#' Wrapper function to estimate an lm() model in lavaan under full information maximum likelihood to account for missing data.
#' @param data The dataset for the analysis.
#' @param model A regression model from lm()
#' @return Returns (1) a dataset with the ML regression estimates under FIML assuming either missing at random
#' or missing completely at random, standard errors, t-test statistic, p-values under t-distribution,
#' gamma (estimated fraction of missing data), N.effective (estimated equivalent complete data sample size),
#' and df = n*(1-gamma) where n is the number of rows in the dataset. Both N.effective and df are rounded down.
#' (2) sigma which estimates the residual standard error. Assumnes that fixed.x = F.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA,7,7,7,7)
#' y <- c(2.1,NA,2.1,1.8,2,2.2,4,NA,7,7,7)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' lm_model <- lm(y~x, data=temp_data)
#' fiml.regression(data=temp_data, model=lm_model)
#' }
fiml.regression <- function(data, model) {
sem_model <- lavaan::sem(format(formula(model)), data, missing = "fiml", estimator = "ML", fixed.x=F)
#Extract the name of the dependent variable.
dv <- model$terms[[2]]
#Trimming output to just the regression coefficients and residual SD
sem.output <- subset(lavaan::parameterEstimates(sem_model),
lavaan::parameterEstimates(sem_model)$lhs == dv)
#sem.output <- subset(sem.output, sem.output$rhs != dv)
colnames(sem.output)[colnames(sem.output) == "rhs"] <- "Term"
colnames(sem.output)[colnames(sem.output) == "est"] <- "Coefficient"
colnames(sem.output)[colnames(sem.output) == "z"] <- "t.test"
sem.output$Coefficient[sem.output$Term == dv] <- sqrt(sem.output$Coefficient[sem.output$Term == dv])
sem.output$Term[sem.output$Term == dv] <- "(Residual.SD)"
sem.output$lhs <- NULL
sem.output$Term[sem.output$op == "~1"] <- "(Intercept)"
sem.output$op <- NULL
#removing the CI endpoints since they are based on normal theory not
#the t-distribution
sem.output$ci.lower <- NULL
sem.output$ci.upper <- NULL
#Obtaining gamma (fraction of missing information)
#Following Savalei & Rhemtulla (2012, SEM)
#Step 1. Obtain the model-implied covariance matrix and means
# Use the finite sample adjustment for the covariance matrix.
n <- lavaan::nobs(sem_model)
Sigma.hat <- lavaan::fitted.values(sem_model)$cov * n/(n - 1)
mu.hat <- lavaan::fitted.values(sem_model)$mean
model.implied <- lavaan::sem(format(formula(model)), sample.cov = Sigma.hat,
sample.mean = mu.hat, sample.nobs = n,
std.lv = TRUE, meanstructure = TRUE,
information = "observed", fixed.x=F)
model.implied.output <- subset(lavaan::parameterEstimates(model.implied),
lavaan::parameterEstimates(model.implied)$lhs == dv)
#model.implied.output <- subset(model.implied.output, model.implied.output$rhs != dv)
sem.output$gamma <- 1 - (model.implied.output$se^2/sem.output$se^2)
sem.output$N.effective <- trunc(n * (1 - sem.output$gamma))
#Obtaining df
complete.data.df <- n - nrow(as.matrix(coef(lm(formula(model), data = data))))
sem.output$df <- trunc(complete.data.df * (1 - sem.output$gamma))
#recomputing p-values based on the t-test with df given above.
sem.output$pvalue <- 2 * pt(abs(sem.output$t.test),
df = sem.output$df, lower.tail = FALSE)
#return the output sorted by term so (Intercept) matches lm() output and norm.regression()
reordered.output <- sem.output[order(sem.output$Term), ]
rownames(reordered.output) <- c(1:nrow(reordered.output))
reordered.output[, c(1:4, 8, 5:7)]
sigma <- reordered.output[which(grepl("(Residual.SD)", reordered.output$Term)),2]
#Remove row with (Residual.SD)
fiml.summary <- reordered.output[-which(grepl("(Residual.SD)", reordered.output$Term)),]
list(fiml.summary=fiml.summary, sigma=sigma)
#' Function to standardize all variables based on supplied mean and sd vectors
#' @param data The dataset
#' @param mean Vector of means.
#' @param sd Vector of standard deviations
#' @return Returns a dataset where all of the variables have been scaled.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' y <- c(2.1,2.5,4,5,6)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' scale_all_variables(data=temp_data, mean=sapply(temp_data, mean), sd=sapply(temp_data, sd))
#' }
scale_all_variables <- function(data, mean, sd) {
for (i in 1:length(data)) {
data[, i] <- (data[, i] - mean[i])/sd[i]
#' Function to return the EM means and standard deviations using the norm package.
