#' Tabluate Summary Investigation Numbers
#' @param data Case data, as output by
#' \code{\link[coviData:process-nbs]{pos(process_inv())}}
#' @param nit_token API token/key for accessing the NIT REDcap project
#' @param prior_contacts Number of contacts recorded prior to REDcap
#' implementation
#' @param date The download date of `data`; defaults to most recent
#' @return A `flextable`
#' @export
inv_table_total <- function(
data = pos(process_inv(read_inv(date = date))),
nit_token = Sys.getenv("redcap_NIT_token"),
prior_contacts = 45669L,
date = NULL
) {
inv_opened_lbl <- "Opened Investigations"
inv_closed_lbl <- "Closed Investigations"
contacts_total_lbl <- "Contacts Identified to Date"
contacts_14_lbl <- "Contacts Identified in Last 14 Days"
data %>%
nit_token = nit_token,
prior_contacts = prior_contacts,
date = date
) %>%
measure = dplyr::case_when(
.data[["measure"]] == "inv_opened" ~ {{ inv_opened_lbl }},
.data[["measure"]] == "inv_closed" ~ {{ inv_closed_lbl }},
.data[["measure"]] == "contacts_total" ~ {{ contacts_total_lbl }},
.data[["measure"]] == "contacts_14" ~ contacts_14_lbl,
TRUE ~ NA_character_
) %>%
flextable::flextable() %>%
flextable::set_header_labels(measure = "Number of...", n = "N") %>%
values = "Data Source: Shelby County Health Department"
) %>%
fmt_covid_table() %>%
#' Calculate Summary Investigation Numbers
#' @inheritParams inv_table_total
#' @return A `tibble`
#' @keywords internal
inv_calc_total <- function(
data = pos(process_inv(read_inv(date = date))),
nit_token = Sys.getenv("redcap_NIT_token"),
prior_contacts = 45669L,
date = NULL
) {
opened_inv <- NROW(data)
closed_inv <- NROW(
dplyr::filter(data, .data[["investigation_status_cd"]] == "C")
if (is.null(date)) {
date <- date_inv(date)
date <- lubridate::as_date(date)
contacts <- redcap_contacts(date)
contacts_total <- sum(contacts[["n"]], na.rm = TRUE) + prior_contacts
contacts_14 <- contacts %>%
dplyr::filter({{ date }} - 13L <= .data[["date"]]) %>%
dplyr::pull("n") %>%
sum(na.rm = TRUE)
~ measure, ~ n,
"inv_opened", opened_inv,
"inv_closed", closed_inv,
"contacts_total", contacts_total,
"contacts_14", contacts_14
#' Download and Summarize REDcap Contacts by Date
#' @param date The date through which to summarize data
#' @param nit_token API token/key for NIT REDcap project
#' @return A `tibble` with columns `date` and `n` and rows for each day from
#' `2021-02-02` to the date given in the `date` parameter
#' @noRd
redcap_contacts <- function(
min_date = as.Date("2021-02-02"),
contacts_only = TRUE,
nit_token = Sys.getenv("redcap_NIT_token")
) {
min_dt <- lubridate::as_date(min_date)
max_dt <- lubridate::as_date(date)
filter <- paste0(
if (contacts_only) '[n_contacts] > 0 AND ' else '',
'"', min_dt, ' 00:00:00" <= [date] AND [date] <= "', max_dt, ' 23:59:59"'
api_url <- "https://redcap.shelbycountytn.gov/api/"
params <- list(
token = nit_token,
content = "record",
format = "json",
rawOrLabels = "raw",
rawOrLabelHeaders = "raw",
filterLogic = filter,
`fields[0]` = "date",
`fields[1]` = "n_contacts"
url = api_url,
body = params,
encode = "form",
httr::progress(con = stderr())
) %>%
httr::stop_for_status(paste("RedCAP download:", httr::content(.))) %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
date = coviData::std_dates(
dplyr::na_if(.data[["date"]], ""),
orders = c("ymdR", "ymdT", "ymd"),
train = FALSE,
force = "dt"
n = tidyr::replace_na(as.integer(.data[["n_contacts"]]), replace = 0L)
) %>%
{{ min_dt }} <= .data[["date"]],
.data[["date"]] <= {{ max_dt }}
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["date"]]) %>%
dplyr::summarize(n = sum(.data[["n"]], na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
"date" = seq(min_dt, max_dt, by = 1L),
fill = list(n = 0L)
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