
Defines functions .get_seriesindex ec_get_opt ec_get_opt_ .index_add .ec_opt validate_args

Documented in ec_get_opt

#' @export
ec_list_parse <- function (df) {
  purrr::map_if(df, is.factor, as.character) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    rlist::list.parse() %>% setNames(NULL)

#' @export
validate_args <- function(name, lstargs) {
  lstargsnn <- lstargs[which(names(lstargs) == "")]
  lenlst <- length(lstargsnn)
  if (lenlst != 0) {
    chrargs <- lstargsnn %>%
      unlist() %>%
    chrargs <- paste0("'", chrargs, "'", collapse = ", ")
    txt <- ifelse(lenlst == 1, " is ", "s are ")
    stop(chrargs, " argument", txt, "not named in ", paste0("ec_", name),
         call. = FALSE)

## set ec options
.ec_opt = function(ec, opt_name, baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE, ...){

  validate_args(opt_name, eval(substitute(alist(...))))

  if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'id')){
    add = TRUE

    if (is.null(ec$x$opt[[opt_name]])) {
        ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- c(...)
        ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- list(...)
      if(length(ec$x$opt[[opt_name]]) == 0){
        ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- list(...)
        if(add == FALSE){
          # if add == FALSE, change option
          ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- rlist::list.merge(ec$x$opt[[opt_name]], list(...))
          # if add == TRUE, add option
            ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- append(ec$x$opt[[opt_name]], list(list(...)))
            ec$x$opt[[opt_name]] <- append(list(ec$x$opt[[opt_name]]), list(list(...)))
    if (is.null(ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]])) {
        ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]] <- list(...)
        ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]] <- list(...)
      if(add == FALSE){
        ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]] <- rlist::list.merge(ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]], list(...))
          ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]] <- append(ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]], list(list(...)))
          ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]] <- append(list(ec$x$opt$baseOption[[opt_name]]), list(list(...)))

  ec %>%


.index_add <- function(index = NULL){

ec_get_opt_ <- function(ec, opt = NULL, index = NULL, num = NULL){

  if(is.null(opt)) stop("opt cannot be NULL")
  if(!is.character(opt)) stop("opt must be character")
  if(length(opt) != 1) stop("the length opt must be 1")
  if(nchar(opt) == 0) stop("the nchar op opt must be greater than 0")

  # opt_char <- stringr::str_extract(opt, "(\\D)+")
  opt_char <- stringr::str_extract(opt, "[a-z]+(3D)*")

  # opt_num <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(opt, "(\\d)+"))
  opt_num <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(opt, "([0-9])+$"))

    num <- opt_num

    opt_ <- NULL

      opt_length <- length(ec$x$opt[[opt_char]])

        id_index <- lapply(seq(length(ec$x$opt[[opt_char]])), function(x){
          tmp <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]][[x]][["id"]]
          if(is.null(tmp)){tmp <- 0}
          list(id_index = tmp)

        id_index_ <- rlist::list.map(id_index, id_index == index)

        id_index_match <- which(id_index_ == TRUE)

        if(length(id_index_match) > 1){
          stop(paste0("opt index = ", index, " have ", length(id_index_match), " opt"))
        }else if(length(id_index_match) == 0){
          opt_ <- NULL
          opt_ <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]][[id_index_match]]

      opt_length <- 0

        tmp <- "id" %in% names(ec$x$opt[[opt_char]])
          opt_index = 0
          opt_index <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]][["id"]]

        if(opt_index == index){
          opt_ <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]]
          opt_ <- NULL

        opt_length <- length(ec$x$opt[[opt_char]])
        opt_length <- 1

      if(num <= 0) stop("num must be greater than 0")
      if(num > opt_length) stop("num must be less than or equal to the length of opt")

        opt_ <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]][[num]]
        opt_ <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]]
      opt_ <- ec$x$opt[[opt_char]]


