
### The following are modified versions of functions from the surveillance package
### and wrappers around them.
### See below the original copyright declaration.

### Copyright declaration from the surveillance package:
### Part of the surveillance package, http://surveillance.r-forge.r-project.org
### Free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/.
### hhh4 is an extended version of algo.hhh for the sts-class
### The function allows the incorporation of random effects and covariates.
### Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Michaela Paul, 2012-2016 Sebastian Meyer
### $Revision: 1706 $
### $Date: 2016-05-03 16:09:49 +0200 (Die, 03. Mai 2016) $

# Updated version: interpret and check the specifications of each component
# control must contain all arguments, i.e. setControl was used
interpretControl <- function (control, stsObj)
  nTime <- nrow(stsObj)
  nUnits <- ncol(stsObj)

  Y <- observed(stsObj)

  ##  get the model specifications for each of the three components
  ar <- control$ar
  ne <- control$ne
  end <- control$end

  ## for backwards compatibility with surveillance < 1.8-0, where the ar and ne
  ## components of the control object did not have an offset
  if (is.null(ar$offset)) ar$offset <- 1
  if (is.null(ne$offset)) ne$offset <- 1
  ## for backward compatibility with surveillance < 1.9-0
  if (is.null(ne$normalize)) ne$normalize <- FALSE

  # ## create list of offsets of the three components
  Ylagged <- hhh4addon:::weightedSumAR(observed = Y, lag = ar$lag, #BJ
                                      funct_lag = control$funct_lag, par_lag = control$par_lag, min_lag = control$min_lag, max_lag = control$max_lag, #BJ
                                      sum_up = TRUE) #BJ

  # This step was just for de-bugging and has been deprecated.
  # Ylagged_detailed <- hhh4addon:::weightedSumAR(observed = Y, lag = ar$lag, #BJ
  #                            funct_lag = control$funct_lag, par_lag = control$par_lag, min_lag = control$min_lag, max_lag = control$max_lag, #BJ
  #                            sum_up = FALSE) #BJ

  Ylagged.ne <- neOffsetFUN(Y = Y, neweights = ne$weights, scale = ne$scale, normalize = ne$normalize, #BJ
                            nbmat = neighbourhood(stsObj), data = control$data, lag = control$ne$lag, funct_lag = control$funct_lag, par_lag = control$par_lag, # BJ
                            min_lag = control$min_lag, max_lag = control$max_lag, sum_up = TRUE, offset = ne$offset)# BJ

  # This step was just for de-bugging and has been deprecated.
  # Ylagged.ne_detailed <- neOffsetFUN(Y = Y, neweights = ne$weights, scale = ne$scale, normalize = ne$normalize, #BJ
  #               nbmat = neighbourhood(stsObj), data = control$data, lag = ne$lag, funct_lag = control$funct_lag, par_lag = control$par_lag, #BJ
  #               min_lag = control$min_lag, max_lag = control$max_lag, sum_up = FALSE, offset = ne$offset)# BJ

  offsets <- list(ar = ar$offset * Ylagged, ne = Ylagged.ne, end = end$offset) #BJ
                  # ar_detailed = ar$offset * Ylagged_detailed, ne_detailed = Ylagged.ne_detailed) #BJ: may still cause trouble with matrix-valued offsets.
  ## -> offset$ne is a function of the parameter vector 'd', which returns a
  ##    nTime x nUnits matrix -- or 0 (scalar) if there is no NE component
  ## -> offset$end might just be 1 (scalar)

  ## Initial parameter vector 'd' of the neighbourhood weight function
  initial.d <- if (is.list(ne$weights)) ne$weights$initial else numeric(0L)
  dim.d <- length(initial.d)
  names.d <- if (dim.d == 0L) character(0L) else {
    paste0("neweights.", if (is.null(names(initial.d))) {
      if (dim.d==1L) "d" else paste0("d", seq_len(dim.d))
    } else names(initial.d))

  ## determine all NA's (FIXME: why do we need this? Why include is.na(Y)?)
  isNA <- is.na(Y)
  if (ar$inModel)
    isNA <- isNA | is.na(offsets[[1L]])
  if (ne$inModel)
    isNA <- isNA | is.na(offsets[[2L]](initial.d))

  ## get terms for all components
  all.term <- NULL
  if(ar$isMatrix) stop("matrix-form of 'control$ar$f' is not implemented")
  if(ar$inModel) # ar$f is a formula
    all.term <- cbind(all.term, surveillance:::checkFormula(ar$f, 1, control$data, stsObj))
    all.term <- cbind(all.term, surveillance:::checkFormula(ne$f, 2, control$data, stsObj))
    all.term <- cbind(all.term, surveillance:::checkFormula(end$f,3, control$data, stsObj))

  dim.fe <- sum(unlist(all.term["dim.fe",]))
  dim.re.group <- unlist(all.term["dim.re",], use.names=FALSE)
  dim.re <- sum(dim.re.group)
  dim.var <- sum(unlist(all.term["dim.var",]))
  dim.corr <- sum(unlist(all.term["corr",]))

    if(dim.var!=dim.corr) stop("Use corr=\'all\' or corr=\'none\' ")
    dim.corr <- switch(dim.corr,0,1,3)

