we need a vector with different labels per group for lavaan
        n_levels <- length(unique(na.omit(dataset[[options$group]])))
        tmp_labels <- paste0("lambda_", i, "_", j, "_", seq(n_levels))
        labels[[i]][[j]] <- tmp_labels
        labelledvars[j] <- paste0("c(", paste0(tmp_labels, collapse = ","), ")", "*", vars[[i]]$indicators[j])
      # give the simple model always since that is needed for the HTMT
      labels_simp[[i]][[j]]  <- paste0("lambda_", i, "_", j)
      labelledvars_simp[j] <- paste0("lambda_", i, "_", j, "*", vars[[i]]$indicators[j])
    fo <- paste0(fo, pre, paste0(labelledvars, collapse = " + "))
    fo_simp <- paste0(fo_simp, pre, paste0(labelledvars_simp, collapse = " + "))

  if (!is.null(cfaResult[["spec"]]$soIndics)) {
    facs    <- cfaResult[["spec"]]$soIndics
    lenvars <- length(vars)

    so  <- "# Second-order factor"
    pre <- "\nSecondOrder =~ "
    len <- length(facs)
    labelledfacs <- character(len)
    labels[[lenvars + 1]] <- list()
    for (j in 1:len) {
      # the normal case, either no grouping or no configural invarianceTesting
      if (nchar(options$group) == 0 || options$invarianceTesting !="configural") {
        labels[[lenvars + 1]][[j]] <- paste0("gamma_1_", j)
        labelledfacs[j] <- paste0("gamma_1_", j, "*", facs[j])
      } else { # grouping variable present and configural invarianceTesting
        # we need a vector with different labels per group for lavaan
        tmp_labels <- paste0("gamma_1_", j, "_", seq(n_levels))
        labels[[lenvars + 1]][[j]] <- tmp_labels
        labelledfacs[j] <- paste0("c(", paste0(tmp_labels, collapse = ","), ")", "*", facs[j])


    so <- paste0(so, pre, paste0(labelledfacs, collapse = " + "))
  } else {
    so <- NULL

  if (length(options$residualsCovarying) > 0) {
    rc <- "# Residual Correlations"
    for (rcv in options$residualsCovarying) {
      rc <- paste0(rc, "\n", rcv[1], " ~~ ", rcv[2])
  } else {
    rc <- NULL

  return(list(model = paste0(c(fo, so, rc), collapse = "\n\n"), simple_model = fo_simp))

.CFAInvariance <- function(options) {
  if (options$invarianceTesting == "") return("")
         "configural" = return(""),
         "metric"     = return("loadings"),
         "scalar"     = return(c("loadings", "intercepts")),
         "strict"     = return(c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals", "residual.covariances")),
         "structural" = return(c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals", "residual.covariances",
                                 "means", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"))

# Output functions ----
.cfaContainerMain <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  # Create main container
  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]] <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Model fit"), position = 1)
    "factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification",
    "factorsUncorrelated", "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples",
    "group", "invarianceTesting", "interceptsFixedToZero"

.cfaTableMain <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  # Main table
  # prepare table
  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["cfatab"]] <- maintab <- createJaspTable(gettext("Chi-square test"))
  maintab$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["maincontainer"]])

  maintab$addColumnInfo(name = "mod",    title = gettext("Model"), type = "string")
  maintab$addColumnInfo(name = "chisq",  title = "\u03a7\u00b2",   type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  maintab$addColumnInfo(name = "df",     title = gettext("df"),    type = "integer")
  maintab$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),     type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

  # add data
  if (is.null(cfaResult)) {
    maintab[["mod"]]    <- c(gettext("Baseline model"), gettext("Factor model"))
    maintab[["chisq"]]  <- c(           "."           ,           "."          )
    maintab[["df"]]     <- c(           "."           ,           "."          )
    maintab[["pvalue"]] <- c(           "."           ,           "."          )
  } else {
    # check the fit options
    fitOptions <- lavaan::inspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], what = "options")

    # get the model fit
    fitMeasures <- lavaan::fitmeasures(cfaResult[["lav"]])

    if (cfaResult[["orderedVariables"]] && options[["estimator"]] == "default") {
      # when the estimator is not default lavaan does not use the robust test
      maintab[["mod"]]    <- c(gettext("Baseline model"), gettext("Factor model"))
      maintab[["chisq"]]  <- fitMeasures[c("baseline.chisq.scaled", "chisq.scaled")]
      maintab[["df"]]     <- fitMeasures[c("baseline.df.scaled", "df.scaled")]
      maintab[["pvalue"]] <- c(NA, fitMeasures["pvalue.scaled"])
      footnote <- gettextf("The estimator is %1$s and the test statistic is %2$s because there are categorical variables in the data.",
                           fitOptions$estimator, fitOptions$test)
      if (options[["seType"]] == "standard") {
        footnote <- paste(footnote, gettext("You may consider changing the standard error method to 'robust'."))
    } else {
      maintab[["mod"]]    <- c(gettext("Baseline model"), gettext("Factor model"))
      maintab[["chisq"]]  <- fitMeasures[c("baseline.chisq", "chisq")]
      maintab[["df"]]     <- fitMeasures[c("baseline.df", "df")]
      maintab[["pvalue"]] <- c(NA, fitMeasures["pvalue"])
      if (options[["estimator"]] == "default") {
        maintab$addFootnote(gettextf("The estimator is %s.", fitOptions$estimator))

.cfaTableKMO <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (!options$kaiserMeyerOlkinTest || !is.null(jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["kmo"]])) return()

