#' @describeIn bplm Print results
#' @inheritParams print.sc
#' @order 2
#' @param x An object returned by [bplm()]
#' @export
print.sc_bplm <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {
cat("Bayesian Piecewise Linear Regression\n\n")
cat("Contrast model: ",
x$model$interaction.method, " (",
paste0(names(x$contrast), ": ",x$contrast, collapse = ", "),
")\n", sep = "")
if (x$N > 1) cat(x$N, "Cases\n\n")
out <- .output_bplm(x)
cat("Deviance Information Criterion:", out$dic, "\n\n")
cat("B-structure - Fixed effects (", out$formula$fixed, ")\n\n", sep = "")
print(round_numeric(out$fixed, digits))
if (!is.null(out$random)) {
cat("\nG-Structure - Random effects (", out$formula$random, ")\n\n", sep = "")
print(round_numeric(out$random, digits), row.names = FALSE, ...)
if (!is.null(out$correlation)) {
print(round_numeric(out$correlation, digits), row.names = FALSE, ...)
cat("\nR-Structure - Residuals\n\n")
print(round(out$residuals, digits))
#' @describeIn bplm Export results as html table (see [export()])
#' @order 3
#' @inheritParams export
#' @param nice If set TRUE (default) output values are rounded and optimized for
#' publication tables.
#' @export
export.sc_bplm <- function(object,
caption = NA,
footnote = NA,
filename = NA,
kable_styling_options = list(),
kable_options = list(),
round = 2,
nice = TRUE,
...) {
kable_options <- .join_kabel(kable_options)
kable_styling_options <- .join_kabel_styling(kable_styling_options)
if (is.na(caption)) {
if (object$N == 1) {
caption <- paste0(
"Bayesian Piecewise Linear Regression predicting variable '",
attr(object, opt("dv")), "'"
} else {
caption <- paste0(
"Bayesian Multilevel Piecewise Linear Regression predicting variable '",
attr(object, opt("dv")), "'"
footnote <- c(
paste0("Slope estimation method: ", object$model$interaction.method),
paste0(names(x$contrast), ": ",x$contrast, collapse = ", "),
paste0(object$N, " cases")
results <- .output_bplm(object)
out <- results$fixed
dat_g <- results$random
dat_r <- cbind(
data.frame(" " = "Residuals", check.names = FALSE),
t(round(results$residuals, round))
nrow_g <- nrow(dat_g)
nrow_b <- nrow(out)
nrow_r <- nrow(dat_r)
if (nice) {
out$p <- .nice_p(out$p)
if (!is.null(dat_g$p)) dat_g$p <- .nice_p(dat_g$p)
# B-structure -----
out[, ] <- lapply(out[, ], function(x)
if (inherits(x, "numeric")) as.character(round(x, round)) else x
out <- cbind(
Predictors = rownames(out),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(out) <- NULL
# add G-structure -----
if (!is.null(results$random)) {
names(dat_g)[1] <- " "
dat_g[, ] <- lapply(dat_g, function(x)
if (inherits(x, "numeric")) as.character(round(x, round)) else x
tmp_row <- (nrow_b + 1):(nrow_b + nrow_g + 1)
out[tmp_row, ] <- ""
out[tmp_row, 1:ncol(dat_r)] <- rbind(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# add R-structure -----
tmp_row <- (nrow(out) + 1):(nrow(out) + nrow_r + 1)
out[tmp_row, ] <- ""
out[tmp_row, 1:ncol(dat_r)] <- rbind(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# model ---
new_row <- (nrow(out) + 1)
out[new_row, ] <- ""
out[new_row, 1:2] <- c(
"DIC", as.character(round(results$dic, 1))
row_group <- if (!is.null(results$random)) {
"Fixed effects (B-Structure)" = 1:nrow_b,
"Random effects (G-Structure)" = (nrow_b + 1) : (nrow_b + nrow_g + 1),
"Residuals (R-Structure)" = (nrow_b + nrow_g + 2) : (nrow_b + nrow_g + nrow_r + 2),
"Model" = (nrow_b + nrow_g + nrow_r + 2) : nrow(out)
} else {
"Fixed effects (B-Structure)" = 1:nrow_b,
"Residuals (R-Structure)" = (nrow_b + 1) : (nrow_b + nrow_r + 1),
"Model" = (nrow_b + nrow_r + 1) : nrow(out)
table <- .create_table(
caption = caption,
footnote = footnote,
row_group = row_group
if (getOption("scan.export.engine") == "kable") {
if (!is.null(results$random)) {
table <- table |>
