
Defines functions bibtool bibtool_path bibdesk_clean add_scholar_cites_to_bib read_bibdesk_xml read_bibdesk_static_groups

Documented in add_scholar_cites_to_bib bibdesk_clean bibtool read_bibdesk_static_groups

# Utilities related to creating a cv

#' Run bibtool command line utility
#' @param infile,outfile Input and Output files
#' @param cmds Commands defining operations to be carried out by bibtool on the
#'   bibtex file.
#' @param ... Additional character arguments passed straight to bibtool 
#'   executable
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # remove the Annote field
#' bibtool('in.bib', outfile='in-cleaned.bib', 'delete.field Annote')
#' }
bibtool<-function(infile, ..., cmds=NULL, outfile=NULL) {
  args=c(..., paste("-i", shQuote(path.expand(infile))))
  if(!is.null(outfile)) {
    args=c(args, paste("-o", shQuote(path.expand(outfile))))
  if(!is.null(cmds)) {
    args=c(cmds,"--", shQuote(paste(cmds, collapse=" ")))
  if(system2(bibtool_path(), args=args)!=0)
    stop("Error running bibtool!")

# Return absolute path to bibtool binary
  path=getOption('paperutils.bibtool', Sys.which('bibtool')[[1]])
    if(is.null(getOption('paperutils.bibtool'))) options(paperutils.bibtool=path)
  } else {
      stop("Cannot locate bibtool! Make sure that it is in your path or set",
           " options(paperutils.bibtool='/path/to/bibtool')")

#' Clean up a bibtex file produced by BibDesk
#' Uses the command line \bold{bibtool} program with a custom resource file to 
#' remove over-long fields that can cause problems for bibtex parsers. These
#' include the \code{annote} and \code{bdsk-url-*} and \code{bdsk-file} fields.
#' @param bibin Path to input file
#' @param bibout Path to output file. The default value of \code{NULL} will 
#'   generate a temporary file.
#' @return A character vector containing the path to the output file or 
#'   NA_character_ when conversion fails
#' @export
#' @family bib
#' @examples
#' rsc_file=system.file("bibtool","bibdesk-clean.rsc", package = 'paperutils')
bibdesk_clean<-function(bibin, bibout=NULL) {
    bibout=tempfile(pattern = basename(bibin), fileext = '.bib')
    # clean up annote field which can kill bibtex parser
    rsc_file=system.file("bibtool","bibdesk-clean.rsc", package = 'paperutils', 
                         mustWork = TRUE)
    bibtool(bibin, outfile=bibout, args=paste("-r", shQuote(rsc_file)))
    nat.utils::touch(bibout, reference=bibin)
  }, error=function(e) {NA_character_})