  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["kmo"]] <- tabkmo <- createJaspTable(gettext("Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test"))
  tabkmo$addColumnInfo(name = "indicator", title = "Indicator", type = "string")
  if (is.null(cfaResult)) return()

  cov_implied <- lavaan::fitted(cfaResult[["lav"]])
  cov_resids <- lavaan::resid(cfaResult[["lav"]])

  if (options$group != "") {
    group_names <- names(cov_implied)
    indicator_names <- colnames(cov_implied[[1]]$cov)
    indicator_names <- c(indicator_names, "Overall")
    tabkmo[["indicator"]] <- indicator_names
    for (group in group_names) {
      tabkmo$addColumnInfo(name = group, title = group, overtitle = "MSA", type = "number" )
      kmo_result <- psych::KMO(stats::cov2cor(cov_implied[[group]]$cov + cov_resids[[group]]$cov))
      tabkmo[[group]] <- c(kmo_result$MSAi, kmo_result$MSA)
  } else {
    indicator_names <- colnames(cov_implied$cov)
    indicator_names <- c(indicator_names, "Overall")
    tabkmo[["indicator"]] <- indicator_names
    tabkmo$addColumnInfo(name = "value", title = "MSA", type = "number" )
    kmo_result <- psych::KMO(stats::cov2cor(cov_implied$cov + cov_resids$cov))
    tabkmo[["value"]] <- c(kmo_result$MSAi, kmo_result$MSA)

.cfaTableBartlett <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (!options$bartlettTest || !is.null(jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["bartlett"]])) return()

  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["bartlett"]] <- tabbartlett <- createJaspTable(gettext("Bartlett's test of sphericity"))
  if (is.null(cfaResult)) return()

  cov_implied <- lavaan::fitted(cfaResult[["lav"]])
  cov_resids  <- lavaan::resid(cfaResult[["lav"]])

  if (options$group != "") {
    group_names <- names(cov_implied)
    for (group in seq_along(group_names)) {
      tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("chisq", group),  title = "\u03a7\u00b2", overtitle = group_names[group], type = "number" )
      tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("df", group),     title = "df",           overtitle = group_names[group], type = "integer")
      tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("pvalue", group), title = "p",            overtitle = group_names[group], type = "pvalue" )

      ns <- lavaan::lavInspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], what = "nobs")
      bartlett_result <- psych::cortest.bartlett(stats::cov2cor(cov_implied[[group_names[group]]]$cov + cov_resids[[group_names[group]]]$cov), ns[group])
      tabbartlett[[paste0("chisq", group)]]  <- bartlett_result$chisq
      tabbartlett[[paste0("df", group)]]     <- bartlett_result$df
      tabbartlett[[paste0("pvalue", group)]] <- bartlett_result$p.value
  } else {
    tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = "chisq",  title = "\u03a7\u00b2", type = "number" )
    tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = "df",     title = "df",           type = "integer")
    tabbartlett$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = "p",            type = "pvalue" )

    n <- lavaan::lavInspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], what = "nobs")
    bartlett_result <- psych::cortest.bartlett(stats::cov2cor(cov_implied$cov + cov_resids$cov), n)
    tabbartlett[["chisq"]]  <- bartlett_result$chisq
    tabbartlett[["df"]]    <- bartlett_result$df
    tabbartlett[["pvalue"]] <- bartlett_result$p.value


.cfaTableRsquared <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (!options$rSquared || !is.null(jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["rSquared"]])) return()

  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["rSquared"]] <- tabr2 <- createJaspTable(gettext("R-Squared"))
  tabr2$addColumnInfo(name = "__var__", title = "", type = "string")
  tabr2$setExpectedSize(rows = 1, cols = 1)

  if (is.null(cfaResult)) return()

  r2res <- lavaan::inspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], "r2")
  facNames <- cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents

  if (options$group != "") {
    # add columns with Rsq overtitle
    varnames <- names(r2res[[1]])
    fac_idx  <- varnames %in% facNames
    varnames[!fac_idx] <- varnames[!fac_idx]
    varnames[fac_idx]  <- .translateFactorNames(varnames[fac_idx], options)
    tabr2[["__var__"]] <- varnames
    lvls <- names(r2res)
    for (lvl in lvls) {
      tabr2$addColumnInfo(name = lvl, title = lvl, overtitle = "R\u00B2", type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      tabr2[[lvl]] <- r2res[[lvl]]
  } else {
    tabr2$addColumnInfo(name = "rsq", title = "R\u00B2", type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    varnames <- names(r2res)
    fac_idx  <- varnames %in% facNames
    varnames[!fac_idx] <- varnames[!fac_idx]
    varnames[fac_idx]  <- .translateFactorNames(varnames[fac_idx], options)
    tabr2[["__var__"]] <- varnames
    tabr2[["rsq"]]     <- r2res

.cfaTableFitMeasures <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (!options$fitMeasures || !is.null(jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["fits"]])) return()
  jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["fits"]] <- fitms <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Additional fit measures"))

  # Fit indices
  fitms[["indices"]] <- fitin <- createJaspTable(gettext("Fit indices"))
  fitin$addColumnInfo(name = "index", title = gettext("Index"), type = "string")
  fitin$addColumnInfo(name = "value", title = gettext("Value"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fitin$setExpectedSize(rows = 1, cols = 2)

  # information criteria
  fitms[["incrits"]] <- fitic <- createJaspTable(gettext("Information criteria"))
  fitic$addColumnInfo(name = "index", title = "",               type = "string")
  fitic$addColumnInfo(name = "value", title = gettext("Value"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fitic$setExpectedSize(rows = 1, cols = 2)

