
#'Estimate variance of a trendfiltering fit by bootstrapping
#'@param Y A matrix of complete (not average) data for one group.
#'@param READS A matrix of reads corresponding to \code{Y} (Optional). If \code{READS} is provided,
#'the elements in \code{Y} are assumed to be binomial observations and \code{sds} will be
#'calculated unless \code{calc.sds=FALSE}
#'@param sds A matrix of estimated standard deviations of \code{Y}. If missing
#'observations are assumed to have equal variance.
#'@param pos Vector of positions corresponding to the rows of \code{Y}
#'@param ord Order of trendfiltering. Can be 0, 1 or 2.
#'@param n.rep Number of bootstrap samples to take.
#'@return A list with three elements
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{all.fits}}{All of the fits from bootstrapped samples. p by n.rep matrx}
#'   \item{\code{avg.fit}}{Equivalent to \code{rowMeans(all.fits)}}
#'   \item{\code{var}}{Estimated variance.}
#' }
bs_var_tf <- function(Y, lambda,
										sds=NULL, READS=NULL,
										sd.type=c("Equal", "Binomial", "Poisson"), calc.sds=TRUE,
										pos=NULL, ord=2, n.rep=100){

  sd.type <- match.arg(sd.type)
  if(sd.type == "Binomial" & is.null(READS)){
    stop("For Binomial type please provide READS")

	p <- dim(Y)[1] #Number of sites
	k <- dim(Y)[2] #Number of samples

    pos <- 1:p

	if(is.null(sds)) sds <- rep(1, p)
	all.fits <- matrix(0, p, n.rep)
	i <- 1
	while(i <= n.rep){
		cat(i, "..")
		S <- sample(1:k, size=k, replace=TRUE)
		new.Y <- Y[, S]
		  new.READS <- READS[, S]
		  r <- binom.func(new.Y, new.READS)
		  y <- r$y
		  new.sds <- r$sds
		  ss <- 1
		}else if(sd.type=="Poisson"){
		  r <- poisson.func(new.Y)
		  y<- r$y
		  new.sds <- r$sds
		  ss <- 1
		}else if(sd.type=="Equal"){
		  y <- rowSums(new.Y)/k
		  new.sds <- rep(1, p)
		  ss <- k
		if(!calc.sds) new.sds <- sds
		f <- fit_one(y, lambda, pos, new.sds, ss, ord=ord)
		all.fits[,i] <- f$fit
		i <- i+1
	avg.fit <- rowMeans(all.fits)
	var.fit <- (1/(n.rep-1))*rowSums((all.fits-avg.fit)^2)
	return(list("all.fits"=all.fits, "avg"=avg.fit, "var"=var.fit))
jean997/jadeTF documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:44 p.m.