
Defines functions average_df_across_methods df2line theme_fixed headstart_df compiled2results rounds2df average_compiled compile_path

# Compile path
#' @export

compile_path <- function(path,
                         concise = 2,
                         n_cores = -1,
                         debug = 1){

  path <- check_path(path)

  compile_dir <- file.path(path, ifelse(concise, "concise", "complete"))

  data_grid <- read.table(file.path(path, "data_grid.txt"))
  write.table(data_grid, file.path(compile_dir, "data_grid.txt"))

  if (file.exists(file.path(path, "method_grid.txt"))){

    method_grid <- read.table(file.path(path, "method_grid.txt"))
    write.table(method_grid, file.path(compile_dir, "method_grid.txt"))
  methods <- list.files(path)
  methods <- methods[grepl(paste(avail_methods,
                                 collapse = "|"), methods)]
  methods <- methods[!grepl("\\_",

  ## set up parallel execution
  if (n_cores < 1)
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), length(methods))
  n_cores <- round(n_cores)
  mclapply <- get_mclapply(n_cores = n_cores)

  debug_cli(debug && length(methods), cli::cli_alert_info,
            c("compiling {ifelse(concise, 'concise', 'complete')} .rds files ",
              "for {length(methods)} method(s) using {n_cores} core(s)"))

  ## function for writing rds file
  write_fn <- function(method){

    debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
              "compiling {method}", .envir = environment())

    method_dir <- file.path(path, method)

    compiled <- do.call(c, lapply(seq_len(nrow(data_grid)), function(i){

      data_row <- data_grid[i, , drop = FALSE]
      method_data_dir <- file.path(path, method,
                                   nm <- sprintf("%s%g_%s_%g",
                                                 data_row$index, data_row$id,
                                                 data_row$network, data_row$n_obs))

      method_data_rds <- list.files(file.path(method_data_dir, "rds"))
      net_rounds <- sapply(method_data_rds, function(x){

        if (!file.exists(file.path(method_data_dir, "rds", x)))

        roundsj <- readRDS(file.path(method_data_dir,
                                     "rds", x))
        if (concise){

          cp_dag <- unlist(lapply(setdiff(avail_bda, c("star", "bma", "eg")),
                                  function(x) sprintf("%s_%s", c("dag", "cpdag"), x)))
          roundsj$ji <- as.data.frame(sapply(cp_dag,
                                             function(x) roundsj[[x]]$JI, simplify = FALSE))

          bn.fit <- roundsj$settings$bn.fit
          amat <- bnlearn::amat(bn.fit)
          temp <- amat * 0L

          ## sae of per node neighbor support
          sae_nns <- sapply(roundsj$settings$nodes, function(node){

            temp[node,] <- temp[,node] <- 1L
            ind <- which(temp > 0)

            apply(roundsj$bma, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x[ind] - amat[ind])))
          colnames(sae_nns) <- sprintf("sae_%s", roundsj$settings$nodes)
          sae_bma <- apply(roundsj$bma, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x - amat)))
          sae_mu_bma <- apply(roundsj$mu_bma, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x - roundsj$mu_true)))
          sae_mu_est <- apply(roundsj$mu_est, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x - roundsj$mu_true)))

          sae <- cbind(sae_nns, data.frame(sae_bma = sae_bma,
                                           sae_mu_bma = sae_mu_bma, sae_mu_est = sae_mu_est))

          arm0 <- which.max(roundsj$mu_true)
          node0 <- roundsj$arms$node[arm0]
          arm0 <- sprintf("arm%g", which(sapply(seq_len(nrow(roundsj$arms)), function(x){

            roundsj[[sprintf("arm%g", x)]]$arm[1]
          }) == arm0))
          arm0 <- data.frame(arm0_mu_est = abs(roundsj[[arm0]]$mu_est - roundsj[[arm0]]$mu_true),
                             arm0_mu_bma = abs(roundsj[[arm0]]$mu_bma - roundsj[[arm0]]$mu_true),
                             sae_arm0 = sae[[sprintf("sae_%s", node0)]])

          arm1 <- data.frame(arm1_mu_est = abs(roundsj$arm1$mu_est - roundsj$arm1$mu_true),
                             arm1_mu_bma = abs(roundsj$arm1$mu_bma - roundsj$arm1$mu_true),
                             sae_arm1 = sae[[sprintf("sae_%s", roundsj$arms$node[roundsj$arm1$arm[1]])]])

          roundsj$selected <-
                                       c("arm", "interventions", "time", "reward", "estimate",
                                         "criteria", "expected_reward", "expected_regret",
                                         "greedy_expected", "greedy_regret", "cumulative",
                                         "expected_cumulative", "mu_est"))]
          roundsj$selected <- cbind(roundsj$selected, sae, arm0, arm1)

          if (concise >= 2){

            roundsj <- roundsj[c("arms", "selected", "beta_true", "mu_true", "ji")]

