
# parse code chunks with user-specified arguments

parse_code_chunk <- function(chunk, args) {
  chunk_path <- system.file("shiny-examples/scdhlm/code-chunks", paste0(chunk,".R"), package = "scdhlm")
  raw_code <- readLines(chunk_path)
  code_chunk <- paste(raw_code, collapse = "\n")
  glue::glue_data(.x = args, code_chunk)

# paste an object in server for code chunks
paste_object <- function(object) {
  paste("c(", paste(object, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")

# model validation

validate_specification <- function(design, n_outer_levels, 
                                   FE_base, RE_base, FE_trt, RE_trt, 
                                   RE_base2 = NULL, RE_trt2 = NULL) {
  errors <- vector(mode = "character")
  if (!("0" %in% FE_base)) {
    errors <- c(errors, "<font color='red'>Model must include a fixed effect for baseline level.</font>")
  if (!("0" %in% RE_base)) {
    errors <- c(errors, "<font color='red'>Model must include a random effect for baseline level.</font>")
  if (design %in% c("RMBB", "CMB") && !("0" %in% RE_base2)) {
    errors <- c(errors, "<font color='red'>Model must include a random effect for baseline level.</font>")
  if (length(FE_trt)==0) {
    errors <- c(errors, "<font color='red'>Model must include at least one fixed effect for the treatment phase.</font>")

  if (n_outer_levels < 3L) {
    errors <- c(errors, "<font color='red'>Model must include at least three cases. Currently, you have less than three cases.</font>")
  if (length(errors)==0) {
  } else if (length(errors) == 1) {
    error_string <- paste("<b><font color='red'>Error:</font></b>", errors, "<br/>")
  } else {
    error_string <- paste("<b><font color='red'>Errors:</font></b><br/>", paste(errors, collapse = "<br/>"), "<br/>")

# effect size report table

summarize_ES <- function(res, filter_vals, 
                         design, method, 
                         FE_base, RE_base, RE_base_2, 
                         FE_trt, RE_trt, RE_trt_2, 
                         corStruct, varStruct,
                         A, B, coverage = 95L) {
  if (method=="RML") {
    ES_summary <- data.frame(
      ES = as.numeric(res$g_AB),
      SE = as.numeric(res$SE_g_AB)
    if (design %in% c("RMBB", "CMB")) {
      rho_level2 <- round(with(res, (theta$Tau[[1]][1] + theta$Tau[[2]][1]) / 
                           (theta$Tau[[1]][1] + theta$Tau[[2]][1] + theta$sigma_sq)), 3)
      rho_level3 <- round(with(res, theta$Tau[[1]][1] / 
                           (theta$Tau[[1]][1] + theta$Tau[[2]][1] + theta$sigma_sq)), 3)
      res$rho <- paste0("Level2:", rho_level2, "  Level3:", rho_level3)
    } else {
      res$rho <- with(res, theta$Tau[[1]][1] / (theta$Tau[[1]][1] + theta$sigma_sq))
    res$phi <- if (corStruct == "IID") NA_real_ else res$theta$cor_params
    res$var_param <- if (varStruct == "hom") NA_real_ else res$theta$var_params
  } else {
    ES_summary <- data.frame(
      ES = res$delta_hat,
      SE = sqrt(res$V_delta_hat)
  CI <- CI_g(res, cover = coverage / 100L)
  ES_summary$CI_L <- if (CI[1] < 100 & CI[1] > -100) CI[1] else format(CI[1], scientific = TRUE)
  ES_summary$CI_U <- if (CI[2] < 100 & CI[2] > -100) CI[2] else format(CI[2], scientific = TRUE)
  ES_summary$df <- res$nu
  ES_summary$phi <- res$phi
  ES_summary$var_param <- if (method == "RML") res$var_param else NA_real_
  ES_summary$rho <- res$rho
  ES_summary$design <- names(design_names[which(design_names==design)])
  ES_summary$method <- names(estimation_names[which(estimation_names==method)])
  ES_summary$baseline <- paste0("F:", paste(FE_base, collapse = ""), 
                                " R1:", paste(RE_base, collapse = ""),
                                " R2:", paste(RE_base_2, collapse = ""))
  ES_summary$trt <- paste0("F:", paste(FE_trt, collapse = ""), 
                           " R1:", paste(RE_trt, collapse = ""),
                           " R2:", paste(RE_trt_2, collapse = ""))
  if (method=="RML" & design %in% c("MBP", "RMBB", "CMB") & !is.null(A) & !is.null(B)) {
    ES_summary$A <- A
    ES_summary$B <- B
  } else {
    ES_summary$A <- NA
    ES_summary$B <- NA
  CI_names <- paste0(coverage, "% CI ", c("(lower)", "(upper)"))
  row.names(ES_summary) <- NULL
  names(ES_summary) <- c("BC-SMD estimate","Std. Error", CI_names,
                         "Degrees of freedom","Auto-correlation", "Variance parameter", "Intra-class correlation",
                         "Study design","Estimation method",
                         "Baseline specification", "Treatment specification",
                         "Initial treatment time","Follow-up time")
  if (!is.null(filter_vals)) {
    ES_summary <- cbind(ES_summary, filter_vals)
  } else {
    ES_summary <- ES_summary
jepusto/scdhlm documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 4:45 p.m.