#' Get echarter options
#' @description Get echarter options
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param opt Arguments, eg:series.type or series2.data
#' @param index The id of opt, if set \code{opt = series2, index = 0}, then select the opt by id.
#' @param num The num of opt. if opt = series2, then num = 2.
#' @export
ec_get_opt <- function(ec, opt = NULL, index = NULL, num = NULL){

  if(is.null(opt)) stop("opt cannot be NULL")
  if(!is.character(opt)) stop("opt must be character")
  if(length(opt) != 1) stop("the length opt must be 1")
  if(nchar(opt) == 0) stop("the nchar op opt must be greater than 0")

  opt_split <- stringr::str_split(opt, "\\.")[[1]]

  if(length(opt_split) > 2) stop("The '.' opt can only have one at most.")

  if(any(nchar(opt_split) == 0)) stop("The '.' position in opt is incorrect.")

  if(length(opt_split) == 1){
    opt_ <- ec_get_opt_(ec, opt_split[1], index = index, num = num)
    opt_1 <- ec_get_opt_(ec, opt_split[1], index = index, num = num)
      opt_ <- NULL

        opt_ <- lapply(seq(length(opt_1)), function(x) {

        opt_ <- opt_1[[opt_split[2]]]

#' @export
.get_seriesindex <- function(ec, serie){


  purrr::map(ec$x$opt$series, "name") %>%
    unlist() %>%
    grep(serie, .)

## basic component====

#' @export
ec_title <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "title", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' @export
ec_legend <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "legend", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' @export
ec_colors <- function(ec, colors, baseoption = FALSE) {

  if (length(colors) == 1)
    colors <- list(colors)

    ec$x$opt$color <- colors
    ec$x$opt$baseOption$color <- colors


#' @export
ec_backgroundColor <- function(ec, colors, baseoption = FALSE) {

  if (length(colors) == 1)
    colors <- list(colors)

    ec$x$opt$backgroundColor <- colors
    ec$x$opt$baseOption$backgroundColor <- colors


#' @export
ec_textStyle <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "textStyle", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' @export
ec_axisPointer <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "axisPointer", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Rectangular Coordinate====

#' grid
#' @description Rectangular Coordinate
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the grid
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#grid}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_grid <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "grid", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' xAxis
#' @description The x axis in Rectangular Coordinate
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the xAxis
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#xAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_xAxis <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  add <- .index_add(list(...)$gridIndex)
  .ec_opt(ec, "xAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' yAxis
#' @description The y axis in Rectangular Coordinate
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the yAxis
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#yAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_yAxis <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  add <- .index_add(list(...)$gridIndex)
  .ec_opt(ec, "yAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Polar Coordinate====

#' polor
#' @description Polar Coordinate.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the polor.
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#polar}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_polar <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "polar", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' angleAxis
#' @description The angle axis in Polar Coordinate.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the angleAxis.
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#angleAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_angleAxis <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  add <- .index_add(list(...)$polarIndex)
  .ec_opt(ec, "angleAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' radiusAxis
#' @description The Radial axis in Polar Coordinate.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the radiusAxis.
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#radiusAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_radiusAxis <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  add <- .index_add(list(...)$polarIndex)
  .ec_opt(ec, "radiusAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Radar Coordinate====

#' radar
#' @description Radar Coordinate.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the radar
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#radar}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_radar <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "radar", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Parallel Coordinates====

#' parallel
#' @description Parallel Coordinates
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the parallel
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#parallel}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_parallel <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "parallel", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' parallelAxis
#' @description the coordinate axis for Parallel Coordinates.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the parallelAxis
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#parallelAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_parallelAxis <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "parallelAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Single Coordinates====

#' singleAxis
#' @description An axis with a single dimension
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the singleAxis
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#singleAxis}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_singleAxis <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "singleAxis", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Calendar Coordinates====

#' calendar
#' @description Calendar Coordinates
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the calendar
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#calendar}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_calendar <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "calendar", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