          } else{

            ## TODO: only save a few arms
            which_arms <- which(sapply(seq_len(nrow(roundsj$arms)), function(i){
              roundsj$arms$N[roundsj[[sprintf("arm%g", i)]]$arm[1]]
            }) > 0)
            which_arms <- union(which_arms, seq_len(nrow(roundsj$arms)))
            roundsj <- roundsj[c("arms", "selected", "beta_true",
                                 "mu_true", "mu_est", "se_est",
                                 "criteria", "ji",
                                 sprintf("arm%g", which_arms))]

      }, simplify = FALSE)
      names(net_rounds) <- gsub(".rds", "", names(net_rounds))
      net_rounds <- net_rounds[sprintf("rounds%g", seq_len(length(net_rounds)))]

      net_rounds <- list(net_rounds)
      names(net_rounds) <- nm

    if (all(sapply(compiled, function(x)
      any(sapply(x, length) > 0)))){

      debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
                "writing {method}", .envir = environment())

      saveRDS(compiled, file.path(compile_dir, sprintf("%s.rds", method)))
  null <- mclapply(methods, mc.cores = n_cores,
                   mc.preschedule = FALSE, write_fn)

# Average compiled rds written by compile_rds()
#' @export

average_compiled <- function(compiled,
                             across_networks = FALSE,
                             normalize = TRUE,
                             n_cores = -1){

  if (across_networks)
    normalize <- TRUE

  compiled <- sapply(compiled, function(net_rounds){

    net_rounds[sapply(net_rounds, length) > 0]

  }, simplify = FALSE)
  nms <- names(compiled[[1]][[1]])

  ## set up parallel execution
  if (n_cores < 1)
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), length(compiled))
  n_cores <- round(n_cores)
  mclapply <- get_mclapply(n_cores = n_cores)

  avg_fn1 <- function(net_rounds){

    max_mu <- max(abs(net_rounds[[1]]$mu_true))
    net_averaged <- sapply(nms, function(nm){

      is_numeric <- sapply(net_rounds[[1]][[nm]],
      reduced <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(net_rounds, function(roundsj){


      })) / length(net_rounds)

      if (is.matrix(net_rounds[[1]][[nm]])){

        dim(reduced) <- dim(net_rounds[[1]][[nm]])
        dimnames(reduced) <- dimnames(net_rounds[[1]][[nm]])
      if (normalize){

        if (nm %in% c("arms", "selected", "mu_est", "criteria",
                      sprintf("arm%g", seq_len(nrow(net_rounds[[1]]$arms))))){

          exclude <- c("n", "value", "N",
                       "arm", "mu_est")
          reduced[, setdiff(names(reduced), exclude)] <-
            reduced[, setdiff(names(reduced), exclude)] / max_mu

        } else if (nm %in% c("beta_true", "mu_true")){

          reduced <- reduced / max_mu

    }, simplify = FALSE)
  averaged <- mclapply(compiled, mc.cores = n_cores,
                       mc.preschedule = FALSE, avg_fn1)
  names(averaged) <- names(compiled)

  if (across_networks){

    avg_fn2 <- function(nm){

      is_numeric <- sapply(averaged[[1]][[nm]],
      reduced <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(averaged, function(roundsj){


      })) / length(averaged)

      if (is.matrix(averaged[[1]][[nm]])){

        dim(reduced) <- dim(averaged[[1]][[nm]])
        dimnames(reduced) <- dimnames(averaged[[1]][[nm]])
    averaged <- mclapply(nms, mc.cores = n_cores,
                         mc.preschedule = FALSE, avg_fn2)
    names(averaged) <- nms

  ## add median and quantiles
  for (x in c("expected_cumulative", "sae_bma")){

    exp_x <- abind::abind(lapply(compiled, function(net_rounds){

      ## normalizing factor
      nf <- ifelse(x == "expected_cumulative",
                   max(abs(net_rounds[[1]]$mu_true)), 1)

      sapply(net_rounds, function(roundsj){

        roundsj$selected[[x]] / nf
    }), along = 2)
    exp_x_ci <- t(apply(exp_x, 1, quantile,
                        probs = c(0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975, 1)))
    colnames(exp_x_ci) <- sprintf("%s_%s", x,
                                  c("min", "025", "050", "250", "500", "750", "950", "975", "max"))
    averaged$selected <- cbind(averaged$selected, exp_x_ci)