#pack_rows("Fixed effects", 1, nrow_out, indent = FALSE) |>
pack_rows("\nRandom effects (G-Structure)", nrow_b + 1, nrow_b + nrow_g + 1, indent = FALSE) |>
pack_rows("\nResiduals (R-Structure)", nrow_b + nrow_g + 2, nrow_b + nrow_g + nrow_r + 2, indent = FALSE) |>
pack_rows("\nModel", nrow(out), nrow(out), indent = FALSE) |>
#row_spec(nrow_out + nrow(dat_g) + 1, hline_after = TRUE) |>
row_spec(nrow_b, hline_after = TRUE) |>
row_spec(nrow_b + nrow_g + 1, hline_after = TRUE)
if (is.null(results$random)) {
table <- table |>
#pack_rows("\nRandom effects (G-Structure)", nrow_b + 1, nrow_b + nrow_g + 1, indent = FALSE) |>
pack_rows("\nResiduals (R-Structure)", nrow_b + 1, nrow_b + nrow_r + 1, indent = FALSE) |>
pack_rows("\nModel", nrow(out), nrow(out), indent = FALSE) |>
#row_spec(nrow_out + nrow(dat_g) + 1, hline_after = TRUE) |>
row_spec(nrow_b, hline_after = TRUE)
if (!is.na(filename)) .save_export(table, filename)
.output_bplm <- function(x) {
out <- list()
model_summary <- summary(x$mcmcglmm)
out$dic <- model_summary$DIC
# B-structure -----
out$formula$fixed <- deparse(model_summary$fixed.formula)
md <- as.data.frame(model_summary$solutions)
colnames(md) <- c("B", "lower 95% CI", "upper 95% CI", "sample size", "p")
row.names(md) <- rename_predictors(row.names(md), x)
out$fixed <- md
# G-structure -----
if (!is.null(x$model$random)) {
out$formula$random <- deparse(model_summary$random.formula)
#vcv <- x$mcmc$VCV[, grep("case", colnames(x$mcmc$VCV))]
#G_structure <- apply(vcv, 2, function(x) {
# c(mean = mean(x), lower = quantile(x, 0.025), upper = quantile(x, 0.975))
#G_structure <- as.data.frame(t(G_structure))
#G_matrix <- posterior.mode(vcv) |> as.data.frame()
G_structure <- model_summary$Gcovariances |> as.data.frame()
row.names(G_structure) <- rename_predictors(row.names(G_structure), x)
row.names(G_structure) <- gsub(".case", "", row.names(G_structure))
row.names(G_structure) <- gsub("case", "Intercept", row.names(G_structure))
G_structure <- cbind(Parameter = row.names(G_structure), G_structure)
row.names(G_structure) <- NULL
G_structure <- G_structure[, -5]
if (nrow(G_structure) > 1) {
matching_elements <- grepl("^(.*):\\1$", G_structure$Parameter)
G_structure_variance <- G_structure[matching_elements, ]
G_structure_covariance <- G_structure[!matching_elements, ]
G_structure_variance$Parameter <- sub(":.*", "", G_structure_variance$Parameter)
G_structure_covariance$Parameter <- sapply(
strsplit(G_structure_covariance$Parameter, ":", fixed = TRUE),
function(y) paste(sort(y), collapse = ":")
G_structure_covariance <-
G_structure_covariance[duplicated(G_structure_covariance$Parameter), ]
names(G_structure_variance) <- c("Parameter", "SD", "lower 95% CI", "upper 95% CI")
names(G_structure_covariance) <- c("Parameter", "Correlation", "lower 95% CI", "upper 95% CI")
#cat("Standard deviation\n")
G_structure_variance[, 2:4] <- sqrt(G_structure_variance[, 2:4])
out$random <- G_structure_variance
cor_vars <- strsplit(G_structure_covariance$Parameter, ":", fixed = TRUE)
std_covar <- sapply(cor_vars, function(x) {
var1 <- which(G_structure_variance$Parameter == x[1])
var2 <- which(G_structure_variance$Parameter == x[2])
G_structure_variance$SD[var1] * G_structure_variance$SD[var2]
for (i in 1:nrow(G_structure_covariance)) {
G_structure_covariance[i, 2:4] <- G_structure_covariance[i,2:4] / std_covar[i]
out$correlation <- G_structure_covariance
} else {
names(G_structure) <- c("Parameter", "SD", "lower 95% CI", "upper 95% CI")
G_structure[, 2:4] <- sqrt(G_structure[, 2:4])
#cat("Standard deviation\n")
out$random <- G_structure
R_structure <- model_summary$Rcovariances[, -4]
names(R_structure) <- c("SD", "lower 95% CI", "upper 95% CI")
out$residuals <- sqrt(R_structure)
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