
Defines functions getHansard

Documented in getHansard

#' getHansard
#' Fetch all Hansard. Note you can only supply one of 'search' or 'person' parameters at present.
#' @param search Fetch the data that contain this term.
#' @param person Fetch the debates by a particular person ID.
#' @param order (optional, when using search or person) "d" for date ordering, "r" for relevance ordering.
#' @param page (optional, when using search or person) Page of results to return.
#' @param num (optional, when using search or person) Number of results to return (maximum and default is 1000).
#' @param complete_call The twfy API will only seemingly return 1000 results per call. Setting this parameter to TRUE will iterate over the page parameter until all results are collected. Warning: this is a quick way to use up your API call allowance.
#' @return data.frame of Hansard entries
#' @examples
#' getHansard()
#' @export
getHansard <- function(search = NA, person = NA, order = NA, page = NA, num = 1000, complete_call = F){
  # func_args_global(getDebates)
  if(sum(!is.na(c(date,search,person, gid))) > 1) stop("You can only supply one of 'date', 'search', 'person', or 'gid' at present. See https://www.theyworkforyou.com/api/docs/getDebates for more information.")
  if(!is.na(person)) initial_root <- "rows/match"
  if(!is.na(search)) initial_root <- "rows/match"
  xpath_search <- c("gid","hdate","htime", "section_id", "subsection_id", "htype", "major", "minor",
                    "person_id", "hpos", "video_status", "epobject_id", "body", "collapsed", "relevance", "extract", "listurl",
                    "speaker/member_id", "speaker/name", "speaker/house", "speaker/constituency", "speaker/party", "speaker/url",
                    "speaker/office/match/dept", "speaker/office/match/position", "speaker/office/match/source", "speaker/office/match/pretty")
  xml_data <- try(get_generic("getHansard", search_string = search,
                              search_person = person,
                              search_order = order, search_page = page,
                              search_num = num, return_url = F), silent = T)
  data_page_list <- list()
  data_page_list[[1]] <- xml_data
    if(!"try-error" %in% class(xml_data)) {
      total_results <- as.numeric(xml_text(xml_find_all(xml_data,"info/total_results")))
      if(total_results == 0) return(NA)
    } else{
      total_results <- 3000
    pages_to_search <- floor(total_results/1000) + 1
    cat(paste0("Retreiving all the data for your search will require approximately ", pages_to_search," calls to the twfy API.\n"))
    cat(paste0("Call 1 complete.\n"))
    stop_looping <- F
    i <- 1
      i <- i + 1
      data_page_list[[i]] <- try(get_generic("getDebates", search_type = type,
                                             search_date = date, search_string = search,
                                             search_person = person, search_gid = gid,
                                             search_order = order, search_page = i,
                                             search_num = num, return_url = F), silent = T)
      if("try-error" %in% class(data_page_list[[i]])) {
        cat(paste0("Error calling the following url: ", last_api_call,"\n"))
        cat(paste0("Skipping to next call.\n"))
      if(length(xml_find_all(data_page_list[[i]], initial_root))==0) stop_looping <- T
      if(!stop_looping) cat(paste0("Call ", i," complete.\n"))
  # Remove any output which inherited a try error
  data_page_list <- data_page_list[!unlist(lapply(data_page_list, function(x) "try-error" %in% class(x)))]
  out_list <- list()
  for(doc in 1:length(data_page_list)){
    tmp_data <- xml_find_all(data_page_list[[doc]], initial_root)
    tmp_out <- lapply(xpath_search, function(x) {
      # x <- xpath_search[1]
      tmp <- xml_find_first(tmp_data, x)
      var <- as.character(na.omit(unique(xml_name(tmp))))
      val <- xml_text(tmp)
      out <- data.frame(val, stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(out) <- var
    out_list[[doc]] <- data.frame(do.call("cbind", tmp_out), stringsAsFactors = F)
    # Remove variables for which no results were returned
    out_list[[doc]] <- out_list[[doc]][,!grepl("NA",names(out_list[[doc]]))]
  out <- rbind.fill(out_list)
  ## Clean the data a little
  out$hdate <- as.Date(out$hdate)
  out$body <- clean_texts_fun(out$body)
  out$extract <- clean_texts_fun(out$extract)

# tmp <- getHansard(person = 10001, complete_call = T)
# tmp2 <- getDebates(type = "commons", person = 10001, complete_call = T)
# str(tmp)
# str(tmp2)
jblumenau/twfyR documentation built on Oct. 25, 2019, 7:13 a.m.