#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# 2022 Jianhong Ou
# report issue at https://github.com/jianhong/ATACseqTFEA/issue
option_list <- list(
make_option(c("-v", "--verbose"), action="store_true", default=TRUE,
help="Print extra output [default]"),
make_option(c("-q", "--quietly"), action="store_false",
dest="verbose", help="Print little output"),
make_option(c("-m", "--motifpath"), type="character", default='PWMatrixList.rds',
help="The file path 'PWMatrixList' or 'PFMatrixList' saved in R object (read by function readRDS) [default %default]. The seaching path including the extdata of ATACseqTFEA package"),
make_option(c("-g", "--bsgenome"), type="character", default="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38",
help = "BSgenome package name [default \"%default\"]"),
make_option(c("-t", "--txdb"), type="character", default="TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene",
help="TxDb package name [default %default]"),
make_option(c("-s", "--seqlevels"), type="character", default='paste0("chr", 1:25)',
help="seqlevels for binding sites [default %default]"),
make_option(c("-p", "--peakfiles"), type="character",
help="Peak files for ATAC-seq (required)."),
make_option(c("-f", "--format"), type="character", default='narrowPeak',
help="Format of ATAC-seq peak files [default %default]"),
make_option(c("-e", "--experiment"), type="character",
help="Bam file of experiments/treatments"),
make_option(c("-c", "--control"), type="character",
help="Bam file of controls"),
make_option(c("-o", "--outfolder"), type="character", default=".",
help="Output folder [default %default]")
opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
stop("--peakfiles is required.")
console_log <- function(...){
if ( opt$verbose ) {
bamExp <- eval(parse(text=opt$experiment))
bamCtl <- eval(parse(text=opt$control))
for(x in c(bamExp, bamCtl)){
stop(x, ' is not available.')
if(file.exists(system.file("extdata", opt$motifpath, package = "ATACseqTFEA"))){
motifpath <- system.file("extdata", opt$motifpath, package = "ATACseqTFEA")
motifpath <- opt$motifpath
if(!require(package=opt$bsgenome, character.only = TRUE)){
stop("can not load bsgenome.")
if(!require(package=opt$txdb, character.only = TRUE)){
stop("can not load txdb.")
console_log("loading motifs from ", motifpath)
motifs <- readRDS(motifpath)
genome <- get(opt$bsgenome)
txdb <- get(opt$txdb)
genes <- genes(txdb)
## only search the ranges for peaks.
seqlev <- eval(parse(text=opt$seqlevels))
peaks <- lapply(opt$peakfiles, import, format=opt$format)
peaks <- reduce(unlist(GRangesList(peaks)))
console_log("prepare binding sites.")
mts <- prepareBindingSites(motifs, genome, seqlev,
p.cutoff = 1e-05)
console_log("doing TFEA")
res <- TFEA(bamExp, bamCtl, positive=0, negative=0, bindingSites=mts,
dir.create(opt$outfolder, recursive=TRUE)
console_log("save the results as a csv file")
## export the results into a csv file
write.csv(res$resultsTable, file.path(opt$outfolder, "enrichment.csv"),
## export the results into a rds file
saveRDS(res, file.path(opt$outfolder, "res.rds"))
console_log("plot Enrichment scores")
## get all the enrichment score plots
dir.create(file.path(opt$outfolder, "ESplots"), recursive=TRUE)
g <- plotES(res, outfolder=file.path(opt$outfolder, "ESplots"))
## volcanoplot
pdf(file.path(opt$outfolder, "volcanoplot.pdf"))
console_log("plot footprints")
## plot the footprint
outfolder <- file.path(opt$outfolder, "footprint")
for(TF in res$resultsTable$TF[res$resultsTable$adjPval<0.05]){
bs <- getBindingSites(res)
bs <- bs[vapply(bs$motif,
FUN=function(.ele) TF %in% .ele,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))]
bs$score <- mapply(bs$score, bs$motif, FUN = function(score, motif){
pdf(file.path(outfolder, paste(TF, ".pdf")))
factorFootprints(c(bamCtl, bamExp),
pfm = as.matrix(motifs[[TF]]),
bindingSites = bs,
seqlev = seqlev, genome = genome,
upstream = 100, downstream = 100,
group = rep(c("WT", "KD"),
c(length(bamCtl), length(bamExp))))
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