
Defines functions penlogistic b_fun g_fun ginv_fun db_fun ddb_fun dg_fun GCV vec.mat.product

Documented in penlogistic

#' Penalized logistic regression (GLM with roughness penalty on coefficient vector)
#' @param y Response matrix of the penalized logistic regression
#' @param H Design matrix of the penalized logistic regression
#' @param weights Weights of each row of design matrix H
#' @param B A set of basis functions (K x q matrix)
#' @param available.indx A list of observed time points
#' @param degree.spline Degree of splines. Default is 3 (cubic splines).
#' @param constant TRUE for constrained model of homogeneous VCERGM. FALSE for unconstrained model for heterogeneous VCERGM. Default is FALSE.
#' @param lambda.range Range of lambda (Tuning parameter)
#' @param Tol Tolerance level used for calculating MPLE (IRLS iterations)
#' @export

penlogistic = function(y, H, weights, B, available.indx, degree.spline, constant, lambda.range, Tol)
  # set initial values
  Niter = 10 # 100
  temp = dim(H)
  n = temp[1]
  q = ncol(B)
  p.q = temp[2]

  # set Omega (for evenly spaced time points)
  Omega = CustomOmega(B, available.indx)

  Omega = kronecker(Omega, diag(1,p.q/q))

  niter = 0
  diff = 10000
  #initialize with logistic regression estimates

  if (constant == FALSE) {
    logistic.reg = glm(y ~ H - 1, weights = weights, family = binomial)
    phicoef = c(coef(logistic.reg))

  # Flat function
  if (constant == TRUE) {
    H2 = H %*% kronecker(as.matrix(rep(1, q)), diag(1, p.q/q, p.q/q))
    logistic.reg2 = glm(y ~ H2 - 1, weights = weights, family = binomial)
    phicoef0 = as.matrix(coef(logistic.reg2))
    phicoef = c(phicoef0 %*% t(as.matrix(rep(1, q))))

  if (length(lambda.range) == 1) {
    if (lambda.range == 0) {
      return(list(phicoef = phicoef, lambda = 0))

    while (niter < Niter & diff > Tol) {
    phicoef_old = phicoef;
    # critical values
    theta = H %*% phicoef
    eta = H %*% phicoef
    mu = db_fun(theta)

    # weight
    diag_W = weights/(ddb_fun(theta)*(dg_fun(mu))^2) # n x 1 vector of diagonal of weight W
    sw = sqrt(diag_W)

    # working response
    y_temp = H %*% phicoef + (y - mu) * dg_fun(mu)
    y_working = sw * y_temp

    if (constant == FALSE)
      # working covariate
#      H_working = diag(c(sw)) %*% H
      H_working = vec.mat.product(c(sw), H)

      # tuning
      lambda = GCV(y_working, H_working,Omega, lambda.range)

      # update IRLS+penalty
      phicoef = solve(crossprod(H_working, H_working) + n*lambda*Omega) %*% crossprod(H_working, y_working)

    if (constant == TRUE)
      # working covariate
#      H_working = diag(c(sw)) %*% H
      H_working = vec.mat.product(c(sw), H)
      term = kronecker(as.matrix(rep(1, q)), diag(1, p.q/q, p.q/q))

      # tuning
      lambda = GCV(y_working, H_working, Omega, lambda.range)

#      H_working = diag(c(sw)) %*% H %*% term
       H_working = H_working %*% term

      # update IRLS+penalty
      phicoef0 = solve(crossprod(H_working, H_working) + n*lambda * t(term) %*% Omega %*% term) %*% crossprod(H_working, y_working)
      phicoef = matrix(phicoef0 %*% t(as.matrix(rep(1, q))))

    # stopping rule
    niter = niter + 1
    diff = norm(phicoef - phicoef_old, 'f') # Frobenius norm
  return(list(phicoef = phicoef, lambda = lambda))

# entrywise functions for bernoulli glm
b_fun = function(theta){
  out = log(1 + exp(theta))

g_fun = function(mu){
  out = log(mu / (1 - mu))

ginv_fun = function(eta){
  out = exp(eta)/(1 + exp(eta))

db_fun = function(theta){
  out = exp(theta)/(1 + exp(theta))

ddb_fun = function(theta){
  out = exp(theta)/(1 + exp(theta))^2

dg_fun = function(mu){
  out = 1/(mu*(1 - mu))

GCV = function(y, H, Omega, lambda.range){
  # this function select the best lambda for
  # ||y-H*phicoef||^2+n*lambda*phicoef'*Omega*phicoef
  # through GCV (without refitting)
  # Note: y X Omega should be matrix

  temp = dim(H)
  n = temp[1]
  p = temp[2]

  # default lambda range
  lamrange = 10^(lambda.range) / n

  # record GCV score for each candidate lambda
  CV_score = rep(0, length(lamrange))

  ############### H: length(y) x (q x p)
  ############### Omega: K x K

  yy = crossprod(y, y)
  HH = crossprod(H, H)
  yH = crossprod(y, H)

  for (i in 1:length(lamrange)) {
    lambda = lamrange[i]

    InvMat = solve(HH + n*lambda*Omega) # p*p matrix

    numerator = (1/n)*(yy - 2* yH %*% InvMat %*% t(yH) + t(y) %*% H %*% InvMat %*% HH %*% InvMat %*% t(yH))
    denominator = (1 - (1/n)*sum(diag(HH %*% InvMat)))^2
    CV_score[i] = numerator/denominator
  ind = which.min(CV_score)
  bestlambda = lamrange[ind]

vec.mat.product = function(vec, mat)
  new = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
  for(i in 1:length(vec))
    new[i,] = vec[i] * mat[i,]
jihuilee/VCERGM documentation built on Oct. 9, 2019, 5:23 p.m.