  # other fit measures
  fitms[["others"]] <- fitot <- createJaspTable(gettext("Other fit measures"))
  fitot$addColumnInfo(name = "index", title = gettext("Metric"), type = "string")
  fitot$addColumnInfo(name = "value", title = gettext("Value"),  type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fitot$setExpectedSize(rows = 1, cols = 2)

  if (is.null(cfaResult)) return()

  # actually compute the fit measures
  fitMeasures <- lavaan::fitmeasures(cfaResult[["lav"]])

  # information criteria
  fitic[["index"]] <- c(
    gettext("Number of free parameters"),
    gettext("Akaike (AIC)"),
    gettext("Bayesian (BIC)"),
    gettext("Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SSABIC)")
  fitic[["value"]] <- fitMeasures[c("logl", "npar", "aic", "bic", "bic2")]
  if(is.na(fitMeasures["logl"]) && is.na(fitMeasures["aic"]) && is.na(fitMeasures["bic"]))
    fitic$setError("Information criteria are only available with ML-type estimators")

  # Fit indices
  fitin[["index"]] <- c(
    gettext("Comparative Fit Index (CFI)"),
    gettext("Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)"),
    gettext("Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Fit Index (NNFI)"),
    gettext("Bentler-Bonett Normed Fit Index (NFI)"),
    gettext("Parsimony Normed Fit Index (PNFI)"),
    gettext("Bollen's Relative Fit Index (RFI)"),
    gettext("Bollen's Incremental Fit Index (IFI)"),
    gettext("Relative Noncentrality Index (RNI)")

  # other fitmeasures
  fitot[["index"]] <- c(
    gettext("Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)"),
    gettextf("RMSEA 90%% CI lower bound"),
    gettextf("RMSEA 90%% CI upper bound"),
    gettext("RMSEA p-value"),
    gettext("Standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)"),
    gettextf("Hoelter's critical N (%s = .05)","\u03B1"),
    gettextf("Hoelter's critical N (%s = .01)","\u03B1"),
    gettext("Goodness of fit index (GFI)"),
    gettext("McDonald fit index (MFI)"),
    gettext("Expected cross validation index (ECVI)")

  if (cfaResult[["orderedVariables"]] && !is.na(fitMeasures["chisq.scaled"])) {
    fitin[["value"]] <- fitMeasures[c("cfi.scaled", "tli.scaled", "nnfi.scaled", "nfi.scaled", "pnfi",
                                      "rfi.scaled", "ifi.scaled", "rni.scaled")]
    fitin$addFootnote(gettext("Except for the PNFI, the fit indices are scaled because of categorical variables in the data."))

    fitot[["value"]] <- fitMeasures[c("rmsea.scaled", "rmsea.ci.lower.scaled", "rmsea.ci.upper.scaled",
                                      "rmsea.pvalue.scaled", "srmr", "cn_05", "cn_01", "gfi", "mfi", "ecvi")]
    fitot$addFootnote(gettext("The RMSEA results are scaled because of categorical variables in the data."))
  } else {
    fitin[["value"]] <- fitMeasures[c("cfi", "tli", "nnfi", "nfi", "pnfi", "rfi", "ifi", "rni")]
    fitot[["value"]] <- fitMeasures[c("rmsea", "rmsea.ci.lower", "rmsea.ci.upper", "rmsea.pvalue",
                                      "srmr", "cn_05", "cn_01", "gfi", "mfi", "ecvi")]


.cfaTableParEst <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !is.null(jaspResults[["estimates"]])) return()

  jaspResults[["estimates"]] <- ests <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Parameter estimates"), position = 2)
  ests$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification",
                  "factorsUncorrelated", "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples",
                  "group", "invarianceTesting", "standardized", "ciLevel", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

  footnote <- NULL
  if (options[["seType"]] == "bootstrap" && nrow(cfaResult[["lav"]]@boot[["coef"]]) < options[["bootstrapSamples"]]) {
    footnote <- gettextf("Not all bootstrap samples were successful: CI based on %.0f samples.",

  pe <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(cfaResult[["lav"]], standardized = TRUE, remove.eq = FALSE, remove.system.eq = TRUE,
                                   remove.ineq = FALSE, remove.def = FALSE, add.attributes = TRUE, boot.ci.type = "perc",
                                   level = options$ciLevel)
  .cfaParEstToTablesHelper(pe, options, cfaResult, ests, footnote)


.cfaParEstToTablesHelper <- function(pei, options, cfaResult, jrobject, footnote) {
  pei <- as.data.frame(pei)
  facNames <- c(cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents)

  colSel <- c("lhs", "rhs", "est", "se", "z", "pvalue", "ci.lower", "ci.upper")
  standardization <- switch(options$standardized,
                            "none"                  = "none",
                            "latentVariables"       = "lv",
                            "all"                   = "all",
                            "noExogenousCovariates" = "nox")
  if (options$standardized != "none") colSel <- c(colSel, paste0("std.", standardization))

  # First-order factor loadings ----
  # Set up table
  jrobject[["fl1"]] <- fl1 <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Factor loadings"))
  if (!is.null(footnote)) fl1$addFootnote(footnote)

  if (options$group != "") {
    fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",   title = gettext("Factor"),    type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs",   title = gettext("Indicator"), type = "string")

  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title  = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title  = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title  = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title  = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                    overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
  fl1$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                    overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

  if (options$standardized != "none")
    fl1$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", standardization), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                      type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

  # add data
  fl1dat <- pei[pei$op == "=~" & !pei$rhs %in% facNames, colSel]
  fl1dat$lhs <- .translateFactorNames(fl1dat$lhs, options)
  fl1dat$rhs <- fl1dat$rhs
  if (options$group != "") {
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    fl1dat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(fl1dat) / length(groupLabs))

  fl1$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Second-order factor loadings ----
  if (length(options$secondOrder) > 0) {
    # Set up table
    jrobject[["fl2"]] <- fl2 <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Second-order factor loadings"))
    if (!is.null(footnote)) fl2$addFootnote(footnote)

    if (options$group != "") {
      fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",   title = gettext("Factor"),    type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs",   title = gettext("Indicator"), type = "string")

