
Defines functions ezpermutations

Documented in ezpermutations

#' Resample sample labels for permutation testing
#' Resample unique sample or group labels (unique elements of \code{xx}) into \code{nperm} data frame columns of length
#' \code{length(xx)} for permutation testing. The columns are not duplicates of each other, 
#' do not contain \code{xx}, and have each element of \code{unique(xx)} to appear at least once.
#' Calculations are done with \pkg{RcppAlgos}.
#' @param xx Vector of labels or indices to resample. Must be of length at least 2.
#' @param nperm Number of resamples to return.
#' @param freq Integer number of times to repeat each element of \code{names(table(xx))} within each resample.
#' Can be a vector where \code{length(freq)==length(table(xx))} or of length 1, which is recycled into a vector.
#' Represents resampling without replacement if it's \code{table(xx)}. For resampling with replacement (bootstrapping),
#' \code{length(xx)-length(table(xx))+1} allows each element of \code{unique(xx)} to appear at least once 
#' in each resample.
#' @details Number of returned resamples may be less than \code{nperm} if not enough unique resamples are available.
#' @return Data frame whose columns are same type as \code{xx}

# freq is independent of actual n.per.grp with bootstrapping
# freq can represent replace, so don't need replace
# assume alternative is one-sided, as in pants, so only rm perms w/ missing groups
ezpermutations <- function(xx, nperm, freq=length(xx)-length(unique(xx))+1){
  stopifnot(length(xx) >= 2, is.numeric(nperm), nperm >= 1, nperm <= 10**9, is.numeric(freq), freq>0, freq<length(xx),
            length(freq)==1 || length(freq)==length(unique(xx)))
  xx.type <- typeof(xx)
  ta <- table(xx)
  ta.nms <- methods::as(names(ta), Class = xx.type)
  freq.v <- if (length(freq)==1){
    rep(x=freq, times=length(ta))
  } else {
  # need replace=FALSE (default) so it respects freq
  # try(np <- arrangements::npermutations(k = length(xx), v = ta.nms, freq=freq.v), silent=TRUE)
  np <- RcppAlgos::permuteCount(v=ta.nms, m = length(xx), repetition = TRUE, freqs = freq.v)
  if (class(np) == "bigz") np <- 10**9
  if (np==0) stop("No such permutations available.", call. = FALSE)
  ns1 <- min(np, 10**4)
  # if np>10**4, then round2 b/c even if nperm < 10**4, don't know here how many successes will have of 10**4
  round2 <-  ifelse(ns1 == np, yes=FALSE, no=TRUE)
  # nsample argument --> duplicates!
  # ind1 <- sample.int(np, size=ns1)
  # p1 <- arrangements::permutations(k = length(xx), v = ta.nms, freq=freq.v, index = ind1, layout = "list")
  p1 <- RcppAlgos::permuteSample(v = ta.nms, m = length(xx), repetition = TRUE, freqs=freq.v, n=ns1)
  rej <- apply(p1, MARGIN = 1, FUN=function(v){
      all(v == xx) ||  length(unique(v)) < length(ta)

  if (!round2){
    p1 <- p1[!rej,]
    if (nrow(p1) > nperm) p1 <- p1[sample.int(n=nrow(p1), size = nperm),]
    return(data.frame(t(p1))) # df is list
  } else {
    prob.nonrej <- sum(!rej)/ns1
    # n to select, then sample from successes
    ns2 <- opt_binom_n(p=prob.nonrej, nperm = nperm)
    # ind2 <- sample.int(n=np, size=ns2)
    # p2 <- arrangements::permutations(k = length(xx), v = ta.nms, freq=freq.v, index = ind2, layout = "list")
    p2 <- RcppAlgos::permuteSample(v = ta.nms, m = length(xx), repetition = TRUE, freqs=freq.v, n=ns2)
    rej <- apply(p2, MARGIN = 1, FUN=function(v){
      all(v == xx) ||  length(unique(v)) < length(ta)
    p2 <- p2[!rej,]
    p2 <- p2[sample.int(n=nrow(p2), size=min(nrow(p2), nperm)),]
    return(data.frame(t(p2))) # df is list
jdreyf/PANTS documentation built on July 18, 2019, 10:12 a.m.