  # the vector with dims of the random effects must be equal if they are correlated
  if(length(unique(dim.re.group[dim.re.group>0]))!=1 & dim.corr>0){
    stop("Correlated effects must have same penalty")

  n <- c("ar","ne","end")[unlist(all.term["offsetComp",])]
  names.fe <- names.var <- names.re <- character(0L)
  for(i in seq_along(n)){
    .name <- all.term["name",i][[1]]
    names.fe <- c(names.fe, paste(n[i], .name, sep="."))
    if(all.term["random",i][[1]]) {
      names.var <- c(names.var, paste("sd", n[i], .name, sep="."))
      names.re <- c(names.re, paste(n[i], .name, if (.name == "ri(iid)") {
      } else {
      }, sep = "."))
  index.fe <- rep(1:ncol(all.term), times=unlist(all.term["dim.fe",]))
  index.re <- rep(1:ncol(all.term), times=unlist(all.term["dim.re",]))

  # poisson or negbin model
  if(identical(control$family, "Poisson")){
    ddistr <- function(y,mu,size){
      dpois(y, lambda=mu, log=TRUE)
    dim.overdisp <- 0L
    index.overdisp <- names.overdisp <- NULL
  } else { # NegBin
    ddistr <- function(y,mu,size){
      dnbinom(y, mu=mu, size=size, log=TRUE)
    ## version that can handle size = Inf (i.e. the Poisson special case):
    ## ddistr <- function (y,mu,size) {
    ##     poisidx <- is.infinite(size)
    ##     res <- y
    ##     res[poisidx] <- dpois(y[poisidx], lambda=mu[poisidx], log=TRUE)
    ##     res[!poisidx] <- dnbinom(y[!poisidx], mu=mu[!poisidx],
    ##                              size=size[!poisidx], log=TRUE)
    ##     res
    ## }
    index.overdisp <- if (is.factor(control$family)) {
    } else if (control$family == "NegBinM") {
      factor(colnames(stsObj), levels = colnames(stsObj))
      ## do not sort levels (for consistency with unitSpecific effects)
    } else { # "NegBin1"
    names(index.overdisp) <- colnames(stsObj)
    dim.overdisp <- nlevels(index.overdisp)
    names.overdisp <- if (dim.overdisp == 1L) {
    } else {
      paste0("-log(", paste("overdisp", levels(index.overdisp), sep = "."), ")")
  environment(ddistr) <- getNamespace("stats")  # function is self-contained

  # parameter start values from fe() and ri() calls via checkFormula()
  initial <- list(
    fixed = c(unlist(all.term["initial.fe",]),
              rep.int(2, dim.overdisp)),
    random = as.numeric(unlist(all.term["initial.re",])), # NULL -> numeric(0)
    sd.corr = c(unlist(all.term["initial.var",]),
                rep.int(0, dim.corr))
  # set names of parameter vectors
  names(initial$fixed) <- c(names.fe, names.d, names.overdisp)
  names(initial$random) <- names.re
  names(initial$sd.corr) <- c(names.var, head(paste("corr",1:3,sep="."), dim.corr))

  # modify initial values according to the supplied 'start' values
  initial[] <- mapply(
    FUN = function (initial, start, name) {
      if (is.null(start))
      if (is.null(names(initial)) || is.null(names(start))) {
        if (length(start) == length(initial)) {
          initial[] <- start
        } else {
          stop("initial values in 'control$start$", name,
               "' must be of length ", length(initial))
      } else {
        ## we match by name and silently ignore additional start values
        start <- start[names(start) %in% names(initial)]
        initial[names(start)] <- start
    initial, control$start[names(initial)], names(initial),

  # Done
  result <- list(response = Y,
                 terms = all.term,
                 nTime = nTime,
                 nUnits = nUnits,
                 nFE = dim.fe,
                 nd = dim.d,
                 nOverdisp = dim.overdisp,
                 nRE = dim.re,
                 rankRE = dim.re.group,
                 nVar = dim.var,
                 nCorr = dim.corr,
                 nSigma = dim.var+dim.corr,
                 nGroups = ncol(all.term),
                 namesFE = names.fe,
                 indexFE = index.fe,
                 indexRE = index.re,
                 initialTheta = c(initial$fixed, initial$random),
                 initialSigma = initial$sd.corr,
                 offset = offsets,
                 family = ddistr,
                 indexPsi = index.overdisp,
                 subset = control$subset,
                 isNA = isNA
jbracher/hhh4addon documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:45 a.m.