
#' Survival Curve
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom uuid UUIDgenerate
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @family Parameters
#' @keywords data
#' @return \code{Param_base} object
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @section Constructor:
#'   \code{define_param(Param_survival, observed_likelihood, intervention_list, ..., outcome_node)}
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{observed_likelihood}}{A \code{\link{Likelihood}} corresponding to the observed likelihood
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{intervention_list}}{A list of objects inheriting from \code{\link{LF_base}}, representing the intervention.
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{...}}{Not currently used.
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{outcome_node}}{character, the name of the node that should be treated as the outcome
#'     }
#'     }

#' @section Fields:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{cf_likelihood}}{the counterfactual likelihood for this treatment
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{intervention_list}}{A list of objects inheriting from \code{\link{LF_base}}, representing the intervention
#'     }
#' }
#' @export
Param_survival <- R6Class(
  classname = "Param_survival",
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  inherit = Param_base,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(observed_likelihood, intervention_list, ..., outcome_node, target_times = NULL) {
      # TODO: check outcome_node, current I(T<=t, delta=1), need I(T=t, delta=1)

      private$.cf_likelihood <- make_CF_Likelihood(observed_likelihood, intervention_list)
      private$.target_times <- target_times
      times <- sort(unique(observed_likelihood$training_task$time))
      private$.times <- times
      if (is.null(target_times)) {
        private$.targeted <- rep(TRUE, length(times))
      } else {
        private$.targeted <- times %in% target_times
      super$initialize(observed_likelihood, ..., outcome_node = outcome_node)
    long_to_mat = function(x, id, time) {
      dt <- data.table(id = id, time = time, x = as.vector(x))
      wide <- dcast(dt, id ~ time, value.var = "x")
      mat <- as.matrix(wide[, -1, with = FALSE])
    hm_to_sm = function(hm) {
      # TODO: check
      sm <- t(apply(1 - hm, 1, cumprod))
      # sm <- cbind(1,sm[,-ncol(sm)])
    clever_covariates_internal = function(tmle_task = NULL, fold_number = "full", subset_times = FALSE) {
      if (is.null(tmle_task)) {
        tmle_task <- self$observed_likelihood$training_task
      intervention_nodes <- names(self$intervention_list)
      pA <- self$observed_likelihood$get_likelihoods(tmle_task, intervention_nodes, fold_number)
      # I(A=1)
      cf_pA <- self$cf_likelihood$get_likelihoods(tmle_task, intervention_nodes, fold_number)

      pN <- self$observed_likelihood$get_likelihoods(tmle_task, "N", fold_number)
      # TODO: make bound configurable
      pN <- bound(pN, 0.005)

      pA_c <- self$observed_likelihood$get_likelihoods(tmle_task, "A_c", fold_number)

      time <- tmle_task$time
      id <- tmle_task$id
      long_order <- order(id, time)

      pA_mat <- self$long_to_mat(pA, id, time)
      t_mat <- self$long_to_mat(time, id, time)

      cf_pA_mat <- self$long_to_mat(cf_pA, id, time)
      pN_mat <- self$long_to_mat(pN, id, time)
      pA_c_mat <- self$long_to_mat(pA_c, id, time)
      SN_mat <- self$hm_to_sm(pN_mat)
      SA_c_mat <- self$hm_to_sm(pA_c_mat)

      # fix t-1
      SA_c_mat <- cbind(1, SA_c_mat[, -ncol(SA_c_mat)])

      ks <- sort(unique(time))

      hk_all <- lapply(ks, function(k) {
        Ikt <- k <= t_mat
        SN_mat_k <- matrix(SN_mat[, k], nrow = nrow(t_mat), ncol = ncol(t_mat))
        SA_c_mat_k <- matrix(SA_c_mat[, k], nrow = nrow(t_mat), ncol = ncol(t_mat))
        hk <- -1 * ((cf_pA_mat * Ikt) / (pA_mat * SA_c_mat_k)) * (SN_mat / SN_mat_k)

      # TODO: this might need to be reordered
      HA <- do.call(rbind, hk_all)

      if (subset_times & !is.null(self$target_times)) {
        HA[, !(ks %in% self$target_times)] <- 0
      return(list(N = HA))
    clever_covariates = function(tmle_task, fold_number = "full") {
      self$clever_covariates_internal(tmle_task, fold_number, subset_times = TRUE)
    estimates = function(tmle_task = NULL, fold_number = "full") {
      if (is.null(tmle_task)) {
        tmle_task <- self$observed_likelihood$training_task

      cf_task <- self$cf_likelihood$enumerate_cf_tasks(tmle_task)[[1]]

      # TODO: return format
      # TODO: share work between this and the IC code
      HA <- self$clever_covariates_internal(tmle_task, fold_number, subset_times = FALSE)[["N"]]

      time <- tmle_task$time
      id <- tmle_task$id

      pN1 <- self$observed_likelihood$get_likelihoods(cf_task, "N", fold_number)

      # TODO: make bound configurable
      pN1 <- bound(pN1, 0.005)
      pN1_mat <- self$long_to_mat(pN1, id, time)
      SN1_mat <- self$hm_to_sm(pN1_mat)
      psi <- colMeans(SN1_mat)
      T_tilde <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node("T_tilde")
      Delta <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node("Delta")
      k <- time
      Ittkd <- (T_tilde == k) & (Delta == 1)
      Ittk <- (T_tilde >= k)

      resid <- as.vector(Ittkd - (Ittk * pN1))
      D1_tk <- HA * resid

      # zero out entries that don't contribute to sum
      ts <- sort(unique(k))
      t_mat <- matrix(ts, nrow = nrow(D1_tk), ncol = ncol(D1_tk), byrow = TRUE)
      Itk <- (k <= t_mat)
      D1_tk <- D1_tk * Itk
      D1_tk_dt <- data.table(id = id, k = time, D1_tk)

      # sum to IC for 1:N ids
      D1 <- D1_tk_dt[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = list(id), .SDcols = as.character(ts)]
      D1 <- as.matrix(D1[, -1, with = FALSE])

      psi_mat <- matrix(psi, nrow = nrow(D1), ncol = ncol(D1), byrow = TRUE)
      D2 <- SN1_mat - psi_mat

      IC <- D1 + D2

      # copy IC to make it match the observation structure
      # TODO: consider if this is the best approach
      IC_id <- sort(unique(id))
      IC_long <- IC[match(id, IC_id), ]
      result <- list(psi = psi, IC = IC_long)
  active = list(
    # TODO: modify
    name = function() {
      param_form <- sprintf("E[P(T > %s|%s, W)]", self$times, self$cf_likelihood$name)
    cf_likelihood = function() {
    intervention_list = function() {
    update_nodes = function() {
    times = function() {
    target_times = function() {
  private = list(
    .type = "survival",
    .cf_likelihood = NULL,
    .supports_outcome_censoring = TRUE,
    .times = NULL,
    .target_times = NULL
jeremyrcoyle/tmle3 documentation built on May 20, 2022, 7:36 a.m.