    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title  = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title  = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title  = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title  = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                      overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
    fl2$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                      overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

    if (options$standardized != "none")
      fl2$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", options$standardized), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", options$standardized),
                        type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

    # add data
    fl2dat <- pei[pei$op == "=~" & pei$rhs %in% facNames, colSel]
    fl2dat$rhs   <- .translateFactorNames(fl2dat$rhs, options)

    if (options$group != "") {
      fl2dat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(fl2dat) / 2)
    fl2$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Factor variances ----
  # Set up table
  jrobject[["fv"]] <- fv <- createJaspTable(gettext("Factor variances"))
  if (!is.null(footnote)) fv$addFootnote(footnote)

  if (options$group != "") {
    fv$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title = gettext("Factor"),     type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format  = "dp:3;p:.001")

  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
  fv$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

  if (options$standardized != "none")
    fv$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", standardization), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                     type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

  # Add data
  fvdat     <- pei[pei$op == "~~" & pei$lhs %in% c(facNames, "SecondOrder") & pei$lhs == pei$rhs,
                   colSel[!colSel %in% c('rhs')]]
  fvdat$lhs <- .translateFactorNames(fvdat$lhs, options)
  if (options$group != "") {
    fvdat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(fvdat) / length(groupLabs))
  fv$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Factor covariances ----
  hasMultipleFactorsAtTopLevel <-
    length(options$secondOrder) > 1 || (length(options$secondOrder) == 0 & length(options$factors) > 1)

  if (!options$factorsUncorrelated & hasMultipleFactorsAtTopLevel) {
    jrobject[["fc"]] <- fc <- createJaspTable(gettext("Factor Covariances"))
    if (!is.null(footnote)) fc$addFootnote(footnote)

    if (options$group != "") {
      fc$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title = "",                    type = "string")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "op",     title = "",                    type = "string")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs",    title = "",                    type = "string")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = "Lower", type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
    fc$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = "Upper", type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

    if (options$standardized != "none")
      fc$addColumnInfo(name   = paste0("std.", standardization),
                       title  = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                       type   = "number",
                       format = "sf:4;dp:3")

    fcdat <- pei[pei$op == "~~" & pei$lhs %in% facNames & pei$lhs != pei$rhs, colSel]
    fcdat$lhs <- .translateFactorNames(fcdat$lhs, options)
    fcdat$rhs <- .translateFactorNames(fcdat$rhs, options)
    fcdat$op  <- rep("\u2194", nrow(fcdat))
    if (options$group != "") {
      fcdat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(fcdat) / length(groupLabs))
    fc$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Residual variances ----
  # Set up table
  jrobject[["rv"]] <- rv <- createJaspTable(gettext("Residual variances"))
  if (!is.null(footnote)) rv$addFootnote(footnote)

  if (options$group != "") {
    rv$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title = gettext("Indicator"),  type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format  = "sf:4;dp:3")
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format  = "dp:3;p:.001")

  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
  rv$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

  if (options$standardized != "none")
    rv$addColumnInfo(name   = paste0("std.", standardization),
                     title  = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                     type   = "number",
                     format = "sf:4;dp:3")

  # add data
  rvdat <- pei[pei$op == "~~" & !pei$lhs %in% facNames & !pei$lhs == "SecondOrder" &
                 pei$lhs == pei$rhs, colSel[!colSel %in% c('rhs')]]
  rvdat$lhs <- rvdat$lhs
  if (options$group != "") {
    rvdat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(rvdat) / length(groupLabs))
  rv$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Residual covariances ----
  if (length(options$residualsCovarying) > 0) {

    jrobject[["rc"]] <- rc <- createJaspTable(gettext("Residual covariances"))
    if (!is.null(footnote)) rc$addFootnote(footnote)

    if (options$group != "") {
      rc$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title = "",                    type = "string")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "op",     title = "",                    type = "string")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs",    title = "",                    type = "string")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
    rc$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

    if (options$standardized != "none")
      rc$addColumnInfo(name   = paste0("std.", standardization),
                       title  = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                       type   = "number",
                       format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    # add data
    rcdat <- pei[pei$op == "~~" & !pei$lhs %in% facNames & pei$lhs != pei$rhs, colSel]
    rcdat$op  <- rep("\u2194", nrow(rcdat))
    if (options$group != "") {
      rcdat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(rcdat) / length(groupLabs))
    rc$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Intercepts ----
  if (options$meanStructure) {

    if (options$group != "") {

      jrobject[["Factor Intercepts"]] <- fi <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Factor Intercepts"))
      if (!is.null(footnote)) fi$addFootnote(footnote)

      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "group",  title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title = gettext("Factor"),     type = "string", combine = TRUE)
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                       overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
      fi$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                       overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

      if (options$standardized != "none")
        fi$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", standardization), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                         type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

      # add data
      fidat <- pei[pei$op == "~1" & pei$lhs %in% facNames, colSel[!colSel %in% 'rhs']]
      fidat$lhs <- .translateFactorNames(fidat$lhs, options)
      fidat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(fidat) / length(groupLabs))
      fi$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

    # Manifest variable intercepts
    jrobject[["Intercepts"]] <- vi <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Intercepts"))
    if (!is.null(footnote)) vi$addFootnote(footnote)

    if (options$group != "") {
      vi$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title  = gettext("Indicator"),  type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title  = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title  = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title  = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title  = gettext("p"),          type = "number", format = "dp:3;p:.001")