## Geographic Coordinates====

#' geo
#' @description Geographic Coordinates
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the geo
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#geo}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_geo <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "geo", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' Register map
#' @description  Register a \href{geojson}{http://geojson.org/} map.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param mapName Name of map
#' @param geoJson \href{Geojson}{http://geojson.org/}.
#' @param specialAreas specialAreas
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data("USA_geojson", package = "echarter")
#' USArrests_ <- USArrests %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(states = row.names(.))
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_registerMap("USA", USA_geojson) %>%
#'   ec_add_series(
#'     type = 'map', mapType = 'USA',
#'     data = USArrests_,
#'     mapping = ecaes(name = states, value = Murder)) %>%
#'   ec_visualMap(
#'     calculable = TRUE,
#'     min = 0, max = 20, text = c("high", "low"),
#'     color = c('#d94e5d','#eac736')) %>%
#'   ec_tooltip(trigger = 'item',formatter = '{b}: {c}')
#' @export
ec_registerMap <- function(ec, mapName, geoJson, specialAreas = NULL){
  ec$x$registerMap <- TRUE
  ec$x$mapName <- mapName
  ec$x$geoJSON <- geoJson
  ec$x$specialAreas <- specialAreas

## dataset====

#' dataset
#' @description dataset for echarts, brings convenience in data management
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param data An R object like json, data.frame, matrix.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the dataset
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#dataset}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_dataset <- function (ec, data, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {


  if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'id')){
    id <- list(...)[['id']]
      id <- 0
      id <- ec$x$opt$dataset$id + 1

  if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'source')){
    if(class(list(...)[['source']]) == "json"){
      source <- list(...)[['source']]
      dimensions <- NULL
      source <- jsonlite::toJSON(setNames(list(...)[['source']], NULL))

      if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'dimensions')){
        dimensions <- list(...)[['dimensions']]
        dimensions <- colnames(list(...)[['source']])
    if(class(data) == "json"){
      source <- data
      dimensions <- NULL
      source <- jsonlite::toJSON(setNames(data, NULL))

      if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'dimensions')){
        dimensions <- list(...)[['dimensions']]
        dimensions <- colnames(data)

  if(rlang::has_name(list(...), 'sourceHeader')){
    sourceHeader <- list(...)[['sourceHeader']]
    sourceHeader <- FALSE

    ec, "dataset", baseoption = baseoption, add = add,
    id = id, source = source, dimensions = dimensions,
    sourceHeader = sourceHeader)

## others component====

#' mark
#' @description Mark an point, line, area in echarts
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param markname The mark name, markPoint, markLine, markArea
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the mark.
#'    markPoint see (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#series-line.markPoint}).
#'    markLine see (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#series-line.markLine}).
#'    markArea see (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#series-line.markArea}).
#' @param serie The serie index of ec
#' @rdname ec_mark
#' @export
ec_mark <- function(ec, ..., markname = 'markPoint', serie = NULL){


  markArray <- c("markPoint", "markLine", "markArea")

  if(!(markname %in% markArray)){
    stop('markname must in markPoint,markLine,markArea!')

  n <- length(ec$x$opt$series)

    index <- 1
      index <- .get_seriesindex(ec, serie)
      if(serie > n)
        stop('Index must less than or qeual to series number!')

      index <- serie

  mark <- list(...)

    ec$x$opt$series[[index]][[markname]] <- append(ec$x$opt$series[[index]][[markname]], mark)
    ec$x$opt$series[[index]][[markname]]$data <- append(ec$x$opt$series[[index]][[markname]], list(mark$data))


#' @rdname ec_mark
#' @export
ec_markPoint <- function(ec, ..., serie = NULL){
  ec_mark(ec, ..., markname = 'markPoint', serie = NULL)

#' @rdname ec_mark
#' @export
ec_markLine <- function(ec, ..., serie = NULL){
  ec_mark(ec, ..., markname = 'markLine', serie = NULL)

#' @rdname ec_mark
#' @export
ec_markArea <- function(ec, ..., serie = NULL){
  ec_mark(ec, ..., markname = 'markArea', serie = NULL)