  ## adjust format
  if (across_networks){

    averaged <- list(
      averaged = list(
        averaged = averaged
  } else{

    averaged <- lapply(averaged, function(x){

      list(averaged = x)

# Convert rounds to df
# Also works for averaged
#' @export

rounds2df <- function(rounds){

  ## TODO: extend beyond concise format

  if (!is.null(rounds$mu_est))
    colnames(rounds$mu_est) <- sprintf("estimate%s",
  if (!is.null(rounds$criteria))
    colnames(rounds$criteria) <- sprintf("criteria%s",

  df <- cbind(
    t = 0,  # placeholder
    rounds$selected[, setdiff(names(rounds$selected), "interventions")],
    do.call(cbind, rounds[intersect(names(rounds), c("mu_est", "criteria", "ji"))])
  df <- df[df$arm > 0,, drop = FALSE]
  df$t <- seq_len(nrow(df))
  rownames(df) <- NULL


#' @export

compiled2results <- function(path,
                             concise = 2,
                             format = 2,
                             as_df = TRUE,
                             n_cores = -1,
                             debug = 1){

  path0 <- path  # for debugging
  path <- bcb:::check_path(path)

  files <- list.files(compiled_path <- file.path(path, ifelse(concise, "concise",
  files <- files[grepl(".rds", files)]
  files <- files[grepl(paste(bcb:::avail_methods[-1],
                             collapse = "|"), files) &
                   !grepl("results|df", files)]

  ## set up parallel execution
  if (n_cores < 1)
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), length(files))
  n_cores <- round(n_cores)

  debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
            c("arranging results from {length(files)} files in {path0}/{ifelse(concise, 'concise', 'complete')} ",
              "with format = {format}, as_df = {as_df}, and n_cores = {n_cores}"))

  results <- list()
  for (file in files){


      debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert,
                "reading {file}")

      nm <- gsub(".rds", "", file)
      results[[nm]] <- readRDS(file.path(compiled_path, file))

      if (format == 1){

        results[[nm]] <- average_compiled(compiled = results[[nm]], across_networks = FALSE,
                                          normalize = TRUE, n_cores = n_cores)
      } else if (format == 2){

        results[[nm]] <- average_compiled(compiled = results[[nm]], across_networks = TRUE,
                                          normalize = TRUE, n_cores = n_cores)
      if (as_df){

        results[[nm]] <- lapply(results[[nm]], function(x){

          lapply(x, rounds2df)
        results[[nm]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(results[[nm]]), function(network){

          cbind(data.frame(network = network),
                do.call(rbind, lapply(names(results[[nm]][[network]]), function(rounds){

                  cbind(data.frame(rounds = rounds),
    error = function(err){

      debug_cli(TRUE, cli::cli_alert_danger,
                "error reading {file}: {as.character(err)}",
                .envir = environment())

      results <- results[names(results) != nm]
  if (as_df){

    nms <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(results, names))
    results <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(results), function(method){

      cbind(data.frame(method = method),
    write.table(results, file = file.path(compiled_path, sprintf("df_%s.txt", format)))
  saveRDS(results, file = file.path(compiled_path,
                                    sprintf("%s_%s.rds", ifelse(as_df, "df", "results"), format)))

# Modify df to give a head start to non-bcb methods
#' @export

headstart_df <- function(df,
                         headstart = 0,
                         trim = TRUE){

  ## headstart is method_grid
  if (is.data.frame(headstart)){

    df$t <- df$t - (1 - grepl("bcb", df$method)) *
                                      "\\1", df$method))]

  } else if (is.numeric(headstart) && headstart > 0){

    df$t <- df$t - headstart

  } else{

  ## adjust cumulative
  nms <- names(df)[grepl("cumulative",
  df[nms] <- lapply(nms, function(nm){

    df[[nm]] - do.call(c, lapply(unique(df$method), function(method){

      rep(sum(df[(bool_method <- df$method == method) &
                   df$t == 0, nm]), sum(bool_method))
  if (trim){

    df <- df[df$t > 0,]