#' Update citation counts in bib file for references with google scholar ids
#' This is a rather specific function designed for my (Greg's) CV, based on
#' initial work by James Manton. The idea is that the bib file (probably
#' produced by BibDesk) contains a list of publications with google ids
#' specified in the bibtex field \code{googlescholarid}; at present these must
#' all have one single google scholar author (denoted by \code{author_id}) as a
#' co-author.
#' The function first cleans up the input bib file by removing long, irrelevant
#' fields. It then fetches the publication list from google scholar for the
#' specified \code{author_id} using \code{\link[scholar]{get_publications}} (
#' which returns a data.frame including the scholar publication ids and citation
#' counts). This information is then merge with the bibtex file and new/updated
#' citation counts are placed in the bibtex field \code{citationnum}.
#' By default the output is written to a new bibtex file called
#' \code{<bibin_stem>_scholarcites.bib}. Note that this process is \emph{lossy}
#' since some fields are dropped and therefore it is \bold{not} recommended to
#' overwrite the original input file.
#' @param author_id The google scholar author id
#' @param bibin,bibout The input and output bibtex files. \code{bibout} defaults
#'   to \code{<bibin_stem>_scholarcites.bib}
#' @param citekeys An optional vector specifying a subset of citekeys to use.
#' @param clean Whether to remove difficult fields / clean up input file
#' @param Force Whether to insist on updating the output file (see
#'   \code{\link[nat.utils]{RunCmdForNewerInput}})
#' @importFrom scholar get_publications
#' @import RefManageR
#' @seealso \code{\link[nat.utils]{RunCmdForNewerInput}},
#'   \code{\link[scholar]{get_publications}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' add_scholar_cites_to_bib("cuXoCA8AAAAJ", 'mypubs.bib')
#' f="~/Greg/ProfessionalAdmin/cv_lyx/JefferisPublications.bib"
#' bdsk_groups=read_bibdesk_static_groups(f)
#' add_scholar_cites_to_bib("cuXoCA8AAAAJ", f, citekeys=bdsk_groups$SelectedCandidates)
#' ## a sample rmarkdown chunk:
#' # nb the block should have options like:
#' # ```r bibstuff, echo=FALSE, results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE```
#' # to avoid potentially distracting messages.
#' library(paperutils)
#' add_scholar_cites_to_bib("cuXoCA8AAAAJ", "~/cv/JefferisPublications.bib")
#' # produces "~/cv/JefferisPublications_scholarcites.bib"
#' library(scholar)
#' gs_prof=get_profile("cuXoCA8AAAAJ")
#' }
#' @export
add_scholar_cites_to_bib<-function(author_id, bibin, bibout=NULL, 
                                   citekeys=NULL, clean=TRUE, Force=TRUE) {
    bibout=file.path(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(bibin), "_scholarcites.bib"))
  update_required=nat.utils::RunCmdForNewerInput(NULL, infiles=bibin, outfiles = bibout, Force=Force)
  if(!update_required) return(invisible(NA_character_))
  if(length(citekeys)) {
    selected_keys=intersect(read_keys, citekeys)
    missing_keys=setdiff(citekeys, read_keys)
      warning(length(missing_keys)," could not be found!")
  for(i in seq_along(r)){
    if(!is.null(gsid)) {
      ml=grep(r[[i]]$googlescholarid, df$cid, fixed = TRUE)
      if(isTRUE(length(ml)==1)) {
      } else {
          warning("Multiple matches for publication: ", r[[i]]$key)
        else nonmatching_gsids=c(nonmatching_gsids, r[[i]]$key)
    } else {
      missing_gsids<-c(missing_gsids, r[[i]]$key)
  if(length(missing_gsids)) {
    warning("unable to determine citation count for ",length(missing_gsids),
            " publications without google scholar ids.\n", 
            paste(missing_gsids, collapse = ","))
  if(length(nonmatching_gsids)) {
    warning("unable to find citation count for ",length(nonmatching_gsids),
            " publications with google scholar ids that could not be matched.\n", 
            paste(nonmatching_gsids, collapse = ","))
  WriteBib(r, bibout)

#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml
#' @importFrom utils head tail
read_bibdesk_xml <- function(x) {
  res=res[grep("BibDesk", names(res))]
    stop("No BibDesk fields in this file!")
  topntail <- function(x) paste(tail(head(x, n=-1L), n=-1L), collapse = "\n")
  res=sapply(res, topntail, simplify = F)
  sapply(res, read_xml, simplify = FALSE)

#' Read in the citekeys for each static group in a BibDesk file
#' @details The function returns a named list with one element for each static
#'   group. Each element contains the bibtex citekey for each item in the
#'   corresponding static group.
#' @param x Path to a BibDesk bib file
#' @return A named list of vectors (see details)
#' @export
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_text xml_find_all
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' res=read_bibdesk_static_groups("~/Greg/ProfessionalAdmin/cv_lyx/JefferisPublications.bib")
#' res$Primary
#' }
read_bibdesk_static_groups <-function(x) {
  r=r[["BibDesk Static Groups"]]
    stop("Unable to identify any BibDesk static group information!")
  vals=xml_text(xml_find_all(r, ".//string"))
  keys=xml_text(xml_find_all(r, ".//key"))
  resl[vals[keys=='group name']]=vals[keys=='keys']
  sapply(resl, function(x) strsplit(x, ",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]], simplify = FALSE)
jefferis/paperutils documentation built on Sept. 20, 2019, 10:20 a.m.