
Defines functions databaseConstruction

Documented in databaseConstruction

# ###In house database
# setwd("D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/RPLC")
# metabolite.table1 <- readxl::read_xlsx("metabolite.information.rplc.xlsx", sheet = 1)
# metabolite.table2 <- readxl::read_xlsx("metabolite.information.rplc.xlsx", sheet = 2)
# metabolite.table3 <- readxl::read_xlsx("metabolite.information.rplc.xlsx", sheet = 3)
# metabolite.table <- rbind(metabolite.table1, 
#                           metabolite.table2, 
#                           metabolite.table3)
# metabolite.table <- metabolite.table[,-c(1)]
# metabolite.table$RPLC_pos <- as.numeric(metabolite.table$RPLC_pos)
# metabolite.table$RPLC_neg <- as.numeric(metabolite.table$RPLC_neg)
# remove.idx <- 
#   which(apply(metabolite.table[,c(9,10)], 1, function(x){
#     if(all(is.na(x))) return(TRUE)
#     return(FALSE)
#   }))
# metabolite.table <- metabolite.table[-remove.idx,]
# rt.error <- metabolite.table[,10] - metabolite.table[,9]
# rt.error <- as.numeric(rt.error[,1])
# rt.error[is.na(rt.error)] <- 0
# rt.error <<- abs(rt.error) * 60
# which(rt.error > 30) 
# metabolite.table[287,]
# metabolite.table[287,10] <- metabolite.table[287,9]
# metabolite.table$RPLC_pos <- metabolite.table$RPLC_pos * 60
# metabolite.table$RPLC_neg <- metabolite.table$RPLC_neg * 60
# Submitter <- as.character(metabolite.table$Library)
# Submitter <- as.character(metabolite.table$Library)
# Compound.name <- as.character(metabolite.table$`Chemical name`)
# mz <- as.character(metabolite.table$Mass)
# RT <- apply(metabolite.table[,c(9,10)], 1, function(x){
#   x <- as.numeric(x)
#   x <- x[!is.na(x)]
#   mean(x)
# })
# Formula <- metabolite.table$Formula
# Family <- metabolite.table$Family
# mz.pos <- as.numeric(stringr::str_trim(metabolite.table$`[M+H]+`))
# mz.neg <- as.numeric(stringr::str_trim(metabolite.table$`[M-H]-`))
# metabolite.info.rplc <- data.frame(Lab.ID = NA, Compound.name = Compound.name,
#                                    mz = mz, RT = RT, CAS.ID = NA, HMDB.ID = NA,
#                                    KEGG.ID = NA, Formula = Formula,
#                                    mz.pos = mz.pos,
#                                    mz.neg = mz.neg, Submitter = Submitter,
#                                    Family = Family,
#                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#                                    )
# metabolite.info.rplc$Lab.ID <- paste("MS", 1:nrow(metabolite.info.rplc), sep = "_")
# write.csv(metabolite.info.rplc, "metabolite.info.rplc.csv", row.names = FALSE)

# databaseConstruction(path = ".")
#' @title databaseConstruction
#' @description Construct MS2 spectra database according to mzXML data and compound information table (csv format).
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@163.com}
#' @param path Work directory. 
#' @param version The version of you database. Default is 0.0.1.
#' @param metabolite.info.name The metabolite information table name, it must be csv format. 
#' The demo data can be got from the `demoData` package. 
#' Please see https://jaspershen.github.io/metIdentify/articles/metIdentify.html
#' @param source The source of your database.
#' @param link Website link of the source.
#' @param creater Creater name. For example, Xiaotao Shen.
#' @param email email address.
#' @param rt Do the metabolites have RT information or not?. If not, set it as FALSE.
#' @param mz.tol m/z tolerance for the match between metabolites and precursor m/z of MS2 spectra.
#' @param rt.tol RT tolerance for the match between metabolites and precursor m/z of MS2 spectra.
#' @param threads The number of threads
#' @return A databaseClass object.
#' @seealso The example and demo data of this function can be found 
#' https://jaspershen.github.io/metIdentify/articles/metIdentify.html
#' @export 