    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
    vi$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3",
                     overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

    if (options$standardized != "none")
      vi$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", standardization), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                       type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

    # add data
    vidat <- pei[pei$op == "~1" & !pei$lhs == "SecondOrder" & !pei$lhs %in% facNames,
                 colSel[!colSel %in% c('rhs')]]
    vidat$lhs <- vidat$lhs
    if (options$group != "") {
      vidat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(vidat) / length(groupLabs))
    vi$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

  # Thresholds
  if ("|" %in% pei$op) {
    .cfaThresholdsTable(jrobject, footnote, options, standardization, pei, colSel, cfaResult)


.cfaThresholdsTable <- function(jrobject, footnote, options, standardization, pei, colSel, cfaResult) {
  # Manifest variable intercepts
  jrobject[["Thresholds"]] <- th <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Thresholds"))
  if (!is.null(footnote)) th$addFootnote(footnote)

  if (options$group != "") {
    th$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs",    title  = gettext("Indicator"),  type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs",    title  = gettext("Threshold"),  type = "string")
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "est",    title  = gettext("Estimate"),   type = "number")
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "se",     title  = gettext("Std. Error"), type = "number")
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "z",      title  = gettext("z-value"),    type = "number")
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue", title  = gettext("p"),          type = "number")

  th$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))
  th$addColumnInfo(name = "ci.upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number",
                   overtitle = gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", options$ciLevel * 100))

  if (options$standardized != "none")
    th$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("std.", standardization), title = gettextf("Std. Est. (%s)", standardization),
                     type = "number")

  # add data
  thdat <- pei[pei$op == "|", colSel[!colSel %in% 'rhs']]
  thdat$lhs <- thdat$lhs
  thdat$rhs <- pei$rhs[pei$op == "|"]
  if (options$group != "") {
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    thdat$group <- rep(groupLabs, each = nrow(thdat) / length(groupLabs))
  th$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

.cfaTableModIndices <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$modificationIndices || !is.null(jaspResults[["modind"]])) return()

  mi <- try(lavaan::modindices(cfaResult[["lav"]]))
  jaspResults[["modind"]] <- mic <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Modification Indices"), position = 5)
  mic$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated",
                 "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples", "group", "invarianceTesting", "modificationIndices",
                 "modificationIndicesCutoff", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

  if (isTryError(mi)) {
  } else if (options$group != "") {
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    for (i in 1:length(groupLabs)) {
      mic[[groupLabs[i]]] <- createJaspContainer(groupLabs[i])
      mic[[groupLabs[i]]]$dependOn(optionsFromObject = mic)
      .cfaMItoTablesHelper(mi[mi$group == i, ], options, mic[[groupLabs[i]]], cfaResult)
  } else {
    .cfaMItoTablesHelper(mi, options, mic, cfaResult)

.cfaMItoTablesHelper <- function(mii, options, jrobject, cfaResult) {

  # cross loadings (first order)
  foc <- mii[mii$op == "=~" & mii$lhs %in% cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents, c("lhs", "rhs", "mi", "epc")]
  foc <- foc[foc$mi > options$modificationIndicesCutoff, ]

  if (nrow(foc) > 0) {
    foc <- as.data.frame(foc)
    foc <- foc[order(foc$mi, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    jrobject[["Cross-Loadings"]] <- focro <- createJaspTable(gettext("Cross-loadings"))
    focro$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

    focro$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs", title = "",                   type = "string")
    focro$addColumnInfo(name = "op",  title = "",                   type = "string")
    focro$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs", title = "",                   type = "string")
    focro$addColumnInfo(name = "mi",  title = gettext("Mod. Ind."), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    focro$addColumnInfo(name = "epc", title = gettext("EPC"),       type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

    focro[["lhs"]] <- .translateFactorNames(foc$lhs, options)
    focro[["op"]]  <- rep("\u2192", nrow(foc))
    focro[["rhs"]] <- foc$rhs
    focro[["mi"]]  <- foc$mi
    focro[["epc"]] <- foc$epc

  # cross loadings (second order)
  soc <- matrix(NA, 0, 0)
  if (length(options$secondOrder) > 1) {
    soc <- mii[mii$op == "=~" & mii$lhs %in% options$soLatents & mii$rhs %in% cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents,
               c("lhs", "rhs", "mi", "epc")]
    soc <- soc[soc$mi > options$modificationIndicesCutoff, ]

    if (nrow(soc) > 0) {
      soc <- as.data.frame(soc)
      soc <- soc[order(soc$mi, decreasing = TRUE), ]
      jrobject[["Second-Order Cross-Loadings"]] <- socro <- createJaspTable(gettext("Second-order cross-loadings"))
      socro$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

      socro$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs", title  = "",                   type = "string")
      socro$addColumnInfo(name = "op",  title  = "",                   type = "string")
      socro$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs", title  = "",                   type = "string")
      socro$addColumnInfo(name = "mi",  title  = gettext("Mod. Ind."), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      socro$addColumnInfo(name = "epc", title  = gettext("EPC"),       type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

      socro[["lhs"]] <- soc$lhs
      socro[["op"]]  <- rep("\u2192", nrow(soc))
      socro[["rhs"]] <- soc$rhs
      socro[["mi"]]  <- soc$mi
      socro[["epc"]] <- soc$epc