# Fixed theme for plots
#' @export

theme_fixed <- function(base_size = 11,
                        axis_size = 9,
                        bool_axis_text = TRUE,
                        bool_legend_title = FALSE,
                        bool_legend = TRUE,
                        legend.position = "bottom") {
  (theme_foundation(base_size = base_size, base_family = "") +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
                                      size = rel(1.2), hjust = 0.5),
            text = element_text(),
            panel.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
            plot.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = NA),
            axis.title = element_text(face = "bold",size = rel(1)),
            axis.title.y = element_text(angle=90,vjust =2),
            axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.2),
            axis.text = element_text(size = axis_size),
            axis.line.x = element_line(colour="black"),
            axis.line.y = element_line(colour="black"),
            axis.ticks = element_line(),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="#f0f0f0"),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA),
            legend.key.size= unit(0.5, "cm"),
            legend.spacing = unit(0, "cm"),
            legend.direction = "horizontal",
            strip.text = element_text(face="bold"),
            axis.text.x = if (bool_axis_text){
            } else element_blank(),  # remove x-axis text
            legend.position = legend.position,
            legend.title = if (bool_legend_title){
            } else element_blank(),
            legend.text = if(bool_legend){
            } else element_text(color = "white")

#' @export

df2line <- function(df,
                    metrics = c("expected_cumulative", "expected_regret"),
                    labels = if (is.factor(df$method)) levels(df$method) else unique(df$method),
                    colors = scales::hue_pal()(length(labels)),
                    ltys = scales::linetype_pal()(length(labels)),

  methods <- if (is.factor(df$method)){


  } else{

  if (is.null(names(labels)) ||
      !all(methods %in% names(labels))){

    names(labels) <- methods
  df$method <- factor(labels[df$method], levels = labels)

  metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% c(names(df), "expected_cumulative_")]
  ylabs <- sapply(metrics, function(x){

           reward = "Reward",
           estimate = "Estimate of Selected Arm",
           criteria = "Criteria of Selected Arm",
           greedy_expected = "Expected Reward of Arm with Highest Estimate",
           expected_reward = "Expected Reward of Selected Arm",
           expected_regret = "Simple Regret",
           greedy_regret = "Expected Regret of Arm with Highest Estimate",
           cumulative = "Empirical Cumulative Regret",
           expected_cumulative = "Cumulative Regret",
           expected_cumulative_ = "Cumulative Regret 90% Intervals",
           mu_est = "MSE of Estimated Rewards",
           dag_mpg = "JI of MPG Estimate",
           cpdag_mpg = "JI of CPDAG of MPG Estimate",
           dag_mds = "JI of MDS Estimate",
           cpdag_mds = "JI of CPDAG of MDS Estimate",
           dag_gies = "JI of GIES Estimate",
           cpdag_gies = "JI of CPDAG of GIES Estimate",
  plotlist <- lapply(seq_len(length(metrics)), function(i){

    if (metrics[i] == "expected_cumulative_"){

      ggplot(data = df,
             aes(x = t, y = expected_cumulative, group = method,
                 color = method, lty = method)) +
        geom_line(size = 1) +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = expected_cumulative_050,
                        ymax = expected_cumulative_950,
                        group = method, fill = method),
                    alpha = 0.2, linetype = 0) +
        theme_fixed(...) +
        ylab(ylabs[i]) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colors, breaks = labels) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors, breaks = labels) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = ltys, breaks = labels)

    } else{

      ggplot(data = df,
             aes(x = t, y = get(metrics[i]), group = method,
                 color = method, lty = method)) +
        geom_line(size = 1) +
        theme_fixed(...) +
        ylab(ylabs[i]) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colors, breaks = labels) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors, breaks = labels) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = ltys, breaks = labels)
  if (length(plotlist) > 1){

    ggarrange(plotlist = plotlist,
              common.legend = TRUE)
  } else{


# Average numeric variable for a method across nums
#' @export

average_df_across_methods <- function(df,

  is_numeric <- sapply(df,
  df_list <- lapply(nums, function(num){

    df[df$method == sprintf("%s%s", method, num), is_numeric]
  nums <- nums[sapply(df_list,
                      nrow) > 0]
  df_list <- df_list[sapply(df_list,
                            nrow) > 0]

  averaged_df <- cbind(

    ## new method name
    method = sprintf("%s%s", method, paste(nums, collapse = ",")),

    ## add original network and rounds
    # df[1, c("network", "rounds")],
    data.frame(network = df$network[1],
               rounds = df$rounds[1]),

    ## averaged dfs
    Reduce(`+`, df_list) / length(df_list)
jirehhuang/bcb documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 10:16 p.m.