#' tooltip
#' @description tooltip component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the tooltip
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#tooltip}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_tooltip <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "tooltip", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' toolbox
#' @description toolbox component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the toolbox
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#toolbox}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_toolbox  <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "toolbox", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' visualMap
#' @description visualMap component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the visualMap
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#visualMap}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_visualMap <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "visualMap", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' dataZoom
#' @description dataZoom component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the dataZoom
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#dataZoom}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_dataZoom <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "dataZoom", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' graphic
#' @description graphic component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the graphic
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#graphic}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_graphic <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "graphic", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' brush
#' @description brush component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the brush
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#brush}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_brush <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "brush", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' timeline
#' @description timeline component.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the timeline
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#timeline}).
#' @param baseoption default TRUE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_timeline <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = TRUE, add = FALSE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "timeline", baseoption = baseoption, add = add, ...)

#' options
#' @description echarts options
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ecs An \code{echarter} object list.
#' @export
ec_options <- function(ec, ecs){


  n = length(ecs)
  if(n < 2L)
    stop('At least 2 echarts object!')

  if(any(sapply(ecs, function(a){!is.echart(a)})))
    stop('All objects should be echarts object!')

  options = lapply(ecs, function(a) a$x$opt)

  ec$x$opt$options <- lapply(ecs, function(a) a$x$opt)


#' timeline2
#' @description timeline component.
#' @param ecs An \code{echarter} object list.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the timeline
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#timeline}).
#' @export
ec_timeline2 <- function(ecs, ...){

  timeline_opt = list(...)

  n = length(ecs)
  if(n < 2L)
    stop('At least 2 echarts object!')
    stop('All objects should be echarts object!')

  options = lapply(ecs, function(a) a$x$opt)

    timeline_opt$data = 1:n

  x = list(
    opt = list(
      baseOption = list(timeline = timeline_opt),
      options = options),
    theme = ecs[[1]]$x$theme,
    dispose = ecs[[1]]$x$dispose,
    renderer = ecs[[1]]$x$renderer)

  ec = htmlwidgets::createWidget(
    'echarter', x,
    package = 'echarter', width = NULL, height = NULL

#' media
#' @description media component for responsive.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param query query
#' @param option default FALSE
#' @param add default TRUE
#' @export
ec_media <- function(ec, query, option, baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "media", baseoption = FALSE, add = add, ...)

#' aria
#' @description generating description for charts automatically.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#aria}).
#' @param baseoption default FALSE
#' @param add default FALSE
#' @export
ec_aria <- function(ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE){
  .ec_opt(ec, "aria", baseoption = FALSE, add = add, ...)

## series ====

#' series
#' @description series.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the series
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#series}).
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(echarter)
#' weekDays <- c('Mon','Tues','Wed','Thurs','Fri','Sat','Sun')
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_xAxis(type = 'category', data = weekDays) %>%
#'   ec_yAxis(type = 'value') %>%
#'   ec_series(
#'     type = 'line',
#'     name = 'Apple',
#'     data = as.integer(runif(7, 20,100)))
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_xAxis(type = 'category', data = weekDays) %>%
#'   ec_yAxis(type = 'value') %>%
#'   ec_add_series(
#'     type = 'line',
#'     name = 'Apple',
#'     data = as.integer(runif(7, 20,100)))
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   saleNum = round(runif(21, 20, 100), 0),
#'   fruit = c(rep("Apple", 7), rep("Pear", 7), rep("Banana", 7)),
#'   weekDay = c(rep(weekDays,3)),
#'   price = round(runif(21, 10, 20), 0),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' dat_sp <- dat %>%
#'   select(fruit, weekDay, saleNum) %>%
#'   tidyr::spread(fruit, saleNum) %>%
#'   arrange(match(weekDay, weekDays))
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_xAxis(type = 'category', data = weekDays) %>%
#'   ec_yAxis(type = 'value') %>%
#'   ec_dataset(data = dat_sp) %>%
#'   ec_series(
#'     name = "Apple",
#'     datasetIndex = 0,
#'     type = 'line', encode = list(y = "Apple")) %>%
#'   ec_series(
#'     name = "Banana",
#'     datasetIndex = 0,
#'     type = 'line', encode = list(y = 2, tooltip = c(0, 3)))
#' @export
ec_series <- function (ec, ..., baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE) {
  .ec_opt(ec, "series", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