#' @param data The dataset for the analysis.
#' @return Returns (1) the EM means and (2) the EM standard deviations for the dataset.
#' @export
#' @import norm
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA,7,7,7,7)
#' y <- c(2.1,NA,2.1,1.8,2,2.2,4,NA,7,7,7)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' em.summary(temp_data)
#' }
em.summary <- function(data) {
rngseed(sample(1:1e+08, 1))
n <- nrow(data)
s <- prelim.norm(as.matrix(data))
thetahat <- em.norm(s, showits=FALSE)
mean <- as.data.frame(t(getparam.norm(s, thetahat)$mu))
sd <- as.data.frame(t(sqrt((diag(getparam.norm(s, thetahat)$sigma)))))
colnames(mean) <- names(data)
colnames(sd) <- names(data)
output <- list(mean, sd)
names(output) <- c("mean", "sd")
#' Bootstraps the full information maximum likelihood regression model under lavaan.
#' @param data The dataset for the analysis.
#' @param model A regression model from lm()
#' @param R The number of resamples to be conducted.
#' @param conf The confidence level for intervals.
#' @param z.function A user supplied function to standardize variables and create nonlinear terms. Called internally.
#' @return Returns (1) maximum likelihood regression coefficient estimates
#' (s) percentile and BCa confidence intervals using case-wise resampling
#' @export
#' @import MASS
#' @import boot
#' @import parallel
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
#' y <- c(2.1,1.9,2.1,1.8,10,2.2)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' lm_model <- lm(y~x, data=temp_data)
#' robust_lm_inferences(data=temp_data, model=lm_model)
#' }
boot.fiml <- function(data, model, z.function = FALSE, R=9999, conf=.95) {
formula <- format(formula(model))
#Extract estimates based on the original
fiml.reg <- fiml_boot_casewise(data=data,formula=formula, indices=seq(1:nrow(data)),z.function=z.function)
resampling <- boot(data=data, statistic= fiml_boot_casewise,
R=R, formula=formula, z.function =z.function,
parallel ="multicore", ncpus=(detectCores()-1))
boot_out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(fiml.reg), ncol=5)
for (i in 1:length(fiml.reg)){
perc <- boot.ci(resampling, index=i,conf=conf, type="perc")
bca <- boot.ci(resampling, index=i,conf=conf, type="bca")
boot_out[i,1] <- fiml.reg[i]
boot_out[i,2] <- perc$percent[4]
boot_out[i,3] <- perc$percent[5]
boot_out[i,4] <- bca$bca[4]
boot_out[i,5] <- bca$bca[5]
rownames(boot_out) <- fiml.regression(data, model)$fiml.summary$Term
fiml_boot_casewise <- function(data, indices, formula, z.function = FALSE) {
bootdata <- data[indices, ]
#Using lm to extract the name of the dv.
dv <- lm(formula, data = bootdata)$terms[[2]]
if (is.function(z.function) == FALSE){
b.model <- lavaan::sem(formula, bootdata, missing = "fiml", estimator = "ML", fixed.x=F)
#Trimming output to just the regression coefficients
sem.output <- subset(lavaan::parameterEstimates(b.model), lavaan::parameterEstimates(b.model)$lhs == dv)
sem.output <- subset(sem.output, sem.output$rhs != dv)
else {
b.model <- lavaan::sem(formula, bootdata, missing = "fiml", estimator = "ML", fixed.x=F)
n <- lavaan::nobs(b.model)
ml.sigma <- sqrt(diag(lavaan::fitted.values(b.model)$cov * n/(n - 1)))
ml.sigma <- as.data.frame(t(ml.sigma), col.names= names(ml.sigma))
ml.mu <- lavaan::fitted.values(b.model)$mean
ml.mu <- as.data.frame(t(as.vector(ml.mu)))
names(ml.mu) <- names(ml.sigma)
zbootdata <- z.function(bootdata, mean = ml.mu, sd = ml.sigma)
z.model <- lavaan::sem(formula, zbootdata, missing = "fiml", estimator = "ML", fixed.x=F)
sem.output <- subset(lavaan::parameterEstimates(z.model), lavaan::parameterEstimates(z.model)$lhs == dv)
sem.output <- subset(sem.output, sem.output$rhs != dv)
colnames(sem.output)[colnames(sem.output) == "rhs"] <- "Term"
colnames(sem.output)[colnames(sem.output) == "est"] <- "Coefficient"
sem.output$Term[sem.output$op == "~1"] <- "(Intercept)"
reordered.output <- sem.output[order(sem.output$Term), ]
#Remove row with (Residual.SD)
boot.fiml.summary <- reordered.output[-which(grepl("(Residual.SD)", reordered.output$Term)),]
#' Function to automate multiple imputation (MI) for missing data using the norm package for an lm() regression model.
