#' Hierarchical piecewise linear model / piecewise regression
#' The [hplm()] function computes a hierarchical piecewise regression model.
#' @inheritParams .inheritParams
#' @order 1
#' @param method Method used to fit your model. Pass `"REML"` to maximize the
#' restricted log-likelihood or `"ML"` for maximized log-likelihood. Default
#' is `"ML"`.
#' @param control A list of settings for the estimation algorithm, replacing the
#' default values passed to the function `lmeControl` of the `nlme` package.
#' @param random.slopes If `random.slopes = TRUE` random slope effects of the
#' level, trend, and treatment parameter are estimated.
#' @param lr.test If set TRUE likelihood ratio tests are calculated comparing
#' model with vs. without random slope parameters.
#' @param ICC If `ICC = TRUE` an intraclass-correlation is estimated.
#' @param random_trend If TRUE, includes a random trend trend effect.
#' @param random_level If TRUE, includes a random level trend effect.
#' @param random_slope If TRUE, includes a random slope trend effect.
#' @param fixed Defaults to the fixed part of the standard piecewise regression
#' model. The parameter phase followed by the phase name (e.g., phaseB)
#' indicates the level effect of the corresponding phase. The parameter
#' 'inter' followed by the phase name (e.g., interB) adresses the slope effect
#' based on the method provide in the model argument (e.g., "B&L-B"). The
#' formula can be changed for example to include further L1 or L2 variables
#' into the regression model.
#' @param random The random part of the model.
#' @param update.fixed An easier way to change the fixed model part
#' (e.g., `. ~ . + newvariable`).
#' @param data.l2 A dataframe providing additional variables at Level 2. The
#' scdf File has to have names for all cases and the Level 2 dataframe has to
#' have a column named 'cases' with the names of the cases the Level 2
#' variables belong to.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the lme function.
#' @return \item{model}{List containing infromation about the applied model}
#' \item{N}{Number of single-cases.} \item{formla}{A list containing the fixed
#' and the random formulas of the hplm model.} \item{hplm}{Object of class lme
#' contaning the multilevel model} \item{model.0}{Object of class lme containing
#' the Zero Model.} \item{ICC}{List containing intraclass correlation and test
#' parameters.} \item{model.without}{Object of class gls containing the fixed
#' effect model.}
#' @author Juergen Wilbert
#' @family regression functions
#' @examples
#' ## Compute hplm model on a MBD over fifty cases (restricted log-likelihood)
#' hplm(exampleAB_50, method = "REML", random.slopes = FALSE)
#' ## Analyzing with additional L2 variables
#' Leidig2018 |>
#' add_l2(Leidig2018_l2) |>
#' hplm(update.fixed = .~. + gender + migration + ITRF_TOTAL*phaseB,
#' slope = FALSE, random.slopes = FALSE, lr.test = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
lme4_hplm <- function(data, dvar, pvar, mvar,
model = c("W", "H-M", "B&L-B", "JW"),
contrast = c("first", "preceding"),
contrast_level = NA,
contrast_slope = NA,
method = c("ML", "REML"),
control = lmerControl(),
random.slopes = FALSE,
lr.test = FALSE,
trend = TRUE,
level = TRUE,
slope = TRUE,
random_trend = FALSE,
random_level = FALSE,
random_slope = FALSE,
fixed = NULL,
random = NULL,
update.fixed = NULL,
data.l2 = NULL,
...) {
model <- model[1]
method <- method[1]
contrast <- contrast[1]
if (is.na(contrast_level)) contrast_level <- contrast
if (is.na(contrast_slope)) contrast_slope <- contrast
if (model == "JW") {
contrast_level <- "preceding"
contrast_slope <- "preceding"
model <- "B&L-B"
if (random.slopes) {
random_trend <- trend
random_level <- level
random_slope <- slope
# set attributes to arguments else set to defaults of scdf
if (missing(dvar)) dvar <- dv(data) else dv(data) <- dvar
if (missing(pvar)) pvar <- phase(data) else phase(data) <- pvar