  # residual covariances
  rec <- mii[mii$op == "~~" & !mii$lhs %in% c(cfaResult[["spec"]]$latents, cfaResult[["spec"]]$soLatents),
             c("lhs", "rhs", "mi", "epc")]
  rec <- rec[rec$mi > options$modificationIndicesCutoff, ]

  if (nrow(rec) > 0) {
    jrobject[["Residual Covariances"]] <- residualCovTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Residual covariances"))
    residualCovTable$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)

    residualCovTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lhs", title  = "",                   type = "string")
    residualCovTable$addColumnInfo(name = "op",  title  = "",                   type = "string")
    residualCovTable$addColumnInfo(name = "rhs", title  = "",                   type = "string")
    residualCovTable$addColumnInfo(name = "mi",  title  = gettext("Mod. Ind."), type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    residualCovTable$addColumnInfo(name = "epc", title  = gettext("EPC"),       type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")

    rec <- as.data.frame(rec)
    rec <- rec[order(rec$mi, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    residualCovTable[["lhs"]] <- rec$lhs
    residualCovTable[["op"]]  <- rep("\u2194", nrow(rec))
    residualCovTable[["rhs"]] <- rec$rhs
    residualCovTable[["mi"]]  <- rec$mi
    residualCovTable[["epc"]] <- rec$epc

  # display empty table when no modindex is above the cutoff
  if (nrow(foc) == 0 && nrow(soc) == 0 && nrow(rec) == 0) {
    jrobject[["empties"]] <- emptyModIndicesTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Modification indices"))
    emptyModIndicesTable$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jrobject)
    emptyModIndicesTable$addFootnote(gettext("No modification index was above the cutoff"))

.cfaTableImpliedCov <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$impliedCovarianceMatrix || !is.null(jaspResults[["impcov"]])) return()

  fv <- lavaan::fitted.values(cfaResult[["lav"]])

  if (options$group != "") {
    jaspResults[["impcov"]] <- icc <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Implied covariance matrices"), position = 3)
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    for (l in groupLabs) {
      ic <- fv[[l]]$cov
      ic[upper.tri(ic)] <- NA
      tab <- createJaspTable(l)
      for (i in 1:ncol(ic)) {
        nm <- colnames(ic)[i]
        tab$addColumnInfo(nm, title = nm, type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
      tab$addRows(ic, rowNames = colnames(ic))
      icc[[l]] <- tab
  } else {
    ic <- fv$cov
    ic[upper.tri(ic)] <- NA
    icc <- createJaspTable(gettext("Implied covariance matrix"), position = 3)
    for (i in 1:ncol(ic)) {
      nm <- colnames(ic)[i]
      icc$addColumnInfo(nm, title = nm, type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3")
    icc$addRows(ic, rowNames = colnames(ic))
    jaspResults[["impcov"]] <- icc

  icc$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification",
                 "factorsUncorrelated", "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples",
                 "group", "invarianceTesting", "impliedCovarianceMatrix", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

.cfaTableResCov <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$residualCovarianceMatrix || !is.null(jaspResults[["resCovTable"]])) return()
  rv <- lavaan::residuals(cfaResult[["lav"]])

  if (options$group != "") {
    jaspResults[["resCovTable"]] <- rcc <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Residual covariance matrices"), position = 4)
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    for (l in groupLabs) {
      rc <- rv[[l]]$cov
      rc[upper.tri(rc)] <- NA
      tab <- createJaspTable(l)
      for (i in 1:ncol(rc)) {
        nm <- colnames(rc)[i]
        tab$addColumnInfo(nm, title = nm, type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3;p:.001")
      tab$addRows(rc, rowNames = colnames(rc))
      rcc[[l]] <- tab
  } else {
    rc <- rv$cov
    rc[upper.tri(rc)] <- NA
    rcc <- createJaspTable(gettext("Residual covariance matrix"), position = 4)
    for (i in 1:ncol(rc)) {
      nm <- colnames(rc)[i]
      rcc$addColumnInfo(nm, title = nm, type = "number", format = "sf:4;dp:3;p:.001")
    rcc$addRows(rc, rowNames = colnames(rc))
    jaspResults[["resCovTable"]] <- rcc

  rcc$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated",
                 "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples", "group", "invarianceTesting",
                 "residualCovarianceMatrix", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

.cfaInitPlots <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !(options$pathPlot || options$misfitPlot) || !is.null(jaspResults[["plots"]])) return()

  jaspResults[["plots"]] <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Plots"), position = 6)
    "factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated", "packageMimiced",
    "estimator", "naAction", "seType", "bootstrapSamples", "group", "invarianceTesting", "interceptsFixedToZero"

.cfaPlotPath <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$pathPlot || !is.null(jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]])) return()

    pathplot <- semPlot::semPaths(
      object         = .cfaLavToPlotObj(cfaResult[["lav"]], options),
      DoNotPlot      = TRUE,
      ask            = FALSE,
      layout         = "tree",
      rotation       = ifelse(options$pathPlotRotated, 2, 1),
      intercepts     = options$pathPlotMean,
      whatLabels     = if (!options$pathPlotParameter) "name" else if (options$pathPlotStandardized) "std" else "par",
      mar            = if (!options$pathPlotRotated) ifelse(rep(is.null(options$secondOrder), 4), c(12, 3, 12, 3), c(6, 3, 6, 3)) else ifelse(rep(is.null(options$secondOrder), 4), c(3, 6, 3, 6), c(3, 3, 3, 3)),
      edge.color     = "black",
      color          = list(lat = "#EAEAEA", man = "#EAEAEA", int = "#FFFFFF"),
      border.width   = 1.5,
      edge.label.cex = options$pathPlotFontSize,
      lty            = 2,
      title          = FALSE,
      thresholds     = FALSE,
      residuals      = options$pathPlotVariance

