
Defines functions assert assert_bool assert_cols assert_dataframe

Documented in assert assert_bool assert_cols assert_dataframe

#' Assert that an Object Is a Data Frame
#' `assert_dataframe()` checks whether the input object is a data frame. If so,
#' it returns the object; if not, it throws an error.
#' @param x An object to check
#' @param arg The name of the object; will be set to the name of the input if
#'   left `NULL`. This is useful for creating more informative errors.
#' @return The input, `x`
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
assert_dataframe <- function(x, arg = NULL) {

  if (is.null(arg)) {
    arg <- rlang::ensym(x) %>% rlang::as_label()

  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
  } else {
      paste(arg, "must be a data frame or data frame extension"),
      class = "error_assert_dataframe"

#' Assert That a Data Frame Selection Matches the Specified Type and Length
#' `assert_cols()` checks whether columns selected using `...` match the given
#' prototype and/or number of columns. If so, it returns the data frame;
#' otherwise, it throws an error.
#' @param .data A data frame or data frame extension (e.g. a `tibble`)
#' @param ... `<tidy-select>` One or more selection specifications for a set of
#'   columns in the dataframe
#' @param ptype The prototype that the selected columns should match
#' @param n The number of columns that should be selected
#' @return The input object, `.data`
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
assert_cols <- function(.data, ..., ptype = NULL, n = NULL) {

  # Ensure that `.data` is a dataframe

  # Get selected columns from `.data` prototype
  selection <- dplyr::select(vec_ptype(.data), ...)

  # Assert that columns are all of `ptype`
    ~ vec_assert(selection[[.x]], ptype = ptype, arg = .x)

  # Assert that `n` columns were matched
    NCOL(selection) == n,
    message = paste(n, "columns must be selected"),
    class = "error_assert_cols"

#' Assert that an Object is Boolean
#' `assert_bool()` checks whether an object is (scalar) Boolean using
#' \code{\link[rlang:is_bool]{is_bool()}}.
#' @param x An object to test
#' @param arg Optional argument name to display in error messages. If not
#'   provided, the input `x` is parsed to a name using `expr_label(enexpr(x))`.
#' @return `x`, invisibly
#' @export
assert_bool <- function(x, arg = NULL) {
  if (is.null(arg)) arg <- rlang::expr_label(rlang::enexpr(x))
    message = paste0(arg, " must evaluate to `TRUE` or `FALSE`"),
    class = "error_assert_bool"


#' Flexible Error Assertion
#' `assert_all()` and `assert_any()` are functions that require all or any of
#' the expressions in `...` to be `TRUE`. They are more flexible versions of
#' \code{\link[base:stopifnot]{stopifnot()}} that also provide the conditioning
#' system benefits of \code{\link[rlang:abort]{abort()}}. They are powered
#' (and generalized) by `assert()`.
#' `assert()` evaluates logical expressions and throws an error if the
#' conditions specified by `reduce` are not met. It allows any combination of
#' logical conditions (not just "all `TRUE`" or "any `TRUE`") and provides the
#' conditioning system benefits of \code{\link[rlang:abort]{abort()}}.
#' @inheritParams rlang::abort
#' @param ... Unnamed expressions that describe the conditions to be tested
#' @param data Additional data to be stored in the condition object
#' @param reduce A function that takes a vector of logical values as an argument
#'   and returns a single logical value. `reduce` is given the results of the
#'     expressions in `...` and decides whether the assertion passed or failed.
#'     The default is \code{\link[base:all]{all()}} (i.e. all expressions must
#'     be `TRUE`), but any function that meets the criteria above is acceptable.
#' @return `TRUE` if the assertions evaluate to `TRUE`, otherwise an error
#'   condition
#' @aliases assert_any assert_all
#' @export
assert <- function(
  message = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  parent = NULL,
  reduce = base::all
) {
  # Store dots in list; flatten if needed
  dots <- rlang::list2(...) %>%
    purrr::map(~ purrr::when(.x, is.list(.) ~ purrr::flatten_lgl(.), ~ .))

  exprs <- purrr::map_chr(rlang::enexprs(...), rlang::expr_label)

  # Check that dots are all logical
  purrr::map2(dots, exprs, ~ vec_assert(.x, ptype = logical(), arg = .y))

  # Reduce dots to one scalar logical
  success_vec <- purrr::map_lgl(dots, reduce)
  success <- reduce(success_vec)

  # Check that `success` is scalar logical
  if (!rlang::is_scalar_logical(success)) {
      "`reduce` must be a function that accepts a logical vector",
      "and returns a single logical value"

  # If successful, return `success`
  # Else throw an error
  if (success) return(invisible(success))
  msg <- create_assert_msg(
    exprs = exprs,
    success_vec = success_vec,
    message = message,
    class = class,
    reduce = reduce
    message = msg,
    class = class,
    trace = trace,
    parent = parent

#' @rdname assert
#' @export
assert_all <- function(
  message = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  parent = NULL
) {

  if (is.null(trace)) {
    trace <- rlang::trace_back()

    message = message,
    class = class,
    data = data,
    trace = trace,
    parent = parent,
    reduce = base::all

#' @rdname assert
#' @export
assert_any <- function(
  message = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  parent = NULL
) {

  if (is.null(trace)) {
    trace <- rlang::trace_back()

    message = message,
    class = class,
    data = data,
    trace = trace,
    parent = parent,
    reduce = base::any


#' Create an Error Message for `assert()`
#' `create_assert_msg()` creates an error message for a failure in
#' \code{\link[coviData:assert]{assert()}} if both `message` and `class` are
#' `NULL`.
#' @inheritParams assert
#' @return An error message as a character string. If `message` is provided,
#' then `message`; if `class` is provided, then `""`. Otherwise, a string
#' listing the failed assertions in `...`
#' @noRd
create_assert_msg <- function(exprs, success_vec, message, class, reduce) {

  if (!is.null(message)) {
  } else if (!is.null(class)) {

  bullets <- exprs[!success_vec] %>%
    set_names(rep("x", times = length(.))) %>%
    rlang::format_error_bullets() %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all("[`]{2,}", replacement = "`")

  if (identical(reduce, base::any)) {
    one_of <- " one of "
  } else {
    one_of <- ""

    "An assertion in this code has failed. To pass the assertion, ",
    "the following must be `TRUE` (but is not):\n",
jesse-smith/coviData documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 11:08 a.m.