Man pages for jinhyunju/icreport
Tools for creating a visual summary of matrix decomposition results.

chr_axis_creatorFunction that generates the x axis ticks for chromosome...
component_association_testTesting the association between independent component...
covar_association_checkCustom ICA function for analyzing gene expression data.
create_h5_fileCreating eQTL input hdf5 file templates.
fastICA_gene_exprICA analysis based on the package fastICA
gene_expr_icaCustom ICA function for analyzing gene expression data.
gene_expr_pcaCustom PCA function for analyzing gene expression data.
genotypes_pcaCustom PCA function for analyzing genotype SNP data.
ggplot_add_themeAdding customized black and white theme to ggplot objects and...
h5_add_dataAdding data to a given hdf5 file
h5_add_pheno_infoAdding gene information to an HDF5 file
h5_add_snp_infoAdding SNP information to an HDF5 file
h5_icaCustom ICA function for analyzing gene expression data.
h5reportGenerating ICA or PCA summary reports.
ica_covar_checkCustom ICA function for analyzing gene expression data.
ica_reportGenerating ICA or PCA summary reports.
ica_R_parICA parameter estimation function
ic_covariate_association_testTesting the association between independent component...
IC_variance_calcCalculating the variation explained by each component
load_h5_dataLoading data from a given hdf5 file
multiplotPlotting multiple ggplots
peak_detectionLabeling peaks for each independent component
plot_coeff_w_legendPlotting the coefficients for a single IC
plot_componentPlotting the gene weights of a single component
plot_component_chrPlotting function that indicates gene position on chromosome
plot_component_gridSimplified Plotting function that indicates gene position on...
plot_component_histPlotting a histogram of gene weights of a single component
pre_process_dataPre-processing of the data
report2meGenerating ICA or PCA summary reports.
report2mev2Generating ICA or PCA summary reports.
run_icaCustom ICA function for analyzing gene expression data.
run_pcaCustom PCA function for analyzing gene expression data.
jinhyunju/icreport documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m.