## gl component====

#' globe
#' @description The component provides the drawing of the Earth and the coordinate system. The developer can display 3D Scatter, 3D Bubble, 3D Bar, 3D Lines on it.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#globe}).
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(dnb_land_ocean_ice, package = "echarter")
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_globe(
#'     show = TRUE,
#'     shading = 'color',
#'     environment = '#000', heightTexture = NULL,
#'     globeOuterRadius = 100,
#'     baseTexture = dnb_land_ocean_ice,
#'     viewControl = list(
#'       autoRotate = TRUE
#'     )
#'   )
#' @export
ec_globe <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "globe", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' geo3D
#' @description The component can draw a 3D GeoJSON and coordinate system. Developers can display 3D Scatter, 3D Bubble, 3D Bar, 3D Lines on it.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#geo3D}).
#' @export
ec_geo3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "geo3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' mapbox3D
#' @description The component can draw a 3D GeoJSON and coordinate system. Developers can display 3D Scatter, 3D Bubble, 3D Bar, 3D Lines on it.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#mapbox3D}).
#' @export
ec_mapbox3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "mapbox3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' grid3D
#' @description 3D cartesian coordinate system component. It requires \code{ec_xAxis3D}, \code{ec_yAxis3D} and \code{ec_zAxis3D} axis components to be used together.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#grid3D}).
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # https://echarts.apache.org/examples/zh/editor.html?c=bar3d-punch-card&gl=1
#' hours <- c('12a', '1a', '2a', '3a', '4a', '5a', '6a',
#'            '7a', '8a', '9a','10a','11a',
#'            '12p', '1p', '2p', '3p', '4p', '5p',
#'            '6p', '7p', '8p', '9p', '10p', '11p')
#' days <- c('Saturday', 'Friday', 'Thursday',
#'           'Wednesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'Sunday')
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   hours = rep(0:23, 7),
#'   days = rep(0:6, 24),
#'   value = round(runif(168,1,100), 0),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' echart() %>%
#'   ec_grid3D(
#'     show = TRUE, boxWidth = 200, boxDepth = 80) %>%
#'   ec_xAxis3D(
#'     show = TRUE, type = 'category',
#'     data = hours) %>%
#'   ec_yAxis3D(
#'     show = TRUE, type = 'category',
#'     data = days) %>%
#'   ec_zAxis3D(
#'     show = TRUE, type = 'value') %>%
#'   ec_series(type = 'bar3D', data = as.matrix(data)) %>%
#'   ec_visualMap(
#'     max = 100,
#'     inRange =  list(
#'       color = c('#313695', '#4575b4', '#74add1',
#'       '#abd9e9', '#e0f3f8', '#ffffbf', '#fee090',
#'       '#fdae61', '#f46d43', '#d73027', '#a50026')
#'     )
#'   )
#' @export
ec_grid3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "grid3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' xAxis3D
#' @description The X-axis in a 3D cartesian coordinate system.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#xAxis3D}).
#' @export
ec_xAxis3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "xAxis3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' yAxis3D
#' @description The Y-axis in a 3D cartesian coordinate system.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#yAxis3D}).
#' @export
ec_yAxis3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "yAxis3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

#' zAxis3D
#' @description The Z-axis in a 3D cartesian coordinate system.
#' @param ec An \code{echarter} object as returned by \code{\link{echart}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the aria
#'    (\url{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#zAxis3D}).
#' @export
ec_zAxis3D <- function(ec, ...){
  .ec_opt(ec, "zAxis3D", baseoption = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)
jeevanyue/echarter documentation built on Oct. 16, 2020, 5:12 a.m.