#' @param data The dataset for the analysis.
#' @param model A regression model from lm()
#' @param m Number of imputations to conduct
#' @param standardize Whether or not to standardize each imputed dataset before rerunning the lm() model on that imputed dataset.
#' @param digits Number of digits to print.
#' @return Returns a dataset with the lm() regression terms, average regression coefficients under MI, standard errors, t.test,
#' df calculated using Barnard and Rubin (1999), gamma ML regression estimates under FIML assuming either missing at random
#' or missing completely at random, standard errors, t-test statistic, p-values under t-distribution,
#' gamma (estimated fraction of missing data), N.effective (estimated equivalent complete data sample size),
#' and efficiency = 1/(1 + gamma/m).
#' and df = n*(1-gamma) where n is the number of rows in the dataset. Both N.effective and df are rounded down.
#' @export
#' @import norm
#' @import Matrix
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA,7,7,7,7)
#' y <- c(2.1,NA,2.1,1.8,2,2.2,4,NA,7,7,7)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' lm_model <- lm(y~x, data=temp_data)
#' norm.regression(data=temp_data, model=lm_model)
#' }
norm.regression <- function(data, model, m = 100, standardize = F, digits=6){
formula <- formula(model)
if (ncol(data) > 30) cat("Consider reducing your dataset down to a smaller number of variables (e.g., less than 30) \nas norm can experience difficulty with large datasets.")
if (sum(sapply(data, is.numeric)) < ncol(data)) cat("Only numeric variables are appropriate for norm. Please reduce the dataset to numeric or integeter variables.\n")
if (ncol(cov(data, use="pairwise.complete.obs")) == ncol(data)){
rngseed(sample(1:1e+08, 1))
model_vars <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(as.formula(formula), model.frame(formula, data, na.action = NULL)))
if (var(model_vars[, 1]) == 0)
model_vars$"(Intercept)" <- NULL
model_vars$rows <- rownames(model_vars)
data$rows <- rownames(data)
commonvars <- intersect(colnames(model_vars), colnames(data))
newdata <- merge(model_vars, data, by = commonvars)
newdata$rows <- NULL
p1 <- nrow(as.matrix(coef(lm(formula, data = newdata))))
s <- prelim.norm(as.matrix(newdata)) # this line has no output
thetahat <- em.norm(s, showits = FALSE)
theta <- da.norm(s, thetahat, steps = 50000)
b <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = p1)
vb <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = p1)
for (j in 1:m) {
theta1 <- da.norm(s, theta, steps = 100)
ximp <- imp.norm(s, theta1, newdata)
ximp <- as.data.frame(ximp)
if (standardize == TRUE)
model <- lm(formula, data = as.data.frame(scale(ximp)))
else model <- lm(formula, data = ximp)
for (k in 1:p1) {
b[j, k] <- coefficients(model)[k]
vb[j, k] <- vcov(model)[k, k]
theta <- theta1
# Combining results and computing df from Barnard & Rubin (1999)
MI_Output <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = p1, ncol = 9))
colnames(MI_Output) <- c("Term", "Coefficient", "se", "t.test", "df", "pvalue", "gamma", "N.effective", "efficiency")
for (c in 1:p1) {
n <- NROW(ximp)
vcom <- n - p1
Qbar <- mean(b[, c])
B <- var(b[, c])
Ubar <- mean(vb[, c])
Tvar <- Ubar + (1 + 1/m) * B
rel.incr <- (1 + 1/m) * B/Ubar
vm <- (m - 1) * (1 + 1/rel.incr)^2
gamma <- (rel.incr + 2/(vm + 3))/(rel.incr + 1)
vobs <- ((vcom + 1)/(vcom + 3)) * vcom * (1 - gamma)
dfmi <- 1/(1/vm + 1/vobs)
MI_Output$Term[c] <- rownames(as.data.frame(coef(model)))[c]
MI_Output$Coefficient[c] <- round(Qbar, digits)
MI_Output$se[c] <- round(sqrt(Tvar), digits)
MI_Output$t.test[c] <- round(Qbar/sqrt(Tvar), digits)
MI_Output$df[c] <- trunc(dfmi)
MI_Output$pvalue[c] <- round(2 * pt(abs(Qbar/sqrt(Tvar)), df = dfmi, lower.tail = FALSE), digits)
MI_Output$gamma[c] <- round(gamma, digits)
MI_Output$N.effective[c] <- trunc(n * (1 - gamma))
MI_Output$efficiency[c] <- round(1/(1 + gamma/m), digits)
MI_Output[order(MI_Output$Term), ]
} else {
cat("Error: Norm requires a dataset with only continuous variables and a dataset of full rank (e.g., no sets of variables that are perfectly correlated).")
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