  # set height depending on whether there is a second-order factor
  plotwidth  <- 640
  plotheight <- 320
  if (length(cfaResult[["spec"]][["soLatents"]]) > 0 && !options$pathPlotRotated) plotheight <- 500

  if (options$group != "") {
    jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]] <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Model plots"), position = 1)
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    for (i in 1:length(groupLabs)) {
      jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]][[groupLabs[i]]] <-
        createJaspPlot(pathplot[[i]], title = groupLabs[i], height = plotheight, width = plotwidth)
      jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]][[groupLabs[i]]]$dependOn(c("pathPlot", "pathPlotMean", "pathPlotParameter"))
  } else {
    jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]] <- createJaspPlot(pathplot, title = gettext("Model plot"), height = plotheight,
                                                           width = plotwidth)

  jaspResults[["plots"]][["pathplot"]]$dependOn(c("pathPlot", "pathPlotMean", "pathPlotParameter", "pathPlotStandardized", "pathPlotRotated", "pathPlotFontSize", "pathPlotVariance"))

.cfaLavToPlotObj <- function(lavResult, options) {
  # Create semplot model and unv the names of the manifest variables and backtranslate latent variables
  # Sorry, this code is really ugly but all it does is replace names for plot.
  semPlotMod <- semPlot::semPlotModel(list(lavResult), list(mplusStd = "std"))[[1]]

  manifests <- semPlotMod@Vars$name[semPlotMod@Vars$manifest]
  semPlotMod@Vars$name[semPlotMod@Vars$manifest] <- decodeColNames(manifests)
  latents   <- semPlotMod@Vars$name[!semPlotMod@Vars$manifest]
  semPlotMod@Vars$name[!semPlotMod@Vars$manifest] <- .translateFactorNames(latents, options)

  lhsAreManifest <- semPlotMod@Pars$lhs %in% manifests
  if (any(lhsAreManifest)) semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreManifest] <- decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreManifest])
  lhsAreLatent   <- semPlotMod@Pars$lhs %in% latents
  if (any(lhsAreLatent))
    semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreLatent] <- .translateFactorNames(semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreLatent], options)

  rhsAreManifest <- semPlotMod@Pars$rhs %in% manifests
  if (any(rhsAreManifest)) semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreManifest] <- decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreManifest])
  rhsAreLatent   <- semPlotMod@Pars$rhs %in% latents
  if (any(rhsAreLatent))
    semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreLatent] <- .translateFactorNames(semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreLatent], options)

  if (.hasSlot(semPlotMod, "Thresholds"))
    semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs <- ifelse(nchar(semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs) > 0, decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs), "")

  semPlotMod@Pars$label <- gsub("_", "", gsub("gamma", "\u03b3", gsub("lambda", "\u03bb", semPlotMod@Pars$label)))


.cfaPlotMisfit <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$misfitPlot || !is.null(jaspResults[["plots"]][["misfitplot"]])) return()
  rescor <- lavaan::residuals(cfaResult[["lav"]], type = "cor")
  wh <- 50 + 50 * length(cfaResult[["spec"]][["variables"]])

  if (options$group != "") {
    groupLabs <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    jaspResults[["plots"]][["misfitplot"]] <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Misfit plots"), position = 2)
    for (i in 1:length(groupLabs)) {
      cc <- rescor[[i]]$cov
      cc[upper.tri(cc)] <- NA
      gg <- .resCorToMisFitPlot(cc)
      jaspResults[["plots"]][["misfitplot"]][[groupLabs[i]]] <-
        createJaspPlot(gg, title = groupLabs[i], width = wh, height = wh)
  } else {
    cc <- rescor$cov
    cc[upper.tri(cc)] <- NA
    gg <- .resCorToMisFitPlot(cc)
    jaspResults[["plots"]][["misfitplot"]] <- createJaspPlot(gg, title = gettext("Misfit plot"), width = wh, height = wh)


.resCorToMisFitPlot <- function(rescor) {
  ggmisfit <- reshape2::melt(abs(t(rescor)))
  ggmisfit$labels <- substr(round(ggmisfit$value, 2), 2, 4)
  ggmisfit$labels[ggmisfit$labels == ""] <- "0"

  levels(ggmisfit$Var1) <- decodeColNames(levels(ggmisfit$Var1), strict = TRUE)
  levels(ggmisfit$Var2) <- decodeColNames(levels(ggmisfit$Var2), strict = TRUE)

  misfitplot <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(ggmisfit, ggplot2::aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value,
                                           label = labels)) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile(na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(color = ifelse(ggmisfit$value > .5, "white", "black"),
                       na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(ggmisfit$Var1))) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(low = "#FFFFFF", high = "#000000",
                                   na.value = "transparent",
                                   limits = c(0, 1)) +
    ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "", y = "") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90,
                                                       hjust = 0)) +


.cfaSyntax <- function(jaspResults, options, dataset, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options$lavaanSyntax || !is.null(jaspResults[["syntax"]])) return()

  mod <- .optionsToCFAMod(options, dataset, cfaResult, FALSE)$model

  jaspResults[["syntax"]] <- createJaspHtml(mod, class = "jasp-code", position = 7, title = gettext("Model syntax"))
  jaspResults[["syntax"]]$dependOn(optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["maincontainer"]][["cfatab"]])