if (missing(mvar)) mvar <- mt(data) else mt(data) <- mvar
dat <- .prepare_scdf(data)
N <- length(dat)
out <- list()
out$model$interaction.method <- model
out$model$contrast.method <- contrast
out$model$estimation.method <- method
out$model$lr.test <- lr.test
out$model$random.slopes <- random.slopes
out$model$ICC <- ICC
out$N <- N
# interaction and dummy coding and L2 --------------------------------------
tmp_model <- .add_model_dummies(
data = dat, model = model,
contrast_level = contrast_level, contrast_slope = contrast_slope
dat <- as.data.frame(tmp_model$data, l2 = data.l2)
# create formulas ---------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(fixed)) {
fixed <- .create_fixed_formula(
dvar, mvar, slope, level, trend, tmp_model$var_phase, tmp_model$var_inter
#if (!is.null(update.fixed)) fixed <- update(fixed, update.fixed)
if (any(random_trend, random_level, random_slope)) {
random.slopes <- TRUE
if (!random.slopes && is.null(random)) random <- "(1|case)"
if (is.null(random)) {
random <-.create_random_formula_lmer(
random_slope, random_level, random_trend,
tmp_model$var_phase, tmp_model$var_inter
hplm_formula <- as.formula(paste0(fixed, " + ", random))
out$formula <- list(fixed = fixed, random = random)
# lme hplm model ----------------------------------------------------------
out$hplm <- lmer(
formula = hplm_formula,
data = dat,
na.action = na.omit,
REML = if (method == "REML") TRUE else FALSE,
control = control,
out$hplm$call$fixed <- fixed
# LR tests ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (lr.test) {
pred_rand <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(random[2]), "\\|"))[1]
pred_rand_id <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(random[2]), "\\|"))[2]
pred_rand <- unlist(strsplit(pred_rand, "\\+"))
pred_rand <- trimws(pred_rand)
pred_rand_id <- trimws(pred_rand_id)
if (length(pred_rand) == 1) {
stop("LR Test not applicable with only one random effect.")
random_ir <- list(formula(gsub("1", "-1", paste(random, collapse = " "))))
for(i in 2:length(pred_rand)) {
random_ir[[i]] <- formula(
paste0("~", paste0(pred_rand[!pred_rand %in% pred_rand[i]],
collapse = " + "), " | ", pred_rand_id)
out$random_ir$restricted <- list()
# lme
for(i in 1:length(random_ir)) {
out$random_ir$restricted[[i]] <- lme(
fixed = fixed, random = random_ir[i], data = dat,
na.action = na.omit, method = method, control=control,
keep.data = FALSE, ...)
out$random_ir$restricted[[i]]$call$fixed <- fixed
out$LR.test <- list()
# LR test
for(i in 1:length(random_ir)) {
out$LR.test[[i]] <- anova(out$random_ir$restricted[[i]], out$hplm)
attr(out$random_ir, "parameters") <- c("Intercept", pred_rand)
if (ICC) {
.formula.null <- as.formula(paste0(dvar, " ~ 1"))
out$model.0 <- lme(
.formula.null, random =~1|case, data = dat,
method = method, na.action=na.omit, control = control
out$model.0$call$fixed <- .formula.null
vc <- as.numeric(VarCorr(out$model.0))
out$ICC$value <- vc[1] / (vc[1] + vc[2])
out$model.without <- gls(
.formula.null, data = dat, method = method,
na.action = na.omit, control = control
out$model.without$call$model <- .formula.null
dif <- anova(out$model.0, out$model.without)
out$ICC$L <- dif$L.Ratio[2]
out$ICC$p <- dif$"p-value"[2]
out$model$fixed <- fixed
out$model$random <- random
out$contrast <- list(level = contrast_level, slope = contrast_slope)
class(out) <- c("sc_hplm")
attr(out, opt("phase")) <- pvar
attr(out, opt("mt")) <- mvar
attr(out, opt("dv")) <- dvar
.create_random_formula_lmer <- function(mvar,
slope, level, trend,
var_phase, var_inter) {
inter <- ""
phase <- ""
mt <- ""
if (slope) {
inter <- paste0(var_inter, collapse = "+")
inter <- paste0("+ ", inter)
if (level) {
phase <- paste0(var_phase, collapse = "+")
phase <- paste0("+ ", phase)
if (trend)
mt <- paste0("+ ", mvar, " ")
paste0("(1", mt, phase, inter, "|case)")
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