#' Prepare Vaccine Data for Analysis
#' @description
#' `vac_prep()` prepares vaccination data for analysis. It performs the
#' following steps:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Standardize variable names}
#' \item{Extract ZIP codes; convert non-Shelby to `"Other"`, invalid to `NA`}
#' \item{Determine Shelby County residency based on ZIP}
#' \item{Convert `dose_count` to `integer`}
#' }
#' @param data Vaccination data, as loaded by
#' \code{\link[coviData:read_vac]{read_vac()}}
#' @param distinct Should data be de-duplicated to distinct individuals? The
#' latest valid dose will be kept.
#' @param filter_doses Should invalid doses be removed?
#' @param filter_residents Should records for individuals outside of Shelby Co
#' be removed? This retains records whose residence is unknown.
#' @return A `tibble`
#' @export
vac_prep <- function(
data = read_vac(date = date),
distinct = FALSE,
filter_doses = FALSE,
filter_residents = FALSE,
date = NULL
) {
date <- coviData::date_vac(date)
vacs <- data %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
vacs$status <- dplyr::case_when(
vacs$cvx_code %in% c("300", "229", "301", "230", "302") ~ "Bivalent Booster",
is.na(vacs$recip_fully_vacc) ~ "Initiated",
vacs$recip_fully_vacc == FALSE ~ "Initiated",
vacs$recip_fully_vacc == TRUE ~ "Completed/Monovalent Booster"
#some people have a bivalent dose and a different dose after that.
#we want to delineate based on if they have a bivalent dose or not.
#may a dummy variable to note a higher dose count for those who have a bivalent dose, so we can keep them in the distinct filtering instead of their non-bivalent dose
vacs$dose_count_real <- vacs$dose_count
vacs$dose_count <- dplyr::case_when(
vacs$status == "Bivalent Booster" ~ as.integer(100 + vacs$dose_count_real),
TRUE ~ vacs$dose_count_real
#if their bivalent dose is their second or later dose, count as fully vaccinated. If it is their first dose, count at initiated
vacs$recip_fully_vacc <- dplyr::case_when(
vacs$status == "Bivalent Booster" & vacs$dose_count_real > 1 ~ TRUE,
vacs$status == "Bivalent Booster" & vacs$dose_count_real == 1 ~ FALSE,
TRUE ~ vacs$recip_fully_vacc
vacs <- vacs %>%
purrr::when(distinct ~ vac_distinct(.), ~ .)
vacs$dose_count <- vacs$dose_count_real
vacs <- vacs %>% dplyr::select(-dose_count_real)
#' Parse Zip Codes from Vaccination Data
#' `vac_parse_zip()` parses ZIP codes from the `address_zip` field in
#' vaccination data. It extracts the first 5-digit sequence in the field and
#' compares with a list of valid Shelby County ZIP codes.
#' @param string A `character` vector of ZIP codes
#' @return A `character` vector of 5-digit ZIP codes. Invalid values are
#' converted to missing; valid ZIP codes outside Shelby County are converted
#' to `"Other"`.
#' @export
vac_parse_zip <- function(string) {
valid_zip <- paste0(coviData::shelby_zip, collapse = "|")
string %>%
stringr::str_extract("[0-9]{5}") %>%
{dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(., valid_zip), ., "Other")}
#' Create and Transform Variables in Vaccination Data
#' @param data Vaccination data from TennIIS
#' @return The data with parsed `address_zip`, `integer` `dose_count`, and
#' added columns `resident` (`logical`), `max_doses` (`integer`),
#' `recip_fully_vacc` (`logical`)
#' @keywords internal
vac_mutate <- function(data) {
address_zip = vac_parse_zip(.data[["address_zip"]]),
resident = .data[["address_zip"]] != "Other",
dose_count = as.integer(.data[["dose_count"]]),
max_doses = dplyr::case_when(
.data[["cvx_code"]] %in% c("219") ~ 3L, #this is pfizer's 3-dose vaccine for those under 5
.data[["cvx_code"]] %in% c("212") ~ 1L,
.data[["cvx_code"]] %in% c("207", "208", "217", "218", "210", "221", "228", "211") ~ 2L,
TRUE ~ NA_integer_
recip_fully_vacc = .data[["dose_count"]] >= .data[["max_doses"]]
# vac_mutate <- function(data) {
# dplyr::mutate(
# data,
# address_zip = vac_parse_zip(.data[["address_zip"]]),
# resident = .data[["address_zip"]] != "Other",
# dose_count = as.integer(.data[["dose_count"]]),
# max_doses = dplyr::case_when(
# .data[["cvx_code"]] %in% c("210", "212") ~ 1L,
# .data[["cvx_code"]] %in% c("207", "208", "217", "218") ~ 2L,
# TRUE ~ NA_integer_
# ),
# recip_fully_vacc = .data[["dose_count"]] == .data[["max_doses"]]
# )
# }
#' Filter to Valid Doses in Vaccination Data
#' @param data Vaccination data with `numeric` `dose_count` and `max_doses`
#' columns
#' @return `data` filtered to valid doses
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
vac_filter_doses <- function(data) {
.data[["dose_count"]] <= 2L
# .data[["dose_count"]] <= .data[["max_doses"]] | is.na(.data[["max_doses"]])
#' Filter to Possible Shelby Residents in Vaccination Data
#' @param data Vaccination data with `logical` `resident` column
#' @return `data` filtered to potential residents
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
vac_filter_residents <- function(data) {
dplyr::filter(data, .data[["resident"]] | is.na(.data[["resident"]]))
#' Deduplicate Vaccination Data
#' Create distinct vaccination data. Sorts by `dose_count` prior to calling
#' \code{\link[dplyr:distinct]{distinct()}}.
#' @param data Vaccination data
#' @param cols \code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_data_masking]{<data masking>}}
#' `character` vector of variables to use when determining uniqueness. If
#' there are multiple rows for a given combination of inputs, only the first
#' row will be preserved. The default de-duplicates by person.
#' @param desc Should `dose_count` be
#' \code{\link[dplyr:arrange]{arrange}}`d` in descending order?
#' @return An object of the same type as `data`. The output has the following
#' properties: \itemize{
#' \item Rows are a subset of the input but appear in the same order
#' \item Columns are not modified
#' \item Groups are not modified
#' \item Data frame attributes are preserved
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
vac_distinct <- function(
cols = "asiis_pat_id_ptr",
desc = TRUE
) {
cols <- select_colnames(data, !!!as.list(cols))
cols <- rlang::syms(cols)
data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.row_id_tmp_ = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
purrr::when(.data[["dose_count"]], desc ~ dplyr::desc(.), ~ .)
) %>%
dplyr::distinct(., !!!cols, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data[[".row_id_tmp_"]]) %>%
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