.cfaTableAve <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options[["ave"]] || !is.null(jaspResults[["resAveTable"]])) return()

  aveTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Average variance extracted"), position = 4.1)
  if (options[["group"]] != "") {
    aveTable$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  aveTable$addColumnInfo(name = "factor", title = gettext("Factor"), type = "string")
  aveTable$addColumnInfo(name = "ave", title = gettext("AVE"), type = "number")
  aveTable$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated",
                      "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "group", "invarianceTesting", "ave", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

  if (options$group != "") {
    ave_result <- semTools::AVE(cfaResult[["lav"]])
    groups <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    ave_result <- ave_result[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    aveTable[["group"]]   <- rep(groups, each = length(cfaResult[["spec"]][["latents"]]))
    aveTable[["factor"]]  <- rep(sapply(options[["factors"]], function(x) x[["title"]]), length(groups))
    aveTable[["ave"]]     <- c(t(ave_result))
  } else {
    ave_result <- semTools::AVE(cfaResult[["lav"]])
    aveTable[["factor"]] <- sapply(options[["factors"]], function(x) x[["title"]])
    aveTable[["ave"]] <- ave_result
  jaspResults[["resAveTable"]] <- aveTable


.cfaTableHtmt <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  #### this has an ordering argument that still needs to be implemented once the categorical data stuff is done

  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options[["htmt"]] || !is.null(jaspResults[["resHtmtTable"]])) return()

  htmtTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Heterotrait-monotrait ratio"), position = 4.2)
  htmtTable$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated",
                       "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "group", "invarianceTesting", "htmt", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

  if (options[["group"]] != "") {
    htmtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
    htmtTable$addColumnInfo(name = "faNames", title = "", type = "string")

  facNames <- sapply(options[["factors"]], function(x) x[["title"]])
  for (fname in facNames) {
    htmtTable$addColumnInfo(name = fname, title = gettext(fname), type = "number")

  if (options$group != "") {
    groups <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    # get the list of datasets per group
    dataList <- lavaan::inspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], what = "data")
    tmp_dat <- data.frame(group = rep(groups, each = length(facNames)),
                          faNames = rep(facNames, times = length(groups)))
    for (gg in groups) {
      ind <- which(gg == groups)
      dataGroup <- as.data.frame(dataList[[gg]])
      colnames(dataGroup) <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@ov.names[[ind]]
      htmt_result <- semTools::htmt(model = cfaResult[["model_simple"]], data = dataGroup,
                                    missing = cfaResult[["lav"]]@Options[["missing"]])
      htmt_result[upper.tri(htmt_result)] <- NA
      tmp_dat[tmp_dat$group == gg, facNames] <- htmt_result

  } else {
    # get the dataset
    dataset <- as.data.frame(lavaan::inspect(cfaResult[["lav"]], what = "data"))
    colnames(dataset) <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@ov.names[[1]]
    if (is.null(cfaResult[["spec"]][["soIndics"]])) {
      htmt_result <- semTools::htmt(model = cfaResult[["model"]], data = dataset,
                                    missing = cfaResult[["lav"]]@Options[["missing"]])
    } else { # the htmt does not allow a second order factor, so we take the model syntax without the seco
      htmt_result <- semTools::htmt(model = cfaResult[["model_simple"]], data = dataset,
                                    missing = cfaResult[["lav"]]@Options[["missing"]])

    htmt_result[upper.tri(htmt_result)] <- NA
    for (fname in facNames) {
      ii <- which(fname == facNames)
      htmtTable[[fname]] <- htmt_result[, ii]
  jaspResults[["resHtmtTable"]] <- htmtTable


.cfaTableReliability <- function(jaspResults, options, cfaResult) {
  if (is.null(cfaResult) || !options[["reliability"]] || !is.null(jaspResults[["resRelTable"]])) return()

  relTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Reliability"), position = 4.3)
  if (options[["group"]] != "") {
    relTable$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = gettext("Group"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  relTable$addColumnInfo(name = "factor", title = "", type = "string")
  relTable$addColumnInfo(name = "rel", title = gettextf("Coefficient %s", "\u03C9"), type = "number")
  relTable$addColumnInfo(name = "alpha", title = gettextf("Coefficient %s", "\u03B1"), type = "number")
  relTable$dependOn(c("factors", "secondOrder", "residualsCovarying", "meanStructure", "modelIdentification", "factorsUncorrelated",
                      "packageMimiced", "estimator", "naAction", "group", "invarianceTesting", "reliability", "interceptsFixedToZero"))

  nfac <- length(cfaResult[["spec"]][["latents"]])

  rel_result_alpha <- semTools::compRelSEM(cfaResult[["lav"]], return.total = TRUE, tau.eq = TRUE)
  if (is.null(cfaResult[["spec"]][["soIndics"]])) {
    rel_result_omega <- semTools::compRelSEM(cfaResult[["lav"]], return.total = TRUE)
  } else {
    rel_result_omega <- semTools::compRelSEM(cfaResult[["lav"]], return.total = TRUE,
                                             higher = "SecondOrder")
    rel_result_alpha <- cbind(rel_result_alpha, NA)

  if (options$group != "") {
    groups <- cfaResult[["lav"]]@Data@group.label
    rel_result_omega <- rel_result_omega[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    rel_result_alpha <- rel_result_alpha[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    relTable[["group"]]   <- rep(groups, each = ncol(rel_result_omega))
    relTable[["factor"]]  <- rep(c(sapply(options[["factors"]], function(x) x[["title"]]),
                                   colnames(rel_result_omega)[-(1:nfac)]), length(groups))
    relTable[["rel"]]     <- c(t(rel_result_omega))
    relTable[["alpha"]] <- c(t(rel_result_alpha))
  } else {
    relTable[["factor"]] <- c(sapply(options[["factors"]], function(x) x[["title"]]),
    relTable[["rel"]] <- rel_result_omega
    relTable[["alpha"]] <- rel_result_alpha
  jaspResults[["resRelTable"]] <- relTable

jasp-stats/jaspFactor documentation built on April 20, 2024, 4:12 p.m.