
#' Plot regression discontinuity
#' \code{RDplot} adds additional features to \code{\link[rdd]{plot.RD}} (\pkg{rdd}). 
#' @param x A model fit with \code{\link[rdd]{RDestimate}} (\pkg{rdd})
#' @param gran The granularity of the plot. This specifies the number of points 
#' to either side of the cutpoint for which the estimate is calculated.
#' @param bins If the dependent variable is binary, include the number of bins 
#' within which to average
#' @param which Identifies which of the available plots to display. For a sharp design, 
#' the only possibility is 1, the plot of the running variable against the outcome variable. 
#' For a fuzzy design, an additional plot, 2, may also be displayed, showing the relationship 
#' between the running variable and the treatment variable. Both plots may be displayed 
#' with which=c(1,2)
#' @param range The range of values of the running variable for which to plot. This should 
#' be a vector of length two of the format c(min,max). To plot from the minimum to the maximum 
#' value, simply enter c("min","max"). The default is a window 20 times wider than the first 
#' listed bandwidth from the rd object, truncated by the min/max values of the running variable 
#' from the data.
#' @param col Colors to distinguish before and after the discontinuity. 
#' @param pts Should points be plotted. Defaults to TRUE. 
#' @param xlab Label for the horizontal axis
#' @param ylab Label for the vertical axis
#' @param main Title for the plot
#' @author Jonah Gabry <jsg2201@@columbia.edu>. See \code{\link[rdd]{plot.RD}} in (\pkg{rdd})
#' for the author of the original function. 
#' @seealso \code{\link[rdd]{plot.RD}} 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RDplot()

RDplot <- function (x, gran = 400, bins = 100, which = 1, range, 
                    col = c("black", "black"), pts = TRUE, 
                    xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "Plot of Regression Discontinuity", ...) 
  labs <- c(xlab, ylab, main)
  frm <- FALSE
  if ("frame" %in% names(x$call)) 
    frm <- eval.parent(x$call$frame)
  if (!frm) {
    x$call$frame <- TRUE
    x$call$verbose <- FALSE
    x <- eval.parent(x$call)
  d <- as.data.frame(x$frame)
  if (length(x$na.action) > 0) 
    d <- d[-x$na.action, ]
  if ("kernel" %in% names(x$call)) 
    kern <- eval.parent(x$call$kernel)
  else kern <- "triangular"
  if ("cutpoint" %in% names(x$call)) 
    cut <- eval.parent(x$call$cutpoint)
  else cut <- 0
  bw <- x$bw[1]
  if (missing(range)) {
    range <- c(cut - 10 * bw, cut + 10 * bw)
    if (range[1] < min(d$X)) 
      range[1] <- min(d$X)
    if (range[2] > max(d$X)) 
      range[2] <- max(d$X)
  if (range[1] == "min") 
    range[1] <- min(d$X)
  if (range[2] == "max") 
    range[2] <- max(d$X)
  range <- as.double(range)
  rdplot <- function(d, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, main = NA) {
    d.l <- data.frame(X = d$X[d$X < cut], Y = d$Y[d$X < cut])
    lval <- seq(range[1], cut, length.out = (gran%/%2))
    lest <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    llwr <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    lupr <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    for (i in 1:(gran%/%2)) {
      sub <- d.l$X >= (lval[i] - bw) & d.l$X <= (lval[i] + 
      w <- kernelwts(X = d.l$X[sub], center = lval[i], 
                     bw = bw, kernel = kern)
      ly <- d.l$Y[sub]
      lx <- d.l$X[sub]
      if (length(lx) <= 2) 
        pred <- rep(NA, 3)
      else pred <- predict(lm(ly ~ lx, weights = w), interval = "confidence", 
                           newdata = data.frame(lx = lval[i]))
      lest[i] <- pred[1]
      llwr[i] <- pred[2]
      lupr[i] <- pred[3]
    d.r <- data.frame(X = d$X[d$X >= cut], Y = d$Y[d$X >= 
    rval <- seq(cut, range[2], length.out = (gran%/%2))
    rest <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    rlwr <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    rupr <- vector(length = (gran%/%2))
    for (i in 1:(gran%/%2)) {
      sub <- d.r$X >= (rval[i] - bw) & d.r$X <= (rval[i] + 
      w <- kernelwts(X = d.r$X[sub], center = rval[i], 
                     bw = bw, kernel = kern)
      ry <- d.r$Y[sub]
      rx <- d.r$X[sub]
      if (length(rx) <= 2) 
        pred <- rep(NA, 3)
      else pred <- predict(lm(ry ~ rx, weights = w), interval = "confidence", 
                           newdata = data.frame(rx = rval[i]))
      rest[i] <- pred[1]
      rlwr[i] <- pred[2]
      rupr[i] <- pred[3]
    if (length(unique(d$Y)) == 2) {
      ep <- (max(d$X) - min(d$X))/(2 * bins)
      nX <- seq(min(d$X) - ep, max(d$X) + ep, length = bins + 
      nY <- rep(NA, length(nX))
      for (i in (1:(length(nX) - 1))) {
        if (sum(!is.na(d$Y[d$X > nX[i] & d$X <= nX[i + 
                                                     1]])) == 0) 
        nY[i] <- sum(d$Y[d$X > nX[i] & d$X <= nX[i + 
                                                   1]], na.rm = TRUE)/sum(!is.na(d$Y[d$X > nX[i] & 
                                                                                       d$X <= nX[i + 1]]))
      sub <- nX >= range[1] & nX <= range[2]
      subl <- lval >= range[1] & lval <= range[2]
      subr <- rval >= range[1] & rval <= range[2]
      # added type = ifelse(pts == TRUE, "p", "n")
      plot(nX, nY, type = ifelse(pts == TRUE, "p", "n"), pch = 20, cex = 0.5, col = "black", 
           xlim = c(range[1], range[2]), 
           ylim = c(min(c(llwr[subl], rlwr[subr]), na.rm = T),
                    max(c(lupr[subl], rupr[subr]), na.rm = T)),
           # added labs[]           
           xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2], main = labs[3], 
    else {
      subl <- lval >= range[1] & lval <= range[2]
      subr <- rval >= range[1] & rval <= range[2]
      # added type = ifelse(pts == TRUE, "p", "n")     
      plot(d$X, d$Y, type = ifelse(pts == TRUE, "p", "n"), pch = 20, cex = 0.5, col = "black", 
           xlim = c(range[1], range[2]), 
           ylim = c(min(c(llwr[subl], rlwr[subr]), na.rm = T), 
                    max(c(lupr[subl], rupr[subr]), na.rm = T)),
           # added labs[]           
           xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2], main = labs[3], 
    #added color options
    lines(lval, lest, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = col[1], type = "l")
    lines(lval, llwr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", type = "l")
    lines(lval, lupr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", type = "l")
    lines(rval, rest, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = col[2], type = "l")
    lines(rval, rlwr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", type = "l")
    lines(rval, rupr, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black", type = "l")
  if (x$type == "sharp" | 1 %in% which) {
  if (x$type == "fuzzy" & 2 %in% which) {
    d$Y <- d$Z
jgabry/QMSS_package documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:18 a.m.