databaseConstruction <- function(path = ".",
                                 version = "0.0.1",
                                 metabolite.info.name = "metabolite.info.csv",
                                 source = "Michael Snyder Lab",
                                 link = "http://snyderlab.stanford.edu/",
                                 creater = "Xiaotao Shen",
                                 email = "shenxt1990@163.com",
                                 rt = TRUE,
                                 mz.tol = 15,
                                 rt.tol = 30,
                                 threads = 3){
  metabolite.info <- readr::read_csv(file.path(path, metabolite.info.name))
  cat("Reading positive MS2 data...\n")
  file.pos <- dir(file.path(path, 'POS'), full.names = TRUE)
  ms2.data.pos <- readMZXML(file = file.pos, threads = threads)
  ms1.info.pos <- lapply(ms2.data.pos, function(x){
  ms1.info.pos <- do.call(rbind, ms1.info.pos)
  ms1.info.pos$file <- basename(ms1.info.pos$file)
  ms2.info.pos <- lapply(ms2.data.pos, function(x){
  rm(list = "ms2.data.pos")
  cat("Reading negative MS2 data...\n")
  file.neg <- dir(file.path(path, 'NEG'), full.names = TRUE)
  ms2.data.neg <- readMZXML(file = file.neg, threads = threads)
  ms1.info.neg <- lapply(ms2.data.neg, function(x){
  ms1.info.neg <- do.call(rbind, ms1.info.neg)
  ms1.info.neg$file <- basename(ms1.info.neg$file)
  ms2.info.neg <- lapply(ms2.data.neg, function(x){
  rm(list = "ms2.data.neg")

  cat("Matching metabolites with MS2 spectra (positive)...\n")  
  match.result.pos <- SXTMTmatch(data1 = as.data.frame(metabolite.info[,c("mz.pos", "RT")]),
                            data2 = ms1.info.pos[,c(2,3)], mz.tol = mz.tol,
                            rt.tol = rt.tol, rt.error.type = "abs")
  match.result.pos <- data.frame(match.result.pos, 
                                 "file" = ms1.info.pos$file[match.result.pos[,2]],
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  unique.idx1 <- unique(match.result.pos[,1])
  spectra.pos <- pbapply::pblapply(unique.idx1, function(idx){
    temp.match.result.pos <- match.result.pos[which(match.result.pos == idx),,drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.pos) == 0) return(NULL)
    temp.submitter <- metabolite.info$Submitter[idx]
    temp.match.result.pos <- temp.match.result.pos[grep(temp.submitter,temp.match.result.pos[,9]),]
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.pos) == 0) return(NULL)
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.pos) == 1){
    temp.ms2.pos <- ms2.info.pos[temp.match.result.pos[1,2]]
    names(temp.ms2.pos) <- stringr::str_extract(string = temp.match.result.pos[1,9], 
                                                pattern = "NCE[0-9]{1,3}")
    unique.file.name <- unique(temp.match.result.pos$file)
    temp.ms2.pos <- lapply(unique.file.name, function(temp.name){
      temp.x <- temp.match.result.pos[which(temp.match.result.pos$file == temp.name), , drop = FALSE]
      temp.idx <- which.max(unlist(lapply(ms2.info.pos[temp.x[,2]], function(y){
      ms2.info.pos[[temp.x[temp.idx, 2]]]
    names(temp.ms2.pos) <- stringr::str_extract(string = unique.file.name, 
                                                pattern = "NCE[0-9]{1,3}")
  names(spectra.pos) <- metabolite.info$Lab.ID[unique.idx1]
  spectra.pos <- spectra.pos[which(!unlist(lapply(spectra.pos, is.null)))]
  cat("Matching metabolites with MS2 spectra (negative)...\n")  
  match.result.neg <- SXTMTmatch(data1 = as.data.frame(metabolite.info[,c("mz.neg", "RT")]),
                                 data2 = ms1.info.neg[,c(2,3)], mz.tol = mz.tol,
                                 rt.tol = rt.tol, rt.error.type = "abs")
  match.result.neg <- data.frame(match.result.neg, 
                                 "file" = ms1.info.neg$file[match.result.neg[,2]],
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  unique.idx1 <- unique(match.result.neg[,1])
  spectra.neg <- pbapply::pblapply(unique.idx1, function(idx){
    temp.match.result.neg <- match.result.neg[which(match.result.neg == idx),,drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.neg) == 0) return(NULL)
    temp.submitter <- metabolite.info$Submitter[idx]
    temp.match.result.neg <- temp.match.result.neg[grep(temp.submitter,temp.match.result.neg[,9]),]
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.neg) == 0) return(NULL)
    if(nrow(temp.match.result.neg) == 1){
      temp.ms2.neg <- ms2.info.neg[temp.match.result.neg[1,2]]
      names(temp.ms2.neg) <- stringr::str_extract(string = temp.match.result.neg[1,9], 
                                                  pattern = "NCE[0-9]{1,3}")
    unique.file.name <- unique(temp.match.result.neg$file)
    temp.ms2.neg <- lapply(unique.file.name, function(temp.name){
      temp.x <- temp.match.result.neg[which(temp.match.result.neg$file == temp.name), , drop = FALSE]
      temp.idx <- which.max(unlist(lapply(ms2.info.neg[temp.x[,2]], function(y){
      ms2.info.neg[[temp.x[temp.idx, 2]]]
    names(temp.ms2.neg) <- stringr::str_extract(string = unique.file.name, 
                                                pattern = "NCE[0-9]{1,3}")
  names(spectra.neg) <- metabolite.info$Lab.ID[unique.idx1]
  spectra.neg <- spectra.neg[which(!unlist(lapply(spectra.neg, is.null)))]

  Spectra <- list("Spectra.positive" = spectra.pos,
                  "Spectra.negative" = spectra.neg)
  database.info <- list("Version" = version,
                        "Source" = source,
                        "Link" = link,
                        "Creater" = creater,
                        "Email" = email,
                        "RT" = rt)
  spectra.info <- as.data.frame(metabolite.info)
  rm(list = "metabolite.info")
  msDatabase0.0.1 <- new(Class = "databaseClass", 
                         database.info = database.info,
                         spectra.info = spectra.info,
                         spectra.data = Spectra)
  # save(msDatabase0.0.1, file = file.path(path, 'msDatabase0.0.1'), compress = "xz")

# ### RP negative
# file <- dir(path = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/Zorbax SB aq_neg",
#             pattern = "\\.raw", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# for(temp.file in file){
#   cat(basename(temp.file))
#   cat("\n")
#   file.copy(from = temp.file,
#             to = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/Zorbax SB aq_neg/mzXML_data",
#             overwrite = TRUE)
# }
# ### HILIC positive
# file <- dir(path = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/ZIC-HILIC_pos",
#             pattern = "\\.raw", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# for(temp.file in file){
#   cat(basename(temp.file))
#   cat("\n")
#   file.copy(from = temp.file,
#             to = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/ZIC-HILIC_pos",
#             overwrite = TRUE)
# }
# ### HILIC negative
# file <- dir(path = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/ZIC-HILIC_neg",
#             pattern = "\\.raw", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# for(temp.file in file){
#   cat(basename(temp.file))
#   cat("\n")
#   file.copy(from = temp.file,
#             to = "D:/study/database and library/inhouse/Metabolite database/ZIC-HILIC_neg",
#             overwrite = TRUE)
# }

###S4 class for function metIdentification
setClass(Class = "databaseClass", 
         representation(database.info = "list",
                        spectra.info = "data.frame",
                        spectra.data = "list")

setMethod(f = "show",
          signature = "databaseClass",
          definition = function(object){
            cat("-----------Base information------------\n")
            cat("Version:",object@database.info$Version, "\n")
            cat("Source:",object@database.info$Source, "\n")
            cat("Link:",object@database.info$Link, "\n")
            cat("Creater:",object@database.info$Creater, "(", object@database.info$Email, ")\n")
            cat(ifelse(object@database.info$RT, "With RT information\n", "Without RT informtaion\n"))
            cat("-----------Spectral information------------\n")
            cat("There are", ncol(object@spectra.info), "items of metabolites in database:\n")
            cat(paste(colnames(object@spectra.info), collapse = "; "), "\n")
            cat("There are", length(unique(object@spectra.info$Compound.name)), "metabolites in total\n")
            cat("There are", length(object@spectra.data$Spectra.positive), "metabolites in positive mode\n")
            cat("There are", length(object@spectra.data$Spectra.negative), "metabolites in positive mode\n")
            ce.pos <- unique(unlist(lapply(object@spectra.data$Spectra.positive, names)))
            ce.neg <- unique(unlist(lapply(object@spectra.data$Spectra.negative, names)))
            cat("Collision energy in positive mode:\n")
            cat(paste(ce.pos, collapse = "; "), "\n")
            cat("Collision energy in negative mode:\n")
            cat(paste(ce.neg, collapse = "; "), "\n")

#' @title getMS2spectrum
#' @description Get Ms2 spectra of peaks from databaseClass.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@163.com}
#' @param lab.id The lab ID of metabolite.
#' @param database Database (databaseClass object).
#' @param polarity positive or negative.
#' @param ce Collision value.
#' @return A MS2 spectrum.
#' @export
#' @seealso The example and demo data of this function can be found 
#' https://jaspershen.github.io/metIdentify/articles/metIdentify.html

setGeneric(name = "getMS2spectrum", 
           def = function(lab.id,
                          polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
                          ce = "30"){
             if(class(database) != "databaseClass"){
               stop("The database must be databaseClass object.\n")
             pol <- ifelse(polarity == "positive", 1, 2)
             temp <- database@spectra.data[[pol]][[match(lab.id, names(database@spectra.data[[pol]]))]]
             temp[[match(ce, names(temp))]]
jaspershen/metIdentify documentation built on July 26, 2019